922 resultados para Design Thinking


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo propor um modelo de pensamento projetual que oriente o designer de experiências interativas no formato de websites. Baseia-se em um corpo teórico e diretrizes adequadas para estimular a manutenção da atividade do usuário e o prolongamento da experiência interativa no tempo, aumentando a probabilidade da ocorrência de momentos memoráveis e emocionalmente positivos ao interator, sem prejuízo à usabilidade do sistema. Esta abordagem se afasta do paradigma de projeto voltado para o cumprimento de objetivos e tarefas, no qual procura-se reduzir o tempo de interação aumentando a produtividade do interator. Ao contrário, aqui se propõe um olhar voltado para o engajamento em uma atividade, sendo esta o fim em si.


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BACKGROUND: The utilisation of good design practices in the development of complex health services is essential to improving quality. Healthcare organisations, however, are often seriously out of step with modern design thinking and practice. As a starting point to encourage the uptake of good design practices, it is important to understand the context of their intended use. This study aims to do that by articulating current health service development practices. METHODS: Eleven service development projects carried out in a large mental health service were investigated through in-depth interviews with six operation managers. The critical decision method in conjunction with diagrammatic elicitation was used to capture descriptions of these projects. Stage-gate design models were then formed to visually articulate, classify and characterise different service development practices. RESULTS: Projects were grouped into three categories according to design process patterns: new service introduction and service integration; service improvement; service closure. Three common design stages: problem exploration, idea generation and solution evaluation - were then compared across the design process patterns. Consistent across projects were a top-down, policy-driven approach to exploration, underexploited idea generation and implementation-based evaluation. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides insight into where and how good design practices can contribute to the improvement of current service development practices. Specifically, the following suggestions for future service development practices are made: genuine user needs analysis for exploration; divergent thinking and innovative culture for idea generation; and fail-safe evaluation prior to implementation. Better training for managers through partnership working with design experts and researchers could be beneficial.


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The creative industries sector faces a constantly changing context characterised by the speed of the development and deployment of digital information systems and Information Communications Technologies (ICT) on a global scale. This continuous digital disruption has had significant impact on the whole value chain of the sector: creation and production; discovery and distribution; and consumption of cultural goods and services. As a result, creative enterprises must evolve business and operational models and practices to be sustainable. Enterprises of all scales, type, and operational model are affected, and all sectors face ongoing digital disruption. Management consultancy practitioners and business strategy academics have called for new strategy development frameworks and toolkits, fit for a continuously changing world. This thesis investigates a novel approach to organisational change appropriate to the digital age, in the context of the creative sector in Scotland. A set of concepts, methods, tools, and processes to generate theoretical learning and practical knowing was created to support enterprises to digitally adapt through undertaking journeys of change and organisational development. The framework is called The AmbITion Approach. It was developed by blending participatory action research (PAR) methods and modern management consultancy, design, and creative practices. Empirical work also introduced to the framework Coghlan and Rashford’s change categories. These enabled the definition and description of the extent to which organisations developed: whether they experienced first order (change), second order (adaptation) or third order (transformation) change. Digital research tools for inquiry were tested by a pilot study, and then embedded in a longitudinal study over two years of twentyone participant organisations from Scotland’s creative sector. The author applied and investigated the novel approach in a national digital development programme for Scotland’s creative industries. The programme was designed and delivered by the author and ran nationally between 2012-14. Detailed grounded thematic analysis of the data corpus was undertaken, along with analysis of rich media case studies produced by the organisations about their change journeys. The results of studies on participants, and validation criteria applied to the results, demonstrated that the framework triggers second (adaptation) and third order change (transformation) in creative industry enterprises. The AmbITion Approach framework is suitable for the continuing landscape of digital disruption within the creative sector. The thesis contributes to practice the concepts, methods, tools, and processes of The AmbITion Approach, which have been empirically tested in the field, and validated as a new framework for business transformation in a digital age. The thesis contributes to knowledge a theoretical and conceptual framework with a specific set of constructs and criteria that define first, second, and third order change in creative enterprises, and a robust research and action framework for the analysis of the quality, validity and change achieved by action research based development programmes. The thesis additionally contributes to the practice of research, adding to our understanding of the value of PAR and design thinking approaches and creative practices as methods for change.


