967 resultados para Plano Diretor de Infraestruturas Aeronáuticas


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Na atualidade do processo de urbanização no Brasil, a questão metropolitana emerge como fundamental para o entendimento da urbanização da sociedade e do território nacional. A importância das metrópoles revela uma face importante da dinâmica sócio-espacial brasileira: a concentração da malha urbana em pouco mais de uma dezena de epicentros nacionais e regionais. Diante desta realidade, um dos temas mais complexos no âmbito das metrópoles é a gestão metropolitana, e tal debate permeia boa parte das discussões sobre o tema, sejam elas de ordem econômica, social, urbanística ou jurídica. Considerando-se a estrutura institucional da Constituição de 1988, os mecanismos e instrumentos de regulação urbana em nível nacional afirmam o município como base territorial das políticas urbanas, refletindo-se no estabelecimento do Plano Diretor como instrumento de política urbana obrigatório em âmbito municipal. Tal opção das políticas de planejamento e gestão acaba se traduzindo em conflito direto com a realidade urbana brasileira, visto que as metrópoles constituem vetor essencial da expansão da malha urbana. Com base nessas premissas, aprofunda-se o tema do planejamento metropolitano a partir da análise dos planos diretores de municípios que compõem uma das metrópoles brasileiras, a Região Metropolitana de Belém. A análise do planejamento metropolitano a partir dos planos diretores urbanos municipais revela de que forma o processo de metropolização se faz presente quando da elaboração e gestão de planos de desenvolvimento urbano, através dos planos diretores municipais. Além disso, identifica-se as perspectivas de desenvolvimento urbano, que se encontram explícita ou implicitamente nos planos diretores, e os princípios que norteiam essas perspectivas, bem como os elementos participativos no âmbito do planejamento metropolitano.


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O presente trabalho discutirá a gestão ambiental e o planejamento urbano enquanto instrumentos da política pública municipal, através das concepções e ações que envolvem os órgãos e agentes sociais na dinâmica sócio-ambiental no espaço urbano de Abaetetuba. Analisando as atuações da administração municipal no que concernem as atividades desenvolvidas pela SESMAB e SEMOB, no período de 2004-2006, tentará esclarecer as visíveis e inegáveis contradições na paisagem urbana do Município, principalmente no que tange a qualidade do meio ambiente (o qual implica na qualidade de vida das pessoas) e a ausência de mecanismos mais específicos para desenvolver a proteção do meio ambiente e a inclusão social nos fóruns de decisão. Considerando o enorme potencial legislativo e jurídico brasileiro, esta pesquisa vai tentar mostrar que a falta de mobilidade político-administrativa municipal, mesmo com o recém criado Plano Diretor Municipal (Out./2006) ainda compromete os padrões ambientais urbanos, devido, entre outros, a desarticulação entre as secretarias municipais, o caráter físico-territorial das políticas urbanas e o centralismo do investimento público em áreas já servidas de infra-estrutura.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar diferentes perspectivas a respeito da adoção de parcerias entre o poder público e o setor privado no contexto brasileiro e mais especificamente no Estado de São Paulo em diferentes áreas governamentais, mas com ênfase nos campos da saúde e principalmente da educação. Essas parcerias parecem ser decorrentes das mudanças nas políticas públicas que se configuraram nas décadas de 1970, 1980 e 1990 e têm surgido como uma das alternativas para a descentralização de responsabilidades até então estatais, visando a redução do papel do Estado. No caso brasileiro, inserem-se no movimento de Reforma do Estado iniciado em 1995 com o Plano Diretor de Reforma do Aparelho do Estado (PDRAE). Por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica foram identificados alguns trabalhos, em diferentes áreas, que tratavam da temática das parcerias em questão e buscou-se realizar a análise dos mesmos, confrontando as diferentes perspectivas e opiniões sobre a adoção de parcerias presentes neles.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The non existence of sewage services creates an unhealthy environmental, causing impact extremely prejudicial to the human health. In Brazil, this item represents the biggest deficit in the basic sanitation these days, and only about 50% of the population is attended. The sewage collection network is a needful system for the basic sanitation. Between the parameters of the project of a system of collection and sewage transportation, the definition of the population that will be attended is one of the most important variables, and that should be done based on criterion of population growth and in accordant to directrix presents in the comprehensive city plan. In this paper, were evaluated methods of growth based on the geometric growth rate, on the population density and on the number of residents per dwelling, and also mathematics models of growth prediction, emphasizing in the geometric growth and on the logistic curve method. That way, the goal of this paper were value the hydraulic performance in one of the watersheds delimited by the sewage network magnification work existent in the city of Cacoal–RO. Using simulation with different scenarios, the results pointed that the hydraulic performance of the system were strongly affected by the population determination method used. For the same drained area the diameters range from 150 to 250 mm as well as the trench’s deep, where some stretches exceeded the maximum values contained in the standard. Besides, the variation of the sewage contribution rate due the population variation estimated in different scenarios, led to alterations in others important project parameters, such as slope, shallow pool, tensile stress and spreading velocity


