984 resultados para Radioactive tracers.


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Knowledge of the He-3(He-3,2p)He-4 reaction is important for understanding stellar burning and solar neutrino production. Previous measurements have found a surprisingly large rise in the cross section at low energies that could be due to a low-energy resonance in the He-3 + He-3 (Be-6) system or electron screening. In the Be-6 nucleus, however, no excited states have been observed above the first 2(+) state at E (x) = 1.67 MeV up to 23 MeV, even though several are expected. The H-2(Be-7,H-3)Be-6 reaction has been studied for the first time to search for resonances in the Be-6 nucleus that may affect our understanding of the He-3(He-3,2p)He-4 reaction. A 100-MeV radioactive Be-7 beam from the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF) was used to bombard CD2 targets, and tritons were detected by using the silicon detector array (SIDAR). A combination of reaction mechanisms appears to be necessary to explain the observed triton energy spectrum.


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The sources and concentrations of aliphatic hydrocarbons (AHs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), faecal and biogenic sterols, and trace metals at 10 sampling sites located in Laranjeiras Bay, a large Environmental Protection Area in the southern Atlantic region of Brazil, were determined to assess the sources of organic matter and the contamination status of estuarine sediments. Organic compounds were determined by GC-FID and GC-MS, and ICP-OES was used to evaluate trace metals. The total AHs concentration ranged from 0.28 to 8.19 mu g g(-1), and n-C-29 and n-C-31 alkanes were predominant, indicating significant inputs from higher terrestrial plants. Unresolved complex mixtures (UCM) were not detected at any site, suggesting that the study area was not significantly contaminated by fossil fuels. The total PAH concentration varied from 3.85 to 89.2 ng g(-1). The ratio between selected PAH isomers showed that combustion of biomass, coal, and petroleum is the rnain source of PAHs in the study area. The concentrations of the faecal sterols coprostanol and epicoprostanol were below the detection limits, suggesting that sewage was not a significant contributor to sedimentary organic matter. The concentrations of the trace metals (As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) were low, except near sites located at the mouths of rivers that discharge into the study area and near urbanised regions (Paranagua city and the adjoining harbour). In general, the concentrations of PAHs were below the threshold effect concentrations (TEL) levels. Although the As, Cr and Ni concentrations were above the TEL levels, the study area can be considered as preserved from human activities.


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A low content of organic matter, which is largely refractory in nature, is characteristic of most sediments, meaning that aquatic deposit-feeders live on a very poor food source. The food is derived mainly from sedimenting phytodetritus, and in temperate waters like the Baltic Sea, from seasonal phytoplankton blooms. Deposit-feeders are either bulk-feeders, or selective feeders, which preferentially ingest the more organic-rich particles in the sediment, including phytodetritus, microbes and meiofauna. The soft-bottom benthos of the Baltic Sea has low species biodiversity and is dominated by a few macrobenthic species, among which the most numerous are the two deposit-feeding amphipods Monoporeia affinis and Pontoporeia femorata, and the bivalve Macoma balthica. This thesis is based on laboratory experiments on the feeding of these three species, and on the priapulid Halicryptus spinulosus. Feeding by benthic animals is often difficult to observe, but can be effectively studied by the use of tracers. Here we used the radioactive isotope 14C to label food items and to trace the organic matter uptake in the animals, while the stable isotopes 13C and 15N were used to follow feeding on aged organic matter in the sediment. The abundance of M. balthica and the amphipods tends to be negatively correlated, i.e., fewer bivalves are found at sites with dense populations of amphipods, with the known explanation that newly settled M. balthica spat are killed by the amphipods. Whether the postlarvae are just accidentally killed, or also ingested after being killed was tested by labelling the postlarvae with 14C and Rhodamine B. Both tracer techniques gave similar evidence for predation on and ingestion of postlarval bivalves. We calculated that this predation was likely to supply less than one percent of the daily carbon requirement for M. affinis, but might nevertheless be an important factor limiting recruitment of M. balthica. The two amphipods M. affinis and P. femorata are partly vertically segregated in the sediment, but whether they also feed at different depths was unknown. By adding fresh 14C-labelled algae either on the sediment surface or mixed into the sediment, we were able to distinguish surface from subsurface feeding. We found M. affinis and P. femorata to be surface and subsurface deposit-feeders, respectively. Whether the amphipods also feed on old organic matter, was studied by adding fresh 14C-labelled algae on the sediment surface, and using aged, one-year-old 13C- and 15N-labelled sediment as deep sediment. Ingestion of old organic matter, traced by the stable isotopes, differed between the two species, with a higher uptake for P. femorata, suggesting that P. femorata utilises the older, deeper-buried organic matter to a greater extent. Feeding studies with juveniles of both M. affinis and P. femorata had not been done previously. In an experiment with the same procedure and treatments as for the adults, juveniles of both amphipod species were found to have similar feeding strategies. They fed on both fresh and old sediment, with no partitioning of food resources, making them likely to be competitors for the same food resource. Oxygen deficiency has become more wide-spread in the Baltic Sea proper in the last half-century, and upwards of 70 000km2 are now devoid of macrofauna, even though part of that area does not have oxygen concentrations low enough to directly kill the macrofauna. We made week-long experiments on the rate of feeding on 14C-labelled diatoms spread on the sediment surface in different oxygen concentrations for both the amphipod species, M. balthica and H. spinulosus. The amphipods were the most sensitive to oxygen deficiency and showed reduced feeding and lower survival at low oxygen concentrations. M. balthica showed reduced feeding at the lowest oxygen concentration, but no mortality increase. The survival of H. spinulosus was unaffected, but it did not feed, showing that it is not a surface deposit-feeder. We conclude that low oxygen concentrations that are not directly lethal, but reduce food intake, may lead to starvation and death in the longer term.


