997 resultados para POLÍTICA AMBIENTAL - BRASIL
Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar a compreensão da dimensão ambiental no espaço urbano da Amazônia pelos assistentes sociais, inseridos nas principais intervenções urbanísticas do município de Belém, nas quais dentre elas há o Projeto Portal da Amazônia, Macrodrenagem da Estrada Nova e o Projeto de Urbanização da Vila da Barca. Para tanto, focamos nossas análises sobre o trabalho social dos projetos habitacionais e de urbanização, citados, que tem a educação ambiental como uma de suas ações de caráter socioeducativo, indicando qual seria a centralidade da discussão ambiental em tais iniciativas fomentadas pelo poder público, assim como a importância e compreensão do assistente social sobre esta demanda na região amazônica. Ao nos debruçarmos sobre este debate, realizamos uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, observação de campo e entrevista semiestruturada com os assistentes sociais de instituições responsáveis pela promoção da política urbana no município de Belém-PA, no momento: Secretaria Municipal de Habitação (SEHAB), instituição responsável pela política urbana do município; Construtora UNI Engenharia, atualmente empresa responsável pela execução do trabalho técnico físico dos projetos de urbanização do município e a Construtora EFECCE, atual responsável pelos projetos técnicos sociais. Durante a pesquisa, constatamos que a educação ambiental é relegada ao segundo plano dentro de outras ações do trabalho social, em que a sua dimensão educativa se subsume e se espraia nos eixos de geração de renda e de educação patrimonial e sanitária, sendo a sua realização pontual, devido não só à lógica institucional de trabalho, mas também à insegurança de alguns profissionais do Serviço Social em lidar com a demanda ambiental, principalmente sobre Amazônia, em que os conteúdos da educação ambiental estão restritos às problemáticas do lixo, água e desmatamento, não ampliando a discussão aos direitos urbano-ambientais, estando a discussão ambiental esvaziada de seus conteúdos sociais, políticos e econômicos, sendo mais um espaço de controle, domesticação e inculcação dos valores hegemônicos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Assim como, as vivências nos intercâmbios internacionais podem e devem contribuir em grau elevado na constituição das mesmas políticas públicas, angariando recursos e investimentos externos, elas também podem se aprofundar em experiência de conscientização dos sujeitos políticos. Quanto mais a difusão cultural entre os povos é incentivada, pelos governos e iniciativas não governamentais, somada à atividade política dos sujeitos, mais trará contribuições aos entremeios das sociedades complexas, que por sua vez, refletirão na melhoria das condições de vida dos indivíduos e de suas instituições. O plano discursivo ideal propõe a superação das amarras econômicas para contemplar os estratos sociais, essa seria a primeira etapa para iniciar o aperfeiçoamento das instâncias democráticas e, convém assistir às transformações desde as estrutura, ou seja, dos modos de pensar, ser e agir dos seres humanos em busca de um novo tipo de desenvolvimento, que de fato se reconheça globalizado. Para tanto, o método utilizado se ancorou na revisão bibliográfica da análise histórica e da análise de discursos dos ex-presidentes, a partir da época de redemocratização brasileira. A todo o momento, frisou-se a articulação entre as mais diversas frentes de organização social, interna e externa, bem como as supranacionais, tal articulação é oportuna à metodologia, na tentativa de uma compreensão introdutória dos processos da modernidade complexa. Além disso, optou-se por tecer considerações finais que deixassem o texto aberto ao debate, ao contrário de qualquer proposta conclusiva. A saber, a potencialidade em dialogar sobre o conceito de desenvolvimento, que se deseja pluralmente inserido na universalidade relativa ao gênero humano, torna-se mais atraente, à medida que são cobradas melhorias dos programas político-democráticos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The concern with the environmental planning has become important in Brazil recently. Until then, nature was conceived as a resource, because of the implementation of developmental policies that perdured to the 1970s, based on the expansion of the industrial complex, altogether hadn´t preoccupation by the federal government with the relationship between society and nature. During this period, after the threat of not receiving more international investment to finance large projects in the country, accompanied by pressure from civil society organizations, the federal government began to take some action related to the environment, such as the creation of federal agencies (IBAMA), application of environmental laws and decrees in order to create rules for the proper use of natural resources such as water, soil and air. From the decade of 1990 onwards the master plans have become a mandatory document for all municipalities in the country with a population over 20,000 inhabitants, ranging from health issues to the development of urban, rural and environmental planning. Thus, the environmental planning gained prominence in the political scene. Therefore, to achieve environmental planning is necessary to follow some social and environmental parameters, which for this survey, conducted in the District of Ameliópolis – Presidente Prudente... