960 resultados para Pannelli Fotovoltaici, MPPT, Energia Solare, Simulink, Matlab, Cella Fotovoltaica, Modello, Confronto algoritmi, P


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Il presente lavoro di Tesi è stato incentrato sul dimensionamento di un sistema wireless epidermico abile a monitorare parametri fisiologici. La fase iniziale del lavoro è stata spesa per indagare le varie tipologie di sorgenti utili ad effettuare Energy Harvesting in contesti applicativi biomedicali, ed analizzare lo stato dell’arte in merito ai sistemi miniaturizzati, passivi, interfacciabili alla superficie corporea, configurabili nel settore di ricerca e-skin. Il corpo centrale del lavoro è stato quello di dimensionare un nuovo sistema wireless epidermico, energeticamente autonomo. Tale sistema è stato strutturato in tre catene costitutive. La prima di queste definita di Energy Harvesting e storage, presenta una cella solare, un boost converter –charger per il management della potenza ed una thin film battery come elemento di storage. La seconda catena è configurabile come quella di ricezione, in cui l’elemento cruciale è una Wake-Up Radio (WUR), la cui funzione è quella di abilitare il sistema di misura costituito da Microcontroller e sensore solo quando un Reader comunicherà la corretta sequenza di bit abilitanti alla lettura. La presente scelta ha mostrato vantaggi in termini di ridotti consumi. La terza ed ultima catena del sistema per mezzo di Microcontrollore e Transceiver consentirà di trasmettere via RF il dato letto al Reader. Una interfaccia grafica utente implementata in Matlab è stata ideata per la gestione dei dati. La sezione ultima della Tesi è stata impostata analizzando i possibili sviluppi futuri da seguire, in particolare integrare il sistema completo utilizzando un substrato flessibile così come il Kapton e dotare il sistema di sensoristica per misure biomediche specialistiche per esempio la misura del SpO2.


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Photovoltaic power has become one of the most popular research area in new energy field. In this report, the case of household solar power system is presented. Based on the Matlab environment, the simulation is built by using Simulink and SimPowerSystem. There are four parts in a household solar system, solar cell, MPPT system, battery and power consumer. Solar cell and MPPT system are been studied and analyzed individually. The system with MPPT generates 30% more energy than the system without MPPT. After simulating the household system, it is can be seen that the power which generated by the system is 40.392 kWh per sunny day. By combining the power generated by the system and the price of the electric power, 8.42 years are need for the system to achieve a balance of income and expenditure when weather condition is considered.


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The study of the response of mechanical systems to external excitations, even in the simplest cases, involves solving second-order ordinary differential equations or systems thereof. Finding the natural frequencies of a system and understanding the effect of variations of the excitation frequencies on the response of the system are essential when designing mechanisms [1] and structures [2]. However, faced with the mathematical complexity of the problem, students tend to focus on the mathematical resolution rather than on the interpretation of the results. To overcome this difficulty, once the general theoretical problem and its solution through the state space [3] have been presented, Matlab®[4] and Simulink®[5] are used to simulate specific situations. Without them, the discussion of the effect of slight variations in input variables on the outcome of the model becomes burdensome due to the excessive calculation time required. Conversely, with the help of those simulation tools, students can easily reach practical conclusions and their evaluation can be based on their interpretation of results and not on their mathematical skills