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Abstract Due to the ongoing efforts in transplanting b-cell mass there is also a great medical interest in specific b-cell imaging agents to quantify the acceptance of transplanted islets in humans in vivo. Additionally, in the context of type 1 diabetes mellitus the chronic and progressive loss of b-cells caused by autoimmune destruction has led to concerted efforts to prevent further loss of b-cells by autoantigen-specific immunotherapy of pre-diabetic patients. nateglinide and glibenclamide are SUR1 ligands used to stimulate insulin secretion in type 2 diabetic patients. They bind to a class of molecules known as the ATP-sensitive potassium channels, located on the insulin producing b-cells of the islets of Langerhans and are therefore excellent candidates as b-cell specific tracers. To obtain a precursor for a direct labelling of nateglinide with [18F]fluoride, the aromatic system of the phenylalanine structure element was derivatised to obtain a phenolic OH-group in 4-position which is capable of further derivatisation. The formed phenylether N-(trans-4-isopropylcyclohexanecarbonyl)-O-(2-hydroxyethyl)-D-tyrosin benzylester was tried to be tosylated according to several literature procedures but none of them was applicable. The catalytic influence of ytterbium(III)triflate in the reaction of toluenesulfonic acid anhydride and the alcohol was investigated. It was found that Yb(III) facilitates the tosylation of the alcohol under non-basic conditions and was extended to the tosylation of a great variety of different alcohols to prove its applicability in general. The radioactive labelling of N-(trans-4-isopropyl-cyclohexanecarbonyl)-O-(2-[18F]fluoroethyl)-D-tyrosine with [18F]F-/ Kryptofix® 222/ K2CO3-system was achieved in radiochemical yields (RCY) of 10 % after deprotection with Pd/ C and H2. In addition to the direct labelling approach, a labelling procedure applying 2[18F]fluoroethyltosylate and N-(trans-4-isopropyl-cyclohexanecarbonyl)-D-tyrosin was performed in 40 % RCY. Unfortunately the determination of the KD value of N-(trans-4-isopropylcyclohexanecarbonyl)-O-(2-fluoroethyl)-D-tyrosine revealed a significant decrease in affinity compared to original nateglinide. The in vivo evaluation of some 18F-labelled glibenclamide derivatives in humans and animals revealed that longer measuring times are warranted because a high liver uptake spoiles the data acquisition and the activity washout proceeds very slowly. Therefore glibenclamide was labelled with a radioisotope with a longer half life such as 99mTc (t1/2 = 6 h) to lengthen the possible time frame for image acquisition. The synthesis of a 99mTc labelled hydrophilic glibenclamide derivative was performed. It is hoped that gliben-clamide is internalised into the b-cell and there binds to the 95 % of intracellular SUR-1 receptors with eventual metablolisation and thus trapping in the cell. The KD-value of the corresponding Re-compound was determined to be 0.5 nM and the insulin secretion properties were similar to those of original glibenclamide. The labelling precursor N-{4-[N,N-bis-(carboxy-methyl)-aminoethyl)-5-chlorobenzene-carboxamido]-ethyl}-benzene-sulfonyl-N'-cyclohexyl urea tris sodium salt was reacted with [99mTc(I)(OH2)3(CO)3] Cl to yield the final N-{4-[99mTc(I)-tricarbonyl-N,N-bis-(carboxymethyl)-aminoethyl)-5-chloro-benzene-carboxamidoethyl]-benzene-sulfonyl}-N'-cyclo-hexyl-urea sodium salt in 70% RCY.


