1000 resultados para Mäki-Kulmala, Heikki: Näin puhui Sarasvuo


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La pràctica consisteix a crear una pàgina web monogràfica sobre Bernat I -Unifred, que va exercir les funcions comtals a la Ribagorça (920 -950) i va generar al voltant de la seva figura la llegenda de Bernat de Ribagorça, entre d'altres. Dins aquest context, es vol relacionar la història amb la llegenda de Bernat de Ribagorça.


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NanoImpactNet (NIN) is a multidisciplinary European Commission funded network on the environmental, health and safety (EHS) impact of nanomaterials. The 24 founding scientific institutes are leading European research groups active in the fields of nanosafety, nanorisk assessment and nanotoxicology. This 4-year project is the new focal point for information exchange within the research community. Contact with other stakeholders is vital and their needs are being surveyed. NIN is communicating with 100s of stakeholders: businesses; internet platforms; industry associations; regulators; policy makers; national ministries; international agencies; standard-setting bodies and NGOs concerned by labour rights, EHS or animal welfare. To improve this communication, internet research, a questionnaire distributed via partners and targeted phone calls were used to identify stakeholders' interests and needs. Knowledge gaps and the necessity for further data mentioned by representatives of all stakeholder groups in the targeted phone calls concerned: • the potential toxic and safety hazards of nanomaterials throughout their lifecycles; • the fate and persistence of nanoparticles in humans, animals and the environment; • the associated risks of nanoparticle exposure; • greater participation in: the preparation of nomenclature, standards, methodologies, protocols and benchmarks; • the development of best practice guidelines; • voluntary schemes on responsibility; • databases of materials, research topics and themes, but also of expertise. These findings suggested that stakeholders and NIN researchers share very similar knowledge needs, and that open communication and free movement of knowledge will benefit both researchers and industry. Subsequently a workshop was organised by NIN focused on building a sustainable multi-stakeholder dialogue. Specific questions were asked to different stakeholder groups to encourage discussions and open communication. 1. What information do stakeholders need from researchers and why? The discussions about this question confirmed the needs identified in the targeted phone calls. 2. How to communicate information? While it was agreed that reporting should be enhanced, commercial confidentiality and economic competition were identified as major obstacles. It was recognised that expertise was needed in the areas of commercial law and economics for a wellinformed treatment of this communication issue. 3. Can engineered nanomaterials be used safely? The idea that nanomaterials are probably safe because some of them have been produced 'for a long time', was questioned, since many materials in common use have been proved to be unsafe. The question of safety is also about whether the public has confidence. New legislation like REACH could help with this issue. Hazards do not materialise if exposure can be avoided or at least significantly reduced. Thus, there is a need for information on what can be regarded as acceptable levels of exposure. Finally, it was noted that there is no such thing as a perfectly safe material but only boundaries. At this moment we do not know where these boundaries lie. The matter of labelling of products containing nanomaterials was raised, as in the public mind safety and labelling are connected. This may need to be addressed since the issue of nanomaterials in food, drink and food packaging may be the first safety issue to attract public and media attention, and this may have an impact on 'nanotechnology as a whole. 4. Do we need more or other regulation? Any decision making process should accommodate the changing level of uncertainty. To address the uncertainties, adaptations of frameworks such as REACH may be indicated for nanomaterials. Regulation is often needed even if voluntary measures are welcome because it mitigates the effects of competition between industries. Data cannot be collected on voluntary bases for example. NIN will continue with an active stakeholder dialogue to further build on interdisciplinary relationships towards a healthy future with nanotechnology.


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Some years ago, a parish in Geneva decided to reduce heating costs by insulating its church to make it more energy efficient. Three years after the last renovations, it was observed that the internal surfaces of the naves had already become dusty compared with the customary frequency of 10-12 years. Dust even deposited on various surfaces during religious services. Our investigation showed that nearly all the dust found inside the church may in fact be soot from incense and candle combustion. Incense appears to be a significant source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. With a mechanical ventilation system and petrol lamps resembling candles the problem can be resolved.


