211 resultados para 2K-Gießharz
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a presença de anticorpos anti-C1q, anticromatina/nucleossomo e anti-DNA de duplo filamento (dsDNA) em pacientes com lúpus eritematoso sistêmico juvenil (LESJ) e controles. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 67 pacientes com LESJ e 34 controles saudáveis para presença de anticorpos anti-C1q, anticromatina/nucleossomo e anti-dsDNA pelo método ELISA. Os níveis de C1q foram avaliados por imunodifusão radial. RESULTADOS: Na época, a média de idade era similar entre os pacientes com LESJ e os controles (14,6 ± 3,86 vs. 13,6 ± 2,93 anos; P = 0,14). Foram observadas frequências mais altas de anticorpos anti-C1q, anticromatina/nucleossomo e anti-dsDNA em pacientes com LESJ em relação aos controles (20% vs. 0%; P = 0,0037; 48% vs. 0%; P < 0,0001 e 69% vs. 3%; P < 0,0001, respectivamente). A mediana dos anticorpos anti-C1q, anticromatina/nucleossomo e anti-dsDNA também foi significativamente mais alta em pacientes com LESJ em relação aos controles [9,6 (5,5-127) vs. 7,5 (5-20) unidades, P = 0,0006; 18 (1,9-212) vs. 3,2 (1,7-17) unidades, P < 0,0001; e 111 UI/mL (6-741) vs. 14 (6-33) UI/mL, P < 0,0001, respectivamente]. A sensibilidade para os anticorpos anti-C1q, anticromatina/nucleossomo e anti-dsDNA foi: 21% (IC: 11-33), 49% (IC: 36-62) e 70% (IC: 57-81). A especificidade foi de 100% (IC: 88-100), 100% (88-100) e 97% (IC: 83-99), respectivamente. Foi observada uma correlação positiva entre os níveis de anti-dsDNA e tanto anticorpos anti-C1q (r = 0,51; IC: 0,29-0,68; P < 0,0001) como anticromatina/nucleossomo (r = 0,87; IC: 0,79-0,92; P < 0,0001). Foi observada uma correlação negativa entre os níveis de anti-C1q e C1q (r = -0,33; IC: -0,56-0,05; P = 0,018). A frequência de anti-dsDNA foi mais alta em pacientes com SLEDAI-2K > 1 (P = 0,0047), e não foram observadas diferenças nas frequências desses três autoanticorpos e nefrite (P > 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Nosso estudo demonstrou elevada especificidade para diagnóstico de lúpus envolvendo os três autoanticorpos, especialmente anti-C1q e anticromatina/nucleossomo.
Renovascular hypertension induced by 2 Kidney-1 Clip (2K-1C) is a renin-angiotensin-system (RAS)-dependent model, leading to renal vascular rarefaction and renal failure. RAS inhibitors are not able to reduce arterial pressure (AP) and/or preserve the renal function, and thus, alternative therapies are needed. Three weeks after left renal artery occlusion, fluorescently tagged mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) (2×10(5) cells/animal) were injected weekly into the tail vein in 2K-1C hypertensive rats. Flow cytometry showed labeled MSC in the cortex and medulla of the clipped kidney. MSC prevented a further increase in the AP, significantly reduced proteinuria and decreased sympathetic hyperactivity in 2K-1C rats. Renal function parameters were unchanged, except for an increase in urinary volume observed in 2K-1C rats, which was not corrected by MSC. The treatment improved the morphology and decreased the fibrotic areas in the clipped kidney and also significantly reduced renal vascular rarefaction typical of 2K-1C model. Expression levels of IL-1β, TNF-α angiotensinogen, ACE, and Ang II receptor AT1 were elevated, whereas AT2 levels were decreased in the medulla of the clipped kidney. MSC normalized these expression levels. In conclusion, MSC therapy in the 2K-1C model (i) prevented the progressive increase of AP, (ii) improved renal morphology and microvascular rarefaction, (iii) reduced fibrosis, proteinuria and inflammatory cytokines, (iv) suppressed the intrarenal RAS, iv) decreased sympathetic hyperactivity in anesthetized animals and v) MSC were detected at the CNS suggesting that the cells crossed the blood-brain barrier. This therapy may be a promising strategy to treat renovascular hypertension and its renal consequences in the near future.