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La tecnología moderna de computación ha permitido cambiar radicalmente la investigación tecnológica en todos los ámbitos. El proceso general utilizado previamente consistía en el desarrollo de prototipos analógicos, creando múltiples versiones del mismo hasta llegar al resultado adecuado. Este es un proceso costoso a nivel económico y de carga de trabajo. Es por ello por lo que el proceso de investigación actual aprovecha las nuevas tecnologías para lograr el objetivo final mediante la simulación. Gracias al desarrollo de software para la simulación de distintas áreas se ha incrementado el ritmo de crecimiento de los avances tecnológicos y reducido el coste de los proyectos en investigación y desarrollo. La simulación, por tanto, permite desarrollar previamente prototipos simulados con un coste mucho menor para así lograr un producto final, el cual será llevado a cabo en su ámbito correspondiente. Este proceso no sólo se aplica en el caso de productos con circuitería, si bien es utilizado también en productos programados. Muchos de los programas actuales trabajan con algoritmos concretos cuyo funcionamiento debe ser comprobado previamente, para después centrarse en la codificación del mismo. Es en este punto donde se encuentra el objetivo de este proyecto, simular algoritmos de procesado digital de la señal antes de la codificación del programa final. Los sistemas de audio están basados en su totalidad en algoritmos de procesado de la señal, tanto analógicos como digitales, siendo estos últimos los que están sustituyendo al mundo analógico mediante los procesadores y los ordenadores. Estos algoritmos son la parte más compleja del sistema, y es la creación de nuevos algoritmos la base para lograr sistemas de audio novedosos y funcionales. Se debe destacar que los grupos de desarrollo de sistemas de audio presentan un amplio número de miembros con cometidos diferentes, separando las funciones de programadores e ingenieros de la señal de audio. Es por ello por lo que la simulación de estos algoritmos es fundamental a la hora de desarrollar nuevos y más potentes sistemas de audio. Matlab es una de las herramientas fundamentales para la simulación por ordenador, la cual presenta utilidades para desarrollar proyectos en distintos ámbitos. Sin embargo, en creciente uso actualmente se encuentra el software Simulink, herramienta especializada en la simulación de alto nivel que simplifica la dificultad de la programación en Matlab y permite desarrollar modelos de forma más rápida. Simulink presenta una completa funcionalidad para el desarrollo de algoritmos de procesado digital de audio. Por ello, el objetivo de este proyecto es el estudio de las capacidades de Simulink para generar sistemas de audio funcionales. A su vez, este proyecto pretende profundizar en los métodos de procesado digital de la señal de audio, logrando al final un paquete de sistemas de audio compatible con los programas de edición de audio actuales. ABSTRACT. Modern computer technology has dramatically changed the technological research in multiple areas. The overall process previously used consisted of the development of analog prototypes, creating multiple versions to reach the proper result. This is an expensive process in terms of an economically level and workload. For this reason actual investigation process take advantage of the new technologies to achieve the final objective through simulation. Thanks to the software development for simulation in different areas the growth rate of technological progress has been increased and the cost of research and development projects has been decreased. Hence, simulation allows previously the development of simulated protoypes with a much lower cost to obtain a final product, which will be held in its respective field. This process is not only applied in the case of circuitry products, but is also used in programmed products. Many current programs work with specific algorithms whose performance should be tested beforehand, which allows focusing on the codification of the program. This is the main point of this project, to simulate digital signal processing algorithms before the codification of the final program. Audio systems are entirely based on signal processing, both analog and digital systems, being the digital systems which are replacing the analog world thanks to the processors and computers. This algorithms are the most complex part of every system, and the creation of new algorithms is the most important step to achieve innovative and functional new audio systems. It should be noted that development groups of audio systems have a large number of members with different roles, separating them into programmers and audio signal engineers. For this reason, the simulation of this algorithms is essential when developing new and more powerful audio systems. Matlab is one of the most important tools for computer simulation, which has utilities to develop projects in different areas. However, the use of the Simulink software is constantly growing. It is a simulation tool specialized in high-level simulations which simplifies the difficulty of programming in Matlab and allows the developing of models faster. Simulink presents a full functionality for the development of algorithms for digital audio processing. Therefore, the objective of this project is to study the posibilities of Simulink to generate funcional audio systems. In turn, this projects aims to get deeper into the methods of digital audio signal processing, making at the end a software package of audio systems compatible with the current audio editing software.


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Questo elaborato ha lo scopo di esporre quelli che sono i vantaggi derivanti dall' utilizzo degli acciai inossidabili, specificando il tipo di componente e le ragioni della scelta, nei sistemi per la produzione di energia: dalle turbine, agli impianti nucleari, fino agli impianti che sfruttano le energie alternative (solare, eolica, geotermica, biogas). Inizialmente viene fornito un quadro generale sui differenti tipi di acciai inox (martensitici, ferritici, austenitici e duplex, con le relative proprietà, sottolineandone vantaggi e svantaggi), descrivendone anche i sistemi di designazione, con particolare attenzione alla norma AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute). Una volta messe in risalto queste caratteristiche, vengono esaminati e descritti diversi sistemi di produzione di energia in cui gli acciai inox trovano applicazione: si parte dalle turbine (idraulica, a vapore e a gas), spiegando i benefici nell'utilizzo di particolari categorie di acciai inox nella realizzazione di alcuni dei componenti per questi impianti. Vengono quindi esaminati gli impianti nucleari, partendo da quelli che utilizzano come moderatore e fluido refrigerante acqua naturale, ("PWR", Pressurized Water Reactor) e ("BWR", Boiling Water Reactor), fino a quelli che utilizzano invece acqua pesante ("CANDU", Canadian Deuterium Uranium Reactor), nonchè i reattori veloci ("FBR", Fast Breeding Reactor). Infine, vengono esaminate le applicazioni degli acciai inox, nei sistemi per la produzione di energia che, sfruttano fonti alternative (elencate in precedenza).


