851 resultados para PR, Public Relations, Self Evaluation
Self-gifting consumer behaviour (SGCB) is on the rise as consumers seek reward and therapeutic benefits from their shopping experiences. SGCB is defined as personally symbolic, self-communication through special indulgences, which tend to be premeditated and highly context bound. Prior research into the measurement of this growing behavioural phenomenon has been fragmented because of differences in conceptualisation. This research builds upon the prior literature and through a series of qualitative and quantitative studies, develops a valid, multidimensional measure of SGCB that will be useful for future quantitative inquiry into self-gifting consumption.
Health care services are typically consumed out of necessity, typically to recover from illness. While the consumption of health care services can be emotional given that consumers experience fear, hope, relief, and joy, surprisingly, there is little research on the role of consumer affect in health care consumption. We propose that consumer affect is a heuristic cue that drives evaluation of health care services. Drawing from cognitive appraisal theory and affect-as-information theory, this article tests a research model (N = 492) that investigates consumer affect resulting from service performance on subsequent service outcomes.
Objective This study seeks establish whether meaningful subgroups exist within a 14-16 year old adolescent population and if these segments respond differently to the Game On: Know Alcohol (GOKA) intervention, a school-based alcohol social marketing program. Methodology This study is part of a larger cluster randomized controlled evaluation of the Game On: Know Alcohol (GOKA) program implemented in 14 schools in 2013/2014. TwoStep cluster analysis was conducted to segment 2114 high school adolescents (14-16 years old) on the basis of 22 demographic, behavioral and psychographic variables. Program effects on knowledge, attitudes, behavioral intentions, social norms, expectancies and refusal self-efficacy of identified segments was subsequently examined. Results Three segments were identified: (1) Abstainers (2) Bingers (3) Moderate Drinkers. Program effects varied significantly across segments. The strongest positive change effects post participation were observed for the Bingers, while mixed effects were evident for Moderate Drinkers and Abstainers. Conclusions These findings provide preliminary empirical evidence supporting application of social marketing segmentation in alcohol education programs. Development of targeted programs that meet the unique needs of each of the three identified segments is indicated to extend the social marketing footprint in alcohol education.
This report describes the Year Two/Campaign Two processes, and articulates findings from the major project components designed to address the challenges noted above (see Figure 1). Three major components comprise the Safe and Well Online project: 1) A participatory design (PD) process involving young people and sector partners (UWS) for; 2) campaign development (Zuni & Digital Arts Network); and 3) a cohort study (University of South Australia) to evaluate campaign effectiveness and attitude and behaviour change. Each sub-study comprehensively considered the ethical requirements of conducting online research with minors. The theoretical and methodological framework for measuring campaign engagement and efficacy (Sub-studies 3, 4 and 5) drew on the Model of Goal Directed Behaviour (MGB) (Perugini & Bagozzi 2001) and Nudge Theory (Thaler & Sunstein, 2008). This report extends the findings and conclusions of the Year One Pilot Study ‘‘Keep it Tame’’ (Spears et.al, 2015), and details the development and evaluation of the second of four Safe and Well Online Campaigns—‘‘Appreciate A Mate’: Helping others feel good about themselves’.
When a household welcomes a new infant a transformation occurs whereby household routines, values and decisions change. This research explores how decision-making is influenced by fluctuating identity subjectivities. We explore longitudinally, using a family identity framework, how the transitioning between self, couple and family self-identities influences the decisions made regarding social issues, in this case infant feeding. Results indicate that decision-making during a period of transformation is not straightforward, relying on a multiplicity of identities that are constantly renegotiated and dependent on other influences. Decisions made conform to the identity-construct-of-the-moment, but are fluid and subject to change, such that pinpointing causal pathways is inappropriate. Implications for influencing the consumption of social behaviors for consumer researchers are one size does not fit all and require an in-depth understanding of the fluidity of decision-making. Consequently, social marketing strategies need to be tailored to constructed identities and flexible across time to remain influential.
