914 resultados para Neurally-adjusted ventilatory assist
Dissertation presented at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the New University of Lisbon to obtain the degree of Doctor in Electrical Engineering, specialty of Robotics and Integrated Manufacturing
In the present paper we compare clustering solutions using indices of paired agreement. We propose a new method - IADJUST - to correct indices of paired agreement, excluding agreement by chance. This new method overcomes previous limitations known in the literature as it permits the correction of any index. We illustrate its use in external clustering validation, to measure the accordance between clusters and an a priori known structure. The adjusted indices are intended to provide a realistic measure of clustering performance that excludes agreement by chance with ground truth. We use simulated data sets, under a range of scenarios - considering diverse numbers of clusters, clusters overlaps and balances - to discuss the pertinence and the precision of our proposal. Precision is established based on comparisons with the analytical approach for correction specific indices that can be corrected in this way are used for this purpose. The pertinence of the proposed correction is discussed when making a detailed comparison between the performance of two classical clustering approaches, namely Expectation-Maximization (EM) and K-Means (KM) algorithms. Eight indices of paired agreement are studied and new corrected indices are obtained.
The trabecular bone score (TBS, Med-Imaps, Pessac, France) is an index of bone microarchitecture texture extracted from anteroposterior dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry images of the spine. Previous studies have documented the ability of TBS of the spine to differentiate between women with and without fractures among age- and areal bone mineral density (aBMD)-matched controls, as well as to predict future fractures. In this cross-sectional analysis of data collected from 3 geographically dispersed facilities in the United States, we investigated age-related changes in the microarchitecture of lumbar vertebrae as assessed by TBS in a cohort of non-Hispanic US white American women. All subjects were 30 yr of age and older and had an L1-L4aBMDZ-score within ±2 SD of the population mean. Individuals were excluded if they had fractures, were on any osteoporosis treatment, or had any illness that would be expected to impact bone metabolism. All data were extracted from Prodigy dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry devices (GE-Lunar, Madison, WI). Cross-calibrations between the 3 participating centers were performed for TBS and aBMD. aBMD and TBS were evaluated for spine L1-L4 but also for all other possible vertebral combinations. To validate the cohort, a comparison between the aBMD normative data of our cohort and US non-Hispanic white Lunar data provided by the manufacturer was performed. A database of 619 non-Hispanic US white women, ages 30-90 yr, was created. aBMD normative data obtained from this cohort were not statistically different from the non-Hispanic US white Lunar normative data provided by the manufacturer (p = 0.30). This outcome thereby indirectly validates our cohort. TBS values at L1-L4 were weakly inversely correlated with body mass index (r = -0.17) and weight (r = -0.16) and not correlated with height. TBS values for all lumbar vertebral combinations decreased significantly with age. There was a linear decrease of 16.0% (-2.47 T-score) in TBS at L1-L4 between 45 and 90 yr of age (vs. -2.34 for aBMD). Microarchitectural loss rate increased after age 65 by 50% (-0.004 to -0.006). Similar results were obtained for other combinations of lumbar vertebra. TBS, an index of bone microarchitectural texture, decreases with advancing age in non-Hispanic US white women. Little change in TBS is observed between ages 30 and 45. Thereafter, a progressive decrease is observed with advancing age. The changes we observed in these American women are similar to that previously reported for a French population of white women (r(2) > 0.99). This reference database will facilitate the use of TBS to assess bone microarchitectural deterioration in clinical practice.
