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Die hier frei verfügbare Foliensammlung stammt aus der gleichnamigen Master-Veranstaltung im Sommersemester 2014. Das zugehörige Skript (in Englisch) kann als PDF heruntergeladen werden von der Universität Turku (Lutz M. Wegner, Sorting – The Turku Lectures, Lecture Notes in Computing 2014, Univ. of Turku, Finland, http://tucs.fi/publications/attachment.php?fname=bWegner_LutzMx14a.full.pdf). Das überarbeitete Material geht auf eine dort im Jahre 1987 gehaltene Gastvorlesung zurück. Betrachtet werden Varianten von Quicksort und Heapsort, speziell bei Quicksort solche für Multimengen und Vorsortierung, sowohl für verkettete Listen als auch für Datenstrukturen mit Direktzugriff. Neben dem Standardheapsort werden die Floydverbesserung und Dijkstras Smoothsort vorgestellt. Eine Netzwerkvariante und zwei Externspeicherverfahren auf Basis von Quicksort und Heapsort werden untersucht. Der Stand der Technik bei den stabilen, in-situ Verfahren wird skizziert. Der Stoff eignet sich für eine Vorlesung mit angegliederten Projektübungen, in denen Studierende selbstständig Algorithmen, die als Pseudo-Code vorgegeben sind, in effizienten, lauffähigen Java-Code umsetzen und in einer Laufzeitbibliothek mit vorgegebenen Testdaten messen.
Healthtalkonline, an award-winning charity website, lets you share in other people's experiences of health and illness. You can watch or listen to videos of the interviews, read about people's experiences and find reliable information about conditions, treatment choices and support. The information on healthtalkonline is based on qualitative research into patient experiences, led by experts at the University of Oxford. These personal stories of health and illness will enable patients, families and healthcare professionals to benefit from the experiences of others.
This exercise is a mojor part of a recognised mindfulness programme and has been included in the faculty staff wellness at work project. The recording takes 20 - 25 mins to listen to.
As a first year student nurse about to enter into the world of clinical practice for the first time, can I invite you to take 14 minutes out of your busy life to listen to this podcast which discusses a top ten list of things to consider.
Analizar la naturaleza, necesidad, rol y tipos de 'syllabus' para obtener las bases teóricas necesarias sobre las que construir un esquema que abarque los distintos parámetros que deberían darse en un programa ideal de Inglés como lengua extranjera. Clasificar los programas de lenguas modernas de acuerdo con los procesos utilizados en la organización de los contenidos. Estudio y crítica de tres tipos de 'syllabus' y discusión de los puntos que deben conformar un programa ideal de Inglés como lengua extranjera. Clasificación y análisis de contenidos de los programas de Inglés de seis países. Aplicación al programa español. Siete 'syllabus' procedentes de seis países: Colombia, Francia, Alemania (Bremen y Berlín), Japón, Noruega y España. Contenidos léxicos, gramaticales y fonológicos de libros de texto de Inglés. Cuestionarios 237 en quince provincias españolas. Tablas de frecuencias de utilización de textos y sus contenidos. Se comparan las características de los siguientes textos: Anaya; 'Look, listen and speak', 'Peter and Molly', 'Creative English', 'Let's learn English', 'Fantasy', 'El Inglés poco a poco', 'First times', 'Target English', 'English for children'. Con análisis de sus contenidos léxicos, gramaticales y fonológicos. Si bien todos los programas están de acuerdo en la fundamental importancia del aprendizaje de la comunicación en lengua extranjera, la enseñanza de la lengua hablada en el aula no es muy satisfactoria. Se pone de manifiesto la deficiencia de la enseñanza del Inglés en España. A modo general se insiste en la importancia de un 'syllabus' ampliamente elaborado, así como la importancia de la aceptación e implantación de un enfoque nocional-funcional de la enseñanza del Inglés.
