992 resultados para Mass spectrum


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This thesis presents structural investigations of molecular ions and ionic clusters using vibrational predissociation spectroscopy. Experimentally, a pulsed beam of the mass-selected ion is crossed by a tunable infrared laser beam generated by a Nd:YAG pumped LiNbO_3 optical parametric oscillator. The resulting fragment ion is mass-analyzed and detected, with its intensity as a function of the laser wavelength being the "action" spectrum of the parent ion. In the case of SiH_7^+, we observed a vibrational band centered at 3866 cm^(-1) with clear P, Q, R branches, which is assigned as a perturbed H_2 stretch. The absence of a second H_2 band suggests that the ion forms a symmetric complex with a structure H_2•SiH_3^+•H_2 , in contrast to the species CH_7^+, which has the structure CH_5^+•H_2. The infrared spectra of NO_2^+(H_2O)_n clusters exhibit a marked change with cluster size, indicating that an intracluster reaction occurs with sufficient solvation. Specifically, in NO_2^+(H_2O)_n clusters where n≤3, H_2O binds to a nitronium ion core; but at n=4 the NO_2^+ reacts, transforming the cluster to a new structure of H_3O^+•(H_2O)_(n_2)•HNO_3. For protonated chlorine nitrate, we have observed two distinct isomers previously predicted by ab initio calculations: NO_2^+•(HOC1), the lowest energy isomer, and (ClO)(HO)NO^+, a covalently bonded isomer about 20 kcal/mol higher in energy. Both isomers decompose to NO_2^+ and HOCl upon photo-excitation. These results for HClONO_2^+ lend strong support to the involvement of an ionic mechanism in the reaction of ClONO_2 on polar stratospheric cloud surfaces, a critical step in the dramatic springtime depletion of ozone over Antarctica. Current research activities on halide-solvent clusters and metal-ligand complexes as well as technological improvements of the apparatus are also discussed.


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The Q values and 0o cross sections of (He3, n) reactions forming seven proton-rich nuclei have been measured with accuracies varying from 6 to 18 keV. The Q values (in keV) are: Si26 (85), S30 (-573), Ar34 (-759), Ti42 (-2865), Cr48 (5550), Ni56 (4513) and Zn60 (818). At least one excited state was found for all but Ti42. The first four nuclei complete isotopic spin triplets; the results obtained agree well with charge-symmetry predictions. The last three, all multiples of the α particle, are important in the α and e-process theories of nucleo-synthesis in stars. The energy available for β decay of these three was found by magnetic spectrometer measurements of the (He3, p) Q values of reactions leading to V48, Co56, and Cu60. Many excited states were seen: V48 (3), Co56 (15), Cu60 (23). The first two states of S30 are probably 0+ and 2+ from (He3, n) angular distribution measurements. Two NaI γ-ray measurements are described: the decay of Ar34 (measured Ƭ1/2 = 1.2 ± 0.3s) and the prompt γ-ray spectrum from Fe54(He3, nγ)Ni56. Possible collective structure in Ni56 and Ca40, both doubly magic, is discussed.

The (He3, n) neutron energy and yield measurements utilized neutron-induced nuclear reactions in a silicon semiconductor detector. Cross sections for the most important detection processes, Si28 (n, α) Mg25 and Si28 (n, p) Al28, are presented for reactions leading to the first four states of both residual nuclei for neutron energies from 7.3 to 16.4 MeV. Resolution and pulse-height anomalies associated with recoil Mg25 and Al28 ions are discussed. The 0o cross section for Be9 (α, n) C12, used to provide calibration neutrons, has been measured with a stilbene spectrometer for no (5.0 ≤ Eα ≤ 12 MeV), n1 (4.3 ≤ Eα ≤ 12.0 MeV) and n2 (6.0 ≤ Eα ≤ 10.1 MeV). Resonances seen in the no yield may correspond to nine new levels in C13.


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The temperature dependence of polaron cyclotron resonance mass in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures is reinvestigated theoretically. By taking into account the electron-longitudinal-optic phonon interaction with temperature-dependent many-body effects, the conduction band non-parabolicity, and the influence of nonzero magnetic field, a good agreement with experiment is obtained.


