975 resultados para Federative co-ordination


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Highly competitive environments are leading companies to implement SupplyChain Management (SCM) to improve performance and gain a competitiveadvantage. SCM involves integration, co-ordination and collaborationacross organisations and throughout the supply chain. It means that SCMrequires internal (intraorganisational) and external (interorganisational)integration. This paper examines the Logistics-Production and Logistics-Marketing interfaces and their relation with the external integrationprocess. The study also investigates the causal impact of these internaland external relationships on the company s logistical service performance.To analyse this, an empirical study was conducted in the Spanish Fast MovingConsumer Goods (FMCG) sector.


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Adversarial relationships have long dominated business relationships,but Supply Chain Management (SCM) entails a new perspective. SCM requiresa movement away from arms-length relationships toward partnership stylerelations. SCM involves integration, co-ordination and collaborationacross organisations and throughout the supply chain. It means that SCMrequires internal (intraorganisational) and external (interorganisational)integration. This paper analyses the relationship between internal andexternal integration processes, their effect on firms performance andtheir contribution to the achievement of a competitive advantage.Performance improvements are analysed through costs, stock out and leadtime reductions. And, the achievement of a better competitive positionis measured by comparing the firm s performance with its competitors performance. To analyse this, an empirical study has been conducted inthe Spanish grocery sector.


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European regulatory networks (ERNs) are in charge of producing and disseminating non-bindings standards, guidelines and recommendations in a number of important domains, such as banking and finance, electricity and gas, telecommunications, and competition regulation. The goal of these soft rules is to promote 'best practices', achieve co-ordination among regulatory authorities and ensure the consistent application of harmonized pro-competition rules across Europe. This contribution examines the domestic adoption of the soft rules developed within the four main ERNs. Different factors are expected to influence the process of domestic adoption: the resources of regulators; the existence of a review panel; and the interdependence of the issues at stake. The empirical analysis supports hypotheses about the relevance of network-level factors: monitoring and public reporting procedures increase the final level of adoption, while soft rules concerning highly interdependent policy areas are adopted earlier.


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Cooperation and coordination are desirable behaviors that are fundamental for the harmonious development of society. People need to rely on cooperation with other individuals in many aspects of everyday life, such as teamwork and economic exchange in anonymous markets. However, cooperation may easily fall prey to exploitation by selfish individuals who only care about short- term gain. For cooperation to evolve, specific conditions and mechanisms are required, such as kinship, direct and indirect reciprocity through repeated interactions, or external interventions such as punishment. In this dissertation we investigate the effect of the network structure of the population on the evolution of cooperation and coordination. We consider several kinds of static and dynamical network topologies, such as Baraba´si-Albert, social network models and spatial networks. We perform numerical simulations and laboratory experiments using the Prisoner's Dilemma and co- ordination games in order to contrast human behavior with theoretical results. We show by numerical simulations that even a moderate amount of random noise on the Baraba´si-Albert scale-free network links causes a significant loss of cooperation, to the point that cooperation almost vanishes altogether in the Prisoner's Dilemma when the noise rate is high enough. Moreover, when we consider fixed social-like networks we find that current models of social networks may allow cooperation to emerge and to be robust at least as much as in scale-free networks. In the framework of spatial