984 resultados para ACTIVE-MATRIX DISPLAYS


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Cytochrome P450 3A4 is generally considered to be the most important human drug-metabolizing enzyme and is known to catalyze the oxidation of a number of substrates in a cooperative manner. An allosteric mechanism is usually invoked to explain the cooperativity. Based on a structure–activity study from another laboratory using various effector–substrate combinations and on our own studies using site-directed mutagenesis and computer modeling of P450 3A4, the most likely location of effector binding is in the active site along with the substrate. Our study was designed to test this hypothesis by replacing residues Leu-211 and Asp-214 with the larger Phe and Glu, respectively. These residues were predicted to constitute a portion of the effector binding site, and the substitutions were designed to mimic the action of the effector by reducing the size of the active site. The L211F/D214E double mutant displayed an increased rate of testosterone and progesterone 6β-hydroxylation at low substrate concentrations and a decreased level of heterotropic stimulation elicited by α-naphthoflavone. Kinetic analyses of the double mutant revealed the absence of homotropic cooperativity with either steroid substrate. At low substrate concentrations the steroid 6β-hydroxylase activity of the wild-type enzyme was stimulated by a second steroid, whereas L211F/D214E displayed simple substrate inhibition. To analyze L211F/D214E at a more mechanistic level, spectral binding studies were carried out. Testosterone binding by the wild-type enzyme displayed homotropic cooperativity, whereas substrate binding by L211F/D214E displayed hyperbolic behavior.


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As a step toward understanding their functional role, the low frequency vibrational motions (<300 cm−1) that are coupled to optical excitation of the primary donor bacteriochlorophyll cofactors in the reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides were investigated. The pattern of hydrogen-bonding interaction between these bacteriochlorophylls and the surrounding protein was altered in several ways by mutation of single amino acids. The spectrum of low frequency vibrational modes identified by femtosecond coherence spectroscopy varied strongly between the different reaction center complexes, including between different mutants where the pattern of hydrogen bonds was the same. It is argued that these variations are primarily due to changes in the nature of the individual modes, rather than to changes in the charge distribution in the electronic states involved in the optical excitation. Pronounced effects of point mutations on the low frequency vibrational modes active in a protein-cofactor system have not been reported previously. The changes in frequency observed indicate a strong involvement of the protein in these nuclear motions and demonstrate that the protein matrix can increase or decrease the fluctuations of the cofactor along specific directions.


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Src family tyrosine kinases are involved in modulating various signal transduction pathways leading to the induction of DNA synthesis and cytoskeletal reorganization in response to cell-cell or cell-matrix adhesion. The critical role of these kinases in regulating cellular signaling pathways requires that their activity be tightly controlled. Src family proteins are regulated through reversible phosphorylation and dephosphorylation events that alter the conformation of the kinase. We have found evidence that Src also is regulated by ubiquitination. Activated forms of Src are less stable than either wild-type or kinase-inactive Src mutants and can be stabilized by proteasome inhibitors. In addition, poly-ubiquitinated forms of active Src have been detected in vivo. Taken together, our results establish ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis as a previously unidentified mechanism for irreversibly attenuating the effects of active Src kinase.


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To examine the role of matrilysin (MAT), an epithelial cell-specific matrix metalloproteinase, in the normal development and function of reproductive tissues, we generated transgenic animals that overexpress MAT in several reproductive organs. Three distinct forms of human MAT (wild-type, active, and inactive) were placed under the control of the murine mammary tumor virus promoter/enhancer. Although wild-type, active, and inactive forms of the human MAT protein could be produced in an in vitro culture system, mutations of the MAT cDNA significantly decreased the efficiency with which the MAT protein was produced in vivo. Therefore, animals carrying the wild-type MAT transgene that expressed high levels of human MAT in vivo were further examined. Mammary glands from female transgenic animals were morphologically normal throughout mammary development, but displayed an increased ability to produce β-casein protein in virgin animals. In addition, beginning at approximately 8 mo of age, the testes of male transgenic animals became disorganized with apparent disintegration of interstitial tissue that normally surrounds the seminiferous tubules. The disruption of testis morphology was concurrent with the onset of infertility. These results suggest that overexpression of the matrix-degrading enzyme MAT alters the integrity of the extracellular matrix and thereby induces cellular differentiation and cellular destruction in a tissue-specific manner.


