Purpose: Vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) is crucial to retinal vascular growth, both normal and pathological. VEGF-B, recently characterized, is reported to be expressed in retinal tissues, but the importance of VEGF-B to retinal vascular development remained unknown. The aim of this study was to analyse retinal vascular growth in the Vegfb (-/-) knockout mouse. Methods: Retinal vascular growth was measured in Vegfb (-/-) knockout mice raised under normal conditions, and Vegfb (-/-) knockout mice with an oxygen-induced proliferative retinopathy. Wild type Vegfb (+/+) mice served as controls. Vessels were perfused with ink and retinal flatmounts secondarily labelled with FITC-lectin (BS-1, Griffonia simplicifolia ). Area and diameter of retinal growth and retinal vascular growth were recorded over days 0-20, and capillary density and mean diameter recorded from day 17 pups. Results: A variety of techniques confirmed that Vegfb (+/+) mice expressed VEGF-B and that VEGF-B expression was absent in Vegfb (-/-) mice. Vegfb (-/-) mice raised in room air showed no significant differences from Vegfb (+/+) controls. No differences were found in oxygen-induced retinopathy between Vegfb (-/-) and Vegfb (+/+) pups in either the extent of the initial oxygen-induced ablation, or in the regrowth of retinal vessels or vitreal (neovascular) sprouts; vitreal sprouts are important markers of the abnormal proliferative response, and are maximally expressed on day 17 in this model of oxygen-induced retinopathy. Conclusions: These results indicate that a lack of VEGF-B does not significantly affect development of the retinal vasculature under normal conditions, nor does it appear to affect the proliferative retinal responses seen in oxygen-induced retinopathy.
We have determined the crystal structure of HcRed, a far-red fluorescent protein isolated from Heteractis crispa, to 2.1 resolution. HcRed was observed to form a dimer, in contrast to the monomeric form of green fluorescent protein (GFP) or the tetrameric forms of the GFP-like proteins (eqFP611, Rtms5 and DsRed). Unlike the well-defined chromophore conformation observed in GFP and the GFP-like proteins, the HcRed chromophore was observed to be considerably mobile. Within the HcRed structure, the cyclic tripeptide chromophore, Glu64-Tyr65-Gly66, was observed to adopt both a cis coplanar and a tran. non-coplanar conformation. As a result of these two con formations, the hydroxyphenyl moiety of the chromophore makes distinct interactions within the interior of the b-can. These data together with a quantum chemical model of the chromophore, suggest the cis coplanar conformation to be consistent with the fluorescent properties of HcRed, and the trans non-coplanar conformation to be consistent with non-fluorescent properties of hcCP, the chromoprotein parent of HcRed. Moreover, within the GFP-like family, it appears that where conformational freedom is permissible then flexibility in the chromophore conformation is possible. 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Extension of the conjugated pi-system of many all-protein chromophores with an acylimine bond is the basis for their red-shifted optical properties. The presence of this post-translational modification is evident in crystal structures of these proteins. Harsh denaturation of proteins containing an acylimine bond results in partial polypeptide cleavage. For the red fluorescent protein DsRed, the extent of cleavage is quantitative. However, this is not the case for the blue non-fluorescent chromoprotein Rtms5, even though all chromophores in tetrameric Rtms5 contain an acylimine bond. We have identified two positions around the chromophore of Rtms5 where substitutions can promote or suppress the extent of cleavage on harsh denaturation. We propose a model in which cleavage of Rtms5 is facilitated by a trans to cis isomerisation of the chromophore. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The ‘leading coordinate’ approach to computing an approximate reaction pathway, with subsequent determination of the true minimum energy profile, is applied to a two-proton chain transfer model based on the chromophore and its surrounding moieties within the green fluorescent protein (GFP). Using an ab initio quantum chemical method, a number of different relaxed energy profiles are found for several plausible guesses at leading coordinates. The results obtained for different trial leading coordinates are rationalized through the calculation of a two-dimensional relaxed potential energy surface (PES) for the system. Analysis of the 2-D relaxed PES reveals that two of the trial pathways are entirely spurious, while two others contain useful information and can be used to furnish starting points for successful saddle-point searches. Implications for selection of trial leading coordinates in this class of proton chain transfer reactions are discussed, and a simple diagnostic function is proposed for revealing whether or not a relaxed pathway based on a trial leading coordinate is likely to furnish useful information.