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Recently in Brazil cities have been suffering strong influence concerning concepts of sustainable development and urban-environmental management in order to implement public policies. These approaches combined, subsidize fair democratic construction, along with citizen participation and transparency regarding the use of resources. This study was meant to address the evaluation of performance and environmental quality through the use of sustainability indicators as a tool for planning and management of municipal urban-environmental, its advantages, disadvantages and contributions to the effectiveness in the implementation of policies aimed at local sustainable development. The main objective of the study was to do a comparative analysis of the indicators used in Piracicaba, to the national indicator system and other municipal programs, and also, its application in urban and environmental planning. To achieve this goal, initially a topic selection was made based on a bibliographic analysis in order to discuss the use of management tools and municipal evaluation systems from the perspective of sustainability, showing the management tools such as laws, agreements, documents and mainly, sustainability indicators. It was then, prepared the case study carried out in Piracicaba, São Paulo municipality. With the obtained results, it was possible to provide a model which shows strengths and weaknesses of public actions and policies for the environment, such as project suggestions that could be applied aiming greater sustainability and continuous improvement of municipal environmental performance
Recently in Brazil cities have been suffering strong influence concerning concepts of sustainable development and urban-environmental management in order to implement public policies. These approaches combined, subsidize fair democratic construction, along with citizen participation and transparency regarding the use of resources. This study was meant to address the evaluation of performance and environmental quality through the use of sustainability indicators as a tool for planning and management of municipal urban-environmental, its advantages, disadvantages and contributions to the effectiveness in the implementation of policies aimed at local sustainable development. The main objective of the study was to do a comparative analysis of the indicators used in Piracicaba, to the national indicator system and other municipal programs, and also, its application in urban and environmental planning. To achieve this goal, initially a topic selection was made based on a bibliographic analysis in order to discuss the use of management tools and municipal evaluation systems from the perspective of sustainability, showing the management tools such as laws, agreements, documents and mainly, sustainability indicators. It was then, prepared the case study carried out in Piracicaba, São Paulo municipality. With the obtained results, it was possible to provide a model which shows strengths and weaknesses of public actions and policies for the environment, such as project suggestions that could be applied aiming greater sustainability and continuous improvement of municipal environmental performance
Uno de los objetivos del Programa de Ordenamiento y Protección de los Recursos Naturales de la Costa Atlántica de Río Negro es promover experiencias innovadoras, vinculadas a la protección del patrimonio natural y cultural del litoral costero rionegrino. Dentro de este marco, el objetivo general es establecer las bases para un desarrollo sustentable. Esto no es posible, si no se acompaña de una fuerte sensibilización ambiental dirigida a diferentes sectores sociales respecto de los valores que representa este ecosistema costero, actividad desarrollada en el marco del Proyecto Desarrollo de una Política de Sensibilización ambiental. La implementación de una estrategia de Educación Ambiental que permita generar en la comunidad una mayor capacidad para comprender el ambiente y que contribuyan a valorar el patrimonio natural y cultural, es el eje fundamental para alcanzar el desarrollo sustentable de la región. Es por ello que se plantea el objetivo de generar una política integral de sensibilización ambiental que permita incluir la temática ambiental en los diferentes sectores sociales y modalidades del sistema educativo. Para lograrlo se realiza el Primer Seminario Taller sobre Diseño de una Política de Capacitación y Sensibilización Ambiental, que es el primer paso que permitió generar las bases de una propuesta de una Política Integral de Sensibilización Ambiental. Posteriormente se realiza una encuesta dirigida a la comunidad en general y a docentes en la que se propone analizar cada una de las problemáticas ambientales reconocidas a la luz de cuatro variables: muy grave, grave, leve y no conoce/no contesta. No fue intención realizar un análisis profundo y detallado de las variables sino resaltar grandes rasgos que permitan establecer comparaciones para su ordenamiento y tratamiento. También la se realiza un Curso para Docentes que brinda el marco propicio para la Formulación e Implementación de una Política de Sensibilización Ambiental. Otra actividad es la organización de un concurso anual "Conozcamos Nuestras Costas" dirigido a la comunidad educativa, en el que participaron activamente 430 alumnos pertenecientes a las tres localidades costeras. Se elabora y distribuye materiales de sensibilización ambiental elaborados luego de un trabajo de diagnóstico, recopilación de información y material fotográfico. El mismo se organizó en sets de 10 juegos cada uno (rompecabezas, libro de imágenes, memotest, entre otros), cuyo contenido es de flora y fauna, áreas de mayor sensibilidad ecológica y los principios de conservación. Por último se realiza un Taller para la Cooperación en la Prevención y Mitigación de Impactos Ambientales en la Costa Atlántica. Como resultado de este taller se obtuvo una Red de Alerta y Comunicación, que contribuya a la formalización y fortalecimiento de la ya existente. La creación de un Centro de un Coordinación Ambiental (CCA) que tendría su sede en la Dirección de Defensa Civil.