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Although maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is crucial in the design of a wind power generation system, the necessary control strategies should also be considered for conditions that require a power reduction, called de-loading in this paper. A coordinated control scheme for a proposed current source converter (CSC) based DC wind energy conversion system is presented in this paper. This scheme combines coordinated control of the pitch angle, a DC load dumping chopper and the DC/DC converter, to quickly achieve wind farm de-loading. MATLAB/Simulink simulations and experiments are used to validate the purpose and effectiveness of the control scheme, both at the same power level. © 2013 IEEE.


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Electric vehicles (EVs) provide a feasible solution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and thus become a hot topic for research and development. Switched reluctance motors (SRMs) are one of promised motors for EV applications. In order to extend the EVs’ driving miles, the use of photovoltaic (PV) panels on the vehicle helps decrease the reliance on vehicle batteries. Based on phase winding characteristics of SRMs, a tri-port converter is proposed in this paper to control the energy flow between the PV panel, battery and SRM. Six operating modes are presented, four of which are developed for driving and two for standstill on-board charging. In the driving modes, the energy decoupling control for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of the PV panel and speed control of the SRM are realized. In the standstill charging modes, a grid-connected charging topology is developed without a need for external hardware. When the PV panel directly charges the battery, a multi-section charging control strategy is used to optimize energy utilization. Simulation results based on Matlab/Simulink and experiments prove the effectiveness of the proposed tri-port converter, which has potential economic implications to improve the market acceptance of EVs.


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Scopo del presente lavoro è la presentazione del codice di calcolo semplificato adoperato nella sezione “Simulatore fotovoltaico” presente sul portale www.energia.cnr.it del progetto CNR ENERGY+. Utilizzando i valori reali di radiazione solare misurati dalle stazioni meteorologiche installate presso alcune sedi del CNR il codice, con appropriati algoritmi, generala scomposizione della radiazione sul piano orizzontale e su superfici inclinate e variamente orientate, in modo da pervenire alla potenza prodotta da un ipotetico impianto fotovoltaico posto sullo stesso sito di ubicazione della stazione.


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Questo lavoro è incentrato sull'analisi e la simulazione di un ciclo Rankine a fluido organico (ORC) per la produzione di energia da calore a bassa entalpia. Il lavoro è stato svolto in collaborazione con l'università di Gent, in Belgio, in particolare grazie al Prof. De Peape e all' Ing. Steven Lecompte; il lavoro in Italia è stato coordinato dal Prof. De Pascale. L'obiettivo principale della tesi è stata la creazione un modello computazionale in grado di descrivere le prestazioni dell'impianto a carico parziale. Ogni elemento dell'impianto è stato analizzato e modellizzato secondo un approccio di simulazione originale in Matlab. I componenti ottenuti sono stati poi combinati a formare la simulazione dell'intero sistema; questa è in grado di prevedere la potenza prodotta ed il rendimento del ciclo al variare delle condizioni esterne. I risultati ottenuti dalle simulazioni sono stati poi confrontati con i dati sperimentali raccolti sull'impianto di prova dell'Università. Questo confronto dimostra un buon accordo dei risultati previsti con quelli misurati. L'errore relativo massimo ottenuto per la potenza elettrica è sotto il 7%, così come quello sul rendimento; Gli errori relativi a pressione ed entalpie sono in genere sotto il 5%. Il modello pperciò dirsi validato e rappresenta un valido strumento di analisi per comprendere la risposta ai carichi parziali anche al di fuori del range di calibrazione. Il modello è stato infine utilizzato per costruire delle mappe del carico parziale e analizzare l'influenza delle variabili del ciclo. Ulteriori applicazioni delle mappe prodotte sono proposte a fine del lavoro.


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This paper presents a multi-objective optimization strategy for heavy truck suspension systems based on modified skyhook damping (MSD) control, which improves ride comfort and road-friendliness simultaneously. A four-axle heavy truck-road coupling system model was established using functional virtual prototype technology; the model was then validated through a ride comfort test. As the mechanical properties and time lag of dampers were taken into account, MSD control of active and semi-active dampers was implemented using Matlab/Simulink. Through co-simulations with Adams and Matlab, the effects of passive, semi-active MSD control, and active MSD control were analyzed and compared; thus, control parameters which afforded the best integrated performance were chosen. Simulation results indicated that MSD control improves a truck’s ride comfort and roadfriendliness, while the semi-active MSD control damper obtains road-friendliness comparable to the active MSD control damper.