Die spektroskopische Untersuchung einzelner konjugierter Polymermoleküle, welche multichromophore Systeme darstellen, bei 1,2K eröffnete den Zugang zu den unterschiedlichen Chromophoren. In Fluoreszenzemissions- wie -anregungsspektren des Poly(2-methoxy-5-(2’-ethylhexyloxy)-rnp-phenylenvinylen) (MEH-PPV) konnten Nullphononenlinien (rein elektronische (0-0)-Übergänge) emittierender Chromophore beobachtet werden, deren Breiten durch das experimentelle Auflösungsvermögen limitiert waren. Dadurch konnte eine obere Grenze für die homogene Linienbreite festgelegt werden. Infolge starker linearer Elektron-Phonon-Kopplung und spektraler Diffusion war die Beobachtung von Nullphononenlinien jedoch auf eine Minderheit der Chromophorernbeschränkt. In geeigneten Probesystemen konnten in Anregungsspektren auch Nullphononenlinien solcher Chromophore identifiziert werden, die als Donoren im intramolekularen Energietransfer fungieren. Aufgrund der dadurch verkürzten Fluoreszenzlebensdauer und der damit verbundenen Linienverbreiterung erlaubte ihre Untersuchung die Ermittlung von Energietransferraten. Eine bei Proben höherer Molmasse auftretenden niederenergetische Subpopulation an Emittern wurde auf Grundlage ihres Fluoreszenzemissions-, -anregungs- und -abklingverhaltens und unter Berücksichtigung theoretischer Arbeiten auf längere chromophore Einheiten zurückgeführt, die sich infolge von Packungseffekten in geordneten Regionen der Polymerkette ausbilden. Die schwächere lineare Elektron-Phonon-Kopplung des leiterartig verknüpften Polypentaphenylen (LPPentP) äußerte sich in einer erhöhten Wahrscheinlichkeit des Auftretens von Nullphononenlinien. Die genaue Bestimmung von Energietransferraten litt allerdings unter einem weiteren signifikanten Beitrag zur Linienbreite neben der Lebensdauer des angeregten Zustandes (möglicherweisernspektrale Diffusion oder schnelle Dephasierungsprozesse).
Stabile Radikale haben in vielen Bereichen der Chemie, Physik, Biologie und Biomedizin ihren Nutzen unter Beweis gestellt. Gerade im letzten Jahrzehnt erlebte diese Substanzklasse vor allem wegen den Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Nitroxiden als Red-Ox-Sensoren oder magnetischen Materialen ein erneutes Interesse. Das erste Kapitel beschäftigt sich mit der grundlegenden Theorie zur Entwicklung magnetischer Materialien. Des Weiteren sollen anhand einiger Beispiele Radikale im Komplex mit paragmagnetischen Metallen, Biradikale und Polyradikale beschrieben werden. rnrnIm zweiten Kapitel soll auf die Synthese von Hybrid Fluorophore-Nitrononyl-Nitroxid und Iminonitroxidradiale, sowie ihre Charakterisierung über IR, CV, EPR und Röntgenstrukturanalyse eingegangen werden. Mittels UV/Vis-Spektroskopie soll hierbei eine mögliche Anwendung als Red-Ox-Sensoren festgestellt werden. Hierbei werden über anschließende PL Untersuchungen eben diese Sensoreigenschaften der dargestellten Radikale bestätigt werden. Vielmehr noch soll die Möglichkeit von Pyren-Pyrazol-Nitronyl-Nitroxid als NO-Nachweis erläutert werden.rnrnFortschritte sowohl im Design als auch in der Analyse von magnetischen Materialen auf der Basis von Nitroxiden ist Thema des dritten Kapitels. Über ein klassisches Ullmann-Protokoll wurden verschiedene Nitronyl-Nitroxid und Iminonitroxid Biradiale mit unterschiedlichen π-Brücken zwischen den Radikalzentren synthetisiert. Magnetische Messungen belegen einen relativ starken antiferromagnetischen intramolekularen Austausch für den Großteil der untersuchten Biradikale. Hierbei zeigte sich jedoch eine außergewöhnliche hohe Austausch-Kupplung für 3,3‘-Diazatolandiradikale, die nur über die Existenz von starken intermolekularen Wechselwirkungen beschrieben werden kann. Durch Kombination der Röntgenstrukturanalyse mit DFT Berechnungen konnte im Fall des Tolan verbrückten Diradikals 87c die Intra-Dimer-Kupplung auf Jintra = -8,6 K bestimmt werden. Ein direkter Beweis für eine intermolekulare Anlagerung von Jinter ~- 2K konnte über eine Tieftemperatur AC-Messung von 87c erhalten werden. Bezüglich der magnetischen Messung ist das Nitronyl Biradikal 87c ein vielversprechender Kandidat für einen rein organischen eindimensionalen Quantenmagnet.rnrnAbsicht dieser Untersuchungen ist es zu zeigen, dass über die Kombination verschiedener struktureller Elemente die Sensitivität von Nitroxid basierten Sensoren und die intramolekulare Austauschwechselwirkung in π-konjugierten Spinsystemen so eingestellt werden kann, dass es möglich ist Moleküle mit gezielten Sensor- oder Magneteigenschaften zu entwickeln. rn
We consider k-hyponormality and n-contractivity (k, n = 1, 2, ...) as "weak subnormalities" for a Hilbert space operator. It is known that k-hyponormality implies 2k-contractivity; we produce some classes of weighted shifts including a parameter for which membership in a certain n-contractive class is equivalent to k-hyponormality. We consider as well some extensions of these results to operators arising as restrictions of these shifts, or from linear combinations of the Berger measures associated with the shifts.