networks, we investigate whether cooperation can evolve and be stable when agents move randomly or performing Le´vy flights in a continuous space. We also consider discrete space adopting purposeful mobility and binary birth-death process to dis- cover emergent cooperative patterns. The fundamental result is that cooperation may be enhanced when this migration is opportunistic or even when agents follow very simple heuristics. In the experimental laboratory, we investigate the issue of social coordination between indi- viduals located on networks of contacts. In contrast to simulations, we find that human players dynamics do not converge to the efficient outcome more often in a social-like network than in a random network. In another experiment, we study the behavior of people who play a pure co- ordination game in a spatial environment in which they can move around and when changing convention is costly. We find that each convention forms homogeneous clusters and is adopted by approximately half of the individuals. When we provide them with global information, i.e., the number of subjects currently adopting one of the conventions, global consensus is reached in most, but not all, cases. Our results allow us to extract the heuristics used by the participants and to build a numerical simulation model that agrees very well with the experiments. Our findings have important implications for policymakers intending to promote specific, desired behaviors in a mobile population. Furthermore, we carry out an experiment with human subjects playing the Prisoner's Dilemma game in a diluted grid where people are able to move around. In contrast to previous results on purposeful rewiring in relational networks, we find no noticeable effect of mobility in space on the level of cooperation. Clusters of cooperators form momentarily but in a few rounds they dissolve as cooperators at the boundaries stop tolerating being cheated upon. Our results highlight the difficulties that mobile agents have to establish a cooperative environment in a spatial setting without a device such as reputation or the possibility of retaliation. i.e. punishment. Finally, we test experimentally the evolution of cooperation in social networks taking into ac- count a setting where we allow people to make or break links at their will. In this work we give particular attention to whether information on an individual's actions is freely available to poten- tial partners or not. Studying the role of information is relevant as information on other people's actions is often not available for free: a recruiting firm may need to call a job candidate's refer- ences, a bank may need to find out about the credit history of a new client, etc. We find that people cooperate almost fully when information on their actions is freely available to their potential part- ners. Cooperation is less likely, however, if people have to pay about half of what they gain from cooperating with a cooperator. Cooperation declines even further if people have to pay a cost that is almost equivalent to the gain from cooperating with a cooperator. Thus, costly information on potential neighbors' actions can undermine the incentive to cooperate in dynamical networks.


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Tämä diplomityö on tehty Andritz Oy:lle Washers & Filters tuoteryhmään. Työ on osa 3D-suunnittelujärjestelmän käyttöönottoprojektia. Tavoitteena on arvioida uuden laitesuunnittelujärjestelmän vaikutuksia yrityksen tietojärjestelmiin ja toimintatapoihin sekä etsiä potentiaalisia tulevaisuuden kehityskohteita. Suunnittelutietoa hyödyntäviä sidosryhmien edustajia haastattelemalla selvitettiin järjestelmille ja ohjelmistoille asetettavia vaatimuksia. Ohjelmistoihin tutustumalla saatiin käsitys niiden nykytilasta ja kehityssuunnista. 3D-geometrian hyödyntämiseen perustuvilla järjestelmillä voidaan poistaa päällekäistä työtä sekä lyhentää läpimenoaikoja suunnittelussa ja valmistuksessa sijoittamalla työvaiheita rinnakkain. Suurimmat 3D-suunnittelun edut saavutetaan tuotekehitysvaiheessa, tuotemuutoksia tehtäessä sekä valmistusprosesseja suunniteltaessa. Ongelmallisimmat osa-alueet tietojärjestelmien kehittämisessä ovat ensi-sijaisesti tiedonsiirto ohjelmistojen välillä, työntekijöiden muutosvastarinta sekä laadukkaiden järjestelmien korkea hinta. Laajojen tietojärjestelmä-projektien läpivienti on hyvin haastavaa ja onnistuminen vaatii kaikkien sidosryhmien mukana olemista ja tarkkaa projektin koordinointia.


