234 resultados para Dragonne (aviso)


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Este artículo es continuación de La televisión, promesa y amenaza educativas : los contenidos de la televisión educativa, y continúa con La televisión, promesa y amenaza educativas : condiciones objetivas y metodología de la televisión educativa


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Es evidente la necesidad de una renovación de la didáctica de la lengua latina. La elaboración metódica del vocabulario escolar es un buen punto de partida; Ya es significativo que, sin previo aviso, lo hayan adoptado profesores de nacionalidades diversas. Si el vocabulario llega a delimitarse de tal modo que los alumnos sepan las palabras que deben poseer y el profesor las que puede exigir, esa esclavitud al diccionario será menos gravosa, y podrá incluso desaparecer. El dominio habitual de una lengua exige que el recurso al Diccionario sea tan sólo excepcional, no acostumbrado y rutinario. Hemos de enseñarles a evitar esa rutina y lamentable pérdida de tiempo y a enriquecer su mente con las palabras esenciales recogidas en el vocabulario básico. Sólo así conseguiremos el objetivo esencial, no alcanzado todavía en el Bachillerato humanístico, que consiste en que el alumno lea con soltura los textos de mediana dificultad, que trabe diálogo con los autores cuando se enfrente con ellos.


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Estudiar como los niños, aún en los primeros años, no sólo experimentan impulsos sexuales y ansiedad, sino que sufren también grandes desilusiones manifestándose en el sueño 'como camino real' de acceso al inconsciente y más concretamente en su expresión de emoción más intensa: la pesadilla. Las pesadillas son manifestaciones de ansiedad aguda nocturna. Dicha ansiedad que las originan, acompaña a toda existencia humana. De manera que lo más significativo con respecto a la ansiedad, no es su presencia o su cantidad, sino la 'capacidad del yo para dominar dicha ansiedad'. No es la ansiedad normal lo peligroso ni lo palológico para el niño, sino un yo débil, que no ha podido equilibrar las dos fuerzas antagónicas (progresión y regresión) para lograr una ansiedad normal, que le servirá como señal ante un peligro real. En la tarea de ayudar a conseguir que el niño aprenda a fortalecer su yo, es la madre, la que sobre todo puede estimular al niño a desarrollar sus sanas fuerzas del desarrollo hacia un yo fuerte o hacerle un ser impotente, en el que imperen sus fuerzas regresivas, en el que no se haya dado todavía la positiva ruptura madre-niño y se encuentre en aquella primitiva situación de 'indefensión y abandono' porque dependa de la madre. Si la madre es capaz de plantearse esto cuando tenga que ir todas las noches a aliviar a su hijo que ansioso, le llama desesperadamente, tras una pesadilla, sabrá comprender que estimulando lo positivo en el niño y no sólo reprimiendo, le hará sentirse con más confianza en sí mismo y emprenderá él solo con todas sus fuerzas la lucha por un buen equilibrio de la ansiedad. Así dichas pesadillas que pueden presentarse en un principio como aviso de una ansiedad normal pueden agravarse y, convertirse en patológicas por no llegar a la raíz del problema y dar un exceso de mimo y de dependencia a ese niño que asustado nos reclama todas las noches.


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El principal objetivo del proyecto es romper las fronteras de las búsquedas de canciones en las discotecas de los usuarios domésticos guardadas en los discos duros de sus PC's. Se pretende buscar canciones en base a unas observaciones personales (amigos, lugares, comentarios...) que habrán sido definidas previamente por el usuario, y el segundo tipo buscará canciones en base a las "emociones personales" que también serán definidas por el usuario. Como objetivos secundarios se plantea organizar automáticamente los archivos de audio MP3 almacenados en los ordenadores personales, reproducir los archivos de audio MP3 mediante streaming, un servicio que buscará enlaces web que contengan información/noticias de artistas álbumes, etc., y una agenda musical en la cual los usuarios podrán programar el aviso de observaciones personales


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The seasonal sea level variations observed from tide gauges over 1900-2013 and gridded satellite altimeter product AVISO over 1993-2013 in the northwest Pacific have been explored. The seasonal cycle is able to explain 60-90% of monthly sea level variance in the marginal seas, while it explains less than 20% of variance in the eddy-rich regions. The maximum annual and semi-annual sea level cycles (30cm and 6cm) are observed in the north of the East China Sea and the west of the South China Sea respectively. AVISO was found to underestimate the annual amplitude by 25% compared to tide gauge estimates along the coasts of China and Russia. The forcing for the seasonal sea level cycle was identified. The atmospheric pressure and the steric height produce 8-12cm of the annual cycle in the middle continental shelf and in the Kuroshio Current regions separately. The removal of the two attributors from total sea level permits to identify the sea level residuals that still show significant seasonality in the marginal seas. Both nearby wind stress and surface currents can explain well the long-term variability of the seasonal sea level cycle in the marginal seas and the tropics because of their influence on the sea level residuals. Interestingly, the surface currents are a better descriptor in the areas where the ocean currents are known to be strong. Here, they explain 50-90% of inter-annual variability due to the strong links between the steric height and the large-scale ocean currents.