We explore several models for the ground-state proton chain transfer pathway between the green fluorescent protein chromophore and its surrounding protein matrix, with a view to elucidating mechanistic aspects of this process. We have computed quantum chemically the minimum energy pathways (MEPs) in the ground electronic state for one-, two-, and three-proton models of the chain transfer. There are no stable intermediates for our models, indicating that the proton chain transfer is likely to be a single, concerted kinetic step. However, despite the concerted nature of the overall energy profile, a more detailed analysis of the MEPs reveals clear evidence of sequential movement of protons in the chain. The ground-state proton chain transfer does not appear to be driven by the movement of the phenolic proton off the chromophore onto the neutral water bridge. Rather, this proton is the last of the three protons in the chain to move. We find that the first proton movement is from the bridging Ser205 moiety to the accepting Glu222 group. This is followed by the second proton moving from the bridging water to the Ser205for our model this is where the barrier occurs. The phenolic proton on the chromophore is hence the last in the chain to move, transferring to a bridging “water” that already has substantial negative charge.
L’atrofia ottica dominante (ADOA) è una malattia mitocondriale caratterizzata da difetti visivi, che si manifestano durante l’infanzia, causati da progressiva degenerazione delle cellule gangliari della retina (RGC). ADOA è una malattia genetica associata, nella maggior parte dei casi, a mutazioni nel gene OPA1 che codifica per la GTPasi mitocondriale OPA1, appartenente alla famiglia delle dinamine, principalmente coinvolta nel processo di fusione mitocondriale e nel mantenimento del mtDNA. Finora sono state identificate più di 300 mutazioni patologiche nel gene OPA1. Circa il 50% di queste sono mutazioni missenso, localizzate nel dominio GTPasico, che si pensa agiscano come dominanti negative. Questa classe di mutazioni è associata ad una sindrome più grave nota come “ADOA-plus”. Nel lievito Saccharomyces cerevisiae MGM1 è l’ortologo del gene OPA1: nonostante i due geni abbiano domini funzionali identici le sequenze amminoacidiche sono scarsamente conservate. Questo costituisce una limitazione all’uso del lievito per lo studio e la validazione di mutazioni patologiche nel gene OPA1, infatti solo poche sostituzioni possono essere introdotte e studiate nelle corrispettive posizioni del gene di lievito. Per superare questo ostacolo è stato pertanto costruito un nuovo modello di S. cerevisiae, contenente il gene chimerico MGM1/OPA1, in grado di complementare i difetti OXPHOS del mutante mgm1Δ. Questo gene di fusione contiene una larga parte di sequenza corrispondente al gene OPA1, nella quale è stato inserito un set di nuove mutazioni trovate in pazienti affetti da ADOA e ADOA-plus. La patogenicità di queste mutazioni è stata validata sia caratterizzando i difetti fenotipici associati agli alleli mutati, sia la loro dominanza/recessività nel modello di lievito. A tutt’oggi non è stato identificato alcun trattamento farmacologico per la cura di ADOA e ADOA-plus. Per questa ragione abbiamo utilizzato il nostro modello di lievito per la ricerca di molecole che agiscono come soppressori chimici, ossia composti in grado di ripristinare i difetti fenotipici indotti da mutazioni nel gene OPA1. Attraverso uno screening fenotipico high throughput sono state testate due differenti librerie di composti chimici. Questo approccio, noto con il nome di drug discovery, ha permesso l’identificazione di 23 potenziali molecole attive.