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Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli kehittää toimintamalli, joka yhdenmukaistaisi Kone Elevators:in modernisointiliikealueen logistiset käytännöt. Toimintamalli luotiin kartoittamalla euroopan maayksiköiden nykyisiä logistisia käytäntöjä sekä perehtymällä asiaankuuluvaan kirjallisuuteen, case study:ihin sekä sähköisiin artikkeleihin. Tärkeää osaa työssä esittivät maayksiköiden sekä Koneen toimittajayksiköiden edustajien haastattelut. Haastatteluiden tuloksia vertailtiin ja analysoitiin. Niiden pohjalta huomattiin, että logistiset toimintatavat vaihtelevat maittain. Ongelmat ovat kuitenkin hyvin samanlaisia; tiedonkulun katkot toimitusprosessin aikana. Muiden Koneen liikealueiden toimintatapoja tutkimalla, haastattelujen tuloksia käyttämällä sekä kirjallisuustutkimuksen pohjalta muodostettiin näkemys parhaasta toimintatapamallista. Modernisointiliikealueen toimitusprosessi tullee perustumaan keskitettyyn ohjaukseen, mutta paikalliseen koordinointiin. Se tullee hyväksikäyttämään ulkoistetun logistiikan tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia sekä sähköistä tiedonsiirtoa. Fyysiselle siirrolle tarjotaan kolmea vaihtoehtoa, joista maayksiköt voivat valita tilanteeseen parhaiten sopivan.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää mitkä ovat Lappeenrannan teknillisen korkeakoulun laadun kehittämisen mahdollisuudet. Tutkimusongelmaa lähestytään selvittämällä kirjallisuudesta laadun kehittämisen yleisiä perusedellytyksiä ja miten toimiminen julkisesti rahoitetulla sektorilla vaikuttaa niihin. Teollisuudesta peräisin olevat laadun kehittämisen j a laatujohtamisen menetelmät eivät yksin sovellu tietointensiiviseen akateemiseen maailmaan. Tietojohtaminen tuo yliopistojen laadun kehittämiseen uuden ulottuvuuden. Organisaatiot on nähtävä moniulotteisina tietoyöparistoina, joissa on mekaanisia, orgaanisia ja dynaamisia piirteitä. Näissä tietoympäristöissä on omat periaatteensa, joiden mukaan niiden toimintaa tehokkaimmin johdetaan, ja kriteerinsä, joiden pohjalta laatu määräytyy. Tutkimus osoittaa, että LTKK:n johto suhtautuu myönteisesti laadun kehittämiseen ja LTKK:ssa on monia kohteita, joiden laatua voidaan kehittää. Vaikka LTKK:ssa arvostetaan innovatiivisuutta, joka on dynaamisen ympäristön laadun kriteeri, kehittämisehdotukset tukivat lähes kokonaan orgaanisen ympäristön laatua. jonka kriteerinä on hallittu kehittäminen. Suurimmat haasteet laadun kehittämisessä ovat kenties dynaamisen ympäristön tavoitteiden tunnistaminen, henkilöstön asenteiden muuttaminen ja yhteisöllisyyden lisääminen.


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Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen ja sen tavoitteena on tarkastella johtoryhmätyöskentelyä ja päätöksentekoa roolien ja vuorovaikutuksen kautta. Roolit perustuvat havainnointitutkimukselle Imatra Steelin Imatran terästehtaan johtoryhmässä. Tutkimuksessa on lisäksi hyödynnetty teemahaastatteluja ja yrityksen dokumentteja, ja näin ollen aineistotriangulaatiota. Tutkimuksen painotus on empiirisellä osalla. Tutkimuksen avulla todetaan, että johtoryhmätyöskentely kohdeyrityksessä on perinteitä noudattelevaa ja keskittynyt informaation jakamiseen sekä toiminnan koordinointiin. Strateginen päätöksenteko ja dynaaminen johtoryhmätyöskentely ovat vähemmän painottuneita. Päätökset johtoryhmän kokouksissa syntyvät keskustelujen tuloksena puheenjohtajan tehdessä lopullisen ratkaisun.