Purpose This paper aims to use the Model of Goal-Directed Behavior (MGB) to examine the factors affecting consumers’ continued use of emerging technology-based self-services (TBSSs) with credence qualities. Professional services, which traditionally require specialized knowledge and high levels of interpersonal interaction to produce owing to their credence qualities, are increasingly delivered via self-service technologies. Health services delivered via mobile devices, for example, facilitate self-care without direct involvement from health professionals. Design/methodology/approach A mental health service delivered via the Internet and mobile phone, myCompass, was selected as the research context. Twenty interviews were conducted with users of myCompass and the data were thematically analyzed. Findings The findings of the study showcase the unique determinants of consumers’ continued use of TBSSs with credence qualities relative to the more routine services which have been the focus of extant research. The findings further provide support for the utility of the MGB in explaining service continuance, although the importance of distinguishing between extrinsic and intrinsic motivational components of behavioral desire and capturing the impact of social influence beyond subjective norms is also highlighted. Originality/value This study contributes to recent research examining differences in consumer responses across TBSSs and behavioral loyalty to these services. It also provides empirical evidence for broadening and deepening the MGB within this behavioral domain.
In the context of an international economic shift from manufacturing to services and the constant expansion of industries towards online services (Sheth and Sharma, 2008), this study is concerned with the design of self-service technologies (SSTs) for online environments. An industry heavily adopting SSTs across a variety of different services is Health and Wellness, where figures show an ever growing number of health and wellness apps being developed, downloaded and abandoned (Kelley, 2014). Little is known about how to enhance people’s engagement with online wellness SSTs to support self-health management and self-efficacy. This literature review argues that service design of wellness SSTs in online contexts can be improved by developing an enhanced understanding from a people perspective and customer experience point of view. Customer value, quality of service, usability, and self-efficacy all play an important role in understanding how to design SSTs for wellness and keep users engaged. There is a need for further study on how people interact and engage with online services in the context of wellness in order to design engaging wellness services.
A tese aborda as políticas públicas de avaliação para a educação superior no Brasil, desde o seu surgimento, indicado na Reforma Universitária de 1968 e sua efetivação a partir da década de 1980, no Programa de Avaliação da Reforma Universitária PARU e no Grupo de Estudos da Reforma da Educação Superior GERES, ambos com a função de avaliar a Universidade brasileira. Contextualiza a sua institucionalização na década de 1990, por meio do Programa de Avaliação Institucional das Universidades Brasileiras PAIUB, do Exame Nacional de Cursos ENC ou Provão, com enfoque na última e atual política, o Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior SINAES e, neste, a avaliação institucional. O objetivo que motivou a produção desta tese foi conseguir clareza sobre as políticas públicas de avaliação para a educação superior no Brasil, especificamente o processo de implantação e implementação da avaliação institucional no período do SINAES na UNIOESTE, bem como, seus desdobramentos no que concerne à autonomia e à produção do conhecimento. Para tanto, foi preciso percorrer meandros do tema, historicizando as políticas públicas de avaliação para a educação superior no Brasil; identificando, examinando e discutindo os processos de implantação e implementação da avaliação institucional na UNIOESTE PR; analisando e discutindo os desdobramentos da avaliação institucional no que concerne à autonomia e à produção do conhecimento na UNIOESTE. A metodologia se constituiu de pesquisa bibliográfica, análise documental e estudo do processo de implantação e implementação do SINAES e também de seus desdobramentos na questão da autonomia e produção do conhecimento em uma universidade pública estadual, a UNIOESTE. Sobre os desdobramentos do SINAES na questão da autonomia e da produção do conhecimento, infere-se que as medidas das políticas públicas de avaliação para a educação superior interferem e impactam a universidade, imprimindo autonomia e produção do conhecimento na medida/lógica necessária para dar vigor a determinada conjuntura societária. No SINAES, a Autoavaliação Institucional é um mecanismo falho, inoperante, que não atende às demandas da comunidade acadêmica e, ainda, que não atinge a sua finalidade profícua, a melhoria da universidade. Dessa maneira, no contexto atual, a universidade se consome em seu papel e função social, dando espaço e força à conformação da universidade às demandas e determinações do capital. A Autoavaliação Institucional precisa ser analisada em suas premissas e no formato que se incorpora ao SINAES, mas não somente isso isoladamente, e, sim, todo o SINAES, enquanto uma política pública de avaliação, para que seja direcionada em favor da universidade e da sociedade brasileira
The students academic performance is a key aspect for all agents involved in a higher education quality program. However, there is no unanimity on how to measure it. Some professionals choose assessing only cognitive aspects while others lean towards assessing the acquisition of certain skills. The need to train increasingly adapted professionals in order to respond to the companies’ demands and being able to compete internationally in a global labour market requires a kind of training that goes beyond memorizing. Critical and logical thinking are amongst written language skills demanded in the field of Social Sciences. The objective of this study is to empirically demonstrate the impact of voluntary assignments on the academic performance of students. Our hypothesis is that students who complete high quality voluntary assignments are those more motivated and, therefore, those with higher grades. An experiment with students from the "Financial Accounting II" during the academic year of 2012/13 at the Business and Economics School of the UCM was carried out. A series of voluntary assessments involving the preparation of accounting essays were proposed in order to develop skills and competencies as a complement to the lessons included in the curriculum of the subject. At the end of the course, the carrying-out or not of the essay together with its critical, reflective quality and style, were compared. Our findings show a relationship between the voluntarily presented papers of quality and the final grade obtained throughout the course. These results show that the students intrinsic motivation is a key element in their academic performance. On the other hand, the teachers role focuses on being a motivating element through the learning process.