In 1969, Lovasz asked whether every connected, vertex-transitive graph has a Hamilton path. This question has generated a considerable amount of interest, yet remains vastly open. To date, there exist no known connected, vertex-transitive graph that does not possess a Hamilton path. For the Cayley graphs, a subclass of vertex-transitive graphs, the following conjecture was made: Weak Lovász Conjecture: Every nontrivial, finite, connected Cayley graph is hamiltonian. The Chen-Quimpo Theorem proves that Cayley graphs on abelian groups flourish with Hamilton cycles, thus prompting Alspach to make the following conjecture: Alspach Conjecture: Every 2k-regular, connected Cayley graph on a finite abelian group has a Hamilton decomposition. Alspach’s conjecture is true for k = 1 and 2, but even the case k = 3 is still open. It is this case that this thesis addresses. Chapters 1–3 give introductory material and past work on the conjecture. Chapter 3 investigates the relationship between 6-regular Cayley graphs and associated quotient graphs. A proof of Alspach’s conjecture is given for the odd order case when k = 3. Chapter 4 provides a proof of the conjecture for even order graphs with 3-element connection sets that have an element generating a subgroup of index 2, and having a linear dependency among the other generators. Chapter 5 shows that if Γ = Cay(A, {s1, s2, s3}) is a connected, 6-regular, abelian Cayley graph of even order, and for some1 ≤ i ≤ 3, Δi = Cay(A/(si), {sj1 , sj2}) is 4-regular, and Δi ≄ Cay(ℤ3, {1, 1}), then Γ has a Hamilton decomposition. Alternatively stated, if Γ = Cay(A, S) is a connected, 6-regular, abelian Cayley graph of even order, then Γ has a Hamilton decomposition if S has no involutions, and for some s ∈ S, Cay(A/(s), S) is 4-regular, and of order at least 4. Finally, the Appendices give computational data resulting from C and MAGMA programs used to generate Hamilton decompositions of certain non-isomorphic Cayley graphs on low order abelian groups.
We present quantitative reconstructions of regional vegetation cover in north-western Europe, western Europe north of the Alps, and eastern Europe for five time windows in the Holocene around 6k, 3k, 0.5k, 0.2k, and 0.05k calendar years before present (bp)] at a 1 degrees x1 degrees spatial scale with the objective of producing vegetation descriptions suitable for climate modelling. The REVEALS model was applied on 636 pollen records from lakes and bogs to reconstruct the past cover of 25 plant taxa grouped into 10 plant-functional types and three land-cover types evergreen trees, summer-green (deciduous) trees, and open land]. The model corrects for some of the biases in pollen percentages by using pollen productivity estimates and fall speeds of pollen, and by applying simple but robust models of pollen dispersal and deposition. The emerging patterns of tree migration and deforestation between 6k bp and modern time in the REVEALS estimates agree with our general understanding of the vegetation history of Europe based on pollen percentages. However, the degree of anthropogenic deforestation (i.e. cover of cultivated and grazing land) at 3k, 0.5k, and 0.2k bp is significantly higher than deduced from pollen percentages. This is also the case at 6k in some parts of Europe, in particular Britain and Ireland. Furthermore, the relationship between summer-green and evergreen trees, and between individual tree taxa, differs significantly when expressed as pollen percentages or as REVEALS estimates of tree cover. For instance, when Pinus is dominant over Picea as pollen percentages, Picea is dominant over Pinus as REVEALS estimates. These differences play a major role in the reconstruction of European landscapes and for the study of land cover-climate interactions, biodiversity and human resources.