Classical studies of area summation measure contrast detection thresholds as a function of grating diameter. Unfortunately, (i) this approach is compromised by retinal inhomogeneity and (ii) it potentially confounds summation of signal with summation of internal noise. The Swiss cheese stimulus of T. S. Meese and R. J. Summers (2007) and the closely related Battenberg stimulus of T. S. Meese (2010) were designed to avoid these problems by keeping target diameter constant and modulating interdigitated checks of first-order carrier contrast within the stimulus region. This approach has revealed a contrast integration process with greater potency than the classical model of spatial probability summation. Here, we used Swiss cheese stimuli to investigate the spatial limits of contrast integration over a range of carrier frequencies (1–16 c/deg) and raised plaid modulator frequencies (0.25–32 cycles/check). Subthreshold summation for interdigitated carrier pairs remained strong (~4 to 6 dB) up to 4 to 8 cycles/check. Our computational analysis of these results implied linear signal combination (following square-law transduction) over either (i) 12 carrier cycles or more or (ii) 1.27 deg or more. Our model has three stages of summation: short-range summation within linear receptive fields, medium-range integration to compute contrast energy for multiple patches of the image, and long-range pooling of the contrast integrators by probability summation. Our analysis legitimizes the inclusion of widespread integration of signal (and noise) within hierarchical image processing models. It also confirms the individual differences in the spatial extent of integration that emerge from our approach.
Purpose-To develop a non-invasive method for quantification of blood and pigment distributions across the posterior pole of the fundus from multispectral images using a computer-generated reflectance model of the fundus. Methods - A computer model was developed to simulate light interaction with the fundus at different wavelengths. The distribution of macular pigment (MP) and retinal haemoglobins in the fundus was obtained by comparing the model predictions with multispectral image data at each pixel. Fundus images were acquired from 16 healthy subjects from various ethnic backgrounds and parametric maps showing the distribution of MP and of retinal haemoglobins throughout the posterior pole were computed. Results - The relative distributions of MP and retinal haemoglobins in the subjects were successfully derived from multispectral images acquired at wavelengths 507, 525, 552, 585, 596, and 611?nm, providing certain conditions were met and eye movement between exposures was minimal. Recovery of other fundus pigments was not feasible and further development of the imaging technique and refinement of the software are necessary to understand the full potential of multispectral retinal image analysis. Conclusion - The distributions of MP and retinal haemoglobins obtained in this preliminary investigation are in good agreement with published data on normal subjects. The ongoing development of the imaging system should allow for absolute parameter values to be computed. A further study will investigate subjects with known pathologies to determine the effectiveness of the method as a screening and diagnostic tool.
To assess the impact of light scatter, similar to that introduced by cataract on retinal vessel blood oxygen saturation measurements using poly-bead solutions of varying concentrations. Eight healthy, young, non-smoking individuals were enrolled for this study. All subjects underwent digital blood pressure measurements, assessment of non-contact intraocular pressure, pupil dilation and retinal vessel oximetry using dual wavelength photography (Oximetry Module, Imedos Systems, Germany). To simulate light scatter, cells comprising a plastic collar and two plano lenses were filled with solutions of differing concentrations (0.001, 0.002 and 0.004%) of polystyrene microspheres (Polysciences Inc., USA). The adopted light scatter model showed an artifactual increase in venous optical density ratio (p=0.036), with the 0.004% condition producing significantly higher venous optical density ratio values when compared to images without a cell in place. Spectrophotometric analysis, and thus retinal vessel oximetry of the retinal vessels, is altered by artificial light scatter. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Resveratrol is a plant polyphenol that has potent anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. age-related macular degeneration is a degenerative condition characterized by elevated levels of oxidation triggered cell damage and a subsequent inflammatory cascade. Resveratrol prevents activation of inflammatory pathways and is also a potent scavenger of reactive oxygen species and free radicals. Experiments using the mouse model have demonstrated that resveratrol reduces angiogenesis. The evidence suggests that resveratrol would be a useful inclusion in ocular nutritional supplements.