Instrumentos jurídico-econômicos e preservação do meio ambiente : um enfoque no ICMS sócio-ambiental
Inclui notas explicativas e bibliográfica e bibliografia
A presente dissertação tem como tema o impacto da comunicação política na cobertura da grande imprensa durante a pré-candidatura de Dilma Vana Rousseff à presidência da República. O objetivo é verificar quais estratégias de marketing político utilizadas para viabilizar o nome da pré-candidata foram retratadas nas revistas Veja e CartaCapital entre março de 2008 e abril de 2010, período que antecedeu a indicação oficial da sucessora do então presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Para desenvolver a dissertação foram discutidos conceitos de comunicação política, marketing político e eleitoral, bem como as questões de gênero na política e na sociedade brasileira e o percurso feminino na luta pela igualdade de direitos, que transformaram o imaginário social em relação ao papel da mulher. Também foram tratados temas como jornalismo e cobertura política no Brasil e um breve panorama sobre a trajetória política do Brasil pós-ditadura, além do perfil biográfico de Dilma Rousseff. A importância desta pesquisa está justamente em verificar como repercutiu na imprensa a pré-candidatura de uma mulher ao cargo público mais elevado no país, considerando as dificuldades e os desafios da luta feminina na política brasileira. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo e qualitativo, com uso de técnica de análise de conteúdo que de acordo com Laurence Bardin inclui perspectivas quantitativas e qualitativas. Com a pesquisa foi possível verificar que a questão do gênero foi um dos fatores que influenciaram positivamente as eleições e, principalmente que a repercussão obtida nas revistas foi positiva às intenções de marketing político para viabilizar a candidatura de Dilma Rousseff à sucessão presidencial.
The work is to demonstrate the scope of modern-day major regulatory provisions and the policies implemented to adoption of biofuels in the national energy matrix. The adoption of biofuels as an alternative to fossil fuels, is based on the realization of the fundamental right to an ecologically balanced environment mitigating hazards and environmental hazards arising from a postmodern society. However, the change in the Brazilian energy matrix observe the precepts of certain environmental principles to essentially environmental preservation The proposed Environmental rule of law is founded on the realization of the right (duty) key to an ecologically balanced environment for sustainable development. Thus, it is up to the State, in addition to considering the dangers and risks fruits of government decisions, present the possible instruments to mitigate the irreversible environmental damage to the environment. The management of environmental risks present in the ideals of an Environmental rule of law, plays an important role in the preservation and economic development, using, therefore, of acautelatórios legal instruments, such as environmental licensing and the ecological-economic zoning, measures adopted in the light of the principles of precaution and preservation. The adoption of research in the environmental field, improvement and development of environmental technology, building a system to observe ecological changes, imposition of environmental policy objectives to be achieved in the medium and long term and systematization of organizations plan a protection policy environmental, are essential measures to control possible environmental risks and damage guided by the aforementioned environmental principles. Thus, it will be used the inductive method of approach, starting from the analysis of the new perspective of Environmental rule of law and the implementation of biofuels in the context of a post-modern society, marked by uncertainty and the risk of damage, from the study of the principles of caution, maintaining and cautionary measures in mitigating the hazards and potential risks.