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Cells couple their growth and division rate in response to nutrient availability to maintain a constant size. This co-ordination happens either at the G1-S or the G2-M transition of the cell cycle. In the rod-shaped fission yeast, size regulation happens at the G2-M transition prior to mitotic commitment. Recent studies have focused on the role of the DYRK-family protein kinase Pom1, which forms gradients emanating from cell poles and inhibits the mitotic activator kinase Cdr2, present at the cell middle. Pom1 was proposed to inhibit Cdr2 until cells reached a critical size before division. However when and where Pom1 inhibits Cdr2 is not clear as medial Pom1 levels do not change during cell elongation. Here I show that Pom1 gradients are susceptible to environmental changes in glucose. Specifically, upon glucose limitation, Pom1 re-localizes from the poles to the cell sides where it delays mitosis through regulating Cdr2. This re-localization occurs due to microtubule de- stabilization and lateral catastrophes leading to transient deposition of the Pom1 gradient nucleator Tea4 along the cell cortex. As Tea4 localization to cell sides is sufficient to recruit Pom1, this explains the mechanism of Pom1 re-localization. Microtubule destabilization and consequently Tea4 and Pom1 spread depends on the activity of the cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase A (PKA/Pka1), as pka1 mutant cells have stable microtubules and retain polar Tea4 and Pom1 under limited glucose. PKA signaling negatively regulates the microtubule rescue factor CLASP/Cls1, thus reducing its ability to stabilize microtubules. Thus PKA signaling tunes CLASP activity to promote microtubule de-stabilization and Pom1 re-localization upon glucose limitation. I show that the side-localized Pom1 delays mitosis and balances the role of the mitosis promoting, mitogen-associated protein kinase (MAPK) protein Sty1. Thus Pom1 re-localization may serve to buffer cell size upon glucose limitation. -- Afin de maintenir une taille constante, les cellules régulent leur croissance ainsi que leur taux de division selon les nutriments disponibles dans le milieu. Dans la levure fissipare, cette régulation de la taille précède l'engagement mitotique et se fait à la transition entre les phases G2 à M du cycle cellulaire. Des études récentes se sont focalisées sur le rôle de la protéine Pom1, membre de la famille des DYRK kinase. Celle-ci forme un gradient provenant des pôles de la cellule et inhibe l'activateur mitotique Cdr2 présent au centre de la cellule. Le model propose que Pom1 inhibe Cdr2 jusqu'à atteindre une taille critique avant la division. Cependant quand et à quel endroit dans la cellulle Pom1 inhibe Cdr2 n'était pas clair car les niveaux médians de Pom1 ne changent pas au cours de la l'élongation des cellules. Dans cette étude, je montre que les gradients de Pom1 sont sensibles aux changements environnementaux du taux de glucose. Plus spécifiquement, en conditions limitantes de glucose, Pom1 se relocalise des pôles de la cellule pour se distribuer sur les côtés de celle-ci. Par conséquent, un délai d'entrée en mitose est observé dû à l'inhibition Cdr2 par Pom1. Cette délocalisation est due à la déstabilisation des microtubules qui va conduire à une déposition transitoire de Tea4, le nucléateur du gradient de Pom1, tout au long du cortex de la cellule. Comme la localisation de Tea4 sur les côtés de la cellule est suffisante pour recruter la protéine Pom1, ceci explique le mécanisme de relocalisation de celle-ci. La déstabilisation des microtubules et par conséquent la diffusion de Tea4 et Pom1 dépendent de l'activité de la protéine kinase A dépendante de l'AMP cyclique (PKA/Pka1). En absence de pka1, la stabilité des microtubules n'est pas affectée ce qui permet la rétention de Tea4 et Pom1 aux pôles de la cellule même en conditions limitantes de glucose. La signalisation via PKA régule négativement le facteur de sauvetage des microtubules CLASP/Cls1 et permet donc de réduire sa fonction de déstabilisation des microtubules. Ainsi la signalisation via PKA affine l'activité des CLASP pour promouvoir la déstabilisation des microtubules et la relocalisation de Pom1 en conditions limitantes de glucose. Je montre que la localisation sur les côtés retarde l'entrée en mitose et compense l'action de la protéine Sty1, connue pour être une MAPK qui induit l'entrée en mitose. Ainsi, la relocalisation de Pom1 pourrait servir à tamponner la taille de la cellule en condition limitantes de glucose. -- Various cell types in the environment such as bacterial, plant