149 resultados para Inflection
In the deep-sea, the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) is often marked by clay-rich condensed intervals caused by dissolution of carbonate sediments, capped by a carbonate-rich interval. Constraining the duration of both the dissolution and subsequent cap-carbonate intervals is essential to computing marine carbon fluxes and thus testing hypotheses for the origin of this event. To this end, we provide new high-resolution helium isotope records spanning the Paleocene-Eocene boundary at ODP Site 1266 in the South Atlantic. The extraterrestrial 3He, 3HeET, concentrations replicate trends observed at ODP Site 690 by Farley and Eltgroth (2003, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00017-7). By assuming a constant flux of 3HeET we constrain relative changes in accumulation rates of sediment across the PETM and construct a new age model for the event. In this new chronology the zero carbonate layer represents 35 kyr, some of which reflects clay produced by dissolution of Paleocene (pre-PETM) sediments. Above this layer, carbonate concentrations increase for ~165 kyr and remain higher than in the latest Paleocene until 234 +48/-34 kyr above the base of the clay. The new chronology indicates that minimum d13C values persisted for a maximum of 134 +27/-19 kyr and the inflection point previously chosen to designate the end of the CIE recovery occurs at 217 +44/-31 kyr. This allocation of time differs from that of the cycle-based age model of Röhl et al. (2007, doi:10.1029/2007GC001784) in that it assigns more time to the clay layer followed by a more gradual recovery of carbonate-rich sedimentation. The new model also suggests a longer sustained d13C excursion followed by a more rapid recovery to pre-PETM d13C values. These differences have important implications for constraining the source(s) of carbon and mechanisms for its subsequent sequestration, favoring models that include a sustained release
Pt.II. The vowels of other syllables than stem-syllables ; consonants ; inflection.
A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets.
In this paper, we describe an algorithm that automatically detects and labels peaks I - VII of the normal, suprathreshold auditory brainstem response (ABR). The algorithm proceeds in three stages, with the option of a fourth: ( 1) all candidate peaks and troughs in the ABR waveform are identified using zero crossings of the first derivative, ( 2) peaks I - VII are identified from these candidate peaks based on their latency and morphology, ( 3) if required, peaks II and IV are identified as points of inflection using zero crossings of the second derivative and ( 4) interpeak troughs are identified before peak latencies and amplitudes are measured. The performance of the algorithm was estimated on a set of 240 normal ABR waveforms recorded using a stimulus intensity of 90 dBnHL. When compared to an expert audiologist, the algorithm correctly identified the major ABR peaks ( I, III and V) in 96 - 98% of the waveforms and the minor ABR peaks ( II, IV, VI and VII) in 45 - 83% of waveforms. Whilst peak II was correctly identified in only 83% and peak IV in 77% of waveforms, it was shown that 5% of the peak II identifications and 31% of the peak IV identifications came as a direct result of allowing these peaks to be found as points of inflection. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Theoretical calculations (B3LYP/6-311+G(3df,2p)//B3LYP/6-31G*) of the 1,3 migration of NR2 transforming alpha-oxoketenimines 1 to alpha-imidoylketenes 3 and vice versa indicate that this process is a pseudo-pericyclic reaction with a low activation energy (NH2 97 kJ mol(-1), N(CH3)(2) 62 kJ mol(-1)). The oxoketenimines were found to be more stable (by 18-35 kJ mol(-1)) which is in line with experimental observations. The hindered amine rotation in the amide and amidine moieties adjacent to the cumulenes are important in the migration of the NR2 group, as one of the rotation transition states is close to the 1,3 migration pathway. This gives an interesting potential energy surface with a valley-ridge inflection (VRI) between the orthogonal hindered amine rotation and 1,3 migration transition states. The imidoylketene may also undergo ring closure to an azetinone 5; however, this is metastable, and under the conditions that allow the 1,3-migration, the oxoketenimine 1 will be favored. The imine NH E/Z-interconversion of the ketenimine group takes place by inversion and has a low activation barrier (similar to40 kJ mol(-1)). In all the amidines examined the E/Z-interconversion of the imine function was predicted to be by rotation with a high barrier (>80 kJ mol(-1)), in contrast to all other reported imine E/Z-interconversions which are by inversion.