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Este trabalho utiliza a metodologia por cenários desenvolvido pela GBN para discernir 4 possíveis futuros da telefonia móvel no Brasil, que possam guiar as operadoras sobre a viabilidade ou não de investir em redes de 3G. Os resultados demonstram que haverá demanda no mercado, cuja intensidade irá depender do desenvolvimento da tecnologia e da economia nacional. Assim, a estratégia de menor risco é o de investir em infraestrutura e serviços em centros urbanos densos e monitorar os sinais de aviso que possam indicar com mais clareza qual dos cenários poderá desenrolar-se no futuro.


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In the operational context of industrial processes, alarm, by definition, is a warning to the operator that an action with limited time to run is required, while the event is a change of state information, which does not require action by the operator, therefore should not be advertised, and only stored for analysis of maintenance, incidents and used for signaling / monitoring (EEMUA, 2007). However, alarms and events are often confused and improperly configured similarly by developers of automation systems. This practice results in a high amount of pseudo-alarms during the operation of industrial processes. The high number of alarms is a major obstacle to improving operational efficiency, making it difficult to identify problems and increasing the time to respond to abnormalities. The main consequences of this scenario are the increased risk to personal safety, facilities, environment deterioration and loss of production. The aim of this paper is to present a philosophy for setting up a system of supervision and control, developed with the aim of reducing the amount of pseudo-alarms and increase reliability of the information that the system provides. A real case study was conducted in the automation system of the offshore production of hydrocarbons from Petrobras in Rio Grande do Norte, in order to validate the application of this new methodology. The work followed the premises of the tool presented in ISA SP18.2. 2009, called "life cycle alarm . After the implementation of methodology there was a significant reduction in the number of alarms


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The number of disabled students, who have entered the university, in Brazil, since the beginning of this century, is undergoing a speed growth. It is a change that follows a global trend that spreads an inclusive education policy and that has had a profound impact on Brazil, with import results in field researches. This subject has been highlighted due to the significant amount of disabled students enrolled in college institutions (IES), although it is still modest the number of studies about it, especially in what matters the assistance given to the candidates to a university entrance examination. The aim of this paper is to investigate how effectively Natal s IES apply the rules established in Brazilian law concerning disabled students, especially MEC/GM Circular Warning n. 277/96, in what respects the conditions given to disabled students preparing to enter a college. The investigation followed a qualitative methodological approach with support on an exploratory study. The data recollection employed questionnaire, semi-structured interview and documental analyses, and the data have been organized and assessed following Minayo s (1996) stages. What concerns the results, it was observed that none of the ten colleges inquired confirmed to possess places exclusively to disabled candidates; six of them, however, offer Special Examining Board in the selection process of disabled candidates. Among eighteen college bills, only two of them offered specific information related to services and resources offered by IES to the candidates who ask for especial assistance concerning examination. During the interviews, four managers avowed the preoccupation in offering an equal selection process, but two of them proved not dominate the subject. In conclusion, the investigated institutions managers do not still seem to respect the rule that guarantees to disabled candidates equal conditions during all the process of the university entrance examination. With this work, we hope do help changing this focus and contribute to new studies on disabled persons studying for a degree


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Hospital Automation is an area that is constantly growing. The emergency of new technologies and hardware is transforming the processes more efficient. Nevertheless, some of the hospital processes are still being performed manually, such as monitoring of patients that is considered critical because it involves human lives. One of the factors that should be taken into account during a monitoring is the agility to detect any abnormality in vital signs of patients, as well as warning of this anomaly to the medical team involved. So, this master's thesis aims to develop an architecture to automate this process of monitoring and reporting of possible alert to a professional, so that emergency care can be done effectively. The computing mobile was used to improve the communication by distributing messages between a central located into the hospital and the mobile carried by the duty