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Diabetes mellitus umfasst eine heterogene Gruppe von Stoffwechselfunktionsstörungen, die durch hohe Blut-Glukose-Werte gekennzeichnet sind. Zwei Haupttypen von Diabetes mellitus wurden definiert: Typ 1- und Typ 2-Diabetes. Repaglinid ist ein neuer, schnell wirksamer, bei Typ 2-Diabetikern eingesetzter prandialer Glukose-Regulator mit einer kurzen Plasmahalbwertszeit (<1 Stunde) und der erste Vertreter der Carbamoylmethylbenzoesäure Familie, der in klinischen Studien getestet wurde. Die 18F- und 11C-markierten Repaglinid-Derivate (S)-2-(2-[18F]Fluorethoxy)-4-((3-methyl-1-(2-piperidin-1-yl-phenyl)-butylcarbamoyl)-methyl)-benzoesäure ([18F]Fluorethoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinid) und (S)-2-([11C]Methoxy)-4-([3-methyl-1-(2-piperidin-1-yl-phenyl)-butyl-carba-moyl]-benzoesäure ([11C]Methoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinid) wurden als potentielle Tracer für die nicht-invasive Quantifizierung des Sulfonylharnstoffrezeptor-Typ1-Status (SUR-1) der Insulin-sezernierenden -Zellen mittels Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET) synthetisiert. [18F]Fluorethoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinide konnte in einer radiochemischen Ausbeute (RCA) von 20% nach 135 Minuten mit einer radiochemischen Reinheit >98% unter Verwendung des sekundären Markierungsvorläufers 2-[18F]Fluorethyltosylat erhalten werden. Die spezifische Aktivität lag im Bereich von 50-60 GBq/µmol. Für die radioaktive Synthese des [11C]Methoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinids wurde der sekundäre Markierungsvorläufer [11C]Methyliodid verwendet. Der 11C-Radiotracer wurde in einer RCA von 35% (bezogen auf [11C]CO2) mit einer spezifischen Aktivität von 40-70 GBq/µmol erhalten. Um die Eigenschaften des fluorierten sowie des methoxylierten Repaglinids zu charakterisieren, wurde die Affinität beider Verbindungen zum humanen SUR-1 evaluiert. [19F]Fluorethoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinid und Methoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinid induzierten Verdrängungskurven mit Hill-Koeffizienten nahe 1 und ergaben Dissotiationskonstanten (KD) von 142 nM beziehungsweise 83 nM - vergleichsweise geringe Verluste relativ zu Original-Repaglinid. Die biologische Aktivität wurde mittels Insulin-Sekretionstests an isolierten Ratten-Inselzellen gezeigt und war ebenfalls mit der des Repaglinids vergleichbar. Schließlich wurde die Biodistribution des [18F]Fluorethoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinids in gesunden Sprague-Dawley-Ratten durch Messung der Konzentration der Verbindung in verschiedenen Organen nach intravenöser Injektion untersucht. Das pankreatische Gewebe zeigte im Zeitintervall zwischen 10 und 30 Minuten nach Injektion eine stabile Akkumulation von etwa 0.12% der injizierten Dosis. 50% dieser Tracer-Akkulmulation konnten durch zusätzliche Injektion von nicht-radioaktiv-markiertem Repaglinid verdrängt werden, was auf eine mögliche Eignung des [18F]Fluorethoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinids für in vivo-Untersuchungen mittels PET schließen lässt. Eine erste humane PET-Studie zeigte zwar ebenfalls eine stabile, allerdings nur geringere Akkumulation von [18F]Fluorethoxy-desethoxy-Repaglinid im Pankreas und eine überproportional hohe Aktivitätsanreicherung in der Leber. Die Radioaktivitäts-akkumulation im Blut fiel nach wenigen Minuten unter die des Pankreas.


