226 resultados para CONTROLLABILITY


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Three experiments investigated learned helplessness in rats manipulating response topography within-subject and different intervals between treatment and tests among groups. In Experiment 1, rats previously exposed to inescapable shocks were tested under an escape contingency where either jumping or nose poking was required to terminate shocks: tests were run either 1, 14 or 28 days after treatment. Most rats failed to jump, as expected, but learned to nose poke, regardless of the interval between treatment and tests and order of testing. The same results were observed in male and female rats from a different laboratory (Experiment 2) and despite increased exposure to the escape contingencies using a within-subject design (Experiment 3). Furthermore, no evidence of helplessness reversal was observed, since animals failed to jump even after having learned to nose-poke in a previous test session. These results are not consistent with a learned helplessness hypothesis, which claims that shock (un)controllability is the key variable responsible for the effect. They are nonetheless consistent with the view that inescapable shocks enhance control by irrelevant features of the relationship between the environment and behavior. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Feedback stabilization of an ensemble of non interacting half spins described by the Bloch equations is considered. This system may be seen as an interesting example for infinite dimensional systems with continuous spectra. We propose an explicit feedback law that stabilizes asymptotically the system around a uniform state of spin +1/2 or -1/2. The proof of the convergence is done locally around the equilibrium in the H-1 topology. This local convergence is shown to be a weak asymptotic convergence for the H-1 topology and thus a strong convergence for the C topology. The proof relies on an adaptation of the LaSalle invariance principle to infinite dimensional systems. Numerical simulations illustrate the efficiency of these feedback laws, even for initial conditions far from the equilibrium. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O princípio da controlabilidade prevê que os gestores deveriam ser avaliados com base em fatores controláveis. Consequentemente, os incentivos gerenciais estariam relacionados a práticas de contabilidade gerencial capazes de evitar que os gestores sejam responsabilizados por resultados financeiros além do controle gerencial, tais como análise por centro de responsabilidade, custo padrão, preço de transferência, orçamento e avaliação de desempenho. Este artigo desenvolve um estudo de campo para investigar se há relação entre a presença de incentivos gerenciais e as práticas de contabilidade gerencial associadas ao princípio da controlabilidade. Entrevistas in loco foram realizadas para a coleta de dados em nível organizacional e testes estatísticos não paramétricos foram utilizados para a análise dos dados. Entre as práticas de contabilidade gerencial examinadas, os resultados sugerem que apenas orçamento anual, análise por centro de responsabilidade e avaliação de desempenho estão associados à presença de sistemas de incentivos nas empresas entrevistadas.


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O princípio da controlabilidade prevê que os gestores deveriam ser avaliados com base em fatores controláveis. Consequentemente, os incentivos gerenciais estariam relacionados a práticas de contabilidade gerencial capazes de evitar que os gestores sejam responsabilizados por resultados financeiros além do controle gerencial, tais como análise por centro de responsabilidade, custo padrão, preço de transferência, orçamento e avaliação de desempenho. Este artigo desenvolve um estudo de campo para investigar se há relação entre a presença de incentivos gerenciais e as práticas de contabilidade gerencial associadas ao princípio da controlabilidade. Entrevistas in loco foram realizadas para a coleta de dados em nível organizacional e testes estatísticos não paramétricos foram utilizados para a análise dos dados. Entre as práticas de contabilidade gerencial examinadas, os resultados sugerem que apenas orçamento anual, análise por centro de responsabilidade e avaliação de desempenho estão associados à presença de sistemas de incentivos nas empresas entrevistadas.