OBJECTIVE: Atrial fibrillation is a very common heart arrhythmia, associated with a five-fold increase in the risk of embolic strokes. Treatment strategies encompass palliative drugs or surgical procedures all of which can restore sinus rhythm. Unfortunately, atria often fail to recover their mechanical function and patients therefore require lifelong anticoagulation therapy. A motorless volume displacing device (Atripump) based on artificial muscle technology, positioned on the external surface of atrium could avoid the need of oral anticoagulation and its haemorrhagic complications. An animal study was conducted in order to assess the haemodynamic effects that such a pump could provide. METHODS: Atripump is a dome-shape siliconecoated nitinol actuator sewn on the external surface of the atrium. It is driven by a pacemaker-like control unit. Five non-anticoagulated sheep were selected for this experiment. The right atrium was surgically exposed, the device sutured and connected. Haemodynamic parameters and intracardiac ultrasound (ICUS) data were recorded in each animal and under three conditions; baseline; atrial fibrillation (AF); atripump assisted AF (aaAF). RESULTS: In two animals, after 20 min of AF, small thrombi appeared in the right atrial appendix and were washed out once the pump was turned on. Assistance also enhanced atrial ejection fraction. 31% baseline; 5% during AF; 20% under aaAF. Right atrial systolic surfaces (cm2) were; 5.2 +/- 0.3 baseline; 6.2 +/- 0.1 AF; 5.4 +/- 0.3 aaAF. CONCLUSION: This compact and reliable pump seems to restore the atrial "kick" and prevents embolic events. It could avoid long-term anticoagulation therapy and open new hopes in the care of end-stage heart failure.
Four groups of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, were acclimated to 2°, 10°, and 18°e, and to a diurnal temperature cycle (100 ± 4°C). To evaluate the influence of cycling temperatures in terms of an immediate as opposed to acclimatory response various ventilatory-cardiovascular rate functions were observed for trout, either acclimated to cycling temperatures or acclimated to constant temperatures and exposed to a diurnal temperature cycle for the first time (10° ± 4°C for trout acclimated to 10°C; 18°+ 4°C for trout acclimated to l8°e). Gill resistance and the cardiac to ventilatory rate ratio were then calculated. Following a post preparatory recovery period of 36 hr, measurements were made over a 48 hour period with the first 24 hours being at constant temperature in the case of statically-acclimated fish followed by 24 hours under cyclic temperature conditions. Trout exhibited marked changes in oxygen consumption (Vo ) with temp- 2 erature both between acclimation groups, and in response to the diurnal temperature cycle. This increase in oxygen uptake appears to have been achieved by adjustment of ventilatory and, to some extent, cardiovascular activity. Trout exhibited significant changes in ventilatory rate (VR), stroke volume (Vsv), and flow (VG) in response to temperature. Marked changes in cardiac rate were also observed. These findings are discussed in relation to their importance in convective oxygen transport via water and blood at the gills and tissues. Trout also exhibited marked changes in pressure waveforms associated with the action of the resp; ratory pumps with temperature. Mean differenti a 1 pressure increased with temperature as did gill resistance and utilization. This data is discussed in relation to its importance in diffusive oxygen transport and the conditions for gas exchange at the gills. With one exception, rainbow trout were able to respond to changes in oxygen demand and availability associated with changes in temperature by means of adjustments in ventilation, and possibly pafusion, and the conditions for gas exchange at the gills. Trout acclimated to 18°C, however, and exposed to high cyclic temperatures, showed signs of the ventilatory and cardiovascular distress problems commonly associated with low circulating levels of oxygen in the blood. It appears these trout were unable to fully meet the oxygen requirements associated with c~ling temperatures above 18°C. These findings were discussed in relation to possible limitations in the cardiovascular-ventilatory response at high temperatures. The response of trout acclimated to cycling temperatures was generally similar to that for trout acclimated to constant temperatures and exposed to cycling temperatures for the first time. This result suggested that both groups of fish may have been acclimated to a similar thermal range, regardless of the acclimation regime employed. Such a phenomenon would allow trout of either acclimation group to respond equally well to the imposed temperature cycle. Rainbow trout showed no evidence of significant diurnal rhythm in any parameters observed at constant temperatures (2°, 10°, and 18° C), and under a 12/12 light-dark photoperiod regime. This was not taken to indicate an absence of circadian rhythms in these trout, but rather a deficiency in the recording methods used in the study.
The purpose of the research study was to increase understanding about the potential benefits of combining target activities with striking-fielding games for individuals with high functioning autism spectrum disorder. A comparative case study was conducted to understand if target activities can assist in improving the skills of striking and throwing, aid the learning of tactics and add to current understanding of how certain teaching skills might be linked to the transfer between target and striking-fielding games. Data was collected through observations, student journals and interviews and were analyzed using both inductive and deductive methods. Results show an appearance of improvement in throwing, striking, bowling and badminton for overall skill levels. In regards to teaching skills, appropriate and effective teaching techniques, appropriate and effective equipment, dynamic of participants and student-instructors and consistency of attendance are vital. Future research should further look at the transferability to outdoor settings and interview the participants.
