145 resultados para Reorganisation


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Here a new analytical methodology is described for measuring the isotopic composition of boron in foraminifera using multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICPMS). This new approach is fast (~10 samples analysed in duplicate per analytical session) and accurate (to better than 0.25 per mil at 95% confidence) with acceptable sample size requirements (1-3 mg of carbonate). A core top calibration of several common planktic and two benthic species from geographically widespread localities shows a very close agreement between the isotopic composition measured by MC-ICPMS and the isotopic composition of B(OH)-4 in seawater (as predicted using the recently measured isotopic equilibrium factor of 1.0272) at the depth of habitat. A down core and core top investigation of boron concentration (B/Ca ratio) shows that the partition coefficient is influenced by [CO2-3] complicating the application of this proxy. Nevertheless, it is demonstrated that these two proxies can be used to fully constrain the carbonate system of surface water in the Caribbean Sea (ODP Site 999A) over the last 130 kyr. This reconstruction shows that during much of the Holocene and the last interglacial period surface water at Site 999A was in equilibrium with the atmosphere with respect to CO2. During the intervening colder periods although the surface water pCO2 was lower than the Holocene, it was a minor to significant source of CO2 to the atmosphere possibly due to either an expansion of the eastern equatorial Atlantic upwelling zone, or a more local expansion of coastal upwelling in the southern Caribbean. Such reorganisation of the oceanic carbonate system in favour of a larger source of CO2 to the atmosphere from the equatorial ocean may require mechanisms responsible for lowering atmospheric CO2 during glacial periods to be more efficient than previously supposed.


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Total neutron scattering has been used to follow the hydrogenation of toluene-d8 to methylcyclohexane-d14 over 3 wt% platinum supported on highly ordered mesoporous silica (MCM-41) at 298 K and under 150 mbar D2 pressure. The detailed kinetic information so revealed indicates that liquid reorganisation inside pores is the slowest step of the whole process. Additionally, the results were compared with the reaction performed under 250 mbar D2 pressure as well as with toluene-h8 hydrogenation using D2 at 150 mbar.


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During the 1920s and 1930s, the Swedish right-wing party Allmänna valmansförbundet (AVF) made citizen into a key concept within their political vocabulary and practice. This thesis examines the distribution, meaning and function of the concept of citizen within the AVF between 1915 and 1936. By using theoretical and methodological perspectives from both the English (Skinner) and German (Koselleck) side of conceptual history vis-à-vis Begriffsgeschischte, this study illuminates how a discursive framework took place within the AVF and expanded throughout the organisation. The constitutional reforms 1918/1921 and the organisational strength from opposite parties, stressed the importance for the AVF to assemble the citizens around conservative value laden concepts: responsibility, ansvar, and public participation, offentlighet. This new situation in political and social life, pushed the AVF towards a reorganisation. The aim was to educate the masses, women and youth into conservative citizens. Citizen became the sole tool in (i) upholding the traditional heritage between folk–state, and (ii) enabling the AVF citizen discourse to spread throughout the society. This study shows the multiple meaning and functions of the citizen concept within the AVF.  It provides a new understanding of how collective concepts became an important part of the struggle for power during the democratization process in Swedish political history and must in that respect be seen as an antithesis to the collective concepts of the Social Democratic Party during this period.  