or animal cells have a distinct cellular size. Maintaining a constant cell size is important for fitness in unicellular organisms and for diverse functions in multicellular organisms. Cells regulate their size by coordinating their growth rate to their division rate. This coupling is important otherwise cells would get progressively smaller or larger after each successive cell cycle. In their natural environment cells may face fluctuations in the available nutrient supply. Thus cells have to coordinate their division rate to the variable growth rates shown under different nutrient conditions. During my PhD, I worked with a single-celled rod shaped yeast called the fission yeast. These cells are longer when the nutrient supply is abundant and shorter when the nutrient supply is scarce. A protein that senses changes in the external carbon source (glucose) is called Protein Kinase A (PKA). The rod shape of fission yeast cells is maintained thanks to a structural backbone called the cytoskeleton. One of the components of this backbone is called microtubules, which are small tube like structures spanning the length of the cell. They transport a protein called Tea4, which in turn is important for the proper localization of another protein Pom1 to the cell ends. Pom1 helps to maintain proper shape and size of these rod shaped yeast cells. My thesis work showed that upon reduction in the external nutrient (glucose) levels, microtubules become less stable and show an alteration in their organization. A significant percentage of the microtubules contact the side of the cell instead of touching only the cell tip. This leads to the spreading of the protein Pom1 away from the tips all around the cell periphery. This helps fission yeast cells to maintain the proper size required under these conditions of limited glucose supply. I further showed that the protein PKA regulates microtubule stability and organization and thus Pom1 spreading and maintenance of proper cell size. Thus my work led to the discovery of a novel pathway by which fission yeast cells maintain their size under limited supply of glucose. -- Divers types cellulaires dans l'environnement tels que les bactéries, les plantes ou les cellules animales ont une taille précise. Le maintien d'une taille cellulaire constante est importante pour le fitness des organismes unicellulaire ainsi que pour multiples fonctions dans les organismes multicellulaires. Les cellules régulent leur taille en coordonnant le taux de croissance avec le taux de division. Ce couplage est essentiel sinon les cellules deviendraient progressivement plus petites ou plus grandes après chaque cycle cellulaire. Dans leur habitat naturels les cellules peuvent faire face a des fluctuations dans le taux de nutriment disponible. Les cellules doivent donc coordonner leur taux de division aux taux variables de croissances perçus dans les différentes conditions nutritionnels. Pendant ma thèse, j'ai travaillée sur une levure unicellulaire, en forme de bâtonnet, nommé levure fissipare ou levure de fission. La taille de ces cellules est plus grande quand le taux de nutriments est grand et plus courte quand celui-ci est plus faible. Une protéine qui perçoit les changements dans le taux externe de la source de carbone (glucose) est nommée PKA pour protéine kinase A. La forme en bâtonnet de la cellule est due aux caractères structuraux du cytosquelette. Une composante importante de ce cytosquelette sont les microtubules, dont la structures ressemble à des petit tubes qui vont d'un bout à l'autre de la cellule. Ces microtubules transportent une protéine importante nommée Tea4 qui à leur tour importante pour la bonne localisation d'une autre protéine Pom1 aux extrémités de la cellule. La protéine Pom1 aide à maintenir la taille appropriée des levures fissipares. Mon travail de thèse a montré qu'en présence de taux faible de nutriments (glucose) les microtubules deviennent de moins en moins stables et montrent une désorganisation globale. Un pourcentage significatif des microtubules touche les côtés de la cellule aux lieu d'atteindre uniquement les extrémités. Ceci a pour conséquence une diffusion de Pom1 tout au long du cortex de la cellule. Ceci aide les levures fissipares à maintenir la taille appropriée pendant ce stress nutritionnel. De plus, je montre que PKA régule la stabilité et l'organisation des microtubules et par conséquent la diffusion de Pom1 et le maintien d'une taille constante. En conclusion, mon travail a conduit à la découverte d'un nouveau mécanisme par lequel la levure fissipare maintient sa taille dans des conditions limitantes en glucose.