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The fundamental objective of this research was analyzed the urban expansion’s process of municipality Piracicaba, it is located in the countryside of São Paulo state. The use and occupation of land by observing the social and environmental impacts related, including the Protection Permanent Area (PPA) of urban fringes according to the successive expansions of Piracicaba city in 2006, the publication year of the current city hall director planning, until 2011, when the approval of the eighth and most recent update of Piracicaba’s expanding the perimeter. The development of the study was conducted with the support of bibliographic, cartographic, considering maps and satellite images, further more field work. Thematic maps of the current urban expansion were created, urban voids and land use were developed, typifying the occupation according to the activities established thus through the analysis of land use through cartographic interpretation, as research in locus. To assist the research geotechnologies were used, both for production and for the interpretation of cartographic materials, specially in Geographic Information Systems


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This work presents a comparison of alkaline and cristaline terrains of an area inside a Poços de Caldas (MG) contry for appropriate urban expansion. The study area has 52km2 through rural and urban terrains with geological and geomorphological differences. At present Poços de Caldas has more than 130 thousand people and expansion government plans are from 1993 showing the necessity of studies of infrastructure to population and tourists. At last 40 years the city became a place with job offers in bauxite minning causing a population increase about 200%. At this way this work uses the Vedolvello (2000)´s method of terrains physiographic compartimentalization (UBCs) with integrated analysis (Land Systems) made by remote sensing products (air photos). After that field trips was performed to check unity limits by observation of rocks, relief and weathering soil profile. The main results are Engineering Geological Map and a classification table of Basic Units of Compartimentalization to presents the characteristics to uses and soil occupation.


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O projeto busca intervir em uma região da cidade de Osasco (Região Metropolitana de Grande São Paulo), que é cortada pelo Rio Tietê, onde o rio acaba por criar uma grande barreira física. Esta barreira, apesar da existência de pontes no local, até hoje não conseguiu ser vencida urbanisticamente, ou seja, a cidade não conseguiu se integrar ao rio. O fato de essa região ser reduto de indústrias, em boa parte abandonadas, somados a poluição do rio, gera um cenário urbano degradado e faz com que a barreira que divide a cidade em duas partes seja maior. O Plano Diretor da cidade já aponta a necessidade de uma revitalização nessa área. A prefeitura da cidade vem desenvolvendo um projeto de revitalização de parte dessa área e ligando os dois lados. Porém essa ligação ainda dá traços de privilegiar mais o automóvel do que o pedestre, até mesmo pela largura considerável do rio nessa região. Nesse ponto, a proposta deste trabalho está em criar um elo de ligação entre as duas margens do rio, de maneira a integrá-lo a cidade e aos cidadãos. Essa integração deve ser segura, pois assaltos são freqüentes nas passarelas dessa região. Também deve apresentar um caráter estético satisfatório e que se encaixe na paisagem. Busca-se também a revitalização da área, com substituição das fábricas e galpões abandonados, por residências, serviços e comércio, assim criando uma nova dinâmica. Então, este trabalho aponta para a criação de um EDIFICIO-PONTE, como tentativa de solucionar o problema dessa ligação (ou falta dela), com segurança, qualidade urbanística, ampliação da dinâmica local, fluxo de pessoas, além de ser um desafio projetual de arquitetura, já que não são tão comuns os edifícios-ponte