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The replacement of the HDI monomer by less volatile prepolymers is not accompanied by a decrease of the incidence of occupational asthma in Switzerland. Field measurements show that the prepolymer concentration levels may be high although the monomer is hardly detectable or complies with the norm. Our researches are focused on the improvement of generation and measurement techniques (international quality control), on the characterization of the prepolymers to study their transformation in biological media. Field surveys will be conducted to establish the prepolymer concentration profiles. We recommend for the introduction in Switzerland of threshold limit values for HDI-biuret and isocyanurate.


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Objective: To investigate the usefulness of surrogates for individual susceptibility to organic diisocyanates in occupational asthma. Subjects: All new cases declared to the Swiss National Accident Insurance Company (SUVA) for establishment of a case for compensable occupational disease during 1993. Sixty-nine persons, of whom three were women, were suspected of having occupational asthma due to isocyanates. Of these, 47 subjects fulfilled the criteria to be accepted as an occupational disease case. Methods: All subjects were studied clinically and gave a blood sample for the phenotyping of their alpha-antitrypsin status and for immunological studies. The subjects were also given a peroral dose of caffeine for the determination of their N-acetylation capacity. Finally, those with an occupational disease were subjected to the methacholine provocation test. Results: Forty-four persons with occupational disease, out of 47, were heterozygous antitrypsin carriers and/or slow acetylators of primary amines. In the bronchial provocation with methacholine, 12 of these subjects had an unaltered response and seven had a mild reaction, 13 a moderate one and 15 a severe reaction. Interpretation: The study confirms the finding that slow N-acetylators are susceptible to asthma from exposure to common diisocyanate monomers at work. The same applies to heterozygous antitrypsin-phenotype carriers. Thus, the use of these markers may reinforce the diagnostic procedure, but they cannot completely replace the immunological tests. [Authors]


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This review paper reports the consensus of a technical workshop hosted by the European network, NanoImpactNet (NIN). The workshop aimed to review the collective experience of working at the bench with manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs), and to recommend modifications to existing experimental methods and OECD protocols. Current procedures for cleaning glassware are appropriate for most MNMs, although interference with electrodes may occur. Maintaining exposure is more difficult with MNMs compared to conventional chemicals. A metal salt control is recommended for experiments with metallic MNMs that may release free metal ions. Dispersing agents should be avoided, but if they must be used, then natural or synthetic dispersing agents are possible, and dispersion controls essential. Time constraints and technology gaps indicate that full characterisation of test media during ecotoxicity tests is currently not practical. Details of electron microscopy, dark-field microscopy, a range of spectroscopic methods (EDX, XRD, XANES, EXAFS), light scattering techniques (DLS, SLS) and chromatography are discussed. The development of user-friendly software to predict particle behaviour in test media according to DLVO theory is in progress, and simple optical methods are available to estimate the settling behaviour of suspensions during experiments. However, for soil matrices such simple approaches may not be applicable. Alternatively, a Critical Body Residue approach may be taken in which body concentrations in organisms are related to effects, and toxicity thresholds derived. For microbial assays, the cell wall is a formidable barrier to MNMs and end points that rely on the test substance penetrating the cell may be insensitive. Instead assays based on the cell envelope should be developed for MNMs. In algal growth tests, the abiotic factors that promote particle aggregation in the media (e.g. ionic strength) are also important in providing nutrients, and manipulation of the media to control the dispersion may also inhibit growth. Controls to quantify shading effects, and precise details of lighting regimes, shaking or mixing should be reported in algal tests. Photosynthesis may be more sensitive than traditional growth end points for algae and plants. Tests with invertebrates should consider non-chemical toxicity from particle adherence to the organisms. The use of semi-static exposure methods with fish can reduce the logistical issues of waste water disposal and facilitate aspects of animal husbandry relevant to MMNs. There are concerns that the existing bioaccumulation tests are conceptually flawed for MNMs and that new test(s) are required. In vitro testing strategies, as exemplified by genotoxicity assays, can be modified for MNMs, but the risk of false negatives in some assays is highlighted. In conclusion, most protocols will require some modifications and recommendations are made to aid the researcher at the bench. [Authors]