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BACKGROUND: The burden of asthma on patients and healthcare systems is substantial. Interventions have been developed to overcome difficulties in asthma management. These include chronic disease management programmes, which are more than simple patient education, encompassing a set of coherent interventions that centre on the patients' needs, encouraging the co-ordination and integration of health services provided by a variety of healthcare professionals, and emphasising patient self-management as well as patient education. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effectiveness of chronic disease management programmes for adults with asthma. SEARCH METHODS: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC) Group Specialised Register, MEDLINE (MEDLINE In-Process and Other Non-Indexed Citations), EMBASE, CINAHL, and PsycINFO were searched up to June 2014. We also handsearched selected journals from 2000 to 2012 and scanned reference lists of relevant reviews. SELECTION CRITERIA: We included individual or cluster-randomised controlled trials, non-randomised controlled trials, and controlled before-after studies comparing chronic disease management programmes with usual care in adults over 16 years of age with a diagnosis of asthma. The chronic disease management programmes had to satisfy at least the following five criteria: an organisational component targeting patients; an organisational component targeting healthcare professionals or the healthcare system, or both; patient education or self-management support, or both; active involvement of two or more healthcare professionals in patient care; a minimum duration of three months. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: After an initial screen of the titles, two review authors working independently assessed the studies for eligibility and study quality; they also extracted the data. We contacted authors to obtain missing information and additional data, where necessary. We pooled results using the random-effects model and reported the pooled mean or standardised mean differences (SMDs). MAIN RESULTS: A total of 20 studies including 81,746 patients (median 129.5) were included in this review, with a follow-up ranging from 3 to more than 12 months. Patients' mean age was 42.5 years, 60% were female, and their asthma was mostly rated as moderate to severe. Overall the studies were of moderate to low methodological quality, because of limitations in their design and the wide confidence intervals for certain results.Compared with usual care, chronic disease management programmes resulted in improvements in asthma-specific quality of life (SMD 0.22, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.08 to 0.37), asthma severity scores (SMD 0.18, 95% CI 0.05 to 0.30), and lung function tests (SMD 0.19, 95% CI 0.09 to 0.30). The data for improvement in self-efficacy scores were inconclusive (SMD 0.51, 95% CI -0.08 to 1.11). Results on hospitalisations and emergency department or unscheduled visits could not be combined in a meta-analysis because the data were too heterogeneous; results from the individual studies were inconclusive overall. Only a few studies reported results on asthma exacerbations, days off work or school, use of an action plan, and patient satisfaction. Meta-analyses could not be performed for these outcomes. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: There is moderate to low quality evidence that chronic disease management programmes for adults with asthma can improve asthma-specific quality of life, asthma severity, and lung function tests. Overall, these results provide encouraging evidence of the potential effectiveness of these programmes in adults with asthma when compared with usual care. However, the optimal composition of asthma chronic disease management programmes and their added value, compared with education or self-management alone that is usually offered to patients with asthma, need further investigation.


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Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, miten hankintatoimi on järjestetty Suomen julkisella sektorilla ja erityisesti mitä motiiveja ja haasteita liittyy case-yrityksen toimintaan. Teoriaosan kirjallisuus-katsauksen avulla tarkastellaan hankintatoimen järjestämistä julkisella sektorilla ja tutkimus painottuu erityisesti kuntasektoriin, sillä suurin osa julkisista hankinnoista tehdään juuri kuntasektorilla. Tavoitteena on lisäksi löytää sopivia viitekehyksiä liittyen lisäarvon tuottamiseen ja arvontuotto-logiikkaan sisäisille asiakkaille yhteishankintayksikön toiminnassa. Empiirisen osan materiaali on koottu haastattelujen perusteella. Tavoitteena on hyödyntää löydettyjä malleja case-yrityksen toiminnan tarkastelussa ja mahdollisesti sen kehittämisessä. Nykyisillä rakenteilla ja toimintamalleilla kunnat eivät selviä niille osoitetuista tehtävistä, sillä kunta-alalla perusongelma on edelleen se, että menot kasvavat nopeammin kuin tulot. Tämä vaatii uusia toimintatapoja ja rakenteita. Yhteishankintayhtiö KL-Kuntahankinnat Oy:n tarjoama ydinpalvelu on tuoda tarjoamansa hankintapalvelun avulla selkeää lisäarvoa kunta-asiakkailleen. Yritys hyödyntää keskitettyä hankintamallia ja toiminnan sen motiivit liittyvät asiantuntijuuteen, asiakkaille tuotettaviin kustannus- ja prosessisäästöihin, erikoistumisella saavutettaviin etuihin ja toiminnan tehokkuuden kasvuun sekä asiakkaiden omaan oppimiseen.