This work presents a reflection on possibilities and boundaries of consolidation and expansion of human settlements characterized as traditional communities that are located within protected areas, using as study reference the State Sustainable Development Reserve Ponta do Tubarão, at Rio Grande do Norte state. The main topics highlight the conflict between the right to housing and the prevalence of fundamental rights of traditional populations, opposed to the diffuse right to environment, according to the regulatory framework of the Brazilian Urban and Environmental Policies. At the same time that these settlements, historically built, are substantiated by the principles of recognition of rights to traditional populations, they are in a condition of complexity to the resolution of conflicts in its urban dimension and lead to an impairment of natural sites. This work questions how the instruments of land use and occupation are defined and relate to environmental planning, especially considering that the settlements are located in Permanent Preservation Areas (APP). It aims to further the discussion of the urban dimension in settlements, characterizing its formation and growth process, to identify the gaps and convergences between the Urban and Environmental Policy, under the foundations of a socio-environmental approach. The results spotlights the conflicts between occupation and natural areas, inferring that the definition of Urban Policies instruments and its integration with Environmental Policies instruments account for essential and priority actions to the achievement to the rights to a sustainable city, as determined in the Cities Statute and environmental protection goals, defined for the Conservation Units
This analysis on the ambient licensing is based on a research that identifies the fragilities and advances of the application of this instrument of politics of the environment in the ambient politics of the Rio Grande do Norte, in the period of 1992 the 2003. The isolated urban area of Búzios, situated in the City of Nísia Floresta/RN, situated in the eastern coast of the State, where concentrates the boarding of the ambient question as a matter in the Brazilian process of urbanization, over all the institutionalization and implementation of the ambient licensing. They are distinguished in the used methodology in consultation to the diverse involved social segments with the ambient subject in study, the example of the managers, technician and specialists, as well as the application of the legislation and norms techniques, the forms of appropriation of the common wealth and the procedures of ambient licensing of the competent agencies. The results of the research designate that the ambient licensing while instrument of the ambient politics is one of the alternatives more efficient as techniques in the process of sustainable development, since it is beyond the prerogatives to conciliate the activities and enterprises with the conservation of the environmental resources and natural benefits to the societies. In the RN one evidenced progress in the ambient legislation and the instructions techniques, and that the imperfections and limitations in the system of ambient licensing are not directly on to the instruments, but in the implementation of mechanisms of the ambient agencies. This because they do not make use of operational structure to apply in practical and established abilities, as an ambient management, institutional joint and deliberations of the State Counselor for Environment
This work presents a reflection on possibilities and boundaries of consolidation and expansion of human settlements characterized as traditional communities that are located within protected areas, using as study reference the State Sustainable Development Reserve Ponta do Tubarão, at Rio Grande do Norte state. The main topics highlight the conflict between the right to housing and the prevalence of fundamental rights of traditional populations, opposed to the diffuse right to environment, according to the regulatory framework of the Brazilian Urban and Environmental Policies. At the same time that these settlements, historically built, are substantiated by the principles of recognition of rights to traditional populations, they are in a condition of complexity to the resolution of conflicts in its urban dimension and lead to an impairment of natural sites. This work questions how the instruments of land use and occupation are defined and relate to environmental planning, especially considering that the settlements are located in Permanent Preservation Areas (APP). It aims to further the discussion of the urban dimension in settlements, characterizing its formation and growth process, to identify the gaps and convergences between the Urban and Environmental Policy, under the foundations of a socio-environmental approach. The results spotlights the conflicts between occupation and natural areas, inferring that the definition of Urban Policies instruments and its integration with Environmental Policies instruments account for essential and priority actions to the achievement to the rights to a sustainable city, as determined in the Cities Statute and environmental protection goals, defined for the Conservation Units
This analysis on the ambient licensing is based on a research that identifies the fragilities and advances of the application of this instrument of politics of the environment in the ambient politics of the Rio Grande do Norte, in the period of 1992 the 2003. The isolated urban area of Búzios, situated in the City of Nísia Floresta/RN, situated in the eastern coast of the State, where concentrates the boarding of the ambient question as a matter in the Brazilian process of urbanization, over all the institutionalization and implementation of the ambient licensing. They are distinguished in the used methodology in consultation to the diverse involved social segments with the ambient subject in study, the example of the managers, technician and specialists, as well as the application of the legislation and norms techniques, the forms of appropriation of the common wealth and the procedures of ambient licensing of the competent agencies. The results of the research designate that the ambient licensing while instrument of the ambient politics is one of the alternatives more efficient as techniques in the process of sustainable development, since it is beyond the prerogatives to conciliate the activities and enterprises with the conservation of the environmental resources and natural benefits to the societies. In the RN one evidenced progress in the ambient legislation and the instructions techniques, and that the imperfections and limitations in the system of ambient licensing are not directly on to the instruments, but in the implementation of mechanisms of the ambient agencies. This because they do not make use of operational structure to apply in practical and established abilities, as an ambient management, institutional joint and deliberations of the State Counselor for Environment