765 resultados para Competencies assessment tool
Abstract: Respiratory therapists must be able to care for their patients safely, efficiently and competently. They manage critically ill patients on life support systems. As a member of the anesthesia team they are responsible for the vulnerable patient undergoing surgery. Within all areas of the hospital they are called upon to make decisions and judgements concerning patient treatment. The environment that is found in the modern clinical setting is often stressful and demanding. The respiratory and anesthesia technology program has the responsibility of preparing competent practioners who graduate not only with a broad knowledge base but with the affective competencies that are required to meet these challenges. Faculty and clinical instructors in the program of Respiratory and Anesthesia Technology have been troubled by rising attrition rates and weak performance of students. It is apparent that this is not a problem unique to Vanier College. The rationale for this study was multi-fold; to establish a definition of student success, to determine whether pre-admission academic abilities can predict success in the program and whether scores on a professional behavioural aptitudes tool can predict success in the clinical year of the program. Predictors were sought that could be used either in the pre-program admission policies or during the course of study in order to ensure success throughout the program and beyond. A qualitative analysis involving clinical instructors and faculty (n=5) was carried out to explore what success signified for a student in the respiratory and anesthesia program. While this process revealed that a student who obtained a grade above 77.5% was considered “successful”, the concept surrounding success was a much more complex issue. Affective as well as cognitive and psychomotor abilities complete the model of the successful student. Appropriate behaviour and certain character traits in a respiratory therapy student are considered to be significant elements leading to success. Assessment of students in their clinical year of the respiratory & anesthesia technology program currently include little measurement of abilities in the affective domain, and the resulting grade becomes primarily a measure of academic and procedural skills. A quantitative study of preadmission records and final program grades was obtained from a single cohort of respiratory and anesthesia technology students who began the program in 2005 and graduated in 2008 (n=16). Data was collected and a descriptive analysis (analysis of variance, Pearson correlation) was used to determine the relationship between preadmission grades and success. The lack of association between the high school grades and grades in the program ran contrary to some of the findings in the literature and it can be cautiously inferred that preadmission grades do not predict success in the program. To ascertain the predictive significance of evaluating professional behavioural skills and success in clinical internship, a behaviour assessment tool was used by clinical instructors and faculty to score each student during a rotation in their third year of the program which was clinical internship. The results of this analysis showed that a moderately strong association could be made between a high score on the behavior assessment tool and final clinical grades. Therefore this tool may be effective in predicting success in the clinical year of the program. Refining the admissions process to meet the challenge and responsibility of turning out graduates who are capable of meeting the needs of the profession is difficult but essential. The capacity to predict which students possess the affective competencies necessary to cope and succeed in their clinical year is conceivably more important than their academic abilities. Although these preliminary findings contribute, to some degree, to the literature that exists concerning methods of predicting success in a respiratory and anesthesia technology program, much data is still unknown. Further quantitative and qualitative research is required using a broader population base to substantiate the findings of this small study.||Résumé: Les inhalothérapeutes doivent être capables de prodiguer des soins à leurs patients d’une manière sécuritaire, efficace et compétente. Ils/elles peuvent être appelé(e)s à gérer les soins aux personnes gravement malades branchées à un respirateur artificiel. En tant que membres de l’équipe d’anesthésie, ils/elles sont responsables des patients qui subissent une chirurgie. Ils/elles sont sollicité(e)s par tous les secteurs de l’hôpital pour décider ou juger des traitements à apporter aux malades. L’environnement dans lequel ils/elles travaillent est souvent stressant et exigeant. Le programme de Techniques d’inhalothérapie et d’anesthésie vise à former des inhalothérapeutes compétent(e)s qui possèdent non seulement les connaissances propres à la discipline mais également les aptitudes affectives nécessaires pour faire face à ces défis. Les enseignant(e)s et instructeur(e)s cliniques en Techniques d’inhalothérapie et d’anesthésie sont préoccupé(e)s par le taux d’abandon croissant et la faible performance des étudiant(e)s dans le programme. Il semble que ce problème ne soit pas unique au Collège Vanier. Le but de cette recherche est multiple : définir ce qu’est «réussir» pour les étudiant(e)s de ce programme; déterminer si les aptitudes scolaires acquises avant l’admission au programme peuvent aider à prévoir le succès des étudiant(e)s dans le programme; et si les résultats obtenus à un test mesurant les aptitudes comportementales professionnelles permettent de prévoir le succès des étudiant(e)s dans le stage clinique du programme. On a essayé d’identifier des facteurs