996 resultados para Grant Number: 200716


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Shipping list no.: 93-0164-P.


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"February 1994."


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Cover title: Illinois cancer control plan, 1989.


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"Supported by National Cancer Institute grant number CA46668-01."


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"This research was supported in part by a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics (Grant Number 82-BJ-CX-K425).


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This file accompanies “NAmer2014SnowBC_Dohertyetal_v1.xlsx”, which contains data on black carbon (BC) and other light-absorbing particles in snow in Utah and Idaho, for samples collected January-March 2014 in Jan/Feb 2013 and 2014 in Utah. Data are available as an Excel file with headers, or as a comma-separated data file, with no headers. There is one entry per layer of snow sampled. All entries (other than column titles in the .xlsx) are numeric. Detailed information on our measurements can be found in a series of publications, as given below.  Description of the instrument and method used to make the measurements: Grenfell, T. C., S. J. Doherty, A. D. Clarke, and S. G. Warren, Spectrophotometric determination of absorptive impurities in snow, Appl. Opt., 50(14), pp.2037-2048, 2011.  Summary and discussion of dataset “NAmer2014SnowBC_Dohertyetal.xlsx”, including maps of sample locations: Doherty, S. J., D. A. Hegg, P. K. Quinn, J. E. Johnson, J. P. Schwarz, C. Dang and S. G. Warren, Causes of variability in light absorption by particles in snow at sites in Idaho and Utah, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, doi:10.1002/2015JD024375, 2016. Note that the measurement and analysis techniques used to produce these data were also used in a broad Arctic survey (2006-2010) of BC and other light-absorbing particles snow, as reported here: Doherty, S. J., S. G. Warren, T. C. Grenfell, A. D. Clarke, and R. E. Brandt: Light-absorbing impurities in Arctic snow, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 11647-11680, doi:10.5194/acp-10-11647-2010, 2010. http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/10/11647/2010/acp-10-11647-2010.html


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Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J05, 35J25, 35C15, 47H50, 47G30


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Димитър С. Илиев, Станимир Д. Илиев - Актуално е изследването на поведението на течен менискус в околността на хетерогенна стена. До сега няма получено числено решение за формата на менискуса около стена, която е с хаотична хетерогенност. В настоящата статия е разработен алгоритъм за метода на локалните вариации, който може да се използва на многопроцесорни системи. С този метод е получен за първи път профила на равновесен течен менискус около вертикална стена с хаотична хетерогенност.


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Станимир Д. Илиев, Нина Хр. Пешева - Представен е хибриден експериментално-числен метод, работещ в реално време, за определяне на макроскопичния динамичен контактен ъгъл, който менискусът на течност в съд формира с вертикална пластина, която се потапя или издърпва с постоянна скорост от съда с течността. Този метод е приложим, когато системата е в стационарно състояние. Методът се базира на пълния хидродинамичен модел на Войнов. Той позволява да се получи числено с висока точност стационарната форма на профила на динамичния менискус (и от там ъгълът на наклон на менискуса) като се използва като гранично условие експериментално определената височина на менискуса на пластината.


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Funded by European Union's Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie. Grant Number: 661211 Research Foundation Flanders (FWO). Grant Numbers: G.0055.08, G.0149.09, G.0308.13 FWO Research Network on Eco-Evolutionary dynamics French Ministère de l'Energie de l'Ecologie du Développement Durable et de la Mer through the EU FP6 BiodivERsA Eranet NERC. Grant Number: NE/J008001/1


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Acknowledgements We thank B. Lahner, E. Yakubova and S. Rikiishi for ICP-MS analysis, N. Komiyama, Iowa State University Plant Transformation Facility and Prashant Hosmani for generation of transgenic rice, K. Wang for providing pTF101.1 vector and N. Verbruggen for providing pYES2 and pYEC2/CT-GFP vectors. We also thank Rice T-DNA Insertion Sequence Database center for providing the T-DNA insertion line and X. Wang, T. Zheng and Z. Li for accessing 3 K rice genome sequence, and Graeme Paton for helpful discussions on Cu bioavailability in water-logged soils. This research was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Specially promoted Research (JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 16H06296 to J.F.M), and the US National Science Foundation, Plant Genome Research Program (Grant #IOS 0701119 to D.E.S., M.L.G. and S.R.M.P.).


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Open Access funded by Medical Research Council Acknowledgment The work reported here was funded by a grant from the Medical Research Council, UK, grant number: MR/J013838/1.


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This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Acknowledgements: The authors acknowledge support from the Scottish Government Food Land and People programme (RESAS). We would like to thank Lorraine Scobbie and Gary Duncan for technical support. Funding for JP, AWW and 454 pyrosequencing was provided by the Wellcome Trust (grant number 098051).


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This research is funded by UK Medical Research Council grant number MR/L011115/1. We would like to thank the 105 experts in behaviour change who have committed their time and offered their expertise for study 2 of this research. We are also very grateful to all those who sent us peer-reviewed behaviour change intervention descriptions for study 1. Finally, we would like thank Dr. Emma Beard and Dr. Dan Dediu for their statistical input and to all the researchers, particularly Holly Walton, who have assisted in the coding of papers for study 1.