Un instrumento musical implica la presencia de un registro sonoro que afecta tanto a la organización de los sonidos, silencios y ruidos, como a la disposición corporal que con él se va forjando. Desde esta consideración, la organización de la música llevada a cabo con las tecnologías eléctricas y electrónicas supone una profunda modificación de ambos aspectos. La llegada de la electricidad implica una triple dislocación: respecto a la transmisión de lo sonoro, a su posibilidad de reproducción y a la escucha. Estas dislocaciones son puestas en relación con invenciones que, desde el órgano de Ctesibios hasta el clavecín ocular de Castel, nos dibujan un marco en el que música, técnica, sensibilidad y sistema económico-social, tejen sus nexos. A lo largo de este recorrido se trazan lo que se ha denominado contrapuntos de la invención, que pueden tomar en las figuras de J.S. Bach y de J. Cage sus ejemplos más prominentes
Este texto chama a atenção para o facto da psicanálise não ser só uma questão de saber escutar, mas também de saber ler, em particular de ler o real dos restos sintomáticos para além do sentido, privando o sintoma do sentido.
A aula de educação musical : pedagogias diferentes conduzem a diferentes resultados na aprendizagem?
Sendo professor de Educação Musical no ensino básico, decidi realizar o presente trabalho com o objetivo de averiguar se, para o universo de alunos indicado, é mais vantajoso trabalhar a partir das propostas pedagógicas de Edwin Gordon, que se baseiam no conceito de audiação como forma de levar o aluno a compreender a música (audiação é a capacidade de ouvirmos e compreendermos sons que podem estar, ou não, fisicamente presentes), ou nos ensinamentos de Jos Wuytack, que defende a utilização de técnicas de imitação nas fases iniciais de ensino da música a jovens. Tendo esta investigação sido realizada ao longo de um semestre letivo, não seria adequado nem possível aplicar extensivamente todas as propostas dos pedagogos referidos. Como tal, os trabalhos aqui apresentados foram limitados aos conceitos que considerei mais adequados para o tempo e para os objetivos definidos para o nível de ensino aqui em estudo. Foram trabalhadas as audiações números um, dois e quatro, por um lado, e, por outro, as técnicas de imitação melódica e rítmica. Foi feita uma avaliação contínua da evolução de cada aluno, como forma de estabelecer um padrão de desenvolvimento que permitisse concluir qual das duas metodologias de ensino da música a jovens se revelou mais adequada na globalidade e qual a que produziu melhores resultados no que diz respeito à melhoria da afinação vocal, do conhecimento das notas musicais, do rigor rítmico e da dedilhação na flauta de bisel. Os resultados obtidos não nos permitiram retirar nenhuma conclusão definitiva.
Recognizing emotions are something children do everyday, whether it is identifying that mom is sad because she lost her job or that a character in a story is mad because no one will listen to him. The purpose of this study is to find out if recognizing emotions is easier to do with realistic photographs or illustrations.
Even though pediatric hearing aid (HA) users listen most often to female talkers, clinically-used speech tests primarily consist of adult male talkers' speech. Potential effects of age and/or gender of the talker on speech perception of pediatric HA users were examined using two speech tests, hVd-vowel identification and CNC word recognition, and using speech materials spoken by four talker types (adult males, adult females, 10-12 year old girls, and 5-7 year old girls). For the nine pediatric HA users tested, word scores for the male talker's speech were higher than those for the female talkers, indicating that talker type can affect word recognition scores and that clinical tests may over-estimate everyday speech communication abilities of pediatric HA users.
We examined how far, and at what cost, the housing stock could be modified to accommodate the assistive technology (AT) necessary to enable older people to remain in their own homes. A multidisciplinary team devised seven hypothetical user profiles for 10 case study areas, with five local authorities and five housing associations in England and Wales. Each profile was considered at two times, five years apart, with the users' functional abilities deteriorating in between. In addition, in-depth interviews were carried out with a sample of 67 older people in the case study areas about their use and experience of a wide range of AT. The interviews showed the need to listen to older people and that they welcomed AT when it addressed a perceived need. The results showed that the extent of adaptation required of buildings to accommodate a user's needs varied greatly. It was also found that there was confusion about the terminology of AT, including the idea of the 'smart house'. The study shows that the adaptability of the housing depends on a range of factors and costs.