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DNMT2 is a human protein that displays strong sequence similarities to DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferases (m5C MTases) of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. DNMT2 contains all 10 sequence motifs that are conserved among m5C MTases, including the consensus S-adenosyl-l-methionine-binding motifs and the active site ProCys dipeptide. DNMT2 has close homologs in plants, insects and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, but no related sequence can be found in the genomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae or Caenorhabditis elegans. The crystal structure of a deletion mutant of DNMT2 complexed with S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine (AdoHcy) has been determined at 1.8 Å resolution. The structure of the large domain that contains the sequence motifs involved in catalysis is remarkably similar to that of M.HhaI, a confirmed bacterial m5C MTase, and the smaller target recognition domains of DNMT2 and M.HhaI are also closely related in overall structure. The small domain of DNMT2 contains three short helices that are not present in M.HhaI. DNMT2 binds AdoHcy in the same conformation as confirmed m5C MTases and, while DNMT2 shares all sequence and structural features with m5C MTases, it has failed to demonstrate detectable transmethylase activity. We show here that homologs of DNMT2, which are present in some organisms that are not known to methylate their genomes, contain a specific target-recognizing sequence motif including an invariant CysPheThr tripeptide. DNMT2 binds DNA to form a denaturant-resistant complex in vitro. While the biological function of DNMT2 is not yet known, the strong binding to DNA suggests that DNMT2 may mark specific sequences in the genome by binding to DNA through the specific target-recognizing motif.


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The matrix (M) protein of vesicular stomatitis virus inhibits both nuclear import and export. Here, we demonstrate that this inhibitory property is conserved between the M proteins from two other vesiculoviruses, chandipura virus and spring viremia carp virus. All three M proteins completely block nuclear transport of spliced mRNA, small nuclear RNAs, and small nuclear ribonucleoproteins and slow the nuclear transport of many other cargoes. In all cases where transport was merely slowed by the M proteins, the chandipura virus M protein had the strongest inhibitory activity. When expressed in transfected HeLa cells, active M proteins displayed prominent association with the nuclear rim. Moreover, mutation of a conserved methionine abolished both the inhibitory activity and efficient targeting of the M proteins to the nuclear rim. We propose that all of the vesiculoviral M proteins associate with the same nuclear target, which is likely to be a component of the nuclear pore complex.


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Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) of regenerating urodele limbs have been suggested to play crucial roles in the process of the dedifferentiation of cells in the damaged tissues and the ensuing blastema formation because the activation of MMPs is an early and conspicuous event occurring in the amputated limb. MMP cDNAs were cloned as products of the reverse transcription-PCR from cDNA libraries of newt limbs, and their structures were characterized. Three cDNAs encoding newt MMPs (2D-1, 2D-19, and 2D-24) have been cloned from second day postamputation regenerating limbs, and a cDNA (EB-1) was cloned from early bud-stage regenerating limbs. These cDNAs included the full-length coding regions. The deduced amino acid sequences of 2D-1, 2D-19, 2D-24, and EB-1 had a homology with mammalian MMP9, MMP3/10, MMP3/10, and MMP13, respectively. The basic motif of these newt MMP genes was similar to mammalian counterparts and contained regions encoding a putative signal sequence, a propeptide, an active site with three zinc-binding histidine residues, a calcium-binding domain, a hemopexin region, and three key cysteine residues. However, some unique molecular evolutionary features were also found in the newt MMPs. cDNAs of 2D-19 and 2D-24 contained a specific insertion and deletion, respectively. The insertion of 2D-19 is threonine-rich, similar to the threonine cluster found in the collagenase-like sea urchin hatching enzyme. Northern blot analysis showed that the expression levels of the newt MMPs were dramatically increased after amputation, suggesting that they play an important role(s) in tissue remodeling of the regenerating limb.


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Rab8 is a small GTP-binding protein that plays a role in vesicular transport from the trans-Golgi network to the basolateral plasma membrane in polarized epithelial cells (MDCK), and to the dendritic surface in hippocampal neurons. As is the case for most other rab proteins, the precise molecular interactions by which rab8 carries out its function remain to be elucidated. Here we report the identification and the complete cDNA-derived amino acid sequence of a murine rab8-interacting protein (rab8ip) that specifically interacts with rab8 in a GTP-dependent manner. Rab8ip displays 93% identity with the GC kinase, a serine/threonine protein kinase recently identified in human lymphoid tissue that is activated in the stress response. Like the GC kinase, rab8ip has protein kinase activity manifested by autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of the classical serine/threonine protein kinase substrates, myelin basic protein and casein. When coexpressed in transfected 293T cells, rab8 and the rab8ip/GC kinase formed a complex that could be recovered by immunoprecipitation with antibodies to rab8. Cell fractionation and immunofluorescence analyses indicate that in MDCK cells endogenous rab8ip is present both in the cytosol and as a peripheral membrane protein concentrated in the Golgi region and basolateral plasma membrane domains, sites where rab8 itself is also located. In light of recent evidence that rab proteins may act by promoting the stabilization of SNARE complexes, the specific GTP-dependent association of rab8 with the rab8ip/GC kinase raises the possibility that rab-regulated protein phosphorylation is important for vesicle targeting or fusion. Moreover, the rab8ip/GC kinase may serve to modulate secretion in response to stress stimuli.