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Os tempos de reação manuais e sacádicos (TRMs e TRSs) são reduzidos quando um sinal de aviso precede o aparecimento do alvo. O decréscimo nos TRSs observados depois do desaparecimento do ponto de fixação tem sido chamado de efeito de intervalo. Teorias diferentes foram propostas para explicá-lo. De acordo com alguns autores, o desaparecimento também permite ao sistema sacádico gerar uma população separada de TRSs, as sacádicas expressas. No entanto, não há concordância sobre a influência do desaparecimento de um estímulo periférico no TRM. Em dois experimentos, testou-se os efeitos de um desaparecimento visual periférico empregado como um sinal preparatório para os TRMs a um alvo, após intervalos variáveis. Encontrou-se uma redução no TRM para intervalos curtos (200-300 ms) e longos (1300-2000 ms) após o desaparecimento periférico. A distribuição dos TRMs deslocou-se para latências curtas, formando por vezes populações separadas. Visto que os TRMs obtidos em intervalos longos foram afetados pela introdução de sessões capciosas, enquanto que os TRMs em intervalos curtos não o foram, propõe-se que dois mecanismos diferentes estão envolvidos no decréscimo dos TRMs: alerta e expectativa temporal. Nossos dados sustentam a hipótese de que o componente temporal envolvido com os estágios preparatórios das respostas motoras podem ser compartilhados pelos movimentos sacádicos e pelas respostas de apertar botões, permitindo a redução das latências motoras após o desaparecimento visual, dentro do paradigma do intervalo. Nossos dados corroboram o modelo de três componentes do efeito de intervalo. Em nosso ponto de vista, a questão da existência ou não do efeito de intervalo para respostas manuais é essencialmente conceitual.


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[EN]The Kuroshio is known to intrude onto the continental shelf in the southern East China Sea northeast of Taiwan. Two types of intrusions are observed: large and small, depending on how far the Kuroshio penetrates onto the ECS continental shelf, and on the location where it crosses the shelf break. This study demonstrates that cyclonic eddies from the western Pacific induce some of these large Kuroshio intrusions. The large intrusions are identified from more than 20 years of drifter tracks archived in the Global Drifter Program historical database and from weekly and biweekly drifter deployments carried out between April 2008 and September 2009 west of the Green Island (Taiwan). Kuroshio intrusions are observed in all seasons. Cyclonic mesoscale eddies, generated in the Subtropical Countercurrent and North Equatorial Current regions of the northwest Pacific Ocean, propagate westward into the Kuroshio and are well correlated with the observed intrusions. During the intrusions, the mean sea level anomaly computed from AVISO gridded maps shows a well defined cyclonic circulation southeast of the I-Lan ridge. The mean sea level anomaly also shows the meandering pattern of the Kuroshio when it intrudes onto the continental shelf of the southern East China Sea. The high correlation between the Kuroshio volume transport in the East Taiwan Channel (observed with moorings) and the satellite sea level anomaly permits us to use sea level anomaly as a proxy for the Kuroshio volume transport. When direct transport measurements are not available, this proxy is used to verify that intrusions due to the westward propagating eddies occur when the Kuroshio transport is low. An analytical reduced gravity model of an incident baroclinic current upon a step shelf is used to explain the difference between the large and small intrusions.


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Sea level variation is one of the parameters directly related to climate change. Monitoring sea level rise is an important scientific issue since many populated areas of the world and megacities are located in low-lying regions. At present, sea level is measured by means of two techniques: the tide gauges and the satellite radar altimetry. Tide gauges measure sea-level relatively to a ground benchmark, hence, their measurements are directly affected by vertical ground motions. Satellite radar altimetry measures sea-level relative to a geocentric reference and are not affected by vertical land motions. In this study, the linear relative sea level trends of 35 tide gauge stations distributed across the Mediterranean Sea have been computed over the period 1993-2014. In order to extract the real sea-level variation, the vertical land motion has been estimated using the observations of available GPS stations and removed from the tide gauges records. These GPS-corrected trends have then been compared with satellite altimetry measurements over the same time interval (AVISO data set). A further comparison has been performed, over the period 1993-2013, using the CCI satellite altimetry data set which has been generated using an updated modeling. The absolute sea level trends obtained from satellite altimetry and GPS-corrected tide gauge data are mostly consistent, meaning that GPS data have provided reliable corrections for most of the sites. The trend values range between +2.5 and +4 mm/yr almost everywhere in the Mediterranean area, the largest trends were found in the Northern Adriatic Sea and in the Aegean. These results are in agreement with estimates of the global mean sea level rise over the last two decades. Where GPS data were not available, information on the vertical land motion deduced from the differences between absolute and relative trends are in agreement with the results of other studies.