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This thesis analyses what local community theatre activity means to an area and its residents, and whether this kind of activity is meaningful. The objective was to explore whether and how community art can help urban areas to move in the direction of sustainable development: whether art can be part of regional policy development work. Hakunilan Kultsa was founded in 2003. It is an Urban II, European Union project and part of the Community Iniative Programme 2001-2006, financed by the EU. Hakunilan Kultsa is also a co-operation between Vantaa city council's culture and youth services. The project encourages Hakunila residents of different ages to take part in versatile art and cultural intrests in the Hakunila youth centre. People have the opportunity to participate in theatre, expression, arts, dance, performing arts and writing groups. One of the main aims is to found a sustainable community theatre in the area. The thesis examines what effects Hakunilan Kultsa has had so far. Inquiry form and thematical interviews have been used as research methods. Interviews and questionnaires were gathered between Autumn 2004 and Spring 2005. The whole process lasted from Spring 2004 until Spring 2006. The author also made participatory observations during the research process which in turn affected the conclusions. The thesis also deals with associated topics such as urban programmes, sustainable development, Hakunila as a suburban area, resident stimulation, and community thetare work. Hakunilan Kultsa has proved its importance. Based on the enquiries and interviews, the project has effectively presented the possibility for art forms to become hobbies. There is no cultural, age or economical discrimination. The easily accessible site and the low threshold principle make it easy for people to participate. The community theatre has improved the area's public image, increased participation and initiative, and given a voice to the community.


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Työ tehtiin Nokia Technology Platforms S60 Mobile Runtime-yksikölle. Työn tavoitteena oli evaluoida ATS3-testausjärjestelmä. ATS3-järjestelmällä voidaan automatisoida ohjelmistotestausta. Evaluoinnilla pyrittiin selvittämään voidaanko tuotekehitysvaiheessa oleva järjestelmä ottaa jo käyttöön vai vaatiiko se vielä lisäkehitystä. Työssä kerrotaan aluksi yleisesti ohjelmistotestauksesta. Siinä käydään läpi myös testausprosessin vaiheet sekä kerrotaan lyhyesti avuksi kehitetyistä työkaluista. Työssä kerrotaan myös ATS3-järjestelmän edeltäjien ominaisuuksista, sekä miten ne eroavat tarkastelun kohteena olevasta järjestelmästä. Varsinainen evaluointi alkoi tutustumalla ja asentamalla järjestelmä. Tämän jälkeen suoritettiin samat testit sekä ATS2.x-järjestelmässä että ATS3-järjestelmäss. Testauksen jälkeen analysoitiin testitulosten yhdenmukaisuuden perusteella, voidaanko siirtyä käyttömään ATS3-järjestelmää. Testitulokset olivat käytännässä yhdenmukaiset suoritettaessa testejä matkapuhelimessa, mutta emulaattoritestaus täytyi jättää väliin. Lukuisista yrityksistä sekä järjestelmän kehittäjän avusta huolimatta testejä ei onnistuttu suorittamaan ATS3-järjestelmän emulaattoriympäristössä. Näin ollen päädyttiin tulokseen, ettei järjestelmää voida ottaa vielä käytöön emulaattoritestauksessa, vaan se vaatii lisätutkimusta sekä perehtymistä järjestelmään.


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Tämä insinöörityö tehtiin ABB:n Pitäjänmäen konetehtaalle Tahtikoneet-tulosyksikölle. Työssä tutkittiin mahdollisuuksia valmistaa murtovakovyyhtejä kestomagneettituuligeneraattoreihin, joissa vakoluku on alle yhden. Työ tehtiin tutustumalla aluksi Pitäjänmäen konetehtaan käytössä oleviin vyyhden valmistus- ja käämintämenetelmiin. Lisäksi tutkittiin erilaisia mahdollisia murtovakovyyhden valmistusmenetelmiä, joista lupaavimpia myös kokeiltiin. Saatujen kokemusten pohjalta valittiin vyyhden valmistusmenetelmä, jonka mukaan valmistettiin koe-erä. Koe-erälle suoritettiin mittauksia, joilla varmistettiin niiden sähköinen kestävyys Työn tuloksena valitulla valmistusmenetelmällä valmistettiin vyyhdet prototyyppi tuuligeneraattorin.