This paper reports on the findings of an investigation into the perceptions held by English students aged 16–18 years regarding listening comprehension in French and how they view the reasons behind their success or lack of it in this skill. The study suggests that listening comprehension is the skill in which students in the post-compulsory phase of education feel they have achieved the least success. The main problems highlighted by learners were dealing adequately with the speed of delivery of texts, making out individual words in a stream of spoken French, and making sense of any words identified. Furthermore, most learners attributed their difficulties in listening to their own supposed low ability in the skill and to the difficulty of the listening tasks and texts set, with little awareness shown regarding the role played by ineffective listening strategies or skill application. Suggestions are made for addressing problems regarding how students listen and their attitudes towards listening comprehension.
This paper analyses the kind of reader constructed in the Lives and the response expected of that reader. It begins by attempting a typology of moralising in the Lives. Plutarch does sometimes make general 'gnomic' statements about right and wrong, and occasionally passes explicit judgement on a subject's behaviour. In addition, the language with which Plutarch describes character is inherently moralistic; and even when he does not pass explicit judgment, Plutarch can rely on a common set of notions about what makes behaviour virtuous or vicious. However, the application of any moral lessons is left to the reader's own judgement. Furthermore, Plutarch's use of multiple focalisations means that the reader is sometimes presented with varying ways of looking at the same individual or the same historical situation. In addition, many incidents or anecdotes are marked by 'multivalence': that is, they resist reduction to a single moral message or lesson. In such cases, the reader is encouraged to exercise his or her own critical faculties. Indeed, the prologues which precede many pairs of Lives and the synkriseis which follow them sometimes explicitly invite the reader's participation in the work of judging. The syncritic structure of the Parallel Lives also invites the reader's participation, as do the varying perspectives provided by a corpus of overlapping Lives. In fact, the presence of a critical, engaged reader is presupposed by the agonistic nature of much of Greek literature, and of several texts in the Moralia which stage opposing viewpoints or arguments. Plutarch himself argues for such a reader in his How the young man should listen to poems.
This paper probes the public dimensions of the work of the twentieth-century Scottish poet W. S. Graham. It draws upon the public contacts and contexts that Graham's lyrics structure and reconfigure, in texts that have appeared to critics to demonstrate the poet's textual aloneness, his intellectual and geographical banishment. Repeatedly addressing his St Ives community of artists and writers, lovers and companions, Graham's work sets up strategic routes through a succession of publicly-minded verbal engagements. Refusing to allow one passively to listen in to the poet's isolation, the lyrics invite, rebuff, tease, avoid, dally with, and proposition audiences and interlocutors. Graham's poetry speaks from within and without tradition, location and heritage, subtly attuning readers to the politics of its handling of national allegiance, identity, class and patronage.
Purpose – This paper describes visitors' reactions to using an Apple iPad or smartphone to follow trails in a museum by scanning QR codes and draws conclusions on the potential for this technology to help improve accessibility at low-cost. Design/methodology/approach – Activities were devised which involved visitors following trails around museum objects, each labelled with a QR code and symbolised text. Visitors scanned the QR codes using a mobile device which then showed more information about an object. Project-team members acted as participant-observers, engaging with visitors and noting how they used the system. Experiences from each activity fed into the design of the next. Findings – Some physical and technical problems with using QR codes can be overcome with the introduction of simple aids, particularly using movable object labels. A layered approach to information access is possible with the first layer comprising a label, the second a mobile-web enabled screen and the third choices of text, pictures, video and audio. Video was especially appealing to young people. The ability to repeatedly watch video or listen to audio seemed to be appreciated by visitors with learning disabilities. This approach can have low equipment-cost. However, maintaining the information behind labels and keeping-up with technological changes are on-going processes. Originality/value – Using QR codes on movable, symbolised object labels as part of a layered information system might help modestly-funded museums enhance their accessibility, particularly as visitors increasingly arrive with their own smartphones or tablets.