993 resultados para LASER SPECTROMETRY


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Key performance features of a miniature laser ablation time-of-flight mass spectrometer designed for in situ investigations of the chemical composition of planetary surfaces are presented. This mass spectrometer is well suited for elemental and isotopic analysis of raw solid materials with high sensitivity and high spatial resolution. In this study, ultraviolet laser radiation with irradiances suitable for ablation (< 1 GW/cm2) is used to achieve stable ion formation and low sample consumption. In comparison to our previous laser ablation studies at infrared wavelengths, several improvements to the experimental setup have been made, which allow accurate control over the experimental conditions and good reproducibility of measurements. Current performance evaluations indicate significant improvements to several instrumental figures of merit. Calibration of the mass scale is performed within a mass accuracy (Δm/m) in the range of 100 ppm, and a typical mass resolution (m/Δm) ~600 is achieved at the lead mass peaks. At lower laser irradiances, the mass resolution is better, about (m/Δm) ~900 for lead, and limited by the laser pulse duration of 3 ns. The effective dynamic range of the instrument was enhanced from about 6 decades determined in previous study up to more than 8 decades at present. Current studies show high sensitivity in detection of both metallic and non-metallic elements. Their abundance down to tens of ppb can be measured together with their isotopic patterns. Due to strict control of the experimental parameters, e.g. laser characteristics, ion-optical parameters and sample position, by computer control, measurements can be performed with high reproducibility. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A new online method to analyse water isotopes of speleothem fluid inclusions using a wavelength scanned cavity ring down spectroscopy (WS-CRDS) instrument is presented. This novel technique allows us simultaneously to measure hydrogen and oxygen isotopes for a released aliquot of water. To do so, we designed a new simple line that allows the online water extraction and isotope analysis of speleothem samples. The specificity of the method lies in the fact that fluid inclusions release is made on a standard water background, which mainly improves the δ D robustness. To saturate the line, a peristaltic pump continuously injects standard water into the line that is permanently heated to 140 °C and flushed with dry nitrogen gas. This permits instantaneous and complete vaporisation of the standard water, resulting in an artificial water background with well-known δ D and δ18O values. The speleothem sample is placed in a copper tube, attached to the line, and after system stabilisation it is crushed using a simple hydraulic device to liberate speleothem fluid inclusions water. The released water is carried by the nitrogen/standard water gas stream directly to a Picarro L1102-i for isotope determination. To test the accuracy and reproducibility of the line and to measure standard water during speleothem measurements, a syringe injection unit was added to the line. Peak evaluation is done similarly as in gas chromatography to obtain &delta D; and δ18O isotopic compositions of measured water aliquots. Precision is better than 1.5 ‰ for δ D and 0.4 ‰ for δ18O for water measurements for an extended range (−210 to 0 ‰ for δ D and −27 to 0 ‰ for δ18O) primarily dependent on the amount of water released from speleothem fluid inclusions and secondarily on the isotopic composition of the sample. The results show that WS-CRDS technology is suitable for speleothem fluid inclusion measurements and gives results that are comparable to the isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) technique.


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Species of the family Pasteurellaceae play an important role as primary or opportunistic, predominantly respiratory, pathogens in domestic and wild animals. Some of them cause severe disease with high economic losses in commercial animal husbandry. Hence, rapid and accurate differentiation of Pasteurellaceae is important and signifies a particular challenge to diagnostic laboratories. Identification and differentiation of Pasteurellaceae is mostly done using phenotypic tests or genetic identification based on sequence similarity of housekeeping genes, such as the rrs gene encoding the 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA). Both approaches are time consuming, laborious, and costly, therefore often delaying the final diagnosis of disease or epidemics. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry represents an alternative rapid and reliable method for the differentiation of most members of the family Pasteurellaceae. It is able to differentiate within a few minutes the currently known 18 genera and most of the over 60 species and subspecies of Pasteurellaceae including many members encountered in veterinary diagnostic laboratories. A few closely related species and subspecies that cannot be discriminated by MALDI-TOF are easily identified further by complementary simple tests, such as hemolysis done simultaneously or routinely during pathogen isolation.


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Laser ablation/ionisation mass spectrometry with a vertical resolution at a nanometre scale was applied for the quantitative characterisation of the chemical composition of additive-assisted Cu electroplated deposits used in the microchip industry. The detailed chemical analysis complements information gathered by optical techniques and allows new insights into the metal deposition process.


