1000 resultados para Metais contaminantes


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Os objetivos deste trabalho foram selecionar extratores químicos para avaliação da disponibilidade de metais pesados em solos tratados com vermicomposto de lixo urbano e calcário, e verificar os efeitos destes insumos nos teores disponíveis de metais pesados em solos. Foram realizados dois ensaios em casa de vegetação. Em um deles, foi usado um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico e, no outro, um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo eutrófico, e, em ambos, a alface foi utilizada como planta-teste. O delineamento experimental de cada experimento foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 5x5, com quatro repetições, combinando-se doses de corretivos da acidez para elevar a saturação por bases a 40%, 50%, 60%, 70% e 80%, e o equivalente a 0, 25, 50, 75 e 100 t ha-1 de vermicomposto. Os extratores DTPA e Mehlich 3 detectam aumento nos teores de Ni, Pb, Cu e Zn em solos argiloso e arenoso adubados com vermicomposto de lixo urbano. O DTPA é mais eficiente que os extratores Mehlich 1 e Mehlich 3 na avaliação das alterações nos teores disponíveis dos metais pesados provocadas pelas mudanças no pH no solo argiloso. O Mn é o único elemento cuja disponibilidade é avaliada eficientemente tanto no solo argiloso como no arenoso, pelo DTPA.


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Ainda não foi desenvolvido um método de extração eficiente para estimar teores fitodisponíveis de metais pesados, porque os extratores utilizados não simulam reações semelhantes às que ocorrem próximo às raízes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar uma solução de ácidos orgânicos rizosféricos como extratora de teores fitodisponíveis de metais pesados presentes em solos tratados com lodo de esgoto. Os solos utilizados foram: Latossolo Amarelo distrófico, Neossolo Quartzarênico e Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, cultivados com plantas de banana, pupunha e café, respectivamente. A avaliação do extrator (solução composta por ácido acético, cítrico, lático e oxálico em concentrações de 1,00, 0,72, 0,49 e 0,12 mol L-1, respectivamente) foi feita a partir da análise da correlação entre teores de metais pesados (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb e Zn) extraídos do solo e os teores nas plantas. As correlações foram significativas, indicando a eficiência do extrator para todos os casos estudados. Entre os metais avaliados, as quantidades extraídas de Pb correlacionaram-se melhor com teor fitodisponível nas três situações investigadas.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a absorção e a capacidade de translocação de metais pesados do solo para os grãos de soja e arroz. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, proveniente de Município de Paulínia, SP. As amostras de solo foram coletadas em sete pontos e organizadas em função da distância de uma fábrica emissora de poluente. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Raízes, parte aérea e grãos foram submetidos à digestão por via úmida. A concentração dos metais pesados foi determinada por ICP-OES. Os teores de cádmio e cobre no grão estiveram em níveis adequados para ambas as culturas, enquanto os teores de manganês e zinco apresentaram-se em excesso, tendo acompanhado os níveis de contaminação do solo, com possibilidade de atingir níveis mais altos da cadeia trófica. As raízes limitaram a translocação de cádmio, cobre, ferro e chumbo para a parte aérea de ambas as culturas. Mesmo com a translocação limitada pelas raízes, o chumbo apresentou-se em altos teores nos grãos de soja, e pode, também, como o manganês e o zinco, atingir a cadeia alimentar.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar alguns atributos químicos do solo e a disponibilidade de cádmio (Cd), cromo (Cr), níquel (Ni), mercúrio (Hg), chumbo (Pb) e arsênio (As), por meio da extração pelo DTPA, em conseqüência da aplicação superficial de escória de aciaria, lama cal e lodos de esgoto centrifugados e de biodigestores, nas doses 0 (testemunha), 2, 4 e 8 Mg ha-1 e um tratamento adicional composto pela calagem superficial na dose 2 Mg ha-1. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, em condições de campo, em área sob sistema plantio direto, durante 2003 e 2004. A aplicação superficial de escória de aciaria, lama cal, lodo de esgoto centrifugado e de biodigestor, até a dose 8 Mg ha-1, assim como o calcário na dose 2 Mg ha-1, não trazem problemas de disponibilidade ao ambiente, com relação aos metais pesados Cd, Cr, Hg, Pb, Ni e As, quando aplicados sobre a superfície em Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, no sistema plantio direto. A fitodisponibilidade de metais pesados às culturas da soja e aveia-preta foi nula, quando foram aplicadas doses de até 8 Mg ha-1 de lodo de esgoto, escória e lama cal sobre a superfície do solo, no sistema plantio direto.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do silicato de cálcio na redução da toxidez de metais pesados no solo para Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Foram utilizadas cinco doses de silicato de cálcio (0, 1,6, 3,2, 4,8 e 6,4 g kg-1), em solos com diferentes graus de contaminação. O experimento foi conduzido em vasos com 1,5 kg de solo, com uma muda por vaso, em esquema fatorial 4x5 (quatro graus de contaminação x cinco doses de silicato). O silicato de cálcio reduziu a toxidez de metais pesados em E.camaldulensis, retardou o aparecimento dos sintomas de toxidez e diminuiu os teores de zinco e cádmio na parte aérea das plantas. Entretanto, não evitou totalmente a depressão no crescimento, nos solos com contaminação elevada. O efeito amenizante do silicato foi crescente com o aumento das doses e mais evidente nos solos com contaminação elevada. O efeito benéfico do silicato de cálcio está relacionado à redução da transferência do zinco para a parte aérea do eucalipto.