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Noninvasive molecular-imaging technologies are playing a keyrole in drug discovery, development and delivery. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is such a molecular imaging technology and a powerful tool for the observation of various diseases. However, it is limited by the availability of agents with high selectivity to the target and a physical half-life of the used positron emitting nuclide which matches the biological half-life of the observed process. For the long lasting enrichment of antibodies in tumor tissue few suitable isotopes for PET imaging are currently available. The element arsenic provides a range of isotopes, which could be used for diagnosis and also for endoradiotherapy. This work describes the development of radiochemical separation procedures to separate arsenic isotopes in no-carrier-added (nca) purity from reactor or cyclotron irradiated targets, the development and evaluation of a labeling chemistry to attach these separated arsenic isotopes to monoclonal antibodies, the in vitro and in vivo evaluation of antibodies labeled with radioactive arsenic isotopes and the molecular imaging using small animal PET.


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My PhD project has been focused on the study of the pulsating variable stars in two ultra-faint dwarf spheroidal satellites of the Milky Way, namely, Leo IV and Hercules; and in two fields of the Large Magellanic Cloud (namely, the Gaia South Ecliptic Pole calibration field, and the 30 Doradus region) that were repeatedly observed in the KS band by the VISTA Magellanic Cloud (VMC, PI M.R. Cioni) survey of the Magellanic System.


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Molecular imaging technologies as Positron Emission Tomography (PET) are playing a key role in drug discovery, development and delivery due to the possibility to quantify e.g. the binding potential in vivo, non-invasively and repetitively. In this context, it provides a significant advance in the understanding of many CNS disorders and conditions. The serotonergic receptor system is involved in a number of important physiological processes and diseases such as depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, sleep or sexual behaviour. Especially, the 5-HT2A and the 5-HT1A receptor subtypes are in the focus of fundamental and clinical research due to the fact that many psychotic drugs interact with these neuronal transmembrane receptors. This work describes the successful development, as well as in vitro and in vivo evaluation of 5-HT2A and 5-HT1A selective antagonistic PET-radiotracers. The major achievements obtained in this thesis are: 1. the development and in vitro evaluation of several 5-HT2A antagonistic compounds, namely MH.MZ (Ki = 9.0 nM), (R)-MH.MZ (Ki = 0.72 nM) and MA-1 (Ki = 3.0 nM). 2. the 18F-labeling procedure of these compounds and their optimization, whereby radiochemical yields > 35 % in high specific activities (> 15 GBq/µmol) could be observed. Synthesis time inclusive secondary synthon synthesis, the radioactive labeling procedure, separation and final formulation took no longer than 120 min and provided the tracer in high radiochemical purity. 3. the in vivo µPET evaluation of [18F]MH.MZ and (R)-[18F]MH.MZ resulting in promising imaging agents of the 5-HT2A receptor status; from which (R)-[18F]MH.MZ seems to be the most promising ligand. 4. the determination of the influence of P-gp on the brain biodistribution of [18F]MH.MZ showing a strong P-gp dependency but no regional alteration. 5. the four-step radiosynthesis and evaluation of [18F]MDL 100907 resulting in another high affine tracer, which is, however, limited due to its low radiochemical yield. 6. the development and evaluation of 3 novel possible 5-HT2A imaging agents combining structural elements of altanserin, MDL 100907 and SR 46349B demonstrating different binding modes of these compounds. 7. the development, the labeling and in vitro evaluation of the novel 5-HT1A antagonistic tracer [18F]AH1.MZ (Ki = 4.2 nM).