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Die Literatur zu Arbeitszufriedenheit zeigt, dass die Bedeutung verschiedener Komponenten der Arbeitszufriedenheit zwischen einzelnen Kulturkreisen schwankt. Um diese unterschiedlichen Befunde zu erklären, bietet die "Affective Events Theory" einen Erklärungsrahmen an, der den Einfluss affektiver Erlebnisse auf verschiedene Einstellungskomponenten abbildet. Diese Studie hatte zum Ziel, bei Beschäftigten mit unterschiedlichen kulturellen Hintergründen, den Einfluss von "daily hassles" auf Empfindungen und verschiedene Komponenten der Arbeitszufriedenheit zu untersuchen. Da sich bei Mitgliedern independenter und interdependenter Kulturen verschiedene Interpretationen der gleichen Situationen finden, die anschließend zu unterschiedlichen affektiven und kognitive Reaktionen führen, wurden insgesamt 244 Beschäftigte aus Deutschland (independent) und Japan (interdependent) befragt. Sie erinnerten selbst erlebte, berufliche "daily hassles" hinsichtlich der kognitiven Dimensionen "Verursacher" und "Kontrollierbarkeit" und gaben ihre Reaktionen auf Fragebögen an. Allgemeine Arbeitszufriedenheit wurde als Konstrukt konzipiert, das aus einer affektiven und einer kognitiven Komponente besteht. Es wurde vermutet, dass die Befragten abhängig vom kulturellen Hintergrund und der kognitiven Struktur der "daily hassles" unterschiedliche Empfindungen zeigen, die die affektiven und kognitiven Komponenten der Arbeitszufriedenheit unterschiedlich beeinflussen. Zudem wurde angenommen, dass allgemeine Arbeitszufriedenheit im jeweiligen Kulturkreis durch diese beiden Komponenten unterschiedlich stark beeinflusst wird. Die Ergebnisse der Regressionsanalysen eines grafischen Kettenmodells konnten diese Annahmen zum großen Teil bestätigen: in independenten Kulturkreisen erweist sich allgemeine Arbeitszufriedenheit als ein aus zwei Komponenten bestehendes Konstrukt mit einer kognitiven und einer affektiven Komponente; in interdependenten Kulturen hingegen entspricht allgemeine Arbeitszufriedenheit vornehmlich einer affektiven Komponente. Es zeigte sich, dass die affektive Komponente in beiden Kulturkreisen durch unterschiedliche Empfindungen beeinflusst wird. Auf den ersten Blick gleiche, berufliche Ereignisse werden abhängig vom kulturellen Hintergrund unterschiedlich interpretiert und lösen differierende Empfindungen aus. Diese beeinflussen ihrerseits verschiedene Komponenten der Arbeitszufriedenheit unterschiedlich. Entgegen dem aktuellen Stand der Literatur spiegeln Angaben zu allgemeiner Arbeitszufriedenheit somit nicht ein universell einheitliches (kognitives) Phänomen wider sondern sind abhängig vom kulturellen Hintergrund unterschiedlich stark affektiv besetzt.


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Nella prima parte viene ricostruito il concetto di vincolo espropriativo alla luce dell’elaborazione della giurisprudenza della Corte costituzionale e della Corte EDU, giungendo alla conclusione che rientrano in tale concetto le limitazioni al diritto di proprietà che: - derivano da scelte discrezionali dell’Amministrazione non correlate alle caratteristiche oggettive del bene; - superano la normale tollerabilità nel senso che impediscono al proprietario la prosecuzione dell’uso in essere o incidono sul valore di mercato del bene in modo sproporzionato rispetto alle oggettive caratteristiche del bene e all’interesse pubblico perseguito. Ragione di fondo della teoria dei vincoli è censurare l’eccessiva discrezionalità del potere urbanistico, imponendo una maggiore obiettività e controllabilità delle scelte urbanistiche. Dalla teoria dei vincoli consegue altresì che nell’esercizio del potere urbanistico l’Amministrazione, pur potendo differenziare il territorio, deve perseguire l’obiettivo del riequilibrio economico degli interessi incisi dalle sue determinazioni. L’obbligo della corresponsione dell’indennizzo costituisce la prima forma di perequazione urbanistica. Nel terzo e nel quarto capitolo viene analizzata la giurisprudenza civile e amministrativa in tema di vincoli urbanistici, rilevandone la non corrispondenza rispetto all’elaborazione della Corte costituzionale e l’incongruità dei risultati applicativi. Si evidenzia in particolare la necessità del superamento del criterio basato sulla distinzione zonizzazioni-localizzazioni e di considerare conformative unicamente quelle destinazioni realizzabili ad iniziativa privata che in concreto consentano al proprietario di conseguire un’utilità economica proporzionata al valore di mercato del bene. Nel quinto capitolo viene analizzato il rapporto tra teoria dei vincoli e perequazione urbanistica, individuandosi il discrimine tra i due diversi istituti non solo nel consenso, ma anche nella proporzionalità delle reciproche prestazioni negoziali. Attraverso la perequazione non può essere attribuito al proprietario un’utilità inferiore a quella che gli deriverebbe dall’indennità di esproprio.


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This thesis provides a thoroughly theoretical background in network theory and shows novel applications to real problems and data. In the first chapter a general introduction to network ensembles is given, and the relations with “standard” equilibrium statistical mechanics are described. Moreover, an entropy measure is considered to analyze statistical properties of the integrated PPI-signalling-mRNA expression networks in different cases. In the second chapter multilayer networks are introduced to evaluate and quantify the correlations between real interdependent networks. Multiplex networks describing citation-collaboration interactions and patterns in colorectal cancer are presented. The last chapter is completely dedicated to control theory and its relation with network theory. We characterise how the structural controllability of a network is affected by the fraction of low in-degree and low out-degree nodes. Finally, we present a novel approach to the controllability of multiplex networks


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This thesis deals with the analytic study of dynamics of Multi--Rotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. It is conceived to give a set of mathematical instruments apt to the theoretical study and design of these flying machines. The entire work is organized in analogy with classical academic texts about airplane flight dynamics. First, the non--linear equations of motion are defined and all the external actions are modeled, with particular attention to rotors aerodynamics. All the equations are provided in a form, and with personal expedients, to be directly exploitable in a simulation environment. This has requited an answer to questions like the trim of such mathematical systems. All the treatment is developed aiming at the description of different multi--rotor configurations. Then, the linearized equations of motion are derived. The computation of the stability and control derivatives of the linear model is carried out. The study of static and dynamic stability characteristics is, thus, addressed, showing the influence of the various geometric and aerodynamic parameters of the machine and in particular of the rotors. All the theoretic results are finally utilized in two interesting cases. One concerns the design of control systems for attitude stabilization. The linear model permits the tuning of linear controllers gains and the non--linear model allows the numerical testing. The other case is the study of the performances of an innovative configuration of quad--rotor aircraft. With the non--linear model the feasibility of maneuvers impossible for a traditional quad--rotor is assessed. The linear model is applied to the controllability analysis of such an aircraft in case of actuator block.