The energy surface connecting oxazinium olates 9, several possible conformers of ketenes 10 and 11, and the final cyclization products 12, 13 and 14, as well as the isomeric 1,3-oxazine-6-ones 15, ring opening of the latter to N-acylimidoylketenes 16, and subsequent rearrangement of 16 to oxoketenimines 17, azetinones 18, and the cyclization products 19 and 20 are evaluated computationally at the B3LYP/6-31G* and B3LYP/6-311+G*//B3LYP/6-31G* levels. The cyclizations of ketenes to oxazinium olates 9 and oxazines 15 have the characteristics of pseudopericyclic reactions. Plots of the energy vs internal reaction coordinate for the cyclization of transoid acylketenes such as 10 to 9 (via TS1) and 16 to 15 (via TS7) feature two inflection points and indicate that the part of the energy surface above the lower inflection points describe internal rotation of the acyl function in the ketene moiety, and the part below this point describes the cyclization of the cisoid ketene to the planar mesoionic oxazinium olate 9 or oxazinone 15. The 1,3-shifts of the OR group that interconvert ketenes 16 and ketenimines 17 via four-membered cyclic transition states TS8 behave similarly, the first portion (from the ketenimine side) of the activation barrier being due largely to internal rotation of substituents, and the top part being due to the 1,3-shift proper.
Background Cardiovascular diseases and their nutritional risk factors-including overweight and obesity, elevated blood pressure, and cholesterol-are among the leading causes of global mortality and morbidity, and have been predicted to rise with economic development. Methods and Findings We examined age-standardized mean population levels of body mass index (BMI), systolic blood pressure, and total cholesterol in relation to national income, food share of household expenditure, and urbanization in a cross-country analysis. Data were from a total of over 100 countries and were obtained from systematic reviews of published literature, and from national and international health agencies. BMI and cholesterol increased rapidly in relation to national income, then flattened, and eventually declined. BMI increased most rapidly until an income of about I$5,000 (international dollars) and peaked at about I$12,500 for females and I$17,000 for males. Cholesterol's point of inflection and peak were at higher income levels than those of BMI (about I$8,000 and I$18,000, respectively). There was an inverse relationship between BMI/cholesterol and the food share of household expenditure, and a positive relationship with proportion of population in urban areas. Mean population blood pressure was not correlated or only weakly correlated with the economic factors considered, or with cholesterol and BMI. Conclusions When considered together with evidence on shifts in income-risk relationships within developed countries, the results indicate that cardiovascular disease risks are expected to systematically shift to low-income and middle-income countries and, together with the persistent burden of infectious diseases, further increase global health inequalities. Preventing obesity should be a priority from early stages of economic development, accompanied by population-level and personal interventions for blood pressure and cholesterol.
Adsorption isotherms of methane and carbon dioxide on two kinds of Australian coals have been measured at three temperatures up to pressures of 20 MPa. The adsorption behavior is described by three isotherm equations: extended three-parameter, Langmuir, and Toth. Among these, the Toth equation is found to be the most suitable, yielding the most realistic values of pore volume of the coals and the adsorbed phase density. Also, the surface area of coals obtained from CO2 adsorption at 273 K is found to be the meaningful parameter which captures the CO2 adsorption capacity. A maximum in the excess amount adsorbed of each gas appears at a lower pressure with a decrease in temperature. For carbon dioxide, after the appearance of the maximum, an inflection point in the excess amount adsorbed is observed close to the critical density at each temperature, indicating that the decrease in the gas-phase density change with pressure influences the behavior of the excess amount adsorbed. In the context of CO2 sequestration, it is found that CO2 injection pressures of lower than 10 MPa may be desirable for the CH4 recovery process and CO2-holding capacity.
This article takes a broader theoretical perspective of the retail life cycle by incorporating threshold periods at important inflection points in the international growth process. Specifically, it considers one threshold interval between an early phase of disjointed international expansion and a more focused, accelerated international growth programme. It concludes that executives need to consider a set of threshold periods during the development and growth of international store operations, understand why these events occur, and consider in what ways to respond to them to overcome and cross the threshold. Salient lessons are extracted from Wal-Mart's experiences during the threshold period for other international managers. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The stability of internally heated convective flows in a vertical channel under the influence of a pressure gradient and in the limit of small Prandtl number is examined numerically. In each of the cases studied the basic flow, which can have two inflection points, loses stability at the critical point identified by the corresponding linear analysis to two-dimensional states in a Hopf bifurcation. These marginal points determine the linear stability curve that identifies the minimum Grashof number (based on the strength of the homogeneous heat source), at which the two-dimensional periodic flow can bifurcate. The range of stability of the finite amplitude secondary flow is determined by its (linear) stability against three-dimensional infinitesimal disturbances. By first examining the behavior of the eigenvalues as functions of the Floquet parameters in the streamwise and spanwise directions we show that the secondary flow loses stability also in a Hopf bifurcation as the Grashof number increases, indicating that the tertiary flow is quasi-periodic. Secondly the Eckhaus marginal stability curve, that bounds the domain of stable transverse vortices towards smaller and larger wavenumbers, but does not cause a transition as the Grashof number increases, is also given for the cases studied in this work.