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The pervasive use of mobile technologies has provided new opportunities for organisations to achieve competitive advantage by using a value network of partners to create value for multiple users. The delivery of a mobile payment (m-payment) system is an example of a value network as it requires the collaboration of multiple partners from diverse industries, each bringing their own expertise, motivations and expectations. Consequently, managing partnerships has been identified as a core competence required by organisations to form viable partnerships in an m-payment value network and an important factor in determining the sustainability of an m-payment business model. However, there is evidence that organisations lack this competence which has been witnessed in the m-payment domain where it has been attributed as an influencing factor in a number of failed m-payment initiatives since 2000. In response to this organisational deficiency, this research project leverages the use of design thinking and visualisation tools to enhance communication and understanding between managers who are responsible for managing partnerships within the m-payment domain. By adopting a design science research approach, which is a problem solving paradigm, the research builds and evaluates a visualisation tool in the form of a Partnership Management Canvas. In doing so, this study demonstrates that when organisations encourage their managers to adopt design thinking, as a way to balance their analytical thinking and intuitive thinking, communication and understanding between the partners increases. This can lead to a shared understanding and a shared commitment between the partners. In addition, the research identifies a number of key business model design issues that need to be considered by researchers and practitioners when designing an m-payment business model. As an applied research project, the study makes valuable contributions to the knowledge base and to the practice of management.


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Chesney’s: Growing Through Product Expansion The purpose of this work project is to have a better understanding about how to proceed when a company is challenged by new options to grow and thrive. It aims to decode the next direction of Chesney’s Ltd, a United Kingdom leading company in luxurious replicas of antique fireplaces, wood burning stoves and other architectural pieces. The work project relies on the concepts of strategy, innovation and design thinking in order to encourage dynamic activities within the company. Chesney’s continuously tries to improve and innovate and this work project will assess whether the possible options have strategic fit with the purpose of the company and consequently, create an introduction plan for the opportunity that shows higher probabilities of becoming successful.


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Le réseau de distribution aérien, ou plus simplement le réseau de poteaux de bois et ses câbles, est encore aujourd’hui omniprésent dans la majorité des villes du Québec. Pour plusieurs, le réseau de poteaux d’utilité publique semble appartenir à une autre époque. Pourtant, les poteaux et câbles ne sont pas près de disparaître, au contraire, ils ne cessent de se transformer. Depuis peu, de plus en plus d’équipements s’ajoutent sur le réseau: boîtiers techniques, nombre de câbles, appareillages au sommet des poteaux, antennes de communication, etc. Bien que les équipements du réseau de distribution aérien soient des éléments produits industriellement, ceux-ci intègrent rarement les services du design industriel au moment de leur conception initiale. Cette recherche étudie le système de distribution aérien sous l’angle de la « pensée design ». L’intention de cette étude est d’analyser les impacts de la présence du réseau aérien en milieux urbains et a pour objectif d’orienter les pratiques de conception de ce type d’équipements. Pour ce faire, dans une optique transdisciplinaire, diverses approches ont été sollicitées dont: l’approche systémique, l’approche paysage et les approches des partenaires des réseaux. Au moyen d’une recherche documentaire et d’observations faites sur le terrain, la recherche vise à dresser un portrait général du réseau de distribution aérien et les défis qui y sont associés. La recherche expose, dans un état des lieux, les résultats issus des questions analytiques de recherche suivantes: de quoi est composé le réseau de distribution aérien, quels sont les intervenants sur le réseau, quelles sont leurs interactions, quels sont les points de vue des différentes catégories d’acteurs en relation avec le réseau, quels sont les impacts reliés à la présence du réseau en milieux urbains et quelle a été son évolution au fil des années. Dans la perspective de l’approche design, chercher à comprendre une problématique de façon plus large permet de s’assurer que l’on répond au bon problème, que l’on considère tous les facteurs en cause visant ainsi à réduire les répercussions négatives sur les contextes de vie actuels et futurs. Les principaux constats de cette recherche démontrent que la composition du réseau de distribution, avant même de considérer les nouveaux usages et l’ajout de nouveaux équipements, présente des lacunes importantes. La gestion entre les divers partenaires du réseau de distribution pose aussi problème. L’ajout de nouveaux équipements sur le réseau, combiné aux multiples équipements apparaissant sur les voies publiques laisse entrevoir l’atteinte d’un niveau de saturation des milieux urbains. Les façons de faire hermétiques et «cristallisées» des partenaires du réseau ne collent pas avec les initiatives et aspirations générales en matière d’aménagement. En étudiant la problématique du réseau de distribution par le biais de la pensée design, l’approche design cherche à déceler, de façon proactive, les opportunités de design qui permettront de mieux gérer l’apparition et l’intégration des nouveaux équipements sur les poteaux. Cette démarche permet d’envisager des solutions qui visent à limiter les répercussions collatérales une fois en contexte et qui, du même coup, adressent des problématiques connexes. Finalement, à la lumière de l’état des lieux, cette recherche propose des critères de conception de futurs réseaux de distribution, élaborés dans l’esprit de l’approche design.


