211 resultados para Dogma.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Current paper presents the relationships between beliefs, specifically religious ones, and the Peirce’s theory of interpretants. It is assumed that religious belief emphasizes the emotional aspect of faithful, preventing criticism and change of habit. According to the author, the nature of cognition is contrary to the determination of this kind of belief since it is based on the method and fallibility of hypotheses. It is not enough for the method to deduce its consequences but seeks the inductive verification of their results in the long run and through the community of beings who thinks through signs. The problem of religious belief is the acceptance of a transcendent world and intuition which guides behavior. The vague idea of God is not submitted to scientific hypotheses but, engendered by religious systems, it creates signs whose emotional appeal is evident, redirecting it to its own target principles. Therefore, is repeats the success achieved in the past by dogmas, which were effective to appease the anguish of the believer and reproduce order. Knowledge should not have any boundaries because it is grounded on the method and cognition of reality.
Inizialmente teorizzato a partire dall’osservazione degli animali negli studi di etologia di fine Ottocento, il mimetismo si è sviluppato come tekné in una interessante sinergia fra pratica artistica e necessità militare in occasione dei due conflitti mondiali. Attraverso una lettura critica dei testi di Roger Caillois e di Georges Bataille, questa ricerca posiziona il mimetismo nell’ambito della teoria della antivisione e lo inserisce all’interno del discorso anti-oculocentrico che scorre nei canali sotterranei dell’arte del Novecento. Il mimetismo destabilizza il dogma modernista della visualità pura operando un oltrepassamento dei confini identitari e il collasso della logica binaria dell’estetica occidentale fondata sulla opposizione fra soggetto e oggetto, interiorità ed esteriorità, corpo e ambiente. Articolato in tre diverse declinazioni del fare artistico - il paradigma spaziale, il paradigma aptico e il paradigma performativo – il mimetismo veicola un tipo di “presenza” che mette in gioco il corpo ed il contesto extracorporeo in un recupero estetico del valore fenomenologico dell’essere al mondo.
La RNA interference è un processo attraverso il quale alcuni piccoli frammenti di RNA (19-25 nucleotidi) sono in grado di silenziare l'espressione genica. La sua scoperta, nel 1998, ha rivoluzionato le concezioni della biologia molecolare, minando le basi del cosiddetto Dogma Centrale. Si è visto che la RNAi riveste ruoli fondamentali in meccanismi di regolazione genica, nello spegnimento dell'espressione e funziona come meccanismo di difesa innata contro varie tipologie di virus. Proprio a causa di queste implicazioni richiama interesse non solo dal punto di vista scientifico, ma anche da quello medico, in quanto potrebbe essere impiegata per lo sviluppo di nuove cure. Nonostante la scoperta di tale azione desti la curiosità e l'interesse di molti, i vari processi coinvolti, soprattutto a livello molecolare, non sono ancora chiari. In questo lavoro si propongono i metodi di analisi di dati di un esperimento prodotto dall'Istituto di Biologia molecolare e cellulare di Strasburgo. Nell'esperimento in questione vengono studiate le funzioni che l'enzima Dicer-2 ha nel pathway - cioè la catena di reazioni biomolecolari - della RNA interference durante un'infezione virale nel moscerino della frutta Drosophila Melanogaster. Per comprendere in che modo Dicer-2 intervenga nel silenziamento bisogna capire in quali casi e quali parti di RNA vengono silenziate, a seconda del diverso tipo di mutazione dell'enzima stesso. Dunque è necessario sequenziare l'RNA nelle diverse condizioni sperimentali, ottenendo così i dati da analizzare. Parte dei metodi statistici che verranno proposti risultano poco convenzionali, come conseguenza della peculiarità e della difficoltà dei quesiti che l'esperimento mette in luce. Siccome le tematiche affrontate richiedono un approccio sempre più interdisciplinare, è aumentata considerevolmente la richiesta di esperti di altri settori scientifici come matematici, informatici, fisici, statistici e ingegneri. Questa collaborazione, grazie a una diversità di approccio ai problemi, può fornire nuovi strumenti di comprensione in ambiti che, fino a poco tempo fa, rientravano unicamente nella sfera di competenza dei biologi.