qui pourraient être utilisés dans les politiques d’admission au programme ou celles régissant le cheminement dans le programme qui permettraient d’assurer le succès au cours du programme et par la suite. Une analyse qualitative a été conduite auprès des instructeur(e)s cliniques et des enseignant(e)s (n=5) afin d’étudier la notion de « réussite » des étudiant(e)s dans le programme. Bien qu’un(e) étudiant(e) ayant obtenu une note supérieure à 77.5% soit considéré(e) comme ayant « réussi », la notion de « réussite » est beaucoup plus complexe. Des aptitudes affectives, autant que cognitives et psychomotrices complètent le modèle d’un(e) étudiant(e) ayant réussi. Un comportement approprié et certains traits de caractère sont considérés comme des facteurs importants pour la réussite d’un(e) étudiant(e) en techniques d’inhalothérapie et d’anesthésie. L’évaluation qui se fait actuellement des étudiant(e)s dans le stage clinique du programme ne porte que peu sur les aptitudes affectives, et le résultat obtenu témoigne essentiellement des aptitudes scolaires et procédurales. Une analyse quantitative des dossiers des étudiant(e)s avant leur admission au programme et leurs notes finales a été conduite auprès d’une cohorte d’étudiant(e)s ayant commencé le programme en 2005 et gradué en 2008 (n=16). Des données ont été recueillies et une analyse descriptive (analyse de la variance, corrélation de Pearson) ont été faites afin de déterminer l’existence d’un lien entre les notes obtenues au secondaire et celles obtenues dans le programme. L’absence de corrélation entre les deux catégories de notes va à l’encontre de certaines recherches publiées et on peut déduire avec réserve que les notes obtenues avant l’admission au programme ne permettent pas de prévoir la réussite dans le programme. Afin de vérifier la portée de l’évaluation du comportement professionnel et de la réussite en milieu clinique quant à la prévision de réussite dans le programme, une méthode d’évaluation du comportement a été appliquée par les instructeurs(e) cliniques et les enseignant(e)s pour évaluer chaque étudiant(e) au cours d’une rotation dans leur troisième année de stage clinique. Les résultats de cette analyse ont démontré qu’une corrélation moyennement forte pouvait être faite entre une bonne note à l’évaluation comportementale et les notes finales du stage clinique. Perfectionner le processus d’admission au programme afin d’assumer la responsabilité de former des diplômé(e)s capables de répondre aux besoins de la profession est difficile mais essentiel. Avoir les moyens de prévoir quels/quelles étudiant(e)s ont les compétences affectives nécessaires pour faire face à la réussite de leur année de stage clinique est peut être plus important que d’avoir les aptitudes scolaires. Bien que ces observations préliminaires contribuent, à un certain degré, à la littérature existante sur les méthodes de prévoir la réussite dans le programme d’inhalothérapie et d’anesthésie, plusieurs données restent inconnues. Une recherche quantitative et qualitative plus élaborée, conduite sur un échantillon plus large de la population, est nécessaire afin de corroborer les résultats de cette étude limitée.
As expetativas e exigências crescentes dos cidadãos face ao serviço público introduziram uma nova orientação nos processos de reforma e modernização administrativa. É neste contexto que surge o modelo de autoavaliação Common Assessment Framework (CAF), que está essencialmente direcionado para a administração pública, com o fim de promover a melhoria contínua dos serviços. Neste estudo pretende-se analisar a aplicabilidade da CAF como ferramenta de autoavaliação dos serviços públicos nos Serviços Académicos da Universidade de Évora (SAC), bem como verificar o impacto que a aplicação da CAF teve nos SAC, após o estudo realizado por Nogueira (2008), e efetuar um diagnóstico junto dos alunos, colaboradores e gestores para avaliar os processos desenvolvidos, bem como averiguar o seu grau de satisfação. Para atingir os objetivos propostos foi aplicado um inquérito por questionário junto dos alunos, colaboradores e gestores dos SAC. Os resultados obtidos permitiram extrair os pontos fortes (e.g. bons procedimentos para acolhimento e integração dos colaboradores, gestores não resistentes à mudança), evidenciar os pontos fracos (e.g. tempo de obtenção de respostas às solicitações efetuadas, atendimento telefónico desadequado), e enumerar as sugestões de melhoria para o serviço (e.g. maior número de funcionários a fazer atendimento, horários de abertura e de atendimento mais alargados); ABSTRACT: Expectations and increased demands of citizens on the public service introduced a new orientation in the reform and administrative modernization. lt is in this context that the model of self-assessment Common Assessment Framework (CAF), which is primarily directed to the government, in order to promote continuous improvement of services. This study aims to analyze the applicability of the CAF as a self-assessment tool of public services at the Academic Services of the University of Évora (SAC) and verify the impact that the implementation of the CAF had the SAC after the study by Nogueira (2008) and make a diagnosis with the students, employees and managers to assess the processes developed and ascertain their degree of satisfaction. To achieve the proposed objectives a questionnaire was applied to students, employees and managers of SAC. The results allowed to draw on the strengths (eg: good procedures for reception and integration of employees, not resistant to change managers), highlight the weaknesses (eg: time to obtain answers to made requests, inadequate telephone service), and list suggestions improvement for the service (eg: greater number of employees to service, opening hours and more extensive service).