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Codirection: Dr. Gonzalo Lizarralde


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A inovação no setor público possui um potencial de impacto, em termos de melhorar substancialmente a qualidade de vida da sociedade, muito mais amplo do que qualquer outra. Tanto o Design Thinking quanto os Insights Comportamentais permitem desenvolver melhorias nas dimensões de eficiência, eficácia e efetividade das políticas públicas. Os métodos inclusive sugerem correlações extremamente úteis entre esses conceitos, como a de que o que é ineficiente do ponto de vista dos recursos, muitas vezes também é ineficaz do ponto de vista dos resultados. Os Laboratórios de Inovação em Governo possuem papel fundamental na sua promoção. São compostos por profissionais que reúnem o conhecimento técnico e as competências para atuar pela necessária inovação em governo, a qual só vem a contribuir para a ampliação da qualidade de vida da sociedade beneficiária.


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Urban populations that live in the outskirts of major Latin American cities usually face conditions of vulnerability attached to complex environmental issues, such as the lack of sewerage, floods, pollution and soil and water contamination. This article reports an intervention research programme in Sao Paulo, Brazil that combines a moral education approach with sustainability awareness in vulnerable communities. The main conceptual foundations of the project, designed to empower the community and promote ethical and environmental awareness are: strengthening the ties between the school and the surrounding community in order to construct 'moral atmosphere'; adoption of Problem- and Project-based Learning and the Design Thinking approach to reach the proposed goals.


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The rationalist approach to strategizing emphasizes analytical and convergent thinking. Without denying the importance of this approach, this book argues that strategists must learn to complement it with a more creative approach to strategizing that emphasizes synthetic and divergent ways of thinking. The theoretical underpinnings of this approach include embodied realism, interpretivism, practice theory, theory of play, design thinking, as well as discursive approaches such as metaphorical analysis, narrative analysis, dialogical analysis and hermeneutics. The book includes in-depth discussions of these theories and shows how they can be put into practice by presenting detailed analyses of embodied metaphors built by groups of agents with step-by-step explanations of how this process can be implemented and facilitated. The link between theory and practice is further supported by the inclusion of several vignettes that describe how this approach has been successfully employed in a number of organizations, including BASF and UNICEF