Les taux de mortalité maternelle et néonatale restent importants dans les pays en développement. L’ampleur de ces phénomènes est liée à une constellation de facteurs. Mais une part importante des issues défavorables de la grossesse et de la naissance est attribuable à des causes évitables et des comportements modifiables. Les interventions éducatives prénatales ont été élaborées dans le but d’adresser les facteurs affectant la demande de soins maternels et néonatals efficaces. Les stratégies éducatives ciblant les femmes enceintes incluent les conseils individuels, les sessions de groupes et la combinaison des deux stratégies. Ces stratégies visent à améliorer les connaissances sur les questions de santé maternelle et néonatale et à favoriser l’utilisation adéquate de soins qualifiés et les pratiques hygiéniques à domicile. L’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) a diffusé dans les pays en développement des guides de pratiques en soins maternels et néonatals incluant les conseils de préparation à la naissance, lors des visites prénatales de routine. Toutefois, peu de données sont disponibles quant à l’efficacité et l’implantation effective de l’éducation prénatale dans les dits pays. Cette thèse cherche à mieux comprendre l’impact des programmes d’éducation prénatale implantés dans deux contextes à risques maternels et néonatals élevés au Burkina Faso. Rédigée sous forme d’articles, la thèse propose trois objectifs spécifiques : 1) examiner l’efficacité théorique des programmes d’éducation prénatale pour réduire la mortalité maternelle et néonatale dans les pays en développement; 2) évaluer l’association entre différents facteurs organisationnels et l’exposition des femmes aux conseils de préparation à la naissance qui font habituellement partie intégrante des programmes d’éducation prénatale implantés dans les services prénatals de routine; et 3) déterminer l’impact de recevoir des conseils de préparation à la naissance sur la probabilité d’accouchement institutionnel. Pour répondre au premier objectif, une méta-analyse de données issues d’essais randomisés a été effectuée. Concernant les réponses aux deux autres objectifs, les données d’une étude de cohorte rétrospective ont été utilisées. Cette étude observationnelle, conçue spécialement pour la thèse, a été menée dans deux districts à risques maternels et néonatals élevés (Dori et Koupela) du Burkina Faso. Les résultats observés à travers les trois investigations sont utiles pour l’avancement des connaissances et la pratique. La méta-analyse révèle que les interventions éducatives expérimentales sont associées à une réduction de 24% de la mortalité néonatale. Cette réduction atteint 30% dans les milieux à très forte mortalité néonatale. En situation de routine, divers facteurs organisationnels peuvent limiter ou faciliter la transmission des conseils éducatifs aux femmes usagères de soins prénatals. Au, Burkina Faso, les données analysées indiquent des fortes disparités entre les deux districts à l’étude. Les femmes du district de Koupela étaient significativement plus exposées aux conseils que celles de Dori. Au delà de cette disparité régionale, deux autres facteurs organisationnels sont fortement associés à l’exposition des femmes aux conseils de préparation à la naissance lors des visites prénatales de routine. Il s’agit de la disponibilité de supports de communication imagés dans l’établissement et le volume réduit de consultations par jour (moins de 20 consultations en moyenne versus 20 ou plus) augurant de moindres charges de travail pour le personnel. Enfin, les conseils reçus par les femmes sur les signes de complications obstétricales et sur les coûts des soins sont significativement associés à une probabilité plus élevée d’accoucher en institution; et ce, seulement dans le district de Dori où le taux d’accouchements institutionnels était relativement faible. En conclusion, l’éducation prénatale est bénéfique pour la sante maternelle et néonatale. Cependant, l’implantation et les effets sont hétérogènes selon les milieux. D’autres études expérimentales et observationnelles sont requises pour renforcer les évidences et investiguer plus en profondeur les facteurs de réussite afin de mieux orienter l’intervention. Les expérimentations futures devraient mesurer des issues de grossesses relatives à la mère (l’assistance qualifiée, les soins postpartum et la mortalité maternelle). Des études de cohorte prospectives avec des grands échantillons représentatifs permettraient de documenter de façon plus valide les événements et les expositions aux interventions durant la grossesse, l’accouchement et le postpartum.