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Twenty domestic commercial filters, in order to determine the percentual retention of color, turbidity, dry residue, bicarbonates, carbonates, total hardness, nitrogens, iron, chlorides, fluorides, and residual chlorine (parameters of food legislation) and sulphides in thirteen water samples proceeding from springs, wells, rivers, lakes, drinking patterns and standards, before and after purification were evaluated. The results showed that purifiers presented adequate retention for nitrates (74.8 ± 16.2 %) and residual chlorine (74.0 ± 11.2) and medium retention for sulphides (61.7 ± 11.3); while porcelain plus activated carbon filters presented adequate retention for color (90.0 ± 19.7), turbidity (76.4 ± 18.4) and iron (83.5 ± 15.1). Therefore the retention of carbonates, bicarbonates, total hardness, chlorides, dry residue, fluorides, ammonium nitrogens and nitrites was less than 10%, and the values of pH didn't show significant variation, for all the filters studied.


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This work presents a detailed study of the leaching behavior of deactivated hydrotreating catalysts (CoMo, NiMo/Al2O3) in presence of oxalate and NH4+ ions in various media. The yield of metals recovery may be optimized by adjusting several experimental parameters (time, temperature, etc). Leaching is limited by physical factors (diffusional effects caused by coke) and by the existence of silicate/spinel-like species which are poorly soluble in leaching solutions. Coke may be eliminated by an oxidation step at temperatures between 300-400ºC. Above 400ºC, solubilization of Ni and Co is drastically reduced. 50-90% wt of sulphate species and 15-30% wt of phosphate ions are solubilized during leaching. Silicon (as SiO2) is not solubilized. The best Ni-Co-Mo recoveries are in the 70-90% wt range; Fe recovery may be quantitative, whereas Al leaching may be lower than 5% wt.


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The Potentiometric Stripping Analysis (PSA) is described with emphasis on ultramicroelectrode applications with a laboratory developed computer based instrumentation. The technique potentialities as compared with the voltammetric approach are pointed out based on the current literature. Some results of trace metals analysis including zinc, cadmium, lead and copper in vinegar and canned food samples are presented. The mainly advantage found in our laboratory was the technique capability to analyse natural samples with minimum matrix interference and the low level of noise found in our determinations.


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The multi-element determination of Al, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Ba, Pb, SO4= and Cl- in riverine water samples was accomplished by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The sample passed through a column containing the anionic resin AG1-X8 and the metals were determined directly. The retained anionic species were eluted and SO4= and Cl- were determined at m/z 48 and 35 correspondent to the ions SO+ and Cl+ formed at the plasma. Accuracy for metals was assessed by analysing the certified reference TM-26 (National Water Research Institute of Canada). Results for SO4= and Cl- were in agreement with those obtained by turbidimetry and spectrophotometry. LOD's of 0.1 µg l-1 for Cd, Ba and Pb; 0.2 µg l-1 for Al, Mn and Cu; 0.5 µg l-1 for Cr; 0.9 for Zn; 2.0 µg l-1for Ni , 60 µg l-1 for S and 200 µg l-1 Cl were attained.