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Matrix metalloproteinase enzymes have been implicated in degenerative processes like tumor cell invasion, metastasis, and arthritis. Specific metalloproteinase inhibitors have been used to block tumor cell proliferation. We have examined the interaction of batimastat (BB-94) with a metalloproteinase [atrolysin C (Ht-d), EC] active site at 2.0-angstroms resolution (R = 16.8%). The title structure exhibits an unexpected binding geometry, with the thiophene ring deeply inserted into the primary specificity site. This unprecedented binding geometry dramatizes the significance of the cavernous primary specificity site, pointing the way for the design of a new generation of potential antitumor drugs.


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The isocitrate dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli, which lacks the Rossmann fold common to other dehydrogenases, displays a 7000-fold preference for NADP over NAD (calculated as the ratio of kcat/Km). Guided by x-ray crystal structures and molecular modeling, site-directed mutagenesis has been used to introduce six substitutions in the adenosine binding pocket that systematically shift coenzyme preference toward NAD. The engineered enzyme displays an 850-fold preference for NAD over NADP, which exceeds the 140-fold preference displayed by a homologous NAD-dependent enzyme. Of the six mutations introduced, only one is identical in all related NAD-dependent enzyme sequences--strict adherence to homology as a criterion for replacing these amino acids impairs function. Two additional mutations at remote sites improve performance further, resulting in a final mutant enzyme with kinetic characteristics and coenzyme preference comparable to naturally occurring homologous NAD-dependent enzymes.


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The activation of T cells by antigens or mitogens leads to the secretion of cytokines and enzymes that shape the inflammatory response. Among these molecular mediators of inflammation is a heparanase enzyme that degrades the heparan sulfate scaffold of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Activated T cells use heparanase to penetrate the ECM and gain access to the tissues. We now report that among the breakdown products of the ECM generated by heparanase is a trisulfated disaccharide that can inhibit delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) in mice. This inhibition of T-cell mediated inflammation in vivo was associated with an inhibitory effect of the disaccharide on the production of biologically active tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) by activated T cells in vitro; the trisulfated disaccharide did not affect T-cell viability or responsiveness generally. Both the in vivo and in vitro effects of the disaccharide manifested a bell-shaped dose-response curve. The inhibitory effects of the trisulfated disaccharide were lost if the sulfate groups were removed. Thus, the disaccharide, which may be a natural product of inflammation, can regulate the functional nature of the response by the T cell to activation. Such a feedback control mechanism could enable the T cell to assess the extent of tissue degradation and adjust its behavior accordingly.


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Edible active films based on sodium caseinate (SC) and calcium caseinate (CC) plasticized with glycerol (G) at three different concentrations and carvacrol (CRV) as active agent were prepared by solvent casting. Transparent films were obtained and their surfaces were analysed by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The influence of the addition of three different plasticizer concentrations was studied by determining tensile properties, while Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were used to evaluate the structural and thermal behavior of such films. The addition of glycerol resulted in a reduction in the elastic modulus and tensile strength, while some increase in the elongation at break was observed. In general terms, SC films showed flexibility higher than the corresponding CC counterparts. In addition, the presence of carvacrol caused further improvements in ductile properties suggesting the presence of stronger interactions between the protein matrix and glycerol, as it was also observed in thermal degradation studies. FTIR spectra of all films showed the characteristic bands and peaks corresponding to proteins as well as to primary and secondary alcohols. In summary, the best results regarding mechanical and structural properties for caseinates-based films containing carvacrol were found for the formulations with high glycerol concentrations.


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Molecular fragments of cartilage are antigenic and can stimulate an autoimmune response. Oral administration of type II collagen prevents disease onset in animal models of arthritis but the effects of other matrix components have not been reported. We evaluated glycosaminoglycan polypeptides (GAG-P) and matrix proteins (CaP) from cartilage for a) mitigating disease activity in rats with collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) and adjuvant-induced arthritis (AIA) and b) stimulating proteoglycan (PG) synthesis by chondrocytes in-vitro. CIA and AIA were established in Wistar rats using standard methods. Agents were administered orally (10–200 mg/kg), either for seven days prior to disease induction (toleragenic protocol), or continuously for 15 days after injecting the arthritigen (prophylactic protocol). Joint swelling and arthritis scores were determined on day 15. Histological sections of joint tissues were assessed post-necropsy. In chondrocyte cultures, CaP + / − interleukin-1 stimulated PG biosynthesis. CaP was also active in preventing arthritis onset at 3.3, 10 or 20 mg/kg in the rat CIA model using the toleragenic protocol. It was only active at 20 and 200 mg/kg in the CIA prophylactic protocol. GAG-P was active in the CIA toleragenic protocol at 20 mg/kg but chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride or glucosamine sulfate were all inactive. The efficacy of CaP in the rat AIA model was less than in the CIA model. These findings lead us to suggest that oral CaP could be used as a disease-modifying anti-arthritic drug.