The stability of internally heated inclined plane parallel shear flows is examined numerically for the case of finite value of the Prandtl number, Pr. The transition in a vertical channel has already been studied for 0≤Pr≤100 with or without the application of an external pressure gradient, where the secondary flow takes the form of travelling waves (TWs) that are spanwise-independent (see works of Nagata and Generalis). In this work, in contrast to work already reported (J. Heat Trans. T. ASME 124 (2002) 635-642), we examine transition where the secondary flow takes the form of longitudinal rolls (LRs), which are independent of the steamwise direction, for Pr=7 and for a specific value of the angle of inclination of the fluid layer without the application of an external pressure gradient. We find possible bifurcation points of the secondary flow by performing a linear stability analysis that determines the neutral curve, where the basic flow, which can have two inflection points, loses stability. The linear stability of the secondary flow against three-dimensional perturbations is also examined numerically for the same value of the angle of inclination by employing Floquet theory. We identify possible bifurcation points for the tertiary flow and show that the bifurcation can be either monotone or oscillatory. © 2003 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
Banana discs of 1 cm thickness were immersed into different antioxidant solutions to slow down potentially disturbing discoloration during drying. Samples were randomly split into 8 groups according to the 2^p experimental design. Two antioxidant solutions with 1.66% and 4.59% ascorbic acid, two levels of drying temperature with 50°C and 80°C, two levels of drying time with 6h and 8h were used or adjusted. Laser diodes of seven wavelengths (532, 635, 650, 780, 808, 850 and 1064 nm) were selected to illuminate the surface and light penetration pattern was evaluated on the basis of radial profiles. Profiles acquired at three wavelengths (532, 635 and 650 nm) were found to respond sensitively to adjusted parameters. As a result of drying, intensity decay was observed to move closer to incident point. Significant effect (p<0.01) of temperature, drying time and their interaction was found on extracted descriptive attributes of intensity profiles: full width at half maximum (FWHM), distance of inflection point (DIP) and slope of logarithmic decay (SLD). Beyond their presence, antioxidant concentration was neutral factor without significant contribution to the model. Results were in agreement with reference spectroscopic measurements, especially with NDVI index. Promising results suggest that evaluated method might be suitable for monitoring purposes during drying of fruits.
The focus of this study was to explain the extent to which theoretically effective teaching strategies taught in a course on generic instructional strategies are being implemented by teachers in their actual teaching practice. ^ A multivariate causal-comparative (ex-post-facto) design was used to answer the research question. A teacher observation protocol, the General Instructional Strategies Analysis (GISA) was constructed and used to assess the utilization of instructional strategies in the classroom. The data of this study also included open-ended field notes taken during observations. ^ Multivariate Analyses of Variance (MANOVA) was used to compare the teaching strategies (set, effective explanation, hands-on activity, cooperative learning activity, higher order questioning, closure) of the group who had taken a general instructional strategies course (N=36) and the group who had not (N=36). Results showed a statistically significant difference between the two groups. The group who had taken the course implemented these strategies more effectively in almost all categories of effective teaching. Follow-up univariate tests of the dependent variables showed significant differences between the two groups in five of the six areas (hands-on activity being an exception). A second MANOVA compared the two groups on the effective use of attending behaviors (teacher movement/eye contact/body language/physical space, brief verbal acknowledgements/voice inflection/modulation/pitch, use of visuals, prompting/probing, praise/feedback/rewards, wait-time I and II). Results also showed a multivariate difference between the two groups. Follow-up univariate tests on the related dependent variables showed that five of the six were significantly different between the two groups. The group who had taken the course implemented the strategies more effectively. An analysis of the field notes provided further evidence regarding the pervasiveness of these differences between the teaching practices of the two groups. ^ It was concluded that taking a course in general instructional strategies increases the utilization of effective strategies in the classroom by teachers. ^
El presente estudio revisa la caracterización de los enunciados realizativos, deteniéndose en aquellos que no presentan estructura oracional. Así, analizaremos las expresiones no verbales que presentan las características propiamente performativas: construcciones preposicionales encabezadas por núcleos ´locativos`, ´sumativos` y ´sustractivos` y apelaciones enfáticas. En este sentido, podremos determinar el valor de las preposiciones que introducen sintagmas equivalentes a predicados con sentido realizativo. Por otro lado, distinguiremos dos modos de enunciar en relación con la descortesía y la adulación: insultos y halagos. Dichas expresiones se describirán desde una perspectiva gramatical y prosódica, de modo que se atenderá a su capacidad para reproducir enunciados realizativos convencionales y de orientar el acento y la inflexión melódica a la transformación cognitiva y emocional de la realidad del individuo receptor.