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Presentation at the Nordic Perspectives on Open Access and Open Science seminar, Helsinki, October 15, 2013


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Do evaluation of the literature and a regional observational report support Dr. Feingold's claim that the K-P (Kaiser-Permanente) elimination diet improves the behaviours of hyperkinetic children, and others? Dr. Feingold suggests that some hyperkinetic children, and other children as well, are genetically predisposed to intolerance of food additives, particularly food colours and flavours. He claims that the K-P diet, that eliminates salicylates and artificial food colours and flavours, improves the hyperkinetic child's behaviour, muscle co-ordination, and scholastic performance. Public acceptance of the K-P diet has outstripped acceptance in the medical and scientific communities. Evaluation of available data and additional studies are needed to arrive at a conclusion of acceptance or rejection of the K-P diet for hyperkinetic children and others. My interest in the K-P elimination diet for hyperkinetic children is educational. My experience as an elementary school teacher in special education and in the classroom from K-8 has taught me that attentiveness is crucial to learning. Hyperkinesis appears to impair a child's ability to attend. Learning problems appear, followed by behavioural and social problems. l If we accept the possibility of a relationship between diet and attentiveness, and attentiveness and school behaviours, then the diet-behaviour link could be of lay importance. For instance, if a diet such as the K-P diet could do what is claimed, substantial benefits could accrue to the child. One could, for example, improve a child's behaviours. One could identify attending disturbances early in the child's education, possibly minimizing, or eliminating future difficulties in school. Finally, the greatest benefit may be the fulfillment of the basic goal of our Ontario schools, that the eh~ld-,lIla1p.evelop happily and competently within our educational framework. 2 This thesis reports evidence from the literature and from a regional observational investigation to determine the possibility of a link between the behaviours of children and Dr. Feingold's K-P elimination diet. The literature research examines (1) Dr. Feingold's concept of H-LD, (2) his K-P elimination diet, and (3) the response from three sectors, medicine, science, and the public. The regional investigation examines the observed behaviours of nine children in Regional Niagara during a nine-month period on the K-P diet.