Riconosciuto il problema dell’accesso ai farmaci come un problema di giustizia globale, la dissertazione, da un lato, è incentrata sullo studio dei diritti umani e sul diritto alla salute da una prospettiva giusfilosofica e, dall’altro, è finalizzata ad analizzare la disciplina brevettuale internazionale, sia approfondendo gli interessi realmente in gioco, sia studiando la struttura economica del brevetto stesso. Si è cercato quindi di guardare a tali interessi da una nuova prospettiva, ipotizzando una gerarchia di valori che sia completa e coerente con gli obiettivi che la dottrina, la giurisprudenza, nonché il diritto internazionale formalmente enunciano. Il progetto di ricerca vuole, in definitiva, arrivare a proporre nuove soluzioni giuridiche al problema dell’accesso ai farmaci. La dissertazione svolge pertanto uno studio critico della proposta di Thomas Pogge, di natura politica e giuridica e sorretta da istanze filosofiche, volta alla soluzione del problema dell’accesso ai farmaci, i.e. l’Health Impact Fund (HIF). Proposta che pone radicalmente in discussione, anche concretamente, il dogma del monopolio concesso con la privativa quale ricompensa per i costi di R&D sostenuti dai titolari dei brevetti e che pone, invece, l’accento sull’effettivo impatto sulla salute globale di ogni singola invenzione. Analizzandone approfonditamente gli aspetti più rilevanti, si passano poi in rassegna, criticamente, le proposte, alternative o di riforma, del sistema di proprietà intellettuale, volte al miglioramento dell’accesso ai farmaci; a tal proposito, si propone quindi una riforma transitoria della disciplina brevettuale, c.d. Trading Time for Space (TTS), che prevede un allungamento temporale dell’esclusiva brevettuale (Time) in cambio della vendita da parte del titolare della privativa del farmaco ad un prezzo accessibile nei Paesi in via di sviluppo (Space).
Conflict has marked civilization from Biblical times to the present day. Each of us, with our different and competing interests, and our desires to pursue those interests, have over time wronged another person. Not surprisingly then, forgiveness is a concern of individuals and groups¿communities, countries, religious groups, races¿yet it is a complex idea that philosophers, theologians, political scientists, and psychologists have grappled with. Some have argued that forgiveness is a therapeutic means for overcoming guilt, pain, and anger. Forgiveness is often portrayed as a coping mechanism¿how often we hear the phrase, ¿forgive and forget,¿ as an arrangement to help two parties surmount the complications of disagreement. But forgiveness is not simply a modus vivendi; the ability to forgive and conversely to ask for forgiveness, is counted as an admirable trait and virtue. This essay will explore the nature of forgiveness, which in Christian dogma is often posited as an unqualified virtue. The secular world has appropriated the Christian notion of forgiveness as such a virtue¿but are there instances wherein offering forgiveness is morally inappropriate or dangerous? I will consider the situations in which forgiveness, understood in this essay as the overcoming of resentment, may not be a virtue¿when perhaps maintaining resentment is as virtuous, if not more virtuous, than forgiving. I will explain the various ethical frameworks involved in understanding forgiveness as a virtue, and the relationship between them. I will argue that within Divine Command Theory forgiveness is a virtue¿and thus morally right¿because God commands it. This ethical system has established forgiveness as unconditional, an idea which has been adopted into popular culture. With virtue ethics in mind, which holds virtues to be those traits which benefit the person who possesses them, contributing to the good life, I will argue unqualified forgiveness is not always a virtue, as it will not always benefit the victim. Because there is no way to avoid wrongdoing, humans are confronted with the question of forgiveness with every indiscretion. Its limits, its possibilities, its relationship to one¿s character¿forgiveness is a concern of all people at some time if for no other reason than the plain fact that the past cannot be undone. I will be evaluating the idea of forgiveness as a virtue, in contrast to its counterpart, resentment. How can forgiveness be a response to evil, a way to renounce resentment, and a means of creating a positive self-narrative? And what happens when a sense of moral responsibility is impossible to reconcile with the Christian (and now, secularized imperative of) forgiveness? Is it ever not virtuous to forgive? In an attempt to answer that question I will argue that there are indeed times when forgiveness is not a virtue, specifically: when forgiveness compromises one¿s own self-respect; when it is not compatible with respect for the moral community; and when the offender is unapologetic. The kind of offense I have in mind is a dehumanizing one, one that intends to diminish another person¿s worth or humanity. These are moral injuries, to which I will argue resentment is a better response than forgiveness when the three qualifications cannot be met.