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Im Rahmen der GKV-Gesundheitsreform 2000 wurde die Umstellung der Krankenhausfinanzierung auf ein vollständiges Fallpauschalensystem beschlossen. Das erst vor wenigen Jahren eingeführte Mischsystem aus Basis- und Abteilungspflegesätzen sowie Fallpauschalen und Sonderentgelten soll zum 1.1.2003 durch ein Fallpauschalensystem ersetzt werden, das sich an den ursprünglich in den USA entwickelten Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) orientiert. Das vorliegende Papier setzt sich kritisch mit dem Reformvorhaben auseinander und arbeitet eine Reihe von gravierenden Mängeln heraus. Bei der Verwirklichung des Vorhabens würde es sich um ein international einmaliges Experiment handeln, das mit erheblichen Risiken für die bedarfsgerechte Krankenhausversorgung verbunden wäre. Keines der als Vorlage in Frage kommenden DRG-Systeme wurde bislang in einem Staat flächendeckend für alle Krankenhauspatienten eingesetzt und der im Gesetz vorgegebene Zeitplan läßt eine sorgfältige Vorbereitung der Umstellung nicht zu. Auch wenn ein verstärkter Abbau von Kapazitäten angesichts des Fortbestandes der staatlichen Krankenhausplanung nicht wahrscheinlich ist, so besitzt die geplante Umstellung doch das Potential für tiefgreifende Veränderungen im Krankenhausbereich. Neben internen Verteilungskonflikten in den Krankenhäusern und einer primär an Rentabilitätsgesichtspunkten orientierten Reorganisation von Abteilungen und Leistungsspektren ist vor allem der massive Anreiz zur ökonomisch motivierten Patientenselektion zu nennen. Diese Veröffentlichung entstand im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes „Anpassungsprozesse der Krankenhäuser an die prospektive Finanzierung und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Patientenorientierung“. Das Projekt wird im Rahmen des Berliner Zentrums Public Health aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung gefördert (FKZ 01EG9525/8).


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La fin du 18e siècle était une période dynamique au Labrador. À cette époque, le phénomène climatique nommé le Petit Âge glaciaire affectait grandement l’étendue de la banquise côtière. L’arrivée des missionnaires et des objets européens enclencha une réorganisation des rôles sociaux chez les Inuits. L’établissement hivernal d’Ikkeghasarsuk, connu sous le code Borden HdCg-23 et le nom de site officiel Koliktalik-6, est composé principalement de deux maisons semi-souterraines construites avant 1776 sur un site dorsétien. La présente étude explore les stratégies d’occupation du territoire par l’analyse des restes fauniques de ces deux maisons. Les espèces de phoques chassées et leurs niches écologiques indiquent que les occupants du site exploitaient surtout les phoques présents dans les eaux libres de glace à l’automne, les phoques annelés au sina l’hiver et les phoques annelés sur la banquise côtière au printemps. Le site d’Ikkeghasarsuk, placé sur une île dénudée et balayée par le vent, aurait permis d’avoir un accès privilégié aux ressources marines diverses, peu importe les conditions climatiques.


