959 resultados para Natural Heritage site


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Issues determined by season: spring migration, breeding season, fall migration, winter season.


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This research aims to provide a reflection on the preservation practices of Brasilia as Cultural Heritage in four analytical/political dimensions: conceptual, urban, political-institutional and legal. In order to do that, the preparation process for the Plan for the Preservation of Brasilia Urban Set (PPCUB) was taken as research object. This preservation plan is representative of the context which determines the relation between goals and preservation practices in the social production process of urban space. Designed by Lucio Costa in 1957, Brasilia received the Cultural Heritage title 27 years later, in 1987. It was recognized a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural (UNESCO) in the same year as it "represents a unique artistic piece of work, a masterpiece of creative genius"; and "an outstanding example of a type of construction or architectural compound that illustrates a significant stage in history" (SILVA, 2003). Brasilia’s urban conception, also recognised in the district and federal levels, gives prominence to the 'urban scales' – monumental, residential, gregarious and bucolic – as the main aspects to be preserved. Despite being an undoubted representative, Brasilia seemingly displays a contradiction. On the one hand, the essential value of the city’s urban design is acknowledged as cultural heritage at international, national and district levels. On the other hand, numerous ways of urban interventions disregard the principles of that conception. In 2012, the international Monitoring Report raised some issues which highlight the following main needs: primary need for clear definition of the urban scales’ characteristics and boundaries; definition of a legal framework that conciliates national and district laws of occupation and use of land; creation of inter-sectors executive authority with both decision-making and financial autonomy; and promotion of heritage educational programs. This report also proposes "to cancel the current process of approval conducted by PPCUB and establish a formal consultation process through a committee made up by GDF and IPHAN, which will enable the active participation of University of Brasilia, the Architects Association, ICOMOS and local organizations" (SEDHAB, 2010). Already in its drafting process, the international recommendations evidence that preserving Brasilia’s urban design conception is not among the goals to be achieved. Thus, this research highlights that the intentional nature of PPCUB’s plans does little towards realizing the current proposals.


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CO2 emissions are leading to an acidification of the oceans. Predicting marine community vulnerability towards acidification is difficult, as adaptation processes cannot be accounted for in most experimental studies. Naturally CO2 enriched sites thus can serve as valuable proxies for future changes in community structure. Here we describe a natural analogue site in the Western Baltic Sea. Seawater pCO2 in Kiel Fjord is elevated for large parts of the year due to upwelling of CO2 rich waters. Peak pCO2 values of >230 Pa (>2300 µatm) and pHNBS values of <7.5 are encountered during summer and autumn, average pCO2 values are ~70 Pa (~700 µatm). In contrast to previously described naturally CO2 enriched sites that have suggested a progressive displacement of calcifying auto- and heterotrophic species, the macrobenthic community in Kiel Fjord is dominated by calcifying invertebrates. We show that blue mussels from Kiel Fjord can maintain control rates of somatic and shell growth at a pCO2 of 142 Pa (1400 µatm, pHNBS = 7.7). Juvenile mussel recruitment peaks during the summer months, when high water pCO2 values of ~100 Pa (~1000 µatm) prevail. Our findings indicate that calcifying keystone species may be able to cope with surface ocean pHNBS values projected for the end of this century when food supply is sufficient. However, owing to non-linear synergistic effects of future acidification and upwelling of corrosive water, peak seawater pCO2 in Kiel Fjord and many other productive estuarine habitats could increase to values >400 Pa (>4000 µatm). These changes will most likely affect calcification and recruitment, and increase external shell dissolution.


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En este artículo presentamos un balance de la Antropología de la Conservación en el Estado español. Durante las últimas décadas, la protección de los espacios naturales ha aumentado de una manera exponencial en todo el mundo. A la vez que se extendía esta patrimonialización de la naturaleza, los trabajos etnográficos sobre las áreas protegidas han ido ganando terreno dentro de la disciplina y, en particular, en el campo de la Antropología Ambiental. La mencionada bibliografía ha puesto de relieve los múltiples aspectos derivados de las nuevas políticas territoriales de regulación, apropiación y mercantilización de la ‘naturaleza’. En este trabajo realizamos una revisión exhaustiva de la producción generada a raíz de este interés por las áreas protegidas en nuestro país subrayando sus principales aportaciones, características y debilidades. De este modo pretendemos reflexionar acerca de su continuidad, con el fin de evitar la mera reiteración y favorecer el avance en sus resultados.