The Guide contains the distilled findings from a major, two-year research project to explore those factors considered by industry practitioners to be critical to the successful adoption of ICT, both within their firms and between their firms and their trading partners. In the context of this project Critical Success Factors (CSFs) have been defined as, “Those things that absolutely, positively must be attended to in order to maximise the likelihood of a successful outcome for the stakeholder, defined in the stakeholder’s terms.” The guide includes: o Perceived benefits of ICT use across the head contractors’ sector o Types and levels of ICT used across the sector o Self-assessment tool o CSFs for high-level ICT users, including o Best Practice Profiles o Action Statements The material contained in this Guide has been generated following a number of principles: o For a given situation there is not a single ‘right answer’, but a number of solutions that have to be evaluated using a range of relevant factors. o Since there are as many solutions as there are ‘solvers’, factors for evaluation will ‘emerge’ from collective wisdom.
The Guide contains the distilled findings from a major, two-year research project to explore those factors considered by industry practitioners to be critical to the successful adoption of ICT, both within their firms and between their firms and their trading partners. In the context of this project Critical Success Factors (CSFs) have been defined as, “Those things that absolutely, positively must be attended to in order to maximise the likelihood of a successful outcome for the stakeholder, defined in the stakeholder’s terms.” The guide includes: o Perceived benefits of ICT use across the consultants’ sector o Types and levels of ICT used across the sector o Self-assessment tool o CSFs for medium- and high-level ICT users, including o Best Practice Profiles o Action Statements o Barriers to ICT use for low-level users o Action Statements The material contained in this Guide has been generated following a number of principles: o For a given situation there is not a single ‘right answer’, but a number of solutions that have to be evaluated using a range of relevant factors. o As there are as many solutions as there are ‘solvers’, factors for evaluation will ‘emerge’ from collective wisdom.
The Guide contains the distilled findings from a major, two-year research project to explore those factors considered by industry practitioners to be critical to the successful adoption of ICT, both within their firms and between their firms and their trading partners. In the context of this project Critical Success Factors (CSFs) have been defined as, “Those things that absolutely, positively must be attended to in order to maximise the likelihood of a successful outcome for the stakeholder, defined in the stakeholder’s terms.” The guide includes: o Perceived benefits of ICT use across the head contractors’ sector o Types and levels of ICT used across the sector o Self-assessment tool o CSFs for medium- and high-level ICT users, including o Best Practice Profiles o Action Statements The material contained in this Guide has been generated following a number of principles: o For a given situation there is not a single ‘right answer’, but a number of solutions that have to be evaluated using a range of relevant factors. o Since there are as many solutions as there are ‘solvers’, factors for evaluation will ‘emerge’ from collective wisdom.
The Guide contains the distilled findings from a major, two-year research project to explore those factors considered by industry practitioners to be critical to the successful adoption of ICT, both within their firms and between their firms and their trading partners. In the context of this project Critical Success Factors (CSFs) have been defined as, “Those things that absolutely, positively must be attended to in order to maximise the likelihood of a successful outcome for the stakeholder, defined in the stakeholder’s terms.” The guide includes: o Perceived benefits of ICT use across the subcontractors’ sector o Types and levels of ICT used across the sector o Self-assessment tool o CSFs for medium- and high-level ICT users, including o Best Practice Profiles o Action Statements o Barriers to ICT use for low-level users o Action Statements The material contained in this Guide has been generated following a number of principles: o For a given situation there is not a single ‘right answer’, but a number of solutions that have to be evaluated using a range of relevant factors. o As there are as many solutions as there are ‘solvers’, factors for evaluation will ‘emerge’ from collective wisdom.