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The final project deals with the question of female comedy and the comedy made by women. Comedy has traditionally been made by men and the woman has been the one who laughs. A funny woman has been a rare phenomenon. Although times have changed and gender roles have become more flexible, female comedians still remain in a minority compared to their male colleagues. The essay reviews the social and historical structures that influence the position of women in general and on the field of comedy in particular. The teoretical basis to this is feminist theory. Female comedy and humour have features of their own, that are being examined in the essay. It also makes a difference between feminine comedy and feminist comedy. Largely the project handles stand up comedy. The popularity of stand up comedy has changed the field of professional entertainment and brought a number of widely gifted comedians to a common knowledge. Stand up has an opportunity to be a political tool, which is essential for marginal comedians, which also includes female comedians. One of the fundamental subjects of the project is the political character of comedy. The essay also portrays the historical roots of stand up comedy in the Finnish and in the American tradition. It reflects on the fore mothers of the modern female comedian. The reasons that make a woman become a comedian are under consideration, as well as the strategies that help her to get her voice and message delivered. Since a woman is still held in the marginal, it gives female comedy a feature of its own. This way comedy can become a tool for a feminist battle.


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The subject of this study is the use of direct cinema style in documentary film. The main purpose of this thesis was to the research the ways in which direct cinema style attempts to show and achieve truth in documentary films. The following questions were posed: Is it possible to depict reality in a documentary film; how does the choice of using this style affect the final documentary? The essential purpose of this study was to try to see whether the direct cinema style works when trying to achieve truth in a documentary film. This work consints of two elements, the theoretical part and the short documentary. The theoretical part deals with the history, the truth, and the direct cinema- style in documentaries. The theoretical information of direct cinema has been used when making the short documentary. In the documentary Tuloaula 2 I have studied the way in which using direct cinema -style works in practise. The documentary has followed as strictly as possible the direct cinema style. I was the director, the cameraman and the editor of my documentary film. In the documentary film Tuloaula 2 it appeared that the direct cinema style works best when filming everyday life. By using this style it is easy for the director to observe and leave his own persona in the background. The strength in using the direct cinema style is that it enables the viewer to build his/her own impression on the subject. Even though the direct cinema style aims to achieve objectivity the director has to make numerous subjective choices during both the filming and the editing process. These subjective choices automatically effect the "truth" of the documentary film. The difficulty in a direct cinema style is the large amount of material. This often leads to a long editing phase, which is not often possible in the busy production schedules. The direct cinema style is not at its best when shooting people who are passive because their attention often focuses too much on the camera. In general, the best way to make a documentary film would be to use many documentary styles in one film and not to srictly concentrate on only one style.


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The objective of my thesis was to find out how mobile TV service will influence TV consumption behaviour of the Finns. In particular the study focuses on the consumption behaviour of a well educated urban people. For my thesis, I provided a detailed analysis of the study results of a large scale questionnaire research FinPilot from the year 2005 based on an assignment of Nokia Ltd. In order to deepen the study results, I focused on the above mentioned group of young people with good education. The goal of the FinPilot research was to give answers to the following questions: what kind of programs, in what kind of circumstances, and for which reasons are they watched when using the mobile television service. The results of the research consisted mainly of data like figures, graphics etc. The data was explaned from the helicopter perspective, for it gave additional value to the research and consequently to my own thesis. My study offered complementary, unique information about their needs as it was based on questionnaires supplemented by individual interviews of the group members, their free comments as well as group discussions. The study results proved that mobile TV service did not increase the total TV consumption time. The time used for watching the mobile TV was significantly shorter than the time for watching the traditional TV. According to my study, the young urban people with good education are more interested to adapt the mobile TV service than the average Finns. Being eager to utilize the added value offered by the mobile TVs they are a potential target group in launching and marketing processes. On the basis of the outcome of the thesis, the future of mobile TV service seems very promising. The content and the pricing, however, have to match the user's needs and expectations. All the study results prove that there exists a social order for mobile TV service.


