831 resultados para Migratory crisis
La crisis económica en la mayoría de los países ha sido impulsada tanto por factores externos como internos que dejaron sus economías en un declive continuado y que comenzó nada más estallar la crisis en los países del mundo. Estados Unidos fue quién contagió al resto de los países con su sistema financiero permisivo y sus hipotecas subprime que contaminaron el panorama financiero mundial. El euro y la competitividad tampoco se salvan por sus efectos limitativos del poder de respuesta de los estados. España, por su parte, contaba con otros factores de índole interno (ej. Burbuja inmobiliaria, actuación del gobierno) que agravaron aún más las consecuencias de la crisis.
En este trabajo se intenta explicar la tasa de desempleo femenina y masculina de Euskadi del periodo que va desde el primer trimestre del 2000 hasta el último del 2014 a través de un modelo econométrico para cada una de ellas. Ambas series se caracterizan por una disminución continuada del desempleo entre el 2000 y 2008 y un aumento prolongado del mismo desde el 2009 hasta el 2014. Observando los resultados se tiene que ambas tasas dependen de ciertas variables comunes (actividad, demanda interna, salario mínimo y costes laborales), las cuales tienen un efecto bastante similar en ambos casos. Sin embargo, existen otras variables que afectan solamente a una de las tasa, como es el tipo de cambio en el casa masculino o el tipo de interés en el femenino.
El modo en que la gobernanza europea ha afrontado la crisis en la que llevamos inmersos desde 2008 ha sido uno de los principales temas de debate en los últimos tiempos. Numerosos autores, políticos, intelectuales, economistas o ciudadanos de a pie han dado su opinión al respecto y difícil es saber cuál es la corriente a seguir, incluso “a posteriori”. Europa se halla sumida en la mayor recesión de su historia y, en 2015, todavía la situación es agónica en algunos de sus países. El presente trabajo busca comprender en primer lugar el funcionamiento de esta gran supraestructura, sumergiéndonos en su arquitectura para ver los posibles problemas estructurales derivados de ella. Seguido, analizaremos la influencia que tiene la globalización en la toma de decisiones de la gobernanza, centrándonos en el sistema financiero y la competitividad de las economías emergentes. Posteriormente, haremos un recorrido de cómo ha sido la actuación comunitaria en este periodo, analizando la corriente seguida, proyectos a futuro y haciendo balance. Por último, terminaremos comparándola con otros modelos de gobernanza y elaborando unas conclusiones globales.
Examen del impacto de la crisis financiera en las políticas europeas, a partir de la interpretación teórica de la naturaleza de la Gran Recesión en la Unión Europea
Los ajustes fiscales pueden ser expansivos en términos de crecimiento económico.Pero, ¿Lo son en la crisis actual?
En este trabajo se propone un análisis de cómo el consumo ha variado en España de la autarquía a la crisis actual (1939-2014). Se analizan ciertos grupos de consumo como el alimentario, el ocio, el turismo, la enseñanza, transporte y consumo de bienes no perecederos (vehículos y vivienda). El aspecto más relevante del análisis es el aumento porcentual de consumo en el sector servicios reduciéndose la importancia del consumo en alimentación sobre el total.
[ES] En este trabajo se ha realizado un estudio del funcionamiento del mercado inmobiliario de la Comunidad de Andalucía en comparación con el territorio español durante el periodo 2000-2014. El presente análisis pretende dar una visión global de la situación del mercado inmobiliario e implícitamente del entorno económico en el último decenio y de las dificultades de acceso a una vivienda en la actualidad. La vivienda es un elemento relevante para la sociedad y la economía del país tanto en lo relacionado con el sector de la construcción como para el bienestar de las personas ya que supone la mayor inversión para la gran parte de las familias españolas. Se han llevado a cabo estudios de series de datos estadísticos de los diferentes indicadores y factores para ver los efectos que han tenido tanto en el periodo de boom como en la posterior crisis y exponer resultados y conclusiones en base a ello. La crisis ha generado un problema de carácter social relacionado con el mercado de la vivienda: el difícil acceso a una vivienda y los desahucios, que también se han abordado en este estudio y se han expuesto las políticas de ayuda que se están implantando en la Comunidad Andaluza.
The River Ribble drains into the Irish sea on the West coast of England. The estuary is approximately 20Km long, tunnel shaped, tapering from a 100m width at Preston dock to 5 km at Lytham where it enters the sea. This is a preliminary report on a study of oxygen requirements of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)and sea trout (Salmo trutta) in an estuary. Oxygen sending transmitters attached to fish were used to determine exposure of individuals to different dissolved oxygen concentrations as they moved in from the sea through the estuary of the River Ribble. This estuary is subject to extreme variations in dissolved oxygen concentrations. This report is based on the latest transcription and analysis of data completed in October 1983. The aim of this report is to give an overview of the work done and conclusions which are apparent at this stage.