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Los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio comprometieron a los países con una nueva alianza mundial de alcanzar gradualmente una cobertura universal de los niveles mínimos de bienestar en los países en desarrollo (reducir la pobreza y el hambre y dar respuesta a problemas como la mala salud, las desigualdades de género, la falta de educación, el acceso a agua salubre y la degradación ambiental). Para dar continuidad a esta iniciativa, recientemente en septiembre de 2015, la ONU promulgó la declaración de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Los ODM sitúan la salud en el corazón del desarrollo y establecen un novedoso pacto mundial que vincula a los países desarrollados y los países en desarrollo por medio de obligaciones claras y recíprocas. En este sentido, diversos organismos de cooperación a través de sus programas de cooperación internacional, tratan de mejorar el acceso a la asistencia sanitaria, especialmente a la población vulnerable que vive en zonas rurales de países en desarrollo. Con el fin de ayudar a cumplir los ODM que apoyan los temas de salud en dicha población, estos organismos desarrollan proyectos que despliegan sistemas de e-salud. Las intervenciones se enfrentan a múltiples retos: condicionantes de los países en desarrollo, las necesidades y demandas de los sistemas sanitarios y la complejidad de implantar las TIC en entornos complejos y altamente dinámicos como son los países en desarrollo. Estos condicionantes ocasionan la mayoría de proyectos fallidos que terminan convirtiéndose en soluciones aisladas, que anteponen la tecnología a las necesidades de la población y no generan el impacto esperado en su desarrollo. En este contexto tuvo origen esta tesis doctoral, que persigue como objetivo analizar, planificar, diseñar, verificar y validar un marco arquitectónico de implantación de sistemas de e-salud en áreas rurales de países en desarrollo, que promueva el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de la población vulnerable de estas regiones y la efectividad de las intervenciones de e-salud en el marco de proyectos de cooperación al desarrollo. Para lograrlo, tomé como punto de partida, diversas estrategias, modelos, metodologías de implantación de e-salud, modelos de gestión de proyectos propuestos por distintos organismos internacionales y propuse una instanciación de estos modelos a proyectos de implantación de sistemas de e-salud en países en desarrollo. Apliqué la metodología action research y los enfoques twin track, middle out y design thinking que me permitieron el refinamiento iterativo del modelo propuesto en la tesis doctoral mediante el trabajo de campo realizado en dos zonas rurales de países de Centroamérica: Jocotán (Guatemala) y San José de Cusmapa (Nicaragua). Como resultado obtuve un modelo experimental basado en cuatro componentes: un modelo de referencia tipo, un modelo conceptual de e-salud, los procesos de gestión y de implantación de sistemas de e-salud en países en desarrollo y una arquitectura de referencia. El modelo experimental resultante aporta herramientas importantes para el despliegue de sistemas de e-salud en países en desarrollo. Se ha propuesto un modelo de referencia que proporciona una visión holística del contexto del país en desarrollo donde se desarrollarán las intervenciones. Un modelo conceptual de e-salud que representa los principales conceptos involucrados en un sistema de e-salud. Los procesos ii- de gestión del proyecto y de implantación del sistema que proporcionan a los grupos de cooperación, herramientas para el análisis, diseño, desarrollo y despliegue de los sistemas de e-salud en áreas rurales de países en desarrollo. Y finalmente la arquitectura de referencia que sienta las bases para la aplicación de estos procesos a un contexto en particular. Las líneas futuras de trabajo sugieren extender el modelo a más casos de estudio que permitan su refinamiento y evaluar los futuros usos que pueden surgir de los sistemas de e-salud resultantes. ABSTRACT Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) committing the countries with a new global partnership to achieve universal coverage of minimum levels of well-being in Developing Countries (for addressing extreme poverty in its many dimensions-income poverty, hunger, disease, lack of adequate housing, and exclusion-while promoting gender equality, education, and environmental sustainability). From September 2015, these goals are replaces with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The MDG place health at the heart of development and establish a novel global compact, linking developed and developing countries through clear, reciprocal obligations. Many public and private institutions promote international cooperation programs to support in achieving the MDGs. Some of these cooperation programs deal improving access to healthcare to poor people living in isolated areas from developing countries. In order to accomplish this goal organizations perform projects (interventions or cooperation projects) that deploy e-health systems in these zones. Nevertheless, this kind of projects face multiple challenges that dismiss the effectiveness of the projects results. In particular, cooperation teams face issues such as constraints in developing countries, lack of electrical and ICT infrastructure, scarce transport, extreme climate conditions, lack ICT capacity, lack of access to healthcare and inefficient delivery methods, etc. Hence, these issues increase the complexity of implementing e-health in developing countries and then causes the most projects fail. In other words, the solutions do not meet population needs and do not generate the expected impact on development. This context is the starting point of this doctoral thesis, which deals with analysing, planning, designing, testing and validating an architectural framework in order to implement e-health systems in rural areas from developing countries, promote development of the population in these regions, and thus improve the impact of interventions of development cooperation projects. To achieve this goal, I took as a starting point the strategies, models, e-health implementation methodologies and projects management models proposed by various international agencies. Then I proposed an instantiation of these models to manage the intervention and implement e-health systems in developing countries. I applied the action research methodology and the approaches twin track, middle out and design thinking which allowed me the iterative refinement of the model proposed in this doctoral thesis. The proposed framework was validated by running two cases studies in rural areas of Central America: Jocotán (Guatemala) and San José de Cusmapa (Nicaragua). As a result, I obtained an experimental model based on four components: a Type reference model, an e-health conceptual model, both process management and implementation e-health systems in developing countries and a reference architecture. The resulting experimental model provides important tools for the deployment of e-health systems in developing countries. The model become as reference model that provides a holistic view of the developing countries context where the interventions will be running. The conceptual model of e-health represents the main concepts involved into an e-health system. The project management and implementation processes of the iv- system provide to the cooperation teams with tools for analysing, designing, developing and deploying e-health systems in rural areas from developing countries. Finally, the reference architecture provides the basis for the implementation of these processes into a particular context. The future research suggest the extension the model to other cases studies in order to refine and evaluate the viability the model.