Purpose: To investigate the use of MRIA for quantitative characterisation of subretinal fibrosis secondary to nAMD. Methods: MRIA images of the posterior pole were acquired over 4 months from 20 eyes including those with inactive subretinal fibrosis and those being treated with ranibizumab for nAMD. Changes in morphology of the macula affected by nAMD were modelled and reflectance spectra at the MRIA acquisition wavelengths (507, 525, 552, 585, 596, 611 and 650nm) were computed using Monte Carlo simulation. Quantitative indicators of fibrosis were derived by matching image spectra to the model spectra of known morphological properties. Results: The model spectra were comparable to the image spectra, both normal and pathological. The key morphological changes that the model associated with nAMD were gliosis of the IS-OS junction, decrease in retinal blood and decrease in RPE melanin. However, these changes were not specific to fibrosis and none of the quantitative indicators showed a unique association with the degree of fibrosis. Moderate correlations were found with the clinical assessment, but not with the treatment program. Conclusion: MRIA can distinguish subretinal fibrosis from healthy tissue. The methods used show high sensitivity but low specificity, being unable to distinguish scarring from other abnormalities like atrophy. Quantification of scarring was not achieved with the wavelengths used due to the complex structural changes to retinal tissues in the process of nAMD. Further studies, incorporating other wavelengths, will establish whether MRIA has a role in the assessment of subretinal fibrosis in the context of retinal and choroidal pathology
Purpose: To study the population of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (melanopsin-expressing RGCs, m+RGCs) in P23H-1 rats, a rat model of inherited photoreceptor degeneration. Methods: At postnatal (P) times P30, P365, and P540, retinas from P23H dystrophic rats (line 1, rapid degeneration; and line 3, slow degeneration) and Sprague Dawley (SD) rats (control) were dissected as whole-mounts and immunodetected for melanopsin and/or Brn3a. The dendritic arborization of m+RGCs and the numbers of Brn3a+RGCs and m+RGCs were quantified and their retinal distribution and coexpression analyzed. Results: In SD rats, aging did not affect the population of Brn3a+RGCs or m+RGCs or the percentage that showed coexpression (0.27%). Young P23H-1 rats had a significantly lower number of Brn3a+RGCs and showed a further decline with age. The population of m+RGCs in young P23H-1 rats was similar to that found in SD rats and decreased by 22.6% and 28.2% at P365 and P540, respectively, similarly to the decrease of the Brn3a+RGCs. At these ages the m+RGCs showed a decrease of their dendritic arborization parameters, which was similar in both the P23H-1 and P23H-3 lines. The percentage of coexpression of Brn3a was, however, already significantly higher at P30 (3.31%) and increased significantly with age (10.65% at P540). Conclusions: Inherited photoreceptor degeneration was followed by secondary loss of Brn3a+RGCs and m+RGCs. Surviving m+RGCs showed decreased dendritic arborization parameters and increased coexpression of Brn3a and melanopsin, phenotypic and molecular changes that may represent an effort to resist degeneration and/or preferential survival of m+RGCs capable of synthesizing Brn3a.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a multivariate predictive model to detect glaucoma by using a combination of retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), retinal ganglion cell-inner plexiform (GCIPL), and optic disc parameters measured using spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT). Methods: Five hundred eyes from 500 participants and 187 eyes of another 187 participants were included in the study and validation groups, respectively. Patients with glaucoma were classified in five groups based on visual field damage. Sensitivity and specificity of all glaucoma OCT parameters were analyzed. Receiver operating characteristic curves (ROC) and areas under the ROC (AUC) were compared. Three predictive multivariate models (quantitative, qualitative, and combined) that used a combination of the best OCT parameters were constructed. A diagnostic calculator was created using the combined multivariate model. Results: The best AUC parameters were: inferior RNFL, average RNFL, vertical cup/disc ratio, minimal GCIPL, and inferior-temporal GCIPL. Comparisons among the parameters did not show that the GCIPL parameters were better than those of the RNFL in early and advanced glaucoma. The highest AUC was in the combined predictive model (0.937; 95% confidence interval, 0.911–0.957) and was significantly (P = 0.0001) higher than the other isolated parameters considered in early and advanced glaucoma. The validation group displayed similar results to those of the study group. Conclusions: Best GCIPL, RNFL, and optic disc parameters showed a similar ability to detect glaucoma. The combined predictive formula improved the glaucoma detection compared to the best isolated parameters evaluated. The diagnostic calculator obtained good classification from participants in both the study and validation groups.