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Using the Green function method, we have studied the cyclotron resonance of an electron interacting with bulk longitudinal optical(BO) phonons as well as surface optical(SO) phonons in a polar crystal slab at finite temperatures. It is found that the temperature dependence of magnetopolaron depends strongly on the strength of the magnetic field. The numerical results show that the cyclotron resonance mass of polaron in a slab is an increasing or decreasing function of temperature when the magnetic field is lower or higher than the resonant magnetic field region, respectively. The magnetic field and slab width dependence of cyclotron resonance mass are also studied in this paper. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report on the utilization of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of Ag nanoparticles to tailor the optical properties Of VO2 thin film. Interaction of nano-Ag with incident light yields a salient absorption band in the visible-near IR region and modifies the spectrum Of VO2 locally. The wavelength of modification occurs in a limited spectral region rather than affects the full spectrum. The wavelength of modification shows a strong dependence on the metal nanoparticle size and shifts toward the red as the particle size or the mass thickness of nano-Ag increases. Also, we found that the wavelength can be shifted into the IR further by introducing a thin layer of TiO2 onto the nano-Ag. Interestingly, with the help of LSPR effects the VO2 film exhibits an anomalous thermochromic behavior in the modification wavelength region, which may be useful in optical switching applications.


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A simple procedure for obtaining a background-free backscattering spectrum of a light-mass film on a heavy-mass substrate by a normal incidence/grazing exit geometry has been described. Using this method such films can be aligned rapidly and accurately, and the impurity or defect information on the films can be obtained without need for realignment. Example is given from MeV Li-3+ analysis of a deposited film of Si on a single crystal substrate of yttria-stabilized, cubic zirconia.


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Porous silicon powder and silica gel particles have been applied as inorganic matrices for the analysis of small molecules in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS). In contrast to conventional MALDI-TOFMS, the signal interference of low-molecular analytes by the matrix has been eliminated. Almost no fragmentations of the analytes were observed. Effects of various factors, such as the particle and pore size, the suspending solution, and sample preparation procedures, on the intensity of mass spectra have been investigated. The pore structure of the inorganic matrix and penetration of the analytes into the pores must be optimized for effective desorption and ionization of the analytes. Matrices (DHB and HCCA) were covalently bound to silica gel for improvement of spectrum intensity. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Procedures that allow the realization of resonance electron capture (REC) mode on a commercial triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer, after some simple modifications, are described, REC mass spectrometry (MS) and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) experiments were performed and spectra for some compounds were recorded. In particular, the charge-remote fragmentation (CRF) spectra of [M - H](-) ions of docosanoic and docosenoic acids under low-energy collisionally activated dissociation (CAD) conditions were obtained, and showed that there were no significant differences for [M - H](-) ions produced at different resonances (i,e. for [M - H](-) ions with different structures). This observation was explained on the basis of results obtained from deuterium-labeled fatty acids, which showed that different CRF ions (but with the same m/z value in the absence of labels) could be produced by different mechanisms, and all of them were obviously realized under CAD conditions that made spectra practically indistinguishable. The other example, which compared the REC-MS/MS spectrum of [M - H](-) ions and EI-MS/MS spectrum of M+. ions of daidzein, demonstrated the potential of the REC-MS/MS technique for more complex structure elucidation. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The multicolour three-photon resonant ionization spectra of U-238 were measured by using the pulsed dye lasers system synchronously pumped by a frequency doubled Nd:YAG-laser 532 nm output(operated at 10 Hz),a device for atomic beam of U, time-of-flight mass spectrometer and boxcar integrator. The dye laser pulses have a 6 ns duration. Beams from the dye lasers, which have the same polarization direction and are focused by lenses, entered an interaction chamber through opposite windows on a common axis and spatialy overlapped the U atomic beam. The optical pulse from dye laser DL2 was delayed to arrive at the interaction region 8 ns after the pulse from dye laser DL1; in the same way,the pulse from DL3 was delayed 8 ns after from DL2. The atomic beam device was made from stainless steel. We generated the U vapor by heating solid U in a graphite crucible by e-type electron -field on first excited states were studied in uranium atom. The question how to determine single-colour, two-colour and three-colour three-photon resonant ionization peak in the three-colour three-photon resonant ionization spectra diagram were solved.


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An experimental setup and the procedure for the laser resonant ionization mass spectrometry (RIMS) have been described. Both an optical spectrum and a mass spectum have been shown. The detection limit that can be reached by using this procedure has been estimated.