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The spatial chaotic urban growth is an increasing and common problem in Brazilian cities, especially in the State of São Paulo. In order to assist the territorial expansion planning, the present study aimed to conduct the environmental diagnosis of urban expansion areas in the City of Jaguariúna – SP, bounded by the Municipal Plan. From the preparation and analysis of thematic maps, literature review and field analysis, data were collected for use and occupation, geology, geomorphology, pedology, vegetation, water resources and features surrounding the five urban sprawl existing areas. It was noted, in general, that these areas are suitable for urban occupation, since they show flat geomorphology characteristics, with flattened, medium to large hills, slightly undulated, with low slope, and soils that do not present risks to the deployment of buildings, once properly managed. It was also observed a few water bodies crossing these areas and a few areas with native vegetation beyond permanent protection areas along the rivers. By the analysis of these areas and their surroundings, it was possible to determine on which area the urbanization process can occur more quickly. Thus, the study allows the City of Jaguariúna to perform a more effective occupation planning in these areas, always aiming the sustainable development and, consequently, the improvement in population’s quality of life, as well as the maintenance of environmental quality.


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In most brazilian cities, urban growth has occurred without adequate planning. Consequently, portions of the city were being occupied, often areas unfit for use and occupation of land, causing risks to local residents and decline of urban environmental quality. One of the most frequent problems is the riverbank occupation, causing the deforestation of the riparian vegetation. Given the above, this paper aimed to map the urban sprawl of Rio Claro/SP, as well as riparian vegetation in the vicinity of Corumbataí in the area including the urban area. For this purpose, GIS techniques were used in order to prepare the thematic map of urban expansion, as well as a map of the riparian vegetation through interpretation of aerial photographs in the environment of ARCGIS. From the maps, an analysis of “Plano Diretor” was made in order to verify if the current occupation of urban land meets the stipulations of this legal instrument


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The city of Jacareí above average presents a economic growth of the State of São Paulo, fact that comes if reflecting in the quality of life of the citizens, due to lack of infrastructure to hold the growth rhythm. Today the commercial center of the city, presents diverse urban conflicts with its narrow streets and sidewalk making it difficult to the locomotion and the access the areas and building of public interest gifts in this region. Aiming at the arrival of four multinationals that already make gratings investments in the city and the promise of growth and dinamização of the still bigger economy for the next years, this work studies the urban mesh of the city for a possible implantation of a Technological Park that serves of inductive element of the development of the region north of the city of Jacareí. Place, in which, they are being constructed the multinationals and where, according to Managing Plan of the city, the city hall intends to urbanizar in the next years, with the objective to minimize the areas of urban conflict in the commercial center and of form to absorb the growth of the city. From the study of old experiences, of works carried through on the subject, interviews with city planners of the e region after visits to the place, we will go to argue the possibility of implantation of the Technological Park in Jacareí and optimum place for its installation


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The city of Guaratinguetá, SP, presents in its history, several instances of property damage and human losses, conditional on the event of flooding and mass movement of soil, resulting from the development of erosion processes. The extent and severity of these events that affect humans and their properties is the result of the illegal occupation of these areas as potential geohazard. Thus, it is of great importance to physical characterization and identification of such areas within the map of the same city as a way to minimize the effects and mitigate the consequences of these events. Thus, this graduate report presents a series of field campaigns, geotechnical laboratory testing, consultation with maps and satellite images, representative of the physical environment, and the city plan as a means conclusive for the delimitation of risk areas with potential for occurrence of erosion and / or flooding on the map representing the urban area of Guaratinguetá, SP. Also featured are the descriptions of the main characteristics of those areas identified as being at risk, along with proposals to avoid or minimize the impact of problems related to flooding and erosion processes on the local population


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This study aims to identify the environmental and social elements that should underpin the creation of a Municipal Natural Park in accordance with Law 9985/2000, establishing the SISTEMA NACIONAL DE UNIDADES DE CONSERVAÇÃO ( SNUC ) . The northeast sector of the city of Rio Claro - SP , envolving, among others , the neighborhood Mãe Preta, the most significant of the site is consolidated as an area of significant environmental value for the consolidation of a conservation area . The proposed establishment of this unit has been discussed since the beginning of this year by Secretaria Municipal de Planejamento, Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente de Rio Claro- SP (SEPLADEMA ) and meets the Municipal Director Plan that provides for the establishment of several protected areas in the City . The study area suffers severe pressure due to peripheral urbanization and characterized environmental fragility according to numerous studies by researchers at UNESP, Rio Claro - SP and research in situ. Stand out in soils susceptible to sheet erosion area, the presence of a large proportion of gully area subject to flooding and significant breeding capitation water for public supply