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The input of heavy metals concentrations determinated by ICP-AES, in samples of the Cambé river basin, was evaluated by using the Principal Component Analysis. The results distinguishes clearly one site, which is strongly influenced by almost all elements studied. Special attention was given to Pb, because of the presence of one battery industry in this area. Some downstream samples were associated with the same characteristics of this site, showing residual action of contaminants along the basin. Other sites presented influence of soil elements, plus Cr near a tannery industry. This study allowed to distinguish different sites in the upper basin of the Cambé (Londrina-PR-BR), in accordance to elements input.


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The main obstacle to the use of compost from urban waste in agriculture is the presence of heavy metals. Once in the soil, their effect is accumulative and they may contaminate crops and water. The present study reports the evaluation of the chemical distributions of Cu, Pb, Mn and Zn in three different sized fractions (unsieved, < 1,18mm and > 1,18mm) of compost, by means of a sequencial extraction procedure and a chemometric analysis of the total content of all metals in each fraction. The pattern recognition methods showed significant differences in total heavy metal contents for the different fractions. The finest one was the most contaminated. Meanwhile, this fraction presented lower amounts of metals in avaliable forms. This behavior can be attributed to the presence of metal particles in their elemental states in this fraction.


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This paper describes in detail a technique employed to grow quasi-spherical single crystals of noble metals for electrochemical applications, using platinum as an example. The metal beads were formed by melting the extremity of a wire in an oxygen / butane flame. X-ray techniques were used to check the crystallization and to determine the orientation of the crystals. Treatment with a pure hydrogen flame followed by a cooling procedure in a hydrogen / argon atmosphere were used for conditioning the well-defined platinum single crystal surfaces. Finally, electrochemical characterization of the Pt(111), Pt(110) and Pt(100) surfaces was done in diluted sulfuric acid solution in the hydrogen adsorption / desorption potential region.


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Electrochemical methods applied to organic species transformation has been used as excellent synthesis tools. C-C bonds can be established, making possible polymer synthesis by both anodic and cathodic reactions of suitable monomer species at the working electrode surface. In this study, anodic procedure was used to electropolymerization of 2-mercaptobenzimidazole at reticulated glassy carbon (RGC) surface. 2-mercaptobenzimidazole presents ligand sites towards Hg2+, Ag+ and Cu2+ ions. The obtained material has been able to adsorb the above mentioned ions in aqueous solution.


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This work reviews recent studies of underpotential deposition (UPD) of several metals on Pt and Au substrates performed in the Grupo de Materiais Eletroquímicos e Métodos Eletroanalíticos (IQSC -- USP, São Carlos). The UPD Cu, Cd and Pb on Pt were analysed in terms of their influence in the oxygen evolution reaction. Partial blockage of surface active sites, promoted by Pb ad-atoms, resulted in a change from water to hydrogen peroxide as the final product. The Ag UPD on Pt and Au substrates was also discussed in this work. A detailed model of charge calculation for Ag monolayer was developed and confirmed by the rotating ring-disk data. The partial charge transfer in UPD studies was analysed in the Cd/Pt and Cd/Au systems and a value of 0.5 was found for the adsorption electrovalence of Cd ad-ions. The Sn/Pt UPD systems were studied from the point of view of the valences of metallic ions in solution. The deposition from Sn(IV) generates a full monolayer with a maximum occupation of approximately 40% of the surface active sites (340 µC cm-2) plus 105 µC cm-2 of Hads (half monolayer). Changing the metallic ion for Sn(II), it was possible to deposit a full monolayer (210 µC cm-2) without any detectable Hads. Finally, the effect of anions was discussed in the Zn/Pt and Zn/Au systems. Here, the hydrogen evolution reaction (her) and the hydrogen adsorption/desorption were used in order to investigate the maximum coverage of the surface with Zn ad-atoms. The full monolayer, characterised by the complete absence of Hads, was achieved only in 0.5 M HF solutions.


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An overview about the homogeneous and heterogeneous methods of synthesizing silylating agents and applications of the organofunctionalized silica-gel samples was explored. The pendant molecules attached covalently to the inorganic surface displayed important properties to act as sequestrating agents for metals in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions. The large variety of basic centres anchored on organic molecules improve the capacity in adsorbing cations. The increase in adsorption is dependent on the number of basic atoms disposed on the pendant molecules on the surface. The combination of acidic and basicity properties favours the selectivity, such is exemplified by the thiol modified silicas towards mercury (II) cations.