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This study was undertaken to determine the distribution and habitat requirements of many of the endangered and threatened plant species associated with the sand deposits of Illinois. Approximately 70 species of endangered and threatened plants are known to grow in these deposits. The habitat fidelity and natural community types were determined for 40 of these species that are restricted to these glacial drift sand habitats. Plant community types, associated species, moisture requirements, and other data concerning each of the plant species were determined by reviewing the pertinent literature, searching the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Natural Heritage Database, through discussions with botanists and natural heritage biologists, examination of herbarium specimens, and our studies of the vegetation of the Illinois sand deposits. Throughout the course of these studies, most of the nature preserves, state parks, and identified natural areas in the sand regions were visited on numerous occasions and vegetation surveys undertaken. The information presented in this paper could allow rare plant conservation in Illinois to become more proactive by encouraging the selection of sites where in situ conservation efforts could be conducted by state, local, and nongovernmental organizations.


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Num contexto de urbanização, de acesa competitividade e desertificação do interior, assiste-se cada vez mais a cenários de concorrência entre territórios pela captação de recursos, investimentos, negócios e até visitantes e turistas, capazes de gerar dinâmicas positivas no território, palco deste movimento. Algumas projeções indiciam que o interior de Portugal terá, em 2040, cerca de um terço da população atual e, se a tendência de declínio demográfico se mantiver, em 90 anos o interior perderá 75 por cento da população. Neste contexto, o presente estudo tem por finalidade alertar os decisores políticos para o desenvolvimento de estratégias que possam atrair pessoas para o interior do país e estancar a sua desertificação. Para o efeito, o projeto que se apresenta vai procurar definir uma estratégia de marketing territorial para o concelho de Moimenta da Beira, tendo por base os seus produtos endógenos, como a maçã, o vinho, o mel, os enchidos, os granitos, o património religioso e cultural e, por fim, o património natural, como a Albufeira do Vilar e a Serra da Nave. Para a realização do referido estudo, foi seguida uma metodologia que teve por base uma revisão de literatura na área do marketing territorial, a análise de dados secundários e a realização de entrevistas aos principais Stakeholders da região. Os resultados deste estudo permitirão definir orientações para reforçar a atratividade e competitividade da oferta territorial junto dos segmentos alvo, ou seja, dos atuais e potenciais utilizadores do território.


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This study proposes a conceptual framework that explores the correlations between economic dependence (ED), local government management of tourism (GMT), perceived tourism benefits and costs, and support for sustainable tourism development (STD). A quantitative research design was adopted. Data collection was carried out by personal survey applied to 300 residents of the small historic town of Lamego, located within the Douro Valley World Heritage Site. Structural equation modelling methods were employed to analyse the proposed model. Results suggest that GMT has a significant effect on the perceived impacts of tourism, both in the positive and in the negative. The effect of GMT in fostering residents’ support to STD was also empirically supported. Additionally, it was also determined that positive perceptions of the impacts of tourism directly influence support to STD. Nevertheless, ED does not have a significant effect either on perceivedbenefits, nor on perceived costs or on residents’ support to STD. Likewise, perceptions of the negative impacts do not predict residents’ support to STD.


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Na legislação atual os bens de domínio público do Património Histórico, Cultural e Ambiental devem ser contabilizados, no entanto, dadas as suas caraterísticas, existem dificuldades na sua avaliação, sobretudo quando se trata de bens que não foram construídos pelo homem, de que são exemplos os bens dominiais, como o espaço aéreo, os rios, o mar – Património Natural – ou os bens sem caraterísticas físicas – Património Cultural. Este trabalho pretende, como principal objetivo, propor uma metodologia de avaliação dos bens intangíveis, nomeadamente, os de cariz cultural e ambiental, porque são fatores que criam valor económico, contribuindo para o rendimento do município e, consequentemente, do país através das receitas de turismo geradas. Para tal, foram identificados os recursos intangíveis do concelho de Miranda do Douro com maior atratividade, recorrendo à aplicação de um inquérito por questionário aos seus visitantes. No sentido de dar resposta ao objetivo do estudo propôs-se uma metodologia de avaliação, tendo por base o valor económico acrescentado, mais conhecido por modelo Economic Value Added (EVA), pois é conhecido como o modelo que melhor avalia a criação de riqueza. Os resultados permitem concluir que são a Natureza e a Cultura os bens intangíveis que mais criam valor para o Município, resultado apurado através da aplicação de um inquérito por questionário aos visitantes de um evento de cariz cultural – A Feira de Gastronomia e Artesanato. Após a sua identificação, foi estimado o valor destes bens intangíveis, pelo método EVA, usando como proxies para o valor do capital investido, as despesas de investimento em cultura e para a rendibilidade do capital investido, as receitas da Hotelaria e da Restauração e das Atividades Recreativas.