To study the role of the epithelial calcium channel transient receptor potential vanilloid type 6 (TRPV6) and the calcium-binding protein calbindin-D9k in intestinal calcium absorption, TRPV6 knockout (KO), calbindin-D9k KO, and TRPV6/calbindin-D(9k) double-KO (DKO) mice were generated. TRPV6 KO, calbindin-D9k KO, and TRPV6/calbindin-D9k DKO mice have serum calcium levels similar to those of wild-type (WT) mice ( approximately 10 mg Ca2+/dl). In the TRPV6 KO and the DKO mice, however, there is a 1.8-fold increase in serum PTH levels (P < 0.05 compared with WT). Active intestinal calcium transport was measured using the everted gut sac method. Under low dietary calcium conditions there was a 4.1-, 2.9-, and 3.9-fold increase in calcium transport in the duodenum of WT, TRPV6 KO, and calbindin-D9k KO mice, respectively (n = 8-22 per group; P > 0.1, WT vs. calbindin-D9k KO, and P < 0.05, WT vs. TRPV6 KO on the low-calcium diet). Duodenal calcium transport was increased 2.1-fold in the TRPV6/calbindin-D9k DKO mice fed the low-calcium diet (P < 0.05, WT vs. DKO). Active calcium transport was not stimulated by low dietary calcium in the ileum of the WT or KO mice. 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 administration to vitamin D-deficient null mutant and WT mice also resulted in a significant increase in duodenal calcium transport (1.4- to 2.0-fold, P < 0.05 compared with vitamin D-deficient mice). This study provides evidence for the first time using null mutant mice that significant active intestinal calcium transport occurs in the absence of TRPV6 and calbindin-D9k, thus challenging the dogma that TRPV6 and calbindin-D9k are essential for vitamin D-induced active intestinal calcium transport.
Rooted in critical scholarship this dissertation is an interdisciplinary study, which contends that having a history is a basic human right. Advocating a newly conceived and termed, Solidarity-inspired History framework/practice perspective, the dissertation argues for and then delivers a restorative voice to working-class historical actors during the 1916 Minnesota Iron Ore Strike. Utilizing an interdisciplinary methodological framework the dissertation combines research methods from the Humanities and the Social Sciences to form a working-class history that is a corrective to standardized studies of labor in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Oftentimes class interests and power relationships determine the dominant perspectives or voices established in history and disregard people and organizations that run counter to, or in the face of, customary or traditional American themes of patriotism, the Protestant work ethic, adherence to capitalist dogma, or United States exceptionalism. This dissertation counteracts these traditional narratives with a unique, perhaps even revolutionary, examination of the 1916 Minnesota Iron Ore Strike. The intention of this dissertation's critical perspective is to poke, prod, and prompt academics, historians, and the general public to rethink, and then think again, about the place of those who have been dislocated from or altogether forgotten, misplaced, or underrepresented in the historical record. Thus, the purpose of the dissertation is to give voice to historical actors in the dismembered past. Historical actors who have run counter to traditional American narratives often have their body of "evidence" disjointed or completely dislocated from the story of our nation. This type of disremembering creates an artificial recollection of our collective past, which de-articulates past struggles from contemporary groups seeking solidarity and social justice in the present. Class-conscious actors, immigrants, women, the GLBTQ community, and people of color have the right to be remembered on their own terms using primary sources and resources they produced. Therefore, similar to the Wobblies industrial union and its rank-and-file, this dissertation seeks to fan the flames of discontented historical memory by offering a working-class perspective of the 1916 Strike that seeks to interpret the actions, events, people, and places of the strike anew, thus restoring the voices of these marginalized historical actors.