It is often assumed that membership in a stigmatized group has negative consequences for the self-concept. However, this relationship is neither straightforward nor inevitable, and there is evidence suggesting that negative consequences may not necessarily occur (Psychol. Rev. 96(4) (1989) 608). This paper argues that the relationship has not been sufficiently theorized, and that a more detailed analysis is called for in order to understand the relationship between stigma and the self. The paper presents a critical examination of modified labeling theory (Am. Sociol. Rev. 52 (1987) 96), with examples from a study examining perceptions of stigma and their relationship to self-evaluation in women with chronic mental health problems. Open-ended interviews and qualitative analyses were used in preference to global measures of self-esteem. It was found that although the women were aware of society's unfavorable representations of mental illness, and the effects this had on their lives, they did not accept these representations as valid and therefore rejected them as applicable to the self. The participants did not deny their mental health problems, but their acceptance of labels was critical and pragmatic. Labels were rejected when they were perceived as carrying an unrealistic and negative stereotype, or when the women felt that their symptoms did not fit with the diagnostic criteria. The research illustrates the importance of considering people's subjective understandings of stigmatized conditions and societal reactions in order to understand the relation between stigma and the self. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Especialização em Administração Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014
Foi realizado um estágio no grupo Porto Bay Hotels & Resorts, um grupo hoteleiro da Região Autónoma da Madeira, com a duração de três meses. Apresenta-se assim no presente trabalho uma perspectiva das Relações Públicas no sector do turismo e hotelaria bem como a discussão do porquê do afunilamento desta função de gestão das relações entre as organizações e os seus públicos nas Guest Relations em algumas das unidades hoteleiras em que trabalhámos. O turismo é actualmente um dos principais sectores da economia mundial. A sobrevivência de um destino turístico, unidade hoteleira ou mesmo de um resort, depende em muito da percepção que os seus stakeholders têm da qualidade dos seus serviços. Assim as Relações Públicas, como em outros sectores, assumem um papel de destaque sendo que estas têm a capacidade de trabalhar a relação entre uma organização e os seus stakeholders, gerindo conflitos e expressando uma identidade positiva sobre a mesma e trabalhando a sua reputação e visibilidade. Em suma este trabalho pretende compreender e reflectir sobre as relações públicas no sector do turismo e hotelaria mesmo quando não o são assim entendidas. Defender-se-á uma perspectiva global, integrada e proactiva das Relações Públicas no sector hoteleiro.