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In this chapter, the authors made a survey of the research undertaken by social scientists and their reflections on environmental conflicts in Portugal. In these, a critical discourse has emerged concerning, on the one hand, the weak public environmental awareness, and, on the other, the progressive obliteration of environmental movements and their institutionalization throughout the creation of different environmental groups and the incorporation of the “environment” in legislation and in political discourse. In a brief retrospective, we review several conflicts taking into account different relevant factors: level of mobilization, media attention received, organization, impact, and ideological reference they have had in Portugal since the seventies. We have particularly highlighted the movement against nuclear energy and the construction of dams, the pollution caused by intensive breeding, the expansion of eucalyptus plantations, the conflicts against “wild” forms of mining, the business of toxic waste, the expansion of the economy of the concrete, the installation of landfills, and the defense of the natural heritage. This survey has considered three periods: the 1970s, marked by the emergence and performance of ecological movements of different ideological extraction; the second half of the 1980s, marked by the institutionalization of the environment and the imposition of a new legal framework with impact on environmental policies resulting from the integration into the European Economic Community; and finally, a third period, from the 1990s to present, marked by increasing environmental media coverage, with a particular emphasis on environmental conflicts in a context of an increasing liberalization of economic activities and the expansion of extraction and of the concrete economy. This is also the period where the environment emerges in disputes over the uses of the territory as economic and asset value. Most of these conflicts arise from the activities of local agents or national environmental groups that quickly gain strong local roots and sometimes even have some success. However, their impact on the national and Community legislation seems to be less relevant.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2015.


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Esta dissertação pretende contribuir no âmbito da gestão e valorização do Património Histórico-Cultural, para o estabelecimento de uma estratégia de valorização e enriquecimento dos currículos escolares portugueses do Ensino Básico, como forma de divulgar, preservar e educar para o Património de um país. Neste contexto emergiu um design de investigação que se afigura pertinente e centrado na prática docente ao fazer um estudo de caso, baseado na opinião recolhida junto dos alunos do 1º ciclo do ensino básico de um agrupamento de escolas sobre a noção que os mesmos têm de Património. A compreensão e valorização da Educação Patrimonial num processo contínuo de descoberta e aprendizagem são tarefas que só a "Escola" pode fazer, formando os indivíduos tomando-os competentes nesta área do conhecimento. Os objectos patrimoniais, monumentos, sítios e centros históricos, ou o património imaterial e natural, são recursos educacionais importantes, permitem a aquisição de competências motivacionais, para qualquer área do currículo ou aproximam áreas aparentemente distantes no processo de ensino e cidadania. ABSTRACT: This thesis aims to contribute in the management and enhancement of Cultural - Heritage for the establishment of a strategy for recovery and enrichment of school curricula elementary Portuguese as a means to educate, preserve and disclose to the heritage of a country. ln this context emerged a research design that seem relevant and focused on teaching to make a case study, based on the feedback gathered from pupils of 1 primary school, a grouping of schools on the notion that their balance sheets. Understanding and appreciation of Heritage Education in a continuous process of discovery and learning are tasks that only the “School” can do, forming the individuals making them competent in this field of knowledge. Heritage objects, monuments, sites and historical centres, or intangible and natural heritage, are important educational resources, enable the motivational skills acquisition, to any area of the curriculum or assemble seemingly distant areas in education and citizenship.