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This work demonstrates that the plasma - induced combustion of intermediate to low-level radioactive waste is a suitable method for volume reduction and stabilization. Weaknesses of existing facilities can be overcome with novel developments. Plasma treatment of LILW has a high economical advantage by volume reduction for storage in final repositories.


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Copper and Zn are essential micronutrients for plants, animals, and humans; however, they may also be pollutants if they occur at high concentrations in soil. Therefore, knowledge of Cu and Zn cycling in soils is required both for guaranteeing proper nutrition and to control possible risks arising from pollution.rnThe overall objective of my study was to test if Cu and Zn stable isotope ratios can be used to investigate into the biogeochemistry, source and transport of these metals in soils. The use of stable isotope ratios might be especially suitable to trace long-term processes occurring during soil genesis and transport of pollutants through the soil. In detail, I aimed to answer the questions, whether (1) Cu stable isotopes are fractionated during complexation with humic acid, (2) 65Cu values can be a tracer for soil genetic processes in redoximorphic soils (3) 65Cu values can help to understand soil genetic processes under oxic weathering conditions, and (4) 65Cu and 66Zn values can act as tracers of sources and transport of Cu and Zn in polluted soils.rnTo answer these questions, I ran adsorption experiments at different pH values in the laboratory and modelled Cu adsorption to humic acid. Furthermore, eight soils were sampled representing different redox and weathering regimes of which two were influenced by stagnic water, two by groundwater, two by oxic weathering (Cambisols), and two by podzolation. In all horizons of these soils, I determined selected basic soil properties, partitioned Cu into seven operationally defined fractions and determined Cu concentrations and Cu isotope ratios (65Cu values). Finally, three additional soils were sampled along a deposition gradient at different distances to a Cu smelter in Slovakia and analyzed together with bedrock and waste material from the smelter for selected basic soil properties, Cu and Zn concentrations and 65Cu and 66Zn values.rnMy results demonstrated that (1) Copper was fractionated during adsorption on humic acid resulting in an isotope fractionation between the immobilized humic acid and the solution (65CuIHA-solution) of 0.26 ± 0.11‰ (2SD) and that the extent of fractionation was independent of pH and involved functional groups of the humic acid. (2) Soil genesis and plant cycling causes measurable Cu isotope fractionation in hydromorphic soils. The results suggested that an increasing number of redox cycles depleted 63Cu with increasing depth resulting in heavier 65Cu values. (3) Organic horizons usually had isotopically lighter Cu than mineral soils presumably because of the preferred uptake and recycling of 63Cu by plants. (4) In a strongly developed Podzol, eluviation zones had lighter and illuviation zones heavier 65Cu values because of the higher stability of organo-65Cu complexes compared to organo-63Cu complexes. In the Cambisols and a little developed Podzol, oxic weathering caused increasingly lighter 65Cu values with increasing depth, resulting in the opposite depth trend as in redoximorphic soils, because of the preferential vertical transport of 63Cu. (5) The 66Zn values were fractionated during the smelting process and isotopically light Zn was emitted allowing source identification of Zn pollution while 65Cu values were unaffected by the smelting and Cu emissions isotopically indistinguishable from soil. The 65Cu values in polluted soils became lighter down to a depth of 0.4 m indicating isotope fractionation during transport and a transport depth of 0.4 m in 60 years. 66Zn values had an opposite depth trend becoming heavier with depth because of fractionation by plant cycling, speciation changes, and mixing of native and smelter-derived Zn. rnCopper showed measurable isotope fractionation of approximately 1‰ in unpolluted soils, allowing to draw conclusions on plant cycling, transport, and redox processes occurring during soil genesis and 65Cu and 66Zn values in contaminated soils allow for conclusions on sources (in my study only possible for Zn), biogeochemical behavior, and depth of dislocation of Cu and Zn pollution in soil. I conclude that stable Cu and Zn isotope ratios are a suitable novel tool to trace long-term processes in soils which are difficult to assess otherwise.rn


