635 resultados para ANOREXIA NERVIOSA


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Essai doctoral d'intégration présenté à la Faculté des Études Supérieures et Postdoctorales en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en psychologie (D.Psy.), en psychologie clinique


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Essai doctoral d'intégration présenté à la Faculté des Études Supérieures et Postdoctorales en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en psychologie (D.Psy.), en psychologie clinique


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The maintenance of normal body weight is disrupted in patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) for prolonged periods of time. Prior to the onset of AN, premorbid body mass index (BMI) spans the entire range from underweight to obese. After recovery, patients have reduced rates of overweight and obesity. As such, loci involved in body weight regulation may also be relevant for AN and vice versa. Our primary analysis comprised a cross-trait analysis of the 1000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with the lowest P-values in a genome-wide association meta-analysis (GWAMA) of AN (GCAN) for evidence of association in the largest published GWAMA for BMI (GIANT). Subsequently we performed sex-stratified analyses for these 1000 SNPs. Functional ex vivo studies on four genes ensued. Lastly, a look-up of GWAMA-derived BMI-related loci was performed in the AN GWAMA. We detected significant associations (P-values <5 × 10(-5), Bonferroni-corrected P<0.05) for nine SNP alleles at three independent loci. Interestingly, all AN susceptibility alleles were consistently associated with increased BMI. None of the genes (chr. 10: CTBP2, chr. 19: CCNE1, chr. 2: CARF and NBEAL1; the latter is a region with high linkage disequilibrium) nearest to these SNPs has previously been associated with AN or obesity. Sex-stratified analyses revealed that the strongest BMI signal originated predominantly from females (chr. 10 rs1561589; Poverall: 2.47 × 10(-06)/Pfemales: 3.45 × 10(-07)/Pmales: 0.043). Functional ex vivo studies in mice revealed reduced hypothalamic expression of Ctbp2 and Nbeal1 after fasting. Hypothalamic expression of Ctbp2 was increased in diet-induced obese (DIO) mice as compared with age-matched lean controls. We observed no evidence for associations for the look-up of BMI-related loci in the AN GWAMA. A cross-trait analysis of AN and BMI loci revealed variants at three chromosomal loci with potential joint impact. The chromosome 10 locus is particularly promising given that the association with obesity was primarily driven by females. In addition, the detected altered hypothalamic expression patterns of Ctbp2 and Nbeal1 as a result of fasting and DIO implicate these genes in weight regulation.


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Introdução: A Anorexia Nervosa (AN) é a perturbação do comportamento alimentar (PCA) com a maior taxa de mortalidade de todos os transtornos psiquiátricos. Carateriza-se pela recusa em manter um peso corporal normal mínimo, pela distorção da imagem corporal e por um obsessivo medo de ganhar peso. Os comportamentos patológicos a ela associados podem levar a uma semi-inanição que necessita de cuidados médicos pluridisciplinares, muitas vezes, em regime de internamento. Vários ensais clínicos avaliaram a eficácia da Terapia Cognitivo- Comportamental (TCC), indicando que ela favorece a remissão ou a diminuição da frequência de episódios de compulsão alimentar, dos comportamentos purgativos e da restrição alimentar. Objetivo: Combinar os resultados da melhor evidência científica de forma a avaliar a eficácia da TCC em comparação com outras terapias utilizadas no tratamento da AN. Métodos: A pesquisa realizou-se nas bases de dados eletrónicas da MEDLINE, Psyc-Info, Embase, CCTR e de forma manual, incluindo ensaios clínicos controlados randomizados que comparam a TCC com qualquer outro tipo de intervenção no tratamento da AN. Resultados: Foram incluídos 10 estudos que envolveram 957 pacientes: dos quais 571 (59,7%) foram submetidos a tratamento com Terapia cognitivo comportamental e 556 (49,3%) a outras terapias. Não se registaram diferenças significativas nos resultados obtidos em diversos outcomes, exceto nas subescalas Restrições (z=3,03; p=0,02), Preocupações alimentares (z=2,98; p=0,002) e Preocupações com a forma (z=1,71; p=0,09) do EDE e nos scores da escala GAF (z=1,87; p=0,06). Registaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas no número de episódios bulímicos (z=2,61; p=0,009), número de episódios de indução de vómito (z=2,11; p=0,03) e no número de episódios de uso indevido de laxantes (z=3,04; p=0,002). Conclusão: A utilização da Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental no tratamento de doentes com AN parece melhorar bastante os sintomas da doença, revelando-se particularmente eficaz nos resultados obtidos na Eating Disorder Examination Scale. A sua utilização parece levar a uma melhoria no scores da GAF, evidenciando uma melhoria geral do estado de saúde dos pacientes (redução dos episódios de vómito, bulimia e uso de laxantes). / Página | viii ABSTRACT Background: Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder with the highest mortality rate of all psychiatric disorders. It is characterized by refusal to maintain a minimally normal body weight, the distortion of body image and obsessive fear of gaining weight. The pathological behaviors associated with it can lead to semi-starvation, requiring medical treatment and multidisciplinary inpatient care. Several clinical trials evaluated the efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in lead to remission or reduction of the frequency of bingue eating episodes, purgative behaviors and food restriction. Objective: Combining the results of the best scientific evidence to assess the efficacy of CBT in comparison with other therapies used in the treatment of AN. Methods: The research was carried out in electronic databases of MEDLINE, Psyc- Info, Embase, CCTR and manually, including randomized controlled trials that compared CBT with any other type of intervention in the treatment of AN. Results: Of which 571 (59.7%) were treated with cognitive behavioral therapy and 556 (49.3%) to other therapies: 10 studies involving 957 patients were included. No significant differences in the results obtained in different outcomes, except subscales Restrictions (z = 3.03, p = 0.02), Eating Concerns (z = 2.98, p = 0.002) and Shape Concerns (z = 1.71, p = 0.09) in the scores of EDE and the GAF scale (z = 1.87, p = 0.06). There were statistically significant differences in the number of bulimic episodes (z = 2.61, p = 0.009), number of episodes of induced vomiting (z = 2.11, p = 0.03) and the number of occurrences of use misuse of laxatives (z = 3.04, p = 0.002). Conclusion: The use of cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of patients with AN seems to greatly improve the symptoms of the disease, revealing particularly effective results in the Eating Disorder Examination Scale. Its use seems to lead to an improvement in the GAF scores, showing a general improvement of the health status of patients (reduction of episodes of vomiting, bulimia and laxative use).