The paper discusses maintenance challenges of organisations with a huge number of devices and proposes the use of probabilistic models to assist monitoring and maintenance planning. The proposal assumes connectivity of instruments to report relevant features for monitoring. Also, the existence of enough historical registers with diagnosed breakdowns is required to make probabilistic models reliable and useful for predictive maintenance strategies based on them. Regular Markov models based on estimated failure and repair rates are proposed to calculate the availability of the instruments and Dynamic Bayesian Networks are proposed to model cause-effect relationships to trigger predictive maintenance services based on the influence between observed features and previously documented diagnostics
Lupus nephritis (LN) is one of the most serious complications of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) since it is the major predictor of poor prognosis. The purpose of this study was to examine the clinical and immunological characteristics associated with LN development during the course of SLE in Colombians. Therefore, patients with SLE followed at five different referral centers in Medellin, Bogota, and Cali were included in this cross-sectional and multicenter study. Factors influencing LN were assessed by conditional logistic regression analysis, adjusting by gender, age at onset, duration of disease, and city of origin. The entire sample population included 467 patients, of whom 51% presented with LN. The presence of anti-dsDNA antibodies (adjusted odds ratio (AOR), 2.06; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.16–3.65), pleuritis (AOR, 3.82; 95% CI, 1.38–10.54), and hypertension (AOR, 2.63; 95% CI, 1.23–5.62) were positively associated with LN, whereas the presence of anti-La antibodies was a protective factor against LN development (AOR, 0.4; 95% CI, 0.19–0.85). A review of literature on LN in different populations is made. The identified clinical- and laboratory-associated factors would assist earlier diagnosis and guide decisions on therapeutic interventions on this critical and frequent complication of SLE.
Introducción: el lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) es considerado una enfermedad de alto costo. La expresión clínica de la enfermedad depende de la ubicación geografía y la etnicidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue el calcular los costos ambulatorios relacionado al LES en una cohorte colombiana, identificar los predictores de costos y comparar nuestro resultados con otras poblaciones. Métodos: Se realizó una aproximación de tipo prevalencia en 100 pacientes LES en quienes se evaluaron los costos directos médicos, directos no médicos, indirectos e intangibles. Todos los costos médicos fueron evaluados usando una metodología abajo hacia arriba. Los costos directos fueron valorados desde una perspectiva social usando una metodología de micro-costeo. Los costos indirectos se evaluaron mediante una aproximación de capital humano, y los costos intangibles calculados a partir de los años de vida ajustados por calidad (AVAC). Se analizaron los datos por medio de un análisis multivariado. Para comparaciones con otras poblaciones todos los costos fueron expresados como la razón entre los costos y producto interno bruto nacional per cápita. Resultados: La media de costos totales fue 13.031±9.215 USD (ajustados por el factor de conversión de paridad del poder adquisitivo), lo cual representa el 1,66 del PIB per capita de Colombia. Los costos directos son el 64% de los costos totales. Los costos médicos representan el 80% de los costos directos,. Los costos indirectos fueron el 10% y los costos intangibles el 25% de los costos totales. Los medicamentos representaron el 45% de los costos directos. Mayores costos se relacionaron con el estrato socioeconómico, seguro médico privado, AVAC, alopecia, micofenolato mofetilo, y terapia anticoagulante. Los costos directos ajustados de los pacientes con LES en Colombia fueron mayores que en Norte América y en Europa. Conclusiones: el LES impone una carga económica importante para la sociedad. Los costos relacionados con la atención médica y AVAC fueron los principales contribuyentes al alto costo de la enfermedad. Estos resultados pueden ser referencia para determinar políticas en salud pública así como comparar el gasto en salud de forma internacional.
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This paper discusses the importance of parental efforts in the reading achievement attained by their hearing impaired children and the need for those parents to have the appropriate tools and resources to effectively assist their children.