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Tämä insinöörityö tehtiin HKR-Rakennuttajan Taloteknisen toimiston Kiinteistöjen elinkaaripalvelut- yksikölle. Työ on osa HKR-Rakennuttajan laatujärjestelmän uudistusta ja selkeytystä. Tavoitteena oli selvittää millaisiin asioihin tulisi kiinnittää huomiota kosteusteknisessä mielessä HKR-Rakennuttajan hankkeissa. Samoin Kiinteistöjen elinkaaripalvelut -yksikön asiantuntijapalveluiden käyttö rakennuttamisprosessissa ei ollut selvästi dokumentoituna HKR-Rakennuttajan laatujärjestelmään, joten tähän pyrittiin saamaan selkeytys. Lisäksi käynnissä on kuntotutkimustoiminnan uudistus, jossa kosteusteknisten asiantuntijapalvelujen konsulttitoiminnan käytössä tapahtuu muutoksia. Omalta osaltaan tämä insinöörityö pyrki selvittämään konsultin toimia hankkeen eri vaiheissa. Insinöörityössä kartoitettiin yksikön omat toimintakuvaukset kosteus- ja sisäilmateknisissä asioissa. Tämän jälkeen käydään läpi kaksi eri HKR-Rakennuttajan kohdetta, jossa oli kosteusteknisesti ongelmia. Kohteet valittiin ohjaajien toimesta, sillä näin saatiin esille työn kannalta oleellisia puutteita. Lisäksi kartoitettiin HKR-Rakennuttajan hankkeiden eri vaiheissa eri osapuolien tehtävät kosteus- ja sisäilmatekniseltä kannalta. Kartoitusten ja toimintakuvausten perusteella tehtiin ohje, joka liitettiin HKR-Rakennuttajan laatujärjestelmään. Lisäksi tehtiin urakkarajaliitteeseen velvoite, jossa määritellään kosteudenhallintasuunnitelman sisältö. Tietolähteinä tässä insinöörityössä oli alan kirjallisuus, HKR-Rakennuttajan Taloteknisen toimiston henkilökunnalta saatu suullinen informaatio ja internet.


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Työn tarkoituksena oli kehittää liikkuvan mittausjärjestelmän Nuuskijan katupölyjärjestelmää. Katupöly on yksi suurimpia ilmalaatuongelmia pohjoismaissa keväisin. Alkuperäinen järjestelmä oli rakennettu vuoden 2004 lopulla ja 2005 alussa TEKESin rahoittamassa VIPEN -projektissa. Nyt esitetty kehitystyö liittyy ympäristöministeriön rahoittaman KAPU -projektiin, ja liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön rahoittaman VIEME -projektiin. Hankittiin, asennettiin, ja testattiin virtausanturi Nuuskijan katupölyn keruuputkistoa varten. Hankitulla kuumalankaperiaatteella toimivan anturin toimintaa verrattiin massavirtausputken tuloksiin, ja ne todettiin yhtäpitäviksi. Pääkeruuputkiston virtausta säätelevän pumpun ottomoottori poistettiin ja tilalle rakennettiin sähkömoottori hihnapyörineen. Näin saatiin meluttomampi, päästöttömämpi, kevyempi systeemi, jota on helppo käynnistää ja sammuttaa. Validointimittauksella selvitettiin, miten hyvin pääkeruuputkiston kartiomainen suutin kerää renkaan nostattaman pölypilven. Mittaustulokset osoittivat, että suutin kerää suurimman osan pölypilvestä, ja todettiin, että sen suhteen ei ole muutostarvetta. Tämän projektin jälkeen mittauskampanjoita on helpompaa suorittaa, ja mittaustuloksista tulee entistä tarkempia.


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Tässä insinöörityössä tutkittiin ja laskettiin Yliopiston Apteekin kustannusrakenteita puhelinliikenteen osalta. Lisäksi tutkittiin tämän hetken infrastruktuurin tilanne ja luotiin kehitysehdotuksia puhelinliikenteelle kuin laitteistolle. Työssä tuotiin esille VoIP-tekniikka, jolla kustannuksia voidaan laskea nykyisestä. Uudelle järjestelmälle luotiin vaatimusmäärittely, johon uusi puhelinjärjestelmä perustuu. Koko yrityksen kattava puhelinliikenneratkaisu kilpailutettiin neljän toimijan välillä. Tarjouksista valittiin yksi toimija, joka toimittaa seuraavaksi viideksi vuodeksi Yliopiston Apteekin lanka- ja matkapuhelinpalvelut.