The Ribble catchment is the largest and most diverse river system within National Rivers Authority (NRA), North West's Central Area. The river is approximately 100km in length and rises in a limestone area west of the Pennines. This report examines changes in the size and composition of the salmon and sea trout catches from the Ribble migratory salmonid fisheries during the years 1937 to 1991. Comparisons are made between the rod and net fisheries for both salmon and sea trout of the Ribble and Hodder. Patterns of catches shown by the Ribble fisheries are compared with those of other individual rivers and with patterns for the North West Region as a whole. An attempt is made to identify if any relationship exists between catch and stock abundance. Catch patterns shown by the Ribble and Hodder salmon fisheries are compared with electronic resistivity counter data from the two rivers. Annual salmon catch patterns and redd count data are compared both locally and regionally. Recommendations for future studies are made in the light of the report's findings.
This report considers the development of environmental quality standards (EQSs) for the salmonid fishery, cyprinid fishery, migratory fishery, commercial harvesting of marine fish for public consumption and commercial harvesting of shellfish for public consumption uses of controlled surface waters. Previous reports have been used to identify those parameters necessary for the maintenance of these five uses. Each water use is considered in a separate section within which identified parameters are discussed and standards proposed, a summary of the proposed standards is presented at the beginning of the relevant section. For salmonid, cyprinid and migratory fisheries, EQSs for substances in water have been proposed for the protection of these fisheries. For the commercial harvesting of marine fish and shellfish for public consumption uses 'Warning Levels' of substances in waters have been proposed. These 'Warning Levels' have been proposed by considering data on bioaccumulation and food standards and aim to prevent acceptable intake values and concentrations in fish/shellfish flesh exceeding statutory or recommended levels. For the commercial harvesting of marine fish for public consumption it has been concluded that the current EQSs for most List II substances for the protection of salt water life should be adequately stringent to protect this use, however for the commercial harvesting of shellfish for public consumption, these List II EQSs do not appear adequate to protect this use and more stringent 'Warning Levels' have been proposed. For all five uses considered in this report there has been found to be limited information on a number of the parameters considered and in general for indigenous species, this has been found to be especially so when considering migratory fisheries and the commercial harvesting of marine fish and shellfish.
Many of British rivers hold stocks of salmon (Salmo salar L.) and sea trout (Salmo trutta L.) and during most of the year some of the adult fish migrate upstream to the head waters where, with the advent of winter, they will eventually spawn. For a variety of reasons, including the generation of power for milling, improving navigation and measuring water flow, man has put obstacles in the way of migratory fish which have added to those already provided by nature in the shape of rapids and waterfalls. While both salmon and sea trout, particularly the former, are capable of spectacular leaps the movement of fish over man-made and natural obstacles can be helped, or even made possible, by the judicious use of fish passes. These are designed to give the fish an easier route over or round an obstacle by allowing it to overcome the water head difference in a series of stages ('pool and traverse' fish pass) or by reducing the water velocity in a sloping channel (Denil fish pass). Salmon and sea trout make their spawning runs at different flow conditions, salmon preferring much higher water flows than sea trout. Hence the design of fish passes requires an understanding of the swimming ability of fish (speed and endurance) and the effect of water temperature on this ability. Also the unique features of each site must be appreciated to enable the pass to be positioned so that its entrance is readily located. As well as salmon and sea trout, rivers often have stocks of coarse fish and eels. Coarse fish migrations are generally local in character and although some obstructions such as weirs may allow downstream passages only, they do not cause a significant problem. Eels, like salmon and sea trout, travel both up and down river during the course of their life histories. However, the climbing power of elvers is legendary and it is not normally necessary to offer them help, while adult silver eels migrate at times of high water flow when downstream movement is comparatively easy: for these reasons neither coarse fish nor eels are considered further. The provision of fish passes is, in many instances, mandatory under the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975. This report is intended for those involved in the planning, siting, construction and operation of fish passes and is written to clarify the hydraulic problems for the biologist and the biological problems for the engineer. It is also intended to explain the criteria by which the design of an individual pass is assessed for Ministerial Approval.
This report presents the first attempt at a national assessment of an Environmental Quality Standard (EQS) for dissolved oxygen (DO) in estuaries with the objective of allowing the passage of migratory salmonids. Under the Control of Pollution Act, Water Authorities and River Purification Boards have powers to control discharges to estuaries and need to define an EQS for the calculation of consent conditions. The object of any such standards is to permit the existence of good quality salmonid fisheries with only very occasional restrictions to the passage of fish. The report gives brief summaries of the DO regime in estuaries, the oxygen requirements of salmonids, and of tentative standards proposed by various authorities. These standards are then compared with DO and fishery data from UK estuaries, provided by the appropriate regulatory authorities. It concludes that a minimum annual lower 95-percentile of 5.0 mg/1 will meet the objective in most estuaries, and that a lower value of 3.0 mg/1 will permit the establishment of a more restricted fishery. However, more stringent standards may be needed in estuaries containing high concentrations of toxic pollutants. containing high concentrations of toxic pollutants.
This report explores salmon propagation in the Lancashire River Board area (North West of England), looking at the Rivers Lune, Wyre, Ribble, and Hodder, showing salmon catch statistics, methods of propagation and habitat conditions investigations.