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En el Ecuador la base legal como la Constitución del 2008 y el Código Orgánico de Organización Territorial, Autonomía y descentralización (COOTAD), establecen la organización político administrativa del territorio en diferentes niveles de gobierno, sean estos regiones, provincias, cantones, parroquias rurales y también de régimen especial, para ello estos niveles adquieren funciones de integridad para realizar legislación, ejecución, fiscalización y de participación ciudadana, en donde se alcanzará y se promoverá el desarrollo sustentable en el marco del plan nacional del buen vivir. Para lograr este legado, los diferentes Gobiernos Autónomos Descentralizados deben elaborar y ejecutar el Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial (POT) y el Plan de Desarrollo y Ordenamiento Territorial (PDOT), de acuerdo a sus competencias de circunscripción territorial. Por competencia exclusiva les corresponde a los gobiernos municipales " formular, aprobar y evaluar los planes, programas y proyectos destinados a la preservación, mantenimiento y difusión del patrimonio arquitectónico, cultural y natural de su circunscripción..... Para el efecto, el patrimonio en referencia será considerado en todas sus expresiones tangibles e intangible...” (COOTAD Art. 144). Lamentablemente la mayoría de estos gobiernos municipales poco o nada han incorporado el patrimonio cultural tangible e intangible en sus fases de análisis de, diagnóstico, propuesta y modelo gestión. Como base fundamental tomaremos la guía metodológica para la elaboración de planes de desarrollo y ordenamiento que presenta la SENPLADES en el año 2014y la propuesta que realiza el Dr. Domingo Gómez Orea en su libro Ordenación Territorial 2da edición, de ahí se propone una alternativa metodológica de articulación del patrimonio cultural y ordenamiento territorial. Y para lograr este objetivo, utilizaremos la información disponible que cuenta el Instituto nacional de Patrimonio Cultural (INPC) en su sistema informatizado que se encuentra en la página Web www.inpc.gob.ec, denominado Sistema de Información Patrimonial Cultural del Ecuador (SIPCE), esta base de información que contiene fichas de inventario en sus diferentes ámbitos culturales como inmuebles, muebles, documentos. Arqueológicos y manifestaciones inmateriales, previamente analizadas y georreferenciadas nos permitirán territorializar en el espacio cantonal y con ello poder realizar un análisis integrado con los otros componentes como es el medio físico, poblacional, económico, núcleos de población etc. Esta nueva metodología permitirá visualizar, conocer, aprender y empodéranos del patrimonio cultural material e inmaterial, con aquellas manifestaciones culturales y tradicionales que existen y se encuentran en vigencia. También poder recuperar y rescatar aquellas que están en peligro de desaparecer, este potencial cultural será una gran posibilidad de generar emprendimientos y desarrollo sustentable. La manera más idónea de concretar y fomentar este desarrollo sustentable en territorio será a través de la formulación de programas, planes y proyectos que deberán plantearse en los planes de ordenamiento territorial y los planes de desarrollo territorial. Finalmente para comprobar esta nueva propuesta metodológica de articulación entre el patrimonio cultural y el ordenamiento territorial, la aplicaremos al cantón Paltas de la provincia de Loja.


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Enotourism is a relatively new form of sustainable tourism. But is more than a lifestyle. The Douro landscape reflects its ancient and deep connection with the culture of wine, creating a picture of Man and Nature working side by side in search of the perfect wine. Lifestyle typically reflects: an individual's attitude, a way of life, values, or world view. Practical implications - the results suggest that there is scope for developing wine tourism products to attract tourists and which could be used to promote the Douro Valley region as a centre for enotourism. The beautifully unique landscape of the Douro was one of the reasons that made it a World Heritage site in 2001. There isn´t in Portugal an autonomous strategy process to define enotourism. Is a legal problem when we try to analyse the process or a data base to find information about enotourism players. So, how do winery operators, particularly those running small or family businesses, cope with the new developments occurring in the world of wines? The present study examines these issues from the perspective of a group of Portuguese winery operators. Our proposal in this research, is to analyse how many wineris or enotecas are hable to develop enotourism with a legal process. The results of the study reflect the level of education of employees, the seasonal nature of tourism, the improvements in its promotion and the need for greater support from local government. A key aspect is respect for the people who call the location home, the culture and customs of the area, and the socio-economic system. Design/methodology/approach - The methodology employed for this study consisted of a combination of surveys, interviews and field observations with the suppliers in the traditional wine‐producing region, Douro Valley, or Porto wine region, in the north of Portugal. The results of this investigation are almost analisys made inside the villages and also us wineries and enotecas. From the 30 winemakers that we visited, only 2 have an enotourism service acording to legislation and have a certificate that allows to pratices. It was very hard but it is an open field to future researchs (TOMÁS López‐Guzmán,et al, 2011). From the 30 wineries we have analysed only 2 were enotourism with a legal basis. Enotourism is on the travel agencies department and most of the wineries don´t have the legal licenses. Despite of most tourism agencies see enoturism as a segment of the industry with tremendous growth potential, stating that in some regions, it's only functioning at 20% of its full potential. Enotourism development guidelines and management practices are applicable to all forms of tourism in all destination types, including mass tourism and the various niche tourism segments.