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Muito se fala na crescente velocidade de inovações tecnológicas que se apresenta ao mundo e que vai se acelerando. Antes, gerações se passavam para termos uma evolução tecnológica. Hoje, uma mesma geração presencia vários saltos tecnológicos. Neste contexto de inovações frequentes, surge a preocupação sobre como formar um profissional responsável, ético e que consiga acompanhar e ser protagonista de tais mudanças. O trabalho desenvolvido nesta tese busca colaborar na discussão sobre a formação do engenheiro, com foco na engenharia elétrica e de computação, revisitando as definições de conceitos como educação em engenharia, aprendizagem ativa, inovação, Design Thinking e competências transversais, e definindo, como contribuição de pesquisa, os conceitos de tecno-pedagogia e ambientes tecno-pedagógicos, como pressuposto de convergência de estruturas tecnológicas, estratégias pedagógicas e métodos de avaliação em aprendizagem ativa para a inovação. Apresenta um método para identificar e quantificar o grau de ênfase das competências transversais para a inovação a partir da demanda de mercado para engenheiros eletricistas e da computação; e um método de observação, coleta e análise de dados sobre o desenvolvimento de competências transversais na participação em duas experiências de aula: na disciplina global ME310 da Universidade de Stanford; e na disciplina 030-3410 da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo. Com isso, foi possível elaborar um método para auxiliar no planejamento de disciplinas e cursos com foco em inovação, identificando as competências transversais que devem ser incentivadas e relacionando tais competências com estratégias de ensino e aprendizagem e sugerindo a estrutura tecnológica e método de avaliação a serem adotados.


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This research aims to make a contribution in the context of design thinking at a global cultural scale and specifically how design methods are a feature of the homogenising and heterogenising forces of globalisation via creative destruction. Since Schumpeter’s description of economic innovation destroying the old and creating the new, a number of other interpretations of creative destruction have developed including those driving cultural evolution. However a design model showing the impact of different types of design method on cultural evolution can develop an understanding on a more systemic level from the medium to longer term impact of new designs that homogenise or increase the differences between various cultures. This research explores the theoretical terrain between creative destruction, design thinking and cybernetics in the context of exchanging cultural influences for collaborative creativity and concludes with an experiment that proposes a feedback loop between ubiquitising and differentiating design methods mediating cultural variety in creative ecosystems.