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciada em Enfermagem


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica


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Los tumores malignos de la vaina nerviosa periférica (TMVNP), también llamados neurofribrosarcomas o schwannomas malignos, representan el 10% de todos los sarcomas de tejidos blandos. El tumor usualmente se encuentra en las extremidades inferiores, y solo del 10 al 20% de las lesiones ocurren en la región de cabeza y cuello, convirtiéndolas en una entidad rara. Los neurofibromas son tumores de la vaina nerviosa que aparecen comúnmente en la neurofibromatosis 1 o enfermedad de Von Recklinghausen. Se ha reportado que los individuos con antecedentes familiares de neurofibromatosis 1 tienen un riesgo incrementado de desarrollar TMVNP en el transcurso de sus vidas, sin embargo, esta asociación no se ha confirmado en TMVNP a nivel de los nervios craneales. En este artículo los autores analizaron la literatura actual con respecto a los TMVNP del nervio trigémino, así como la inclusión de un caso inusual que involucra las 3 ramas de dicho nervio.


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O presente relatório descreve as atividades de estágio desenvolvidas no âmbito do Ramo de Aprofundamento de Competências Profissionais (RACP) do Mestrado de Reabilitação Psicomotora, que decorreu na Unidade de Internamento/ligação de Pedopsiquiatria integrada no Hospital Dona Estefânia do Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central. O objetivo do estágio centrou-se na implementação da intervenção psicomotora em saúde mental na pedopsiquiatria deste serviço, no qual se acompanharam oito casos com Perturbação do Comportamento Alimentar (PCA), nomeadamente com Anorexia Nervosa (AN). O relatório integra um enquadramento teórico que inclui a revisão bibliográfica da saúde mental em Portugal e a terapia psicomotora em saúde mental, especificamente na prática com PCA e AN. Este relatório agrega também o enquadramento da prática profissional que aborda a organização das atividades desenvolvidas, a caracterização da população atendida e de dois estudos de caso. No período de estágio foi permitido à aluna incluir-se numa equipa multidisciplinar, onde foi possível desenvolver as suas competências pessoais e profissionais. Conclui-se que os objetivos de estágio foram alcançados, na medida em que se verificou que a intervenção psicomotora nesta unidade foi fundamental para a evolução dos casos seguidos em internamento/ligação e, posteriormente, existiu a oportunidade de alargar a terapia a outras perturbações além da PCA.