Microglia are the resident immune cells of the central nervous system (CNS) and play an important role in innate immune defense as well as tissue homeostasis. Chronic microglial reactivity, microgliosis, is a general hallmark of inflammatory and degenerative diseases that affect the CNS, including the retina. There is increasing evidence that chronic microgliosis is more than just a bystander effect, but rather actively contributes to progression of degeneration through processes such as toxic nitric oxide (NO) production and even phagocytosis of stressed but viable photoreceptors. Therefore immunmodulation of microglia presents a possible therapeutic strategy for retinal degenerations. Notably, the expression of the mitochondrial translocator protein 18 (κDa) (TSPO) is highly elevated in reactive microglia as seen in several neuroinflammatory diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. Therefore it is used as a gliosis biomarker in the brain. Moreover TSPO ligands show potent effects in resolving neuroinflammatory brain disorders. However, TSPO expression in the eye had not been investigated before. Further, it was unknown whether TSPO ligands’ potent immunomodulatory effects could be used to treat retinal degenerations. To fill this gap, the study aimed to analyze whether TSPO is also a potential biomarker for degenerative processes in the retina. Moreover the thesis attempted to determine whether a specific TSPO ligand, XBD173, might modulate microglial reactivity and is a potent therapeutic, to treat retinal degenerative diseases. The findings revealed that TSPO is strongly upregulated in microglial cells of retinoschisin-deficient (RS1-/y) mice, a model of inherited retinal degeneration and in a murine light damage model. A co-localization of TSPO and microglia was furthermore detectable in human retinal sections, indicating a potential role for TSPO as a biomarker for retinal degenerations. In vitro assays showed that the TSPO ligand XBD173 effectively inhibited features of microglial activation such as morphological transformation into reactive phagocytes and enhanced expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. XBD173 also reduced microglial migration and proliferation and reduced their neurotoxic potential on photoreceptor cells. In two independent mouse models of light-induced retinal degeneration, the treatment with XBD173 reduced accumulation of amoeboid, reactive microglia in the outer retina and attenuated degenerative processes, indicated by a nearly preserved photoreceptor layer. A further question addressed in this thesis was whether minocycline, an antibiotic with additional anti-inflammatory properties is able to reduce microglial neurotoxicity and to protect the retina from degeneration. Minocycline administration dampened microglial pro-inflammatory gene expression, NO production and neurotoxicity on photoreceptors. Interestingly, in addition to its immunomodulatory effect, minocycline also increased the viability of photoreceptors in a direct manner. In the light damage model, minocycline administration counter-acted microglial activation and blocked retinal degeneration. Taken together these results identified TSPO as a biomarker for microglial reactivity and as therapeutic target in the retina. Targeting TSPO with XBD173 was able to reverse microglial reactivity and could prevent degenerative processes in the retina. In addition, the study showed that the antibiotic minocycline effectively counter-regulates microgliosis and light-induced retinal degeneration. Considering that microgliosis is a major contributing factor for retinal degenerative disorders, this thesis supports the concept of a microglia-directed therapy to treat retinal degeneration.