Der Anspruch an das Bauen in der DDR bewegte sich oftmals außerhalb des Koordinatensystems von Funktion und Repräsentation. Besonders in den Stadtzentren ging es darum, Gebäude und Räume zu schaffen, die die zukünftige kommunistische Gesellschaft vorwegnehmen und ihr so zum Durchbruch verhelfen sollten. Dieser metaphysisch angehauchte Auftrag an das Gebaute löste es aus Zeit und Raum heraus und hob die physische Vergänglichkeit der Steine auf. Das Beispiel des Chemnitzer Stadtzentrums illustriert diesen Zusammenhang und verdeutlicht die nur unter Schwierigkeiten mögliche ideelle Umcodierung von Architektur und Städtebau der DDR nach der Wiedervereinigung.
BACKGROUND Allopurinol is a main cause of severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCAR). How allopurinol induces hypersensitivity remains unknown. Pre-disposing factors are the presence of the HLA-B*58:01 allele, renal failure and possibly the dose taken. OBJECTIVE Using an in vitro model, we sought to decipher the relationship among allopurinol metabolism, HLA-B*58:01 phenotype and drug concentrations in stimulating drug-specific T cells. METHODS Lymphocyte transformation test (LTT) results of patients who had developed allopurinol hypersensitivity were analysed. We generated allopurinol or oxypurinol-specific T cell lines (ALP/OXP-TCLs) from allopurinol naïve HLA-B*58:01(+) and HLA-B*58:01(-) individuals using various drug concentrations. Their reactivity patterns were analysed by flow cytometry and (51) Cr release assay. RESULTS Allopurinol allergic patients are primarily sensitized to oxypurinol in a dose-dependent manner. TCL induction data show that both the presence of HLA-B*58:01 allele and high concentration of drug are important for the generation of drug-specific T cells. The predominance of oxypurinol-specific lymphocyte response in allopurinol allergic patients can be explained by the rapid conversion of allopurinol to oxypurinol in vivo rather than to its intrinsic immunogenicity. OXP-TCLs do not recognize allopurinol and vice versa. Finally, functional avidity of ALP/OXP-TCL is dependent on both the induction dose and HLA-B*58:01 status. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE This study establishes the important synergistic role of drug concentration and HLA-B*58:01 allele in the allopurinol or oxypurinol-specific T cell responses. Despite the prevailing dogma that Type B adverse drug reactions are dose independent, allopurinol hypersensitivity is primarily driven by oxypurinol-specific T cell response in a dose-dependent manner, particular in the presence of HLA-B*58:01 allele.
