Amino acid substitutions around the chromophore of the chromoprotein Rtms5 influence polypeptide cleavage

Autoria(s): Turcic, Kristina; Pettikiriarachchi, Anne; Battad, Jion; Wilmann, Pascal G.; Rossjohn, Jamie; Dove, Sophie G.; Devenish, Rodney J.; Prescott, Mark

W. Baumeister




Extension of the conjugated pi-system of many all-protein chromophores with an acylimine bond is the basis for their red-shifted optical properties. The presence of this post-translational modification is evident in crystal structures of these proteins. Harsh denaturation of proteins containing an acylimine bond results in partial polypeptide cleavage. For the red fluorescent protein DsRed, the extent of cleavage is quantitative. However, this is not the case for the blue non-fluorescent chromoprotein Rtms5, even though all chromophores in tetrameric Rtms5 contain an acylimine bond. We have identified two positions around the chromophore of Rtms5 where substitutions can promote or suppress the extent of cleavage on harsh denaturation. We propose a model in which cleavage of Rtms5 is facilitated by a trans to cis isomerisation of the chromophore. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.





Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science

Palavras-Chave #Biochemistry & Molecular Biology #Biophysics #All-protein Chromophores #Rtms5 #Chromoprotein #Structure #Acylimine Bond #Red Fluorescent Protein #Gfp-like Proteins #Crystal-structure #Anemonia-sulcata #Resolution #Coral #C1 #270199 Biochemistry and Cell Biology not elsewhere classified #780105 Biological sciences

Journal Article