El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad caracterizar conceptos y elementos clave del caos y de la complejidad existente en la relación entre las organizaciones y la comunidad. Esta relación parte de la base de satisfacer las necesidades de los actores involucrados y, así mismo, mejorar el desempeño de cada uno, y contribuir al bienestar de la sociedad y a la perdurabilidad de las empresas. Para alcanzar el objetivo planteado, inicialmente se hace necesario contextualizar conceptos que estarán presentes durante todo el escrito. Por esto se expondrán términos como teoría de la complejidad, teoría del caos, los aspectos más representativos de la relación comunitaria y el marketing y su impacto en las comunidades. La teoría de la complejidad permitirá entender los sistemas como un todo, en donde las relaciones e interacciones de cada una de sus diferentes partes nos conducen a innumerables escenarios posibles. También se buscará entender la importancia de la relación organización-comunidad, ya que la comunidad puede jugar un papel determinante cuando las organizaciones se adaptan a los cambios. Es de suma importancia establecer relaciones estratégicas con la comunidad, entendiendo a la comunidad como un sistema o grupo social con determinadas características, que permitan tanto a las organizaciones como a la misma comunidad entender, comprender y satisfacer eficazmente las necesidades subyacentes y, así, llegar a establecer un entorno de retroalimentación continua y sostenibilidad a lo largo del tiempo. Actualmente, el funcionamiento del mundo ha cambiado en cierta medida, ya que antes la base del conocimiento se centraba en función del orden y la regularidad. Ahora, en cambio, se destaca la creatividad y la dinámica que son causadas por el desorden y la irregularidad presentes en los sistemas. El mundo se plantea como un grupo de innumerables sistemas auto-organizados, donde su funcionamiento puede provocar resultados impredecibles o aleatorios. La materia de complejidad en los sistemas se ha desarrollado por diferentes autores según aproximaciones desde diferentes ramas de la ciencia, como la cibernética, basada en los mecanismos de retroalimentación y control; desde la teoría general de los sistemas, que da énfasis en el dinamismo presente en los sistemas y cómo la organización está presente en su estructura. En el presente proyecto se realizará un estudio de tipo teórico-conceptual: se seleccionarán las bases de datos, fuentes de información y los documentos más representativos o que proporcionen la mayor información posible que permita el completo entendimiento de la investigación y de sus alcances propuestos. Es así que esta investigación busca aportar más elementos dentro de los diferentes estudios que pretenden explicar y mejorar la perdurabilidad de las empresas bajo las diferentes líneas de investigación. A través del tiempo, el GIPE ha ido evolucionando de acuerdo con los resultados de las investigaciones y se ha centrado en cuatro líneas de investigación: Liderazgo, Realidad, Estrategia y Gerencia. El proyecto de investigación “Relación de las organizaciones con el medio y marketing” hace parte de la línea de gerencia y busca identificar oportunidades gerenciales para las organizaciones que las acerquen al conocimiento y manejo de las áreas funcionales (Facultad de Administración, 2013). Además, el proyecto se adentra en las organizaciones en entornos complejos y su relación con la comunidad, y se observa así la organización como un ser vivo que contribuye al bienestar de la sociedad que, finalmente, es lo que garantiza su perdurabilidad.
This work is based on a reflection about my personal and professional background as a teacher and a pedagogical supervisor in two public schools in the municipality of Natal, RN, and how relevant this background is to the development of a proposal of continued formation within the scope of the school, in which a diversity of actionreflection strategies are present. In such contexts, I have identified several of my personality traits as being likely advantages or disadvantages that may contribute or not to the coming up of misunderstanding situations. The self-research experience and the identification of new dimensions of self-evaluation, self-observation and attention serve as a basis to think about the importance of experiencing the understanding within the ambit of the school. The reflections about my actions and those of the teachers bring up the hypothesis that the misunderstandings in the teaching-learning process and in the affective relations are the result of a fragmented, naive and egotistic way of thinking. Thus, they don t contribute to an experience of mutual understanding. That is why there must be an investment on new strategies of self-research and dialogue within the scope of pedagogical meetings that may come to help all educators with the analysis, identification and solving of their own problems as well as the other s. Under this perspective, the question that guides this study assumes the presupposition that the educator can invest in a qualified and meaningful pedagogical formation, either one s own and others , if one has a critical-reflexive overview about oneself and the school s pedagogical process. This research aims to explore, discuss and encourage new reflections about the act of researching in the pedagogical supervisor s role, questioning about the possibility of this action to generate contributions to the process of one s own and other s pedagogical formation within the scope of the school, in a conscientiological perspective, in which the manifestation of the thosenes of the educators are valorized. We approach Paulo Freire (1921-1997), as we see the dialogue as very important to the development of this research work, as well as an encouragement to the consciential dialogue. The empirical research took place from June 4, 2004 to November 11, 2004, with 8 pedagogical meetings and with the participation of 2 pedagogical supervisors and 8 teachers. The application of this new methodology within the scope of pedagogical meetings brought considerable contributions to the interpretation of the elements of the educators thosenes, classified according to the following: uncritical, naïve and critical thoughts; sentiments of assistential or non-assistential affectivity; and actions that may or not make the experience of mutual understanding possible. The action of the pedagogical supervisor and one s contributions to the understanding brought up reflections about new ways of investing in the process of continued formation within the scope of the school