Best Practice Guide : Consultants

Autoria(s): Desconhecido

CRC Construction Innovation




The Guide contains the distilled findings from a major, two-year research project to explore those factors considered by industry practitioners to be critical to the successful adoption of ICT, both within their firms and between their firms and their trading partners. In the context of this project Critical Success Factors (CSFs) have been defined as, “Those things that absolutely, positively must be attended to in order to maximise the likelihood of a successful outcome for the stakeholder, defined in the stakeholder’s terms.” The guide includes: o Perceived benefits of ICT use across the consultants’ sector o Types and levels of ICT used across the sector o Self-assessment tool o CSFs for medium- and high-level ICT users, including o Best Practice Profiles o Action Statements o Barriers to ICT use for low-level users o Action Statements The material contained in this Guide has been generated following a number of principles: o For a given situation there is not a single ‘right answer’, but a number of solutions that have to be evaluated using a range of relevant factors. o As there are as many solutions as there are ‘solvers’, factors for evaluation will ‘emerge’ from collective wisdom.





CRC Construction Innovation (2001) Best Practice Guide : Consultants.


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CRC Construction Innovation

Palavras-Chave #CRC for Construction Innovation #Program A : Business and Industry Development #Project 2001-016-A : Critical Success Factors for ICT Mediated Supply Chains