Residential aged care in Australia does not have a system of quality assessment related to clinical outcomes, creating a significant gap in quality monitoring. Clinical outcomes represent the results of all inputs into care, thus providing an indication of the success of those inputs. To fill this gap, an assessment tool based on resident outcomes (the ResCareQA) was developed and evaluated in collaboration with residential care providers. A useful output of the ResCareQA is a profile of resident clinical status, and this paper will use such outputs to present a snapshot of nine residential facilities. Such comprehensive data has not yet been available within Australia, so this will provide an important insight. ResCareQA data was collected from all residents (N=498) of nine aged care facilities from two major aged care providers. For each facility, numerator–denominator data were calculated to assess the degree of potential clinical problems. Results varied across clinical areas and across facilities, and rank-ordered facility results for selected clinical areas are reviewed and discussed. Use of the ResCareQA to generate clinical outcome data provides a concrete means of monitoring care quality within residential facilities; regular use of the ResCareQA could thus contribute to improved care outcomes within residential aged care.
This study examined pre-service teachers’ efficacy in relation to the utilisation of microteaching as an assessment tool for postgraduate education students in Australia. Three hundred and fifteen pre-service teachers completed the teacher efficacy survey and additional qualitative questions at Time 1 and 208 completed the survey and questions at Time 2. A principal components analysis conducted on the Time 1 survey data revealed teacher efficacy to be comprised of two components: ‘teacher efficacy in classroom management’ and ‘personal teacher efficacy’. Repeated measures ANOVAs conducted on the 208 participants who completed the survey at Time 1 and 2 revealed that efficacy on both components increased significantly over time, and that internet students had higher efficacy levels than internal students. The qualitative data revealed that pre-service teachers enter teaching in order to positively impact on children, yet are concerned about behaviour management in the classroom. In addition, this data highlighted the positive impact that microteaching had on their developing teacher identity.
This paper provides an overview of the characteristics of a phenothiazine-mylar dosimeter which can be used as an effective solar UVA exposure assessment tool. This dosimeter is sensitive to UVA wavelengths (315–400 nm); its performance has been characterized in a series of tests such as (a) UVA exposure response (dose-response), (b) temperature stability of the response, (c) impact of long term storage, and (d) angular response. There is no effect of long term storage post-exposure and no effect of temperature up to 30 °C. For angles up to 70°, the cosine error of the normalized UVA is less than approximately 0.1. These characterizations have confirmed the reliability and reproducibility of a phenothiazine-mylar combined dosimeter as an effective solar UVA exposure tool for field-based studies of the UVA exposures to population groups.
Background: Palliative care should be provided according to the individual needs of the patient, caregiver and family, so that the type and level of care provided, as well as the setting in which it is delivered, are dependent on the complexity and severity of individual needs, rather than prognosis or diagnosis. This paper presents a study designed to assess the feasibility and efficacy of an intervention to assist in the allocation of palliative care resources according to need, within the context of a population of people with advanced cancer. ---------- Methods/design: People with advanced cancer and their caregivers completed bi-monthly telephone interviews over a period of up to 18 months to assess unmet needs, anxiety and depression, quality of life, satisfaction with care and service utilisation. The intervention, introduced after at least two baseline phone interviews, involved a) training medical, nursing and allied health professionals at each recruitment site on the use of the Palliative Care Needs Assessment Guidelines and the Needs Assessment Tool: Progressive Disease - Cancer (NAT: PD-C); b) health professionals completing the NAT: PD-C with participating patients approximately monthly for the rest of the study period. Changes in outcomes will be compared pre-and post-intervention.---------- Discussion: The study will determine whether the routine, systematic and regular use of the Guidelines and NAT: PD-C in a range of clinical settings is a feasible and effective strategy for facilitating the timely provision of needs based care.