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A method for the quantatitive determination of pethidine in human urine by liquid secondary ion and tandem mass spectrometry is presented. Quantification was carried out by using ketamine as internal standard. It was found that the collision-induced dissociation (CID) spectrum of the [M + H](+) ion of pethidine exhibited a prominent daughter ion at mit 220 and ketamine also yielded the same daughter ion at nit 220, For ((quadrupole)) quantitative analysis, the first quadrupole mass filter was set to transmit mit 220 and a narrow-range magnet scan yielded a spectrum of parents, including mit 238 and 248, corresponding to ketamine and pethidine, respectively. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A successful analysis of silver was reported utilizing laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LDI/TOF-MS) in this paper, The silver cluster ions Ag-n(+) and AgnO+ (n=2 similar to 5) were formed during laser desorption/ionization. In the presence of I-, K+ and Na+, the peaks corresponding, to the cluster ions [AgnIn-1](+) (n=2 similar to 6) and the adduct ions [AgI](+), [AgI]Na+ and [AgI]K+ were observed in the positive ion spectrum; the peaks corresponding to [AgnIn+1](-) (n=1 similar to 3) were found in the negative ion spectrum, all of which accompanied by sliver isotope distribution, The formation of silver cluster ions was accomplished through two-stage reaction: the first step was the generation of clusters, which was followed by the processes of photoionization and ion/molecule reaction.


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The three-dimensional fluorescence spectrum was used to detect the changes in dissolved organic substances from the cultured Skeletonema costatum, Alexandrium tamarense, Alexandrium mimutum, Scrippsiella trochodea, Prorocentrum donghaiense and Prorocentrum micans. The result indicates that all of the microalgaes can produce FDOM in the growth courses. Diatom such as Skeletonema costatum can produce humic-like FDOM. However dinoflagellate can produce protein-like FDOM at exponential growth phase. When the algae grows into decadency phase, the intensity of humic-like and protein-like fluorescence augments rapidly, which may be due to a mass of FDOM realeased by the old or dead cell fragmentation and the degradation of bacteria by using non-FDOM. The fluorescent intensity of Alexandrium tamarense, Alexandrium mimutum, Prorocentrum donghaiense and Prorocentrum micans can reduce at anaphase of decadency phase because of the degradation of bacteria and light. The same genus of algae can produce similar FDOM, for example: Alexandrium tamarense, and Alexandrium mimutum, Prorocentrum donghaiense and Prorocentrum micans, but the positions of the fluorescence peaks are different.


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Iantchenko, A.; Jakuba?a-Amundsen, D.H., (2003) 'On the positivity of the Jansen-He? operator for arbitrary mass', Annales of the Institute Henri Poincar? 4 pp.1083-1099 RAE2008


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We have studied the optical spectra of a sample of 31 O- and early B-type stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud, 21 of which are associated with the young massive cluster NGC 346. Stellar parameters are determined using an automated fitting method (Mokiem et al. 2005, A&A, 441, 711), which combines the stellar atmosphere code FASTWIND (Puls et al. 2005, A&A, 435, 669) with the genetic algorithm based optimisation routine PIKAIA (Charbonneau 1995, ApJS, 101, 309). Comparison with predictions of stellar evolution that account for stellar rotation does not result in a unique age, though most stars are best represented by an age of 1-3 Myr. The automated method allows for a detailed determination of the projected rotational velocities. The present day v(r) sin i distribution of the 21 dwarf stars in our sample is consistent with an underlying rotational velocity (v(r)) distribution that can be characterised by a mean velocity of about 160-190 km s(-1) and an effective half width of 100-150 km s(-1). The vr distribution must include a small percentage of slowly rotating stars. If predictions of the time evolution of the equatorial velocity for massive stars within the environment of the SMC are correct (Maeder & Meynet 2001, A&A, 373, 555), the young age of the cluster implies that this underlying distribution is representative for the initial rotational velocity distribution. The location in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram of the stars showing helium enrichment is in qualitative agreement with evolutionary tracks accounting for rotation, but not for those ignoring vr. The mass loss rates of the SMC objects having luminosities of log L-star/L-circle dot greater than or similar to 5.4 are in excellent agreement with predictions by Vink et al. (2001, A&A, 369, 574). However, for lower luminosity stars the winds are too weak to determine. M accurately from the optical spectrum. Three targets were classified as Vz stars, two of which are located close to the theoretical zero-age main sequence. Three lower luminosity targets that were not classified as Vz stars are also found to lie near the ZAMS. We argue that this is related to a temperature effect inhibiting cooler from displaying the spectral features required for the Vz luminosity class.