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Der Beitrag basiert auf dem Grundsatz, dass alle Angebote einer Hochschule auch für Hochschulangehörige mit Behinderungen zugänglich sein müssen. Dies setzt die barrierefreie Gestaltung von Hochschulen – und somit auch ihrer medienpädagogischen Angebote – voraus. Ausgehend von der Formulierung medienpädagogischer Aufgaben unter dem Aspekt der Barrierefreiheit und einer Beschreibung der Situation behinderter Studierender an bundesdeutschen Hochschulen zeigen wir am Beispiel sehbehinderter und blinder Studierender auf, wie der Weg zu einer barrierefreien Medienpädagogik beschritten werden kann. In diesem Zusammenhang stellen wir den Dortmunder Arbeitsansatz vor, der vom Dortmunder Zentrum Behinderung und Studium entwickelt und erprobt wurde. Ziel unseres Beitrags ist es aufzuzeigen, wie im Bereich der Medienpädagogik bestehende Benachteiligungen sehgeschädigter Studierender durch ein am Prinzip der Barrierefreiheit orientiertes Reformkonzept in Verbindung mit entsprechenden Dienstleistungsangeboten und strukturellen Re- und Umorganisationen hochschulinterner Prozesse in allen Bereichen der Hochschule aufgehoben werden können. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Introduction: Brain computer interface (BCI) is a promising new technology with possible application in neurorehabilitation after spinal cord injury. Movement imagination or attempted movement-based BCI coupled with functional electrical stimulation (FES) enables the simultaneous activation of the motor cortices and the muscles they control. When using the BCI- coupled with FES (known as BCI-FES), the subject activates the motor cortex using attempted movement or movement imagination of a limb. The BCI system detects the motor cortex activation and activates the FES attached to the muscles of the limb the subject is attempting or imaging to move. In this way the afferent and the efferent pathways of the nervous system are simultaneously activated. This simultaneous activation encourages Hebbian type learning which could be beneficial in functional rehabilitation after spinal cord injury (SCI). The FES is already in use in several SCI rehabilitation units but there is currently not enough clinical evidence to support the use of BCI-FES for rehabilitation. Aims: The main aim of this thesis is to assess outcomes in sub-acute tetraplegic patients using BCI-FES for functional hand rehabilitation. In addition, the thesis explores different methods for assessing neurological rehabilitation especially after BCI-FES therapy. The thesis also investigated mental rotation as a possible rehabilitation method in SCI. Methods: Following investigation into applicable methods that can be used to implement rehabilitative BCI, a BCI based on attempted movement was built. Further, the BCI was used to build a BCI-FES system. The BCI-FES system was used to deliver therapy to seven sub-acute tetraplegic patients who were scheduled to receive the therapy over a total period of 20 working days. These seven patients are in a 'BCI-FES' group. Five more patients were also recruited and offered equivalent FES quantity without the BCI. These further five patients are in a 'FES-only' group. Neurological and functional measures were investigated and used to assess both patient groups before and after therapy. Results: The results of the two groups of patients were compared. The patients in the BCI-FES group had better improvements. These improvements were found with outcome measures assessing neurological changes. The neurological changes following the use of the BCI-FES showed that during movement attempt, the activation of the motor cortex areas of the SCI patients became closer to the activation found in healthy individuals. The intensity of the activation and its spatial localisation both improved suggesting desirable cortical reorganisation. Furthermore, the responses of the somatosensory cortex during sensory stimulation were of clear evidence of better improvement in patients who used the BCI-FES. Missing somatosensory evoked potential peaks returned more for the BCI-FES group while there was no overall change in the FES-only group. Although the BCI-FES group had better neurological improvement, they did not show better functional improvement than the FES-only group. This was attributed mainly to the short duration of the study where therapies were only delivered for 20 working days. Conclusions: The results obtained from this study have shown that BCI-FES may induce cortical changes in the desired direction at least faster than FES alone. The observation of better improvement in the patients who used the BCI-FES is a good result in neurorehabilitation and it shows the potential of thought-controlled FES as a neurorehabilitation tool. These results back other studies that have shown the potential of BCI-FES in rehabilitation following neurological injuries that lead to movement impairment. Although the results are promising, further studies are necessary given the small number of subjects in the current study.


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This paper examines the policy effects of multilevel regulation in Europe. It finds that the extent to which negative integration effectively narrows the range of policy options available domestically tends to be overstated. Drawing on empirical evidence from EU-induced reform in electricity supply and postal delivery, the paper illustrates that liberalisation and institutional reorganisation may lead to relatively little policy change. Although a lack of centralised regulatory capacity at the European level is identified as a key explanatory factor for the cases studied, the findings also point to the relevance of sector specificities and the role of exogenous drivers of change.