A series of studies were undertaken to analyze and compare various aspects of murine class I glycoproteins. An initial area of investigation characterized the Qa-1 alloantigens using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Analysis of the products of the Qa-1('b), Qa-1('c) and Qa-1('d) alleles indicated that these were distinct molecules as determined by their lack of comigration upon comparative two-dimensional gel analysis. The importance of asparagine-linked glycosylation in the cell surface expression of class I molecules was also examined. These studies employed tunicamycin, an inhibitor of N-linked glycosylation. Tunicamycin treatment of activated T lymphocytes diminished the surface expression of Qa-1 to undetectable levels; the levels of other class I molecules exhibited little or no decrease. These results indicated that N-linked glycosylation has a differential importance in the cell surface expression of various class I molecules. The molecular weight diversity of class I molecules was also investigated. Molecular weight determination of both the fully glycosylated and unglycosylated forms of H-2 and Qa/Tla region encoded molecules established that there is a significant variation in the sizes of these forms of various class I molecules. The most significant difference ((TURN)9,000 daltons) exists between the unglycosylated forms of H-2K('b) and Qa-2, suggesting that the structural organization of these two molecules may be very different. A comparative two-dimensional gel analysis of various class I glycoproteins isolated from resting and activated T and B lymphocytes indicated that class I molecules expressed on activated T cells exhibited an isoelectrophoretic pattern that was distinct from the isoelectrophoretic pattern of class I molecules expessed on the other cell populations. This difference was attributed to a lower sialic acid content of the molecules expressed on activated T cells. Analysis of cell homogenates determined that activated T cells contained a higher level of endogenous neuraminidase activity than was detected in the other populations, suggesting that this may be the basis of the lower sialic acid content. The relationship of the Qa-4 and Qa-2 alloantigens was also examined. It was established that upon mitogen activation, the expression of Qa-4 was greatly decreased, whereas Qa-2 expression was not decreased. However, an anti-Qa-2 monoclonal antibody blocked the binding of an anti-Qa-4 monoclonal antibody to resting cells. These studies established that Qa-4 is a determinant restricted to resting cells, which is closely associated on the surface with the Qa-2 molecule. ^
The ground surface temperature is one of the key parameters that determine the thermal regime of permafrost soils in arctic regions. Due to remoteness of most permafrost areas, monitoring of the land surface temperature (LST) through remote sensing is desirable. However, suitable satellite platforms such as MODIS provide spatial resolutions, that cannot resolve the considerable small-scale heterogeneity of the surface conditions characteristic for many permafrost areas. This study investigates the spatial variability of summer surface temperatures of high-arctic tundra on Svalbard, Norway. A thermal imaging system mounted on a mast facilitates continuous monitoring of approximately 100 x 100 m of tundra with a wide variability of different surface covers and soil moisture conditions over the entire summer season from the snow melt until fall. The net radiation is found to be a control parameter for the differences in surface temperature between wet and dry areas. Under clear-sky conditions in July, the differences in surface temperature between wet and dry areas reach up to 10K. The spatial differences reduce strongly in weekly averages of the surface temperature, which are relevant for the soil temperature evolution of deeper layers. Nevertheless, a considerable variability remains, with maximum differences between wet and dry areas of 3 to 4K. Furthermore, the pattern of snow patches and snow-free areas during snow melt in July causes even greater differences of more than 10K in the weekly averages. Towards the end of the summer season, the differences in surface temperature gradually diminish. Due to the pronounced spatial variability in July, the accumulated degree-day totals of the snow-free period can differ by more than 60% throughout the study area. The terrestrial observations from the thermal imaging system are compared to measurements of the land surface temperature from the MODIS sensor. During periods with frequent clear-sky conditions and thus a high density of satellite data, weekly averages calculated from the thermal imaging system and from MODIS LST agree within less than 2K. Larger deviations occur when prolonged cloudy periods prevent satellite measurements. Futhermore, the employed MODIS L2 LST data set contains a number of strongly biased measurements, which suggest an admixing of cloud top temperatures. We conclude that a reliable gap filling procedure to moderate the impact of prolonged cloudy periods would be of high value for a future LST-based permafrost monitoring scheme. The occurrence of sustained subpixel variability of the summer surface temperature is a complicating factor, whose impact needs to be assessed further in conjunction with other spatially variable parameters such as the snow cover and soil properties.