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Matching method of heavy truck-rear air suspensions is discussed, and a fuzzy control strategy which improves both ride comfort and road friendliness of truck by adjusting damping coefficients of the suspension system is found. In the first place, a Dongfeng EQ1141G7DJ heavy truck’s ten DOF whole vehicle-road model was set up based on Matlab/Simulink and vehicle dynamics. Then appropriate passive air suspensions were chosen to replace the original rear leaf springs of the truck according to truck-suspension matching criterions, consequently, the stiffness of front leaf springs were adjusted too. Then the semi-active fuzzy controllers were designed for further enhancement of the truck’s ride comfort and the road friendliness. After the application of semi-active fuzzy control strategy through simulation, is was indicated that both ride comfort and road friendliness could be enhanced effectively under various road conditions. The strategy proposed may provide theory basis for design and development of truck suspension system in China.


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Heart disease is attributed as the highest cause of death in the world. Although this could be alleviated by heart transplantation, there is a chronic shortage of donor hearts and so mechanical solutions are being considered. Currently, many Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs) are being developed worldwide in an effort to increase life expectancy and quality of life for end stage heart failure patients. Current pre-clinical testing methods for VADs involve laboratory testing using Mock Circulation Loops (MCLs), and in vivo testing in animal models. The research and development of highly accurate MCLs is vital to the continuous improvement of VAD performance. The first objective of this study was to develop and validate a mathematical model of a MCL. This model could then be used in the design and construction of a variable compliance chamber to improve the performance of an existing MCL as well as form the basis for a new miniaturised MCL. An extensive review of literature was carried out on MCLs and mathematical modelling of their function. A mathematical model of a MCL was then created in the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. This model included variable features such as resistance, fluid inertia and volumes (resulting from the pipe lengths and diameters); compliance of Windkessel chambers, atria and ventricles; density of both fluid and compressed air applied to the system; gravitational effects on vertical columns of fluid; and accurately modelled actuators controlling the ventricle contraction. This model was then validated using the physical properties and pressure and flow traces produced from a previously developed MCL. A variable compliance chamber was designed to reproduce parameters determined by the mathematical model. The function of the variability was achieved by controlling the transmural pressure across a diaphragm to alter the compliance of the system. An initial prototype was tested in a previously developed MCL, and a variable level of arterial compliance was successfully produced; however, the complete range of compliance values required for accurate physiological representation was not able to be produced with this initial design. The mathematical model was then used to design a smaller physical mock circulation loop, with the tubing sizes adjusted to produce accurate pressure and flow traces whilst having an appropriate frequency response characteristic. The development of the mathematical model greatly assisted the general design of an in vitro cardiovascular device test rig, while the variable compliance chamber allowed simple and real-time manipulation of MCL compliance to allow accurate transition between a variety of physiological conditions. The newly developed MCL produced an accurate design of a mechanical representation of the human circulatory system for in vitro cardiovascular device testing and education purposes. The continued improvement of VAD test rigs is essential if VAD design is to improve, and hence improve quality of life and life expectancy for heart failure patients.


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In this column, Dr. Peter Corke of CSIRO, Australia, gives us a description of MATLAB Toolboxes he has developed. He has been passionately developing tools to enable students and teachers to better understand the theoretical concepts behind classical robotics and computer vision through easy and intuitive simulation and visualization. The results of this labor of love have been packaged as MATLAB Toolboxes: the Robotics Toolbox and the Vision Toolbox. –Daniela Rus, RAS Education Cochair


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The article described an open-source toolbox for machine vision called Machine Vision Toolbox (MVT). MVT includes more than 60 functions including image file reading and writing, acquisition, display, filtering, blob, point and line feature extraction, mathematical morphology, homographies, visual Jacobians, camera calibration, and color space conversion. MVT can be used for research into machine vision but is also versatile enough to be usable for real-time work and even control. MVT, combined with MATLAB and a model workstation computer, is a useful and convenient environment for the investigation of machine vision algorithms. The article illustrated the use of a subset of toolbox functions for some typical problems and described MVT operations including the simulation of a complete image-based visual servo system.