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Anorexia nervosa (AN) is the most prevalent of eating disorders in children and adolescents, and its treatment is long and complex, involving a multidisciplinary team. Nutritional rehabilitation and restoration of a healthy body weight is one of the central goals in the initial stages of inpatient treatment. However, current recommendations on initial energy requirements for these patients are inconsistent, with a clear lack of controlled studies, available scientific evidence and global consensus on the most effective and safe refeeding practices in hospitalized adolescents with anorexia nervosa (AN). Conservative refeeding recommendations have been classically established in order to prevent the refeeding syndrome. Nevertheless, various works have recently appeared advocating a higher initial caloric intake, without observing more complications or refeeding syndrome, and allowing a shorter average stay. We present our experience in the treatment of restricting AN with a conservative progressive treatment. We have obtained good results with this approach, which was well tolerated by patients, with no observing complications. As a consequence, the medical team could establish a pact about the therapeutic goals with the patients in an easier way.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica


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O objeto inicia ressaltando a Anorexia Nervosa (AN) e a Bulimia Nervosa (BN) como um dos principais transtornos do comportamento alimentar, abordando aspectos históricos e características de ambos os temas. Enumera os principais eventos ligados à anorexia e que devem ser considerados para o diagnóstico. Detalha exemplos de comportamento que anoréxicos empregam em seu cotidiano e aspectos que corroboram o diagnóstico. Apresenta a anorexia pré-puberal e seu tratamento. Enfoca que a bulimia nervosa caracteriza-se por grande ingestão de alimentos com sensação de perda de controle, os chamados episódios bulímicos, e que a preocupação excessiva com o peso e a imagem corporal leva o paciente a métodos compensatórios inadequados para o controle de peso como vômitos autoinduzidos, uso de medicamentos (diuréticos, inibidores de apetite, laxantes), dietas e exercícios físicos. Identifica aspectos do comportamento bulímico. Explica o papel da nutrição em auxiliar o paciente a alcançar um peso saudável aceitável e a mantê-lo com o passar do tempo, lembrando que a reabilitação deve ser focada em fazer o paciente consumir uma dieta variada e apropriada para manter seu peso e composição corporais. Finaliza ressaltando que para identificação e tratamento de pacientes com distúrbios alimentares, o comportamento alimentar deve ser caracterizado e avaliado para que se efetue uma mudança nesse sentido. Unidade 6 do módulo 7 que compõe o Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família.


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The control of energy homeostasis relies on robust neuronal circuits that regulate food intake and energy expenditure. Although the physiology of these circuits is well understood, the molecular and cellular response of this program to chronic diseases is still largely unclear. Hypothalamic inflammation has emerged as a major driver of energy homeostasis dysfunction in both obesity and anorexia. Importantly, this inflammation disrupts the action of metabolic signals promoting anabolism or supporting catabolism. In this review, we address the evidence that favors hypothalamic inflammation as a factor that resets energy homeostasis in pathological states.


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Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1 (S1PR1) is a G-protein-coupled receptor for sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) that has a role in many physiological and pathophysiological processes. Here we show that the S1P/S1PR1 signalling pathway in hypothalamic neurons regulates energy homeostasis in rodents. We demonstrate that S1PR1 protein is highly enriched in hypothalamic POMC neurons of rats. Intracerebroventricular injections of the bioactive lipid, S1P, reduce food consumption and increase rat energy expenditure through persistent activation of STAT3 and the melanocortin system. Similarly, the selective disruption of hypothalamic S1PR1 increases food intake and reduces the respiratory exchange ratio. We further show that STAT3 controls S1PR1 expression in neurons via a positive feedback mechanism. Interestingly, several models of obesity and cancer anorexia display an imbalance of hypothalamic S1P/S1PR1/STAT3 axis, whereas pharmacological intervention ameliorates these phenotypes. Taken together, our data demonstrate that the neuronal S1P/S1PR1/STAT3 signalling axis plays a critical role in the control of energy homeostasis in rats.


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We conducted an open, add-on study with topiramate (TPM) as adjunctive therapy in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS), to assess the long-term efficacy and safety and to evaluate quality of life (QL) measurements in the chronic use of TPM. We studied 19 patients (11 male; age ranging from 4 to 14 years) with uncontrolled seizures receiving 2-3 anti-epileptic drugs. Patients were followed up to 36 months of treatment. A questionnaire was used to query parents about QL. Seven patients completed the study at 36 months and seizure frequency was reduced > 75% in 4, and < 50% in 3 patients. Two children became seizure free for more than 24 months. Most side effects were CNS related, with the most frequent being somnolence and anorexia. These were generally transient. One patient dropped-out due to powder in the urine. None of the patients required hospitalization. At 36 months, patients' alertness (2/7), interaction with environment (5/7), ability to perform daily activities (5/7), and verbal performance (6/7) improved on TPM. We conclude that TPM may be useful as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of LGS. The efficacy of TPM was maintained in long-term treatment in more than 40% of patients, long term safety was confirmed and QL improved on TPM.