Let D be a link diagram with n crossings, sA and sB be its extreme states and |sAD| (respectively, |sBD|) be the number of simple closed curves that appear when smoothing D according to sA (respectively, sB). We give a general formula for the sum |sAD| + |sBD| for a k-almost alternating diagram D, for any k, characterizing this sum as the number of faces in an appropriate triangulation of an appropriate surface with boundary. When D is dealternator connected, the triangulation is especially simple, yielding |sAD| + |sBD| = n + 2 - 2k. This gives a simple geometric proof of the upper bound of the span of the Jones polynomial for dealternator connected diagrams, a result first obtained by Zhu [On Kauffman brackets, J. Knot Theory Ramifications6(1) (1997) 125–148.]. Another upper bound of the span of the Jones polynomial for dealternator connected and dealternator reduced diagrams, discovered historically first by Adams et al. [Almost alternating links, Topology Appl.46(2) (1992) 151–165.], is obtained as a corollary. As a new application, we prove that the Turaev genus is equal to the number k of dealternator crossings for any dealternator connected diagram
Sign.: a-d8, e6, f8, g6, h-r8, s6, t8, v6, x8, y6, z8, [et]10, []5; A-N8, O5, []5; 2A8, 2B6, 2C8, 2D6, 2E8, 2F6, 2G-2H8, 2J10, 2K-2L6, 2M8
Capitulares grab. xil.
Protective/suppressive major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II alleles have been identified in humans and mice where they exert a disease-protective and immunosuppressive effect. Various modes of action have been proposed, among them differential expression of MHC class II genes in different types of antigen-presenting cells impacting on the T helper type 1 (Th1)–Th2 balance. To test this possibility, the expression of H-2 molecules from the four haplotypes H-2b, H-2d, H-2k, and H-2q was determined on bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) and splenic B cells. The I-Ab and I-Ek molecules, both well characterized as protective/suppressive, are expressed at a high level on almost all CD11b+ BMDMs for 5–8 days, after which expression slowly declines. In contrast, I-Ad, I-Ak, and I-Aq expression is lower, peaks over a shorter period, and declines more rapidly. No differential expression could be detected on B cells. In addition, the differential MHC class II expression found on macrophages skews the cytokine response of T cells as shown by an in vitro restimulation assay with BMDMs as antigen-presenting cells. The results indicate that macrophages of the protective/suppressive haplotypes express MHC class II molecules at a high level and exert Th1 bias, whereas low-level expression favors a Th2 response. We suggest that the extent of expression of the class II gene gates the back signal from T cells and in this way controls the activity of macrophages. This effect mediated by polymorphic nonexon segments of MHC class II genes may play a role in determining disease susceptibility in humans and mice.
We obtained mice deficient for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules encoded by the H-2K and H-2D genes. H-2 KbDb −/− mice express no detectable classical MHC class I-region associated (Ia) heavy chains, although β2-microglobulin and the nonclassical class Ib proteins examined are expressed normally. KbDb −/− mice have greatly reduced numbers of mature CD8+ T cells, indicating that selection of the vast majority (>90%) of CD8+ T cells cannot be compensated for by β2-microglobulin-associated molecules other than classical H-2K and D locus products. In accord with the greatly reduced number of CD8+ T cells, spleen cells from KbDb −/− mice do not generate cytotoxic responses in primary mixed-lymphocyte cultures against MHC-disparate (allogeneic) cells. However, in vivo priming of KbDb −/− mice with allogeneic cells resulted in strong CD8+ MHC class Ia-specific allogeneic responses. Thus, a minor population of functionally competent peripheral CD8+ T cells capable of strong cytotoxic activity arises in the complete absence of classical MHC class Ia molecules. KbDb −/− animals also have natural killer cells that retain their cytotoxic potential.
Polyaromatic hydrocarbons are ubiquitous environmental chemicals that are important mutagens and carcinogens. The purpose of this study was to determine whether genes within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) influence their biological activities. Cell-mediated immunity to dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) was investigated in congenic strains of mice. On three different backgrounds, H-2k and H-2a haplotype mice developed significantly greater contact-hypersensitivity responses to DMBA than H-2b, H-2d, and H-2s mice. In B10.A(R1) mice, which are Kk and Id, a vigorous contact-hypersensitivity response was present, indicating that the response was governed by class I, rather than class II, MHC genes. C3H/HeN (H-2k) and C3H.SW (H-2s) strains were also compared for the development of skin tumors and the persistence of DMBA–DNA adducts. When subjected to a DMBA initiation, phorbol 12-tetradecanoate 13-acetate (TPA)-promotion skin-tumorigenesis protocol, C3H/HeN mice, (which develop cell-mediated immunity to DMBA) were found to have significantly fewer tumors than C3H.SW mice (a strain that failed to develop a cell-mediated immune response to DMBA). DMBA–DNA adducts were removed more rapidly in C3H/HeN than in C3H.SW mice. The results indicate that genes within the MHC play an important role in several of the biological activities of carcinogenic polyaromatic hydrocarbons. The observations are consistent with the hypothesis that cell-mediated immunity to chemical carcinogens serves to protect individuals by removing mutant cells before they can evolve into clinically apparent neoplasms.