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In situ and simultaneous measurement of the three most abundant isotopologues of methane using mid-infrared laser absorption spectroscopy is demonstrated. A field-deployable, autonomous platform is realized by coupling a compact quantum cascade laser absorption spectrometer (QCLAS) to a preconcentration unit, called trace gas extractor (TREX). This unit enhances CH4 mole fractions by a factor of up to 500 above ambient levels and quantitatively separates interfering trace gases such as N2O and CO2. The analytical precision of the QCLAS isotope measurement on the preconcentrated (750 ppm, parts-per-million, µmole mole−1) methane is 0.1 and 0.5 ‰ for δ13C- and δD-CH4 at 10 min averaging time. Based on repeated measurements of compressed air during a 2-week intercomparison campaign, the repeatability of the TREX–QCLAS was determined to be 0.19 and 1.9 ‰ for δ13C and δD-CH4, respectively. In this intercomparison campaign the new in situ technique is compared to isotope-ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) based on glass flask and bag sampling and real time CH4 isotope analysis by two commercially available laser spectrometers. Both laser-based analyzers were limited to methane mole fraction and δ13C-CH4 analysis, and only one of them, a cavity ring down spectrometer, was capable to deliver meaningful data for the isotopic composition. After correcting for scale offsets, the average difference between TREX–QCLAS data and bag/flask sampling–IRMS values are within the extended WMO compatibility goals of 0.2 and 5 ‰ for δ13C- and δD-CH4, respectively. This also displays the potential to improve the interlaboratory compatibility based on the analysis of a reference air sample with accurately determined isotopic composition.


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Two sets of mass spectrometry-based methods were developed specifically for the in vivo study of extracellular neuropeptide biochemistry. First, an integrated micro-concentration/desalting/matrix-addition device was constructed for matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI MS) to achieve attomole sensitivity for microdialysis samples. Second, capillary electrophoresis (CE) was incorporated into the above micro-liquid chromatography (LC) and MALDI MS system to provide two-dimensional separation and identification (i.e. electrophoretic mobility and molecular mass) for the analysis of complex mixtures. The latter technique includes two parts of instrumentation: (1) the coupling of a preconcentration LC column to the inlet of a CE capillary, and (2) the utilization of a matrix-precoated membrane target for continuous CE effluent deposition and for automatic MALDI MS analysis (imaging) of the CE track.^ Initial in vivo data reveals a carboxypeptidase A (CPA) activity in rat brain involved in extracellular neurotensin metabolism. Benzylsuccinic acid, a CPA inhibitor, inhibited neurotensin metabolite NT1-12 formation by 70%, while inhibitors of other major extracellular peptide metabolizing enzymes increased NT1-12 formation. CPA activity has not been observed in previous in vitro experiments. Next, the validity of the methodology was demonstrated in the detection and structural elucidation of an endogenous neuropeptide, (L)VV-hemorphin-7, in rat brain upon ATP stimulation. Finally, the combined micro-LC/CE/MALDI MS was used in the in vivo metabolic study of peptide E, a mu-selective opioid peptide with 25 amino acid residues. Profiles of 88 metabolites were obtained, their identity being determined by their mass-to-charge ratio and electrophoretic mobility. The results indicate that there are several primary cleavage sites in vivo for peptide E in the release of its enkephalin-containing fragments. ^


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Biological activity introduces variability in element incorporation during calcification and thereby decreases the precision and accuracy when using foraminifera as geochemical proxies in paleoceanography. This so-called 'vital effect' consists of organismal and environmental components. Whereas organismal effects include uptake of ions from seawater and subsequent processing upon calcification, environmental effects include migration- and seasonality-induced differences. Triggering asexual reproduction and culturing juveniles of the benthic foraminifer Ammonia tepida under constant, controlled conditions allow environmental and genetic variability to be removed and the effect of cell-physiological controls on element incorporation to be quantified. Three groups of clones were cultured under constant conditions while determining their growth rates, size-normalized weights and single-chamber Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Results show no detectable ontogenetic control on the incorporation of these elements in the species studied here. Despite constant culturing conditions, Mg/Ca varies by a factor of similar to 4 within an individual foraminifer while intra-individual Sr/Ca varies by only a factor of 1.6. Differences between clone groups were similar to the intra-clone group variability in element composition, suggesting that any genetic differences between the clone-groups studied here do not affect trace element partitioning. Instead, variability in Mg/Ca appears to be inherent to the process of bio-calcification itself. The variability in Mg/Ca between chambers shows that measurements of at least 6 different chambers are required to determine the mean Mg/Ca value for a cultured foraminiferal test with a precision of <= 10%


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Laser ionization of mixtures of gases at atmospheric pressure and the subsequent transport through electrostatic field is studied. A prototype is designed to perform the transport and detection of the ions. Relevance of the composition of the mixture of gases and ionization parameters is shown


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We present temporal information obtained by mass spectrometry techniques about the evolution of plasmas generated by laser filamentation in air. The experimental setup used in this work allowed us to study not only the dynamics of the filament core but also of the energy reservoir that surrounds it. Furthermore, valuable insights about the chemistry of such systems like the photofragmentation and/or formation of molecules were obtained. The interpretation of the experimental results are supported by PIC simulations.


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We present temporal information obtained by mass spectrometry techniques about the evolution of plasmas generated by laser filamentation in air. The experimental setup used in this work allowed us to study not only the dynamics of the filament core but also of the energy reservoir that surrounds it. Furthermore, valuable insights about the chemistry of such systems like the photofragmentation and/or formation of molecules were obtained. The interpretation of the experimental results are supported by PIC simulations.