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Body image refers to an individual's internal representation ofhis/her outer self (Cash, 1994; Thompson, Heinberg, Altabe, & Tantleff-Dunn, 1999). It is a multidimensional construct which includes an individual's attitudes towards hislher own physical characteristics (Bane & McAuley, 1998; Cash, 1994; Cash, 2004; Davison & McCabe, 2005; Muth & Cash, 1997; Sabiston, Crocker, & Munroe-Chandler, 2005). Social comparison is the process of thinking about the self in relation to others in order to determine if one's opinions and abilities are adequate and to assess one's social status (Festinger, 1954; Wood, 1996). Research investigating the role of social comparisons on body image has provided some information on the types and nature of the comparisons that are made. The act of making social comparisons may have a negative impact on body image (van den Berg et ai., 2007). Although exercise may improve body image, the impact of social comparisons in exercise settings may be less positive, and there may be differences in the social comparison tendencies between non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers. The present study examined the nature of social comparisons that female collegeaged non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers made with respect to their bodies, and the relationship of these social comparisons to body image attitudes. Specifically, the frequency and direction of comparisons on specific tal-gets and body dimensions were examined in both non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers. Finally, the relationship between body-image attitudes and the frequency and direction with which body-related social comparisons were made for non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers were examined. One hundred and fifty-two participants completed the study (n = 70 non or ill infrequent exercisers; n = 82 exercisers). Participants completed measures of social physique anxiety (SPA), body dissatisfaction, body esteem, body image cognitions, leisure time physical activity, and social comparisons. Results suggested that both groups (non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers) generally made social comparisons and most frequently made comparisons with same-sex friends, and least frequently with same-sex parents. Also, both groups made more appearance-related comparisons than non-appearance-related comparisons. Further, both groups made more negative comparisons with almost all targets. However, non or infrequent exercisers generally made more negative comparisons on all body dimensions, while exercisers made negative comparisons only on weight and body shape dimensions. MANOV As were conducted to examine if any differences on social comparisons between the two groups existed. Results of the MANOVAs indicated that frequency of comparisons with targets, the frequency of comparisons on body dimensions, and direction of comparisons with targets did not differ based on exercise status. However, the direction of comparison of specific body dimensions revealed a significant (F (7, 144) = 3.26,p < .05; 1]2 = .132) difference based on exercise status. Follow-up ANOVAs showed significant differences on five variables: physical attractiveness (F (1, 150) = 6.33,p < .05; 1]2 = .041); fitness (F(l, 150) = 11.89,p < .05; 1]2 = .073); co-ordination (F(I, 150) = 5.61,p < .05; 1]2 = .036); strength (F(I, dO) = 12.83,p < .05; 1]2 = .079); muscle mass or tone (F(l, 150) = 17.34,p < .05; 1]2 = 1.04), with exercisers making more positive comparisons than non or infrequent exercisers. The results from the regression analyses for non or infrequent exercisers showed appearance orientation was a significant predictor of the frequency of social comparisons N (B = .429, SEB = .154, /3 = .312,p < .01). Also, trait body image measures accounted for significant variance in the direction of social comparisons (F(9, 57) = 13.43,p < .001, R2adj = .68). Specifically, SPA (B = -.583, SEB = .186, /3 = -.446,p < .01) and body esteem-weight concerns (B = .522, SEB = .207, /3 = .432,p < .01) were significant predictors of the direction of comparisons. For exercisers, regressions revealed that specific trait measures of body image significantly predicted the frequency of comparisons (F(9, 71) = 8.67,p < .001, R2adj = .463). Specifically, SPA (B = .508, SEB = .147, /3 = .497,p < .01) and appearance orientation (B = .457, SEB = .134, /3 = .335,p < .01) were significant predictors of the frequency of social comparisons. Lastly, for exercisers, the results for the regression of body image measures on the direction of social comparisons were also significant (F(9, 70) = 14.65,p < .001, R2adj = .609) with body dissatisfaction (B = .368, SEB = .143, /3 = .362,p < .05), appearan.ce orientation (B = .256, SEB = .123, /3 = .175,p < .05), and fitness orientation (B = .423, SEB = .194, /3 = .266,p < .05) significant predictors of the direction of social comparison. The results indicated that young women made frequent social comparisons regardless of exercise status. However, exercisers m,a de more positive comparisons on all the body dimensions than non or infrequent exercisers. Also, certain trait body image measures may be good predictors of one's body comp~son tendencies. However, the measures which predict comparison tendencies may be different for non or infrequent exercisers and exercisers. Future research should examine the effects of social comparisons in different populations (i.e., males, the obese, older adults, etc.). Implications for practice and research were discussed.


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The Opportunities for Youth Program was a summer employment program for students funded by the federal government. During the summer of 1971, Brock University received funding from this program to hire 56 students to work on five different projects. These projects included a Land Use Survey and Data Mapping, a Guide to the Research Resources for the Niagara Region, work with the Association for Retarded Children, Co-ordinated Community Services for Youth, and Student Direction and Co-ordination of the Program.