1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D 3] exerts pleiotropic effects on osteoblasts via both long-term nuclear receptor-mediated and rapid membrane-initiated pathways during bone remodeling and mineral homeostasis. This study explored the membrane transducers that mediate rapid effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 on osteoblasts, including sphingomyelinase (SMase) and L-type voltage sensitive calcium channels (VSCCs). ^ It was previously demonstrated that 1,25(OH)2D3 stimulates transmembrane influx of Ca2+ through VSCCs in ROS 17/2.8 osteoblasts, however the molecular identity of 1,25(OH)2D 3-regulated VSCC has not been known. In this study, on the basis of in vitro tests of three unique ribozymes specifically cleaving a1C mRNA, I transfected ROS 17/2.8 cells with vectors coding recombinant ribozyme modified with U1 snRNA structure, and successfully selected stable clonal cells in which the expression of a1C was strikingly reduced. Ca2+ influx studies in these cells compared to control transfectants showed selective attenuation of depolarization- and 1,25(OH)2D3-regulated Ca2+ responses. These results allow us to conclude that the cardiac ( a1C ) subtype of the L-type VSCC is the major membrane transducer of Ca 2+ influx in osteoblasts. ^ I also demonstrated that 1,25(OH)2D3 induces a rapid hydrolysis of membrane sphingomyelin (SM) in ROS 17/2.8 cells, with the concomitant generation of ceramide, detectable at 15 minute, and maximal at 1 hour after addition. Sphingosine, sphingosine-1-phosphate (SPP) and sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC), downstream products of SM hydrolysis, but not ceramide, elicit Ca 2+ release from intracellular stores. Considering ceramide, sphingosine, and SPP as second messengers modulating intracellular kinases or phosphatases, these findings implicate sphingolipid-signaling pathways in transducing rapid effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 on osteoblasts. In structure/function analyses of sphingolipid signaling, it was observed that psychosine elicits Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. This challenges the dogma that sphingosine phosphorylation permits mobilization of Ca2+ , because psychosine is a sphingosine analog galactosylated at 1-carbon, preventing phosphorylation at that site. Psychosine is the pathological metabolite found in patients with Krabbe's disease, suggesting that psychosine disrupts the physiological sphingolipid signaling by chronic release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. ^ Slower SM turnover than Ca2+ influx through VSCCs in response to 1,25(OH)2D3 demonstrates ceramide does not mediate the 1,25(OH)2D3-induced Ca2+ signaling, a conclusion endorsed further by the failure of ceramide to induce Ca 2+ signaling. ^
R. G. Collingwood’s philosophical analysis of religious atonement as a dialectical process of mortal repentance and divine forgiveness is explained and criticized. Collingwood’s Christian concept of atonement, in which Christ TeX the Atonement (and also TeX the Incarnation), is subject in turn to another kind of dialectic, in which some of Collingwood’s leading ideas are first surveyed, and then tested against objections in a philosophical evaluation of their virtues and defects, strengths and weaknesses. Collingwood’s efforts to synthesize objective and subjective aspects of atonement, and his proposal to solve the soteriological problem as to why God becomes flesh, as a dogma of some Christian belief systems, is finally exposed in adversarial exposition as inadequately supported by one of his main arguments, designated here as Collingwood’s Dilemma. The dilemma is that sin is either forgiven or unforgiven by God. If God forgives sin, then God’s justice is lax, whereas if God does not forgive sin, then, also contrary to divine nature, God lacks perfect loving compassion. The dilemma is supposed to drive philosophy toward a concept of atonement in which the sacrifice of Christ is required in order to absolve God of the lax judgment objection. God forgives sin only when the price of sin is paid, in this case, by the suffering and crucifixion of God’s avatar. The dilemma can be resolved in another way than Collingwood considers, undermining his motivation for synthesizing objective and subjective facets of the concept of atonement for the sake of avoiding inconsistency. Collingwood is philosophically important because he asks all the right questions about religious atonement, and points toward reasonable answers, even if he does not always deliver original philosophically satisfactory solutions.
OBJECTIVE To assess whether palliative primary tumor resection in colorectal cancer patients with incurable stage IV disease is associated with improved survival. BACKGROUND There is a heated debate regarding whether or not an asymptomatic primary tumor should be removed in patients with incurable stage IV colorectal disease. METHODS Stage IV colorectal cancer patients were identified in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results database between 1998 and 2009. Patients undergoing surgery to metastatic sites were excluded. Overall survival and cancer-specific survival were compared between patients with and without palliative primary tumor resection using risk-adjusted Cox proportional hazard regression models and stratified propensity score methods. RESULTS Overall, 37,793 stage IV colorectal cancer patients were identified. Of those, 23,004 (60.9%) underwent palliative primary tumor resection. The rate of patients undergoing palliative primary cancer resection decreased from 68.4% in 1998 to 50.7% in 2009 (P < 0.001). In Cox regression analysis after propensity score matching primary cancer resection was associated with a significantly improved overall survival [hazard ratio (HR) of death = 0.40, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.39-0.42, P < 0.001] and cancer-specific survival (HR of death = 0.39, 95% CI = 0.38-0.40, P < 0.001). The benefit of palliative primary cancer resection persisted during the time period 1998 to 2009 with HRs equal to or less than 0.47 for both overall and cancer-specific survival. CONCLUSIONS On the basis of this population-based cohort of stage IV colorectal cancer patients, palliative primary tumor resection was associated with improved overall and cancer-specific survival. Therefore, the dogma that an asymptomatic primary tumor never should be resected in patients with unresectable colorectal cancer metastases must be questioned.