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The single-electron transistor (SET) is one of the best candidates for future nano electronic circuits because of its ultralow power consumption, small size and unique functionality. SET devices operate on the principle of Coulomb blockade, which is more prominent at dimensions of a few nano meters. Typically, the SET device consists of two capacitively coupled ultra-small tunnel junctions with a nano island between them. In order to observe the Coulomb blockade effects in a SET device the charging energy of the device has to be greater that the thermal energy. This condition limits the operation of most of the existing SET devices to cryogenic temperatures. Room temperature operation of SET devices requires sub-10nm nano-islands due to the inverse dependence of charging energy on the radius of the conducting nano-island. Fabrication of sub-10nm structures using lithography processes is still a technological challenge. In the present investigation, Focused Ion Beam based etch and deposition technology is used to fabricate single electron transistors devices operating at room temperature. The SET device incorporates an array of tungsten nano-islands with an average diameter of 8nm. The fabricated devices are characterized at room temperature and clear Coulomb blockade and Coulomb oscillations are observed. An improvement in the resolution limitation of the FIB etching process is demonstrated by optimizing the thickness of the active layer. SET devices with structural and topological variation are developed to explore their impact on the behavior of the device. The threshold voltage of the device was minimized to ~500mV by minimizing the source-drain gap of the device to 17nm. Vertical source and drain terminals are fabricated to realize single-dot based SET device. A unique process flow is developed to fabricate Si dot based SET devices for better gate controllability in the device characteristic. The device vi parameters of the fabricated devices are extracted by using a conductance model. Finally, characteristic of these devices are validated with the simulated data from theoretical modeling.


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Semi-active damping devices have been shown to be effective in mitigating unwanted vibrations in civil structures. These devices impart force indirectly through real-time alterations to structural properties. Simulating the complex behavior of these devices for laboratory-scale experiments is a major challenge. Commercial devices for seismic applications typically operate in the 2-10 kN range; this force is too high for small-scale testing applications where requirements typically range from 0-10 N. Several challenges must be overcome to produce damping forces at this level. In this study, a small-scale magneto-rheological (MR) damper utilizing a fluid absorbent metal foam matrix is developed and tested to accomplish this goal. This matrix allows magneto-rheological (MR) fluid to be extracted upon magnetic excitation in order to produce MR-fluid shear stresses and viscosity effects between an electromagnetic piston, the foam, and the damper housing. Dampers for uniaxial seismic excitation are traditionally positioned in the horizontal orientation allowing MR-fluid to gather in the lower part of the damper housing when partially filled. Thus, the absorbent matrix is placed in the bottom of the housing relieving the need to fill the entire device with MR-fluid, a practice that requires seals that add significant unwanted friction to the desired low-force device. The damper, once constructed, can be used in feedback control applications to reduce seismic vibrations and to test structural control algorithms and wireless command devices. To validate this device, a parametric study was performed utilizing force and acceleration measurements to characterize damper performance and controllability for this actuator. A discussion of the results is presented to demonstrate the attainment of the damper design objectives.


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Technische Produktionssysteme und Prozesse - welcher Technologie auch immer - müssen den Bedürfnissen der industriellen Bauteilherstellung für Endanwendungen im Automobilbau entsprechen. Es stellt sich zunächst die Frage, auf welchem technologischen Reifegrad sich die generativen Technologien für den Automobilbau derzeit befinden? Welche außerordentlichen Vorteile können generative Prozessketten gegenüber konventionellen Herstellungsverfahren bieten und welche Hürden müssen genommen werden? Im Vordergrund der Untersuchung steht die Betrachtung von Pre-, In- und Post-Prozessen generativer wie auch konventioneller Produktionsverfahren. Bei der Gegenüberstellung der Prozessketten werden Maßstäbe angesetzt, die derzeit bei der Bauteilherstellung im Automobilbau Gültigkeit haben und auf Kriterien wie Effizienz, Reproduzierbarkeit und Kontrollierbarkeit aufbauen. Schließlich findet eine Einschätzung aus der Perspektive der Technologieintegration in derzeitige Produktionssysteme und Lieferketten statt. Es werden Restriktionen und Handlungsfelder von generativen Prozessen deutlich, die für den Einsatz für Endkunden-Bauteile im Fahrzeugbau behandelt werden müssen.