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γ-Aminobuttersäure (GABA) ist der wichtigste inhibitorische Neurotransmitter im zentralen Nervensystem und bindet vorrangig an ionotrope GABAA-Rezeptoren. Diese sind an fast allen neuronalen Prozessen beteiligt und werden darüber hinaus mit neurologischen Erkrankungen wie Epilepsie, Angstzuständen, Schlafstörungen und Schizophrenie in Verbindung gebracht. Die PET bietet als molekulares bildgebendes Verfahren die Möglichkeit einzelne Stoffwechselvorgänge des GABAergen Systems zu visualisieren und zu quantifizieren. Durch den Einsatz eines 18F-markierten Radioliganden an die GABA-Bindungsstelle könnten so die Rezeptorverfügbarkeit des GABAA-Rezeptors gemessen und die Ausschüttung des Neurotransmitters GABA quantifiziert werden.rn4-(2-Naphthylmethyl)-5-(piperidin-4-yl)isothiazolole und -isoxazolole stellen aufgrund ihrer hohen Affinität gegenüber der GABA-Bindungsstelle und ihrer lipophilen Struktur vielversprechende Leitstrukturen für die Entwicklung eines PET-Tracers zur Visualisierung der GABA-Bindungsstelle dar. Daher wurden zunächst 19F-substituierte Referenzverbindungen synthetisiert, um diese hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung als Radioligand in in vitro-Studien zu evaluieren. Dazu wurde Fluor direkt sowie über eine Fluorethoxygruppe an Position 1 des Naphthalinrings eingeführt. Zusätzlich wurde ein Fluorethylether eines Isothiazolols als Referenz-verbindung synthetisiert. In anschließenden Verdrängungsstudien wurden die Affinitäten der synthetisierten Verbindungen mit [3H]Muscimol an Membranpräparaten aus Rattenhirnen, sowie transfizierten HEK293-Zellen bestimmt. Zusätzlich wurden die entsprechenden Log D-Werte bestimmt. Die Verbindung 5-(piperidin-4-yl)-4-(1-fluornaphth-2-ylmethyl)-isothiazol-3-ol VK5 zeigte in den in vitro-Studien die vielversprechendsten Ergebnisse (IC50 = 10 nM; Log D = 1,7) und wurde im Folgenden in einer dreistufigen Radiosynthese als 18F-Verbindung synthetisiert.rnZu diesem Zweck wurde ein geeigneter Markierungsvorläufer dargestellt und über eine n.c.a. SNAr-Markierung mit [18F]F- umgesetzt. Die Reaktionsparameter wurden hinsichtlich Reaktionszeit, -temperatur, Basenkonzentration und Lösungsmittel optimiert. Die zur Aktivierung einer SNAr ein-geführte Carbonylfunktion wurde in einem zweiten Schritt mit Triethylsilan/Trifluoressigsäure reduziert. Im finalen Schritt wurden zwei Schutzgruppen mit Bortrichlorid in DCM abgespaltet und [18F]VK5 als injektionsfertige Lösung in isotoner NaCl-Lösung erhalten. Es wurden radiochemische Ausbeuten von 0,7-1 % (EOS) nach einer durchschnittlichen Synthesedauer von 275 Minuten erhalten.rnDer Radioligand [18F]VK5 wurde anschließend in Autoradiographie-Versuchen an Hirnschnitten der Ratte hinsichtlich seiner Spezifität für die GABA-Bindungsstelle untersucht. Die unspezifische Bindung wurde durch die Zugabe von GABA bestimmt wonach kein signifikanter Unterschied festgestellt werden konnte. Die hohe unspezifische Bindung kann möglicherweise auf die niedrigen spezifischen Aktivitäten zurückgeführt werden. Diese lagen, bedingt durch die drei Schritte der Radiosynthese, in einem Bereich von 0,1-0,6 GBq/μmol. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse lassen für zukünftige Versuche noch einige Optimierungsmöglichkeiten offen. Aufgrund der bisher erhaltenen Daten lässt sich daher keine definitive Aussage über die Eignung des Liganden [18F]VK5 als PET-Tracer treffen.rn