Reflective practice is widely considered across discussions around educational psychology, professional identity, employability of graduates, and generic or graduate capabilities. Critical reflection is essential for providing a bridge between the university and the workplace, and for ultimately preparing work ready graduates (Patrick et al, 2008). Work integrated learning, particularly through internships and work placements for students, is viewed as a valuable approach for students developing skills in reflective practice. Reflective journals are one of the tools often used to encourage and develop student reflection. Shifting the reflective journal to an online interface as a reflective blog presents opportunities for more meaningful, frequent and richer interaction between the key players in a work integrated learning experience. This paper examines the adoption, implementation and refinement of the use of reflective blogs in a work integrated learning unit for business students majoring in advertising, marketing and public relations disciplines. The reflective blog is discussed as a learning and assessment tool, including the approaches taken to integrate and scaffold the blog as part of the work integrated learning experience. Graduate capabilities were used as cornerstones for students to frame students’ thinking, experiences and reflection. These capabilities emphasise the value of coherent theoretical and practical knowledge, coupled with critical, creative and analytical thinking, problem solving skills, self reliance and resilience. Underlying these graduate capabilities is a focus on assessment for learning matched with assessment of learning. Using specific triggers and prompts as part of the reflective process, and incorporating ongoing feedback from academic supervisors, students moved from descriptive levels of reflection, to more meaningful and critical reflection. Students’ blogs are analysed to identify key themes, challenges and achievements in the work integrated learning experience. Suggestions for further development and improvement, together with a model of best practice, are proposed.
Older adults, especially those acutely ill, are vulnerable to developing malnutrition due to a range of risk factors. The high prevalence and extensive consequences of malnutrition in hospitalised older adults have been reported extensively. However, there are few well-designed longitudinal studies that report the independent relationship between malnutrition and clinical outcomes after adjustment for a wide range of covariates. Acutely ill older adults are exceptionally prone to nutritional decline during hospitalisation, but few reports have studied this change and impact on clinical outcomes. In the rapidly ageing Singapore population, all this evidence is lacking, and the characteristics associated with the risk of malnutrition are also not well-documented. Despite the evidence on malnutrition prevalence, it is often under-recognised and under-treated. It is therefore crucial that validated nutrition screening and assessment tools are used for early identification of malnutrition. Although many nutrition screening and assessment tools are available, there is no universally accepted method for defining malnutrition risk and nutritional status. Most existing tools have been validated amongst Caucasians using various approaches, but they are rarely reported in the Asian elderly and none has been validated in Singapore. Due to the multiethnicity, cultural, and language differences in Singapore older adults, the results from non-Asian validation studies may not be applicable. Therefore it is important to identify validated population and setting specific nutrition screening and assessment methods to accurately detect and diagnose malnutrition in Singapore. The aims of this study are therefore to: i) characterise hospitalised elderly in a Singapore acute hospital; ii) describe the extent and impact of admission malnutrition; iii) identify and evaluate suitable methods for nutritional screening and assessment; and iv) examine changes in nutritional status during admission and their impact on clinical outcomes. A total of 281 participants, with a mean (+SD) age of 81.3 (+7.6) years, were recruited from three geriatric wards in Tan Tock Seng Hospital over a period of eight months. They were predominantly Chinese (83%) and community-dwellers (97%). They were screened within 72 hours of admission by a single dietetic technician using four nutrition screening tools [Tan Tock Seng Hospital Nutrition Screening Tool (TTSH NST), Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 (NRS 2002), Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form (MNA-SF), and Short Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (SNAQ©)] that were administered in no particular order. The total scores were not computed during the screening process so that the dietetic technician was blinded to the results of all the tools. Nutritional status was assessed by a single dietitian, who was blinded to the screening results, using four malnutrition assessment methods [Subjective Global Assessment (SGA), Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA), body mass index (BMI), and corrected arm muscle area (CAMA)]. The SGA rating was completed prior to computation of the total MNA score to minimise bias. Participants were reassessed for weight, arm anthropometry (mid-arm circumference, triceps skinfold thickness), and SGA rating at discharge from the ward. The nutritional assessment tools and indices were validated against clinical outcomes (length of stay (LOS) >11days, discharge to higher level care, 3-month readmission, 6-month mortality, and 6-month Modified Barthel Index) using multivariate logistic regression. The covariates included age, gender, race, dementia (defined using DSM IV criteria), depression (defined using a single question “Do you often feel sad or depressed?”), severity of illness (defined using a modified version of the Severity of Illness Index), comorbidities (defined using Charlson Comorbidity Index, number of prescribed drugs and admission functional status (measured using Modified Barthel Index; MBI). The nutrition screening tools were validated against the SGA, which was found to be the most appropriate nutritional assessment tool from this study (refer section 5.6) Prevalence of malnutrition on admission was 35% (defined by SGA), and it was significantly associated with characteristics such as swallowing impairment (malnourished vs well-nourished: 20% vs 5%), poor appetite (77% vs 24%), dementia (44% vs 28%), depression (34% vs 22%), and poor functional status (MBI 48.3+29.8 vs 65.1+25.4). The SGA had the highest completion rate (100%) and was predictive of the highest number of clinical outcomes: LOS >11days (OR 2.11, 95% CI [1.17- 3.83]), 3-month readmission (OR 1.90, 95% CI [1.05-3.42]) and 6-month mortality (OR 3.04, 95% CI [1.28-7.18]), independent of a comprehensive range of covariates including functional status, disease severity and cognitive function. SGA is therefore the most appropriate nutritional assessment tool for defining malnutrition. The TTSH NST was identified as the most suitable nutritional screening tool with the best diagnostic performance against the SGA (AUC 0.865, sensitivity 84%, specificity 79%). Overall, 44% of participants experienced weight loss during hospitalisation, and 27% had weight loss >1% per week over median LOS 9 days (range 2-50). Wellnourished (45%) and malnourished (43%) participants were equally prone to experiencing decline in nutritional status (defined by weight loss >1% per week). Those with reduced nutritional status were more likely to be discharged to higher level care (adjusted OR 2.46, 95% CI [1.27-4.70]). This study is the first to characterise malnourished hospitalised older adults in Singapore. It is also one of the very few studies to (a) evaluate the association of admission malnutrition with clinical outcomes in a multivariate model; (b) determine the change in their nutritional status during admission; and (c) evaluate the validity of nutritional screening and assessment tools amongst hospitalised older adults in an Asian population. Results clearly highlight that admission malnutrition and deterioration in nutritional status are prevalent and are associated with adverse clinical outcomes in hospitalised older adults. With older adults being vulnerable to risks and consequences of malnutrition, it is important that they are systematically screened so timely and appropriate intervention can be provided. The findings highlighted in this thesis provide an evidence base for, and confirm the validity of the current nutrition screening and assessment tools used among hospitalised older adults in Singapore. As the older adults may have developed malnutrition prior to hospital admission, or experienced clinically significant weight loss of >1% per week of hospitalisation, screening of the elderly should be initiated in the community and continuous nutritional monitoring should extend beyond hospitalisation.
In the third year of the Link the Wiki track, the focus has been shifted to anchor-to-bep link discovery. The participants were encouraged to utilize different technologies to resolve the issue of focused link discovery. Apart from the 2009 Wikipedia collection, the Te Ara collection was introduced for the first time in INEX. For the link the wiki tasks, 5000 file-to-file topics were randomly selected and 33 anchor-to-bep topics were nominated by the participants. The Te Ara collection does not contain hyperlinks and the task was to cross link the entire collection. A GUI tool for self-verification of the linking results was distributed. This helps participants verify the location of the anchor and bep. The assessment tool and the evaluation tool were revised to improve efficiency. Submission runs were evaluated against Wikipedia ground-truth and manual result set respectively. Focus-based evaluation was undertaken using a new metric. Evaluation results are presented and link discovery approaches are described
This paper presents an overview of NTCIR-9 Cross-lingual Link Discovery (Crosslink) task. The overview includes: the motivation of cross-lingual link discovery; the Crosslink task definition; the run submission specification; the assessment and evaluation framework; the evaluation metrics; and the evaluation results of submitted runs. Cross-lingual link discovery (CLLD) is a way of automatically finding potential links between documents in different languages. The goal of this task is to create a reusable resource for evaluating automated CLLD approaches. The results of this research can be used in building and refining systems for automated link discovery. The task is focused on linking between English source documents and Chinese, Korean, and Japanese target documents.
This paper describes the evaluation in benchmarking the effectiveness of cross-lingual link discovery (CLLD). Cross lingual link discovery is a way of automatically finding prospective links between documents in different languages, which is particularly helpful for knowledge discovery of different language domains. A CLLD evaluation framework is proposed for system performance benchmarking. The framework includes standard document collections, evaluation metrics, and link assessment and evaluation tools. The evaluation methods described in this paper have been utilised to quantify the system performance at NTCIR-9 Crosslink task. It is shown that using the manual assessment for generating gold standard can deliver a more reliable evaluation result.