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Defende-se hoje que o Ensino Básico deve, acima de tudo, dotar os alunos de competências que lhes permitam interagir com a sociedade em que se inserem, o que legitima as expectativas no sentido da formação de cidadãos capacitados para exercer a sua responsabilidade social. O processo de Reorganização Curricular do Ensino Básico actualmente em curso, em Portugal, segue esta orientação e propõe um ensino das ciências no sentido da formação dos alunos para a literacia científica. Ora, neste contexto o movimento CTS (Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade) assume-se como uma filosofia de ensino que muito se coaduna com os fins pretendidos. Para tal, é importante ter recursos didácticos consonantes com esta perspectiva, que suportem as práticas dos professores. O presente estudo teve por objectivo conceber e validar recursos didácticos CTS utilizáveis por professores e alunos, no âmbito do ensino e da aprendizagem do tema Sustentabilidade na Terra, no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico. O percurso metodológico seguido incluiu várias etapas de entre as quais se destacam pela sua importância: a selecção de um contexto viável para a abordagem do tema Sustentabilidade na Terra; a planificação da abordagem CTS do referido tema; a formulação de questões-problema centradas nos domínios científico, social e tecnológico; a definição dos objectivos CTS na abordagem do problema em causa; a organização de estratégias de exploração das questões problema; a validação dos Recursos Didácticos por professores de Química qualificados e experientes. Optou-se, de uma forma fundamentada, pelo contexto geral “Barragem de Alqueva”. O produto final do presente estudo apresenta-se na forma de um Caderno de Recursos Didácticos CTS constituído por catorze actividades, organizado em Notas para o Professor, Tarefas para o Aluno e Resposta Adequada, concebidas para o contexto geral Barragem de Alqueva, e estruturadas em torno de quatro sub-temas orientadores: Água, Energia, Materiais e Resíduos. Com vista à validação dos Recursos Didácticos construídos planificou-se e realizou-se o Workshop “Sustentabilidade na Terra – perspectivas didácticas para a sua abordagem” que foi dinamizado pela autora e dirigido a um painel de treze Professores Avaliadores e no qual participaram também, como Avaliadoras Externas, duas professoras especialistas em formação de professores. VII O processo de validação evidenciou que na opinião dos avaliadores: o contexto Barragem de Alqueva é de grande relevância social e adequado à abordagem da temática Sustentabilidade na Terra; os recursos didácticos são adequados quanto ao interesse e extensão dos textos inseridos nas problemáticas desenvolvidas, quanto à adequabilidade da linguagem à faixa etária a que se destinam, quanto ao grau de profundidade dos objectos de ensino, favorecem o desenvolvimento de uma atitude crítica, favorecem o desenvolvimento de uma atitude investigativa, de recolha de dados e busca de informação complementar, contribuem para o desenvolvimento de atitudes de preservação do ambiente e contribuem para a compreensão do tema Sustentabilidade na Terra; as questões que constituem as Tarefas para o Aluno são, em geral, exequíveis pelos alunos a que se destinam. O processo de validação foi considerado quer pelos Professores Avaliadores, quer pelas Avaliadoras Externas, adequado aos objectivos do Workshop e, de um modo geral, muito importante na formulação de uma opinião sobre os Recursos Didácticos. As Avaliadoras Externas consideraram-no válido e fiável o que legitima as conclusões dele decorrentes. Deste modo, pode dizer-se que o contributo do presente estudo para a inovação no ensino da Química se reflecte no Caderno de Recursos Didácticos construído bem como na explicitação de uma metodologia útil para investigadores e professores interessados na concepção e construção de recursos CTS.


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In the last sixty years a steadily maintained process of convergence towards the Castilian national standard has been occurring in Southern Spain affecting urban middle-class speakers’ varieties, particularly phonology and lexis. As a consequence, unmarked features characterising innovative southern pronunciation have become less frequent and, at the same time, certain standard marked features have been adapted to the southern phonemic inventory. Then, urban middle-class varieties have progressively been stretching out the distance separating them from working-class and rural varieties, and bringing them closer to central Castilian varieties. Intermediate, yet incipient koineised varieties have been described including also transitional Murcia and Extremadura dialects (Hernández & Villena 2009, Villena, Vida & von Essen 2015). (1) Some of the standard phonologically marked features have spread out among southern speakers exclusively based on their mainstream social prestige and producing not only changes in obstruent phoneme inventory –i.e. acquisition of /s/ vs. /θ/ contrast, but also standstill and even reversion of old consonant push- or pull-chain shifts –e.g. /h/ or /d/ fortition, affricate /ʧ/, etc. as well as traditional lexis shift (Villena et al. 2016). Internal (grammar and word frequency) and external (stratification, network and style) factors constraining those features follow similar patterns in the Andalusian speech communities analysed so far (Granada, Malaga) but when we zoom in on central varieties, which are closer to the national standard and then more conservative, differences in frequency increase and conflict sites emerge. (2) Unmarked ‘natural’ phonological features characterising southern dialects, particularly deletion of syllable-final consonant, do not keep pace with this trend of convergence towards the standard. Thus a combination of southern innovative syllable-final and standard conservative onset-consonant features coexist. (3). The main idea is that this intermediate variety is formed through changes suggesting that Andalusian speakers look for the best way of accepting marked prestige features without altering coherence within their inventory. Either reorganisation of the innovative phonemic system in such a way that it may include Castilian and standard /s/ vs. /θ/ contrast or re-syllabification of aspirated /s/ before dental stop are excellent examples of how and why linguistic features are able to integrate intermediate varieties between the dialect-standard continuum.