Classical ablation studies have shown that neural crest cells (NCC) are critical for thymus organogenesis, though their role in this process has never been determined. We have used a mouse model deficient in NCC near the thymus rudiment to investigate the role of NCC in thymus organogenesis. Splotch mice exhibit a lack of NCC migration due to mutation in the gene encoding the transcription factor Pax 3. Homozygous mutants, designated Pax3Sp/Sp, display a range of phenotypes including spina bifida, cardiac outflow tract deformities, and craniofacial deformities. Pax3Sp/Sp, mice have also been reported to have hypoplastic and abnormal thymi, which is consistent with the expected result based on the classical ablation studies. However, in contrast to the dogma, we find that the thymus lobes in Pax3Sp/Sp, mice are even larger in size than those of littermate controls, although they fail to migrate and are therefore ectopic. Differentiation of the thymic epithelial compartments occurs normally, including the ability to import hematopoietic precursors, until the embryos die at embryonic day E13.0. We also investigated the patterning of the third pharyngeal pouch which gives rise to both the thymus and the parathyroid. Using RNA probes to detect expression of transcription factors exclusively expressed in the ventral, thymus- or dorsal, parathyroidfated domains of the E11.5 third pouch, we show that the parathyroid domain is restricted and the thymus-fated domain is expanded in Pax3Sp/Sp, embryos. Furthermore, mixing of the boundary between these domains occurs at E12.0. These results necessitate reconsideration of the previously accepted role for NCC in thymus organogenesis. NCC are not required for outgrowth of the thymus up to E13.0, and most strikingly, we have discovered a novel role for NCC in establishing parathyroid versus thymus fate boundaries in the third pharyngeal pouch. ^
The central dogma of molecular biology dictates that DNA is transcribed into RNA, which is later translated into protein. One of the early activators in this process is the transcription factor NF-κB. We have determined that an NF-κB inducer, CARMA3, is required for proper neural tube closure, similar to other NF-κB inducers. Using a genetic knockout of CARMA3, we demonstrated that it is required for Gαq-coupled GPCR-induced NF-κB activation. This is facilitated through a MAPK and IKK phosphorylation-independent mechanism, most likely by controlling NEMO-associated ubiquitination. We have also shown that CARMA3 is required for EGF and HRG-induced NF-κB activation. This activation requires the activity of both EGFR and HER2, as well as PKC. Again, we observed no defect in IKK phosphorylation, although we determined a clear defect in IKK activation. Finally, we have begun to determine the role of CARMA3 to both EGFR and HER2-induced tumorigenicity. By overexpressing a constitutive active mutant of HER2 in our CARMA3 WT and KO MEF cells, we have shown CARMA3 is important for HER2-driven soft agar colony growth. We have also shown that knockdown of endogenous CARMA3 in the EGFR-overexpressing A431 cell line abolishes EGF-induced NF-κB activation. These same cells have a dramatically reduced capacity to form colonies in soft agar as well. Using both mouse xenografts and a transgenic model of HER2-induced breast cancer, we have initiated studies which will help to determine the role of CARMA3 to in vivo tumorigenesis. Collectively, this work reveals novel roles for the CARMA3 protein in development, GPCR and EGFR/HER2 signaling. It also suggests that CARMA3 is involved in EGFR/HER2 mediated tumorigenesis, possibly indicating a novel therapeutic target for use in treatment of cancer. ^