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The function of many of the uncharacterized open reading frames discovered by genomic sequencing can be determined at the level of expressed gene products, the proteome. However, identifying the cognate gene from minute amounts of protein has been one of the major problems in molecular biology. Using yeast as an example, we demonstrate here that mass spectrometric protein identification is a general solution to this problem given a completely sequenced genome. As a first screen, our strategy uses automated laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry of the peptide mixtures produced by in-gel tryptic digestion of a protein. Up to 90% of proteins are identified by searching sequence data bases by lists of peptide masses obtained with high accuracy. The remaining proteins are identified by partially sequencing several peptides of the unseparated mixture by nanoelectrospray tandem mass spectrometry followed by data base searching with multiple peptide sequence tags. In blind trials, the method led to unambiguous identification in all cases. In the largest individual protein identification project to date, a total of 150 gel spots—many of them at subpicomole amounts—were successfully analyzed, greatly enlarging a yeast two-dimensional gel data base. More than 32 proteins were novel and matched to previously uncharacterized open reading frames in the yeast genome. This study establishes that mass spectrometry provides the required throughput, the certainty of identification, and the general applicability to serve as the method of choice to connect genome and proteome.


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Oligomerization of receptor protein tyrosine kinases such as the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) by their cognate ligands leads to activation of the receptor. Transphosphorylation of the receptor subunits is followed by the recruitment of signaling molecules containing src homology 2 (SH2) or phosphotyrosine interaction domains (PID). Additionally, several cytoplasmic proteins that may or may not associate with the receptor undergo tyrosine phosphorylation. To identify several components of the EGFR signaling pathway in a single step, we have immunoprecipitated molecules that are tyrosine phosphorylated in response to EGF and analyzed them by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by mass spectrometry. Combining matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) and nanoelectrospray tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) led to the identification of nine signaling molecules, seven of which had previously been implicated in EGFR signaling. Several of these molecules were identified from low femtomole levels of protein loaded onto the gel. We identified Vav-2, a recently discovered guanosine nucleotide exchange factor that is expressed ubiquitously, as a substrate of the EGFR. We demonstrate that Vav-2 is phosphorylated on tyrosine residues in response to EGF and associates with the EGFR in vivo. Binding of Vav-2 to the EGFR is mediated by the SH2 domain of Vav-2. In keeping with its ubiquitous expression, Vav-2 seems to be a general signaling molecule, since it also associates with the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) receptor and undergoes tyrosine phosphorylation in fibroblasts upon PDGF stimulation. The strategy suggested here can be used for routine identification of downstream components of cell surface receptors in mammalian cells.


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Sets of RNA ladders can be synthesized by transcription of a bacteriophage-encoded RNA polymerase using 3′-deoxynucleotides as chain terminators. These ladders can be used for sequencing of DNA. Using a nicked form of phage SP6 RNA polymerase in this study substantially enhanced yields of transcriptional sequencing ladders. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) of chain-terminated RNA ladders allowed DNA sequence determination of up to 56 nt. It is also demonstrated that A→G and C→T variations in heterozygous and homozygous samples can be unambiguously identified by the mass spectrometric analysis. As a step towards single-tube sequencing reactions, α-thiotriphosphate nucleotide analogs were used to overcome problems caused by chain terminator-independent, premature termination and by the small mass difference between natural pyrimidine nucleotides.


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Since the advent of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization and electrospray ionization, mass spectrometry has played an increasingly important role in protein functional characterization, identification, and structural analysis. Expanding this role, desorption/ionization on silicon (DIOS) is a new approach that allows for the analysis of proteins and related small molecules. Despite the absence of matrix, DIOS-MS yields little or no fragmentation and is relatively tolerant of moderate amounts of contaminants commonly found in biological samples. Here, functional assays were performed on an esterase, a glycosidase, a lipase, as well as exo- and endoproteases by using enzyme-specific substrates. Enzyme activity also was monitored in the presence of inhibitors, successfully demonstrating the ability of DIOS to be used as an inhibitor screen. Because DIOS is a matrix-free desorption technique, it also can be used as a platform for multiple analyses to be performed on the same protein. This unique advantage was demonstrated with acetylcholine esterase for qualitative and quantitative characterization and also by its subsequent identification directly from the DIOS platform.


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Lasers emitting in the ultraviolet wavelength range of 260-360 nm are almost exclusively used for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) of macromolecules. Reports about the use of lasers emitting in the infrared first appeared in 1990/1991. In contrast to MALDI in the ultraviolet, a very limited number of reports on IR-MALDI have since been published. Several matrices have been identified for infrared MALDI yielding spectra of a quality comparable to those obtained in the ultraviolet. Water (ice) was recognized early as a potential matrix because of its strong O-H stretching mode near 3 microm. Interest in water as matrix derives primarily from the fact that it is the major constituent of most biological tissues. If functional as matrix, it might allow the in situ analysis of macromolecular constituents in frozen cell sections without extraction or exchanging the water. We present results that show that IR-MALDI of lyophilized proteins, air dried protein solutions, or protein crystals up to a molecular mass of 30 kDa is possible without the addition of any separate matrix. Samples must be frozen to retain a sufficient fraction of the water of hydration in the vacuum. The limited current sensitivity, requiring at least 10 pmol of protein for a successful analysis needs to be further improved.