928 resultados para 010206 Operations Research


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Increasing train speeds is conceptually a simple and straight forward method to expand railway capacity, for example in comparison to other more extensive and elaborate alternatives. In this article an analytical capacity model has been investigated as a means of performing a sensitivity analysis of train speeds. The results of this sensitivity analysis can help improve the operation of this railway system and to help it cope with additional demands in the future. To test our approach a case study of the Rah Ahane Iran (RAI) national railway network has been selected. The absolute capacity levels for this railway network have been determined and the analysis shows that increasing trains speeds may not be entirely cost effective in all circumstances.


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Critical stage in open-pit mining is to determine the optimal extraction sequence of blocks, which has significant impacts on mining profitability. In this paper, a more comprehensive block sequencing optimisation model is developed for the open-pit mines. In the model, material characteristics of blocks, grade control, excavator and block sequencing are investigated and integrated to maximise the short-term benefit of mining. Several case studies are modeled and solved by CPLEX MIP and CP engines. Numerical investigations are presented to illustrate and validate the proposed methodology.


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Railways are an important mode of transportation. They are however large and complex and their construction, management and operation is time consuming and costly. Evidently planning the current and future activities is vital. Part of that planning process is an analysis of capacity. To determine what volume of traffic can be achieved over time, a variety of railway capacity analysis techniques have been created. A generic analytical approach that incorporates more complex train paths however has yet to be provided. This article provides such an approach. This article extends a mathematical model for determining the theoretical capacity of a railway network. The main contribution of this paper is the modelling of more complex train paths whereby each section can be visited many times in the course of a train’s journey. Three variant models are formulated and then demonstrated in a case study. This article’s numerical investigations have successively shown the applicability of the proposed models and how they may be used to gain insights into system performance.


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Resource assignment and scheduling is a difficult task when job processing times are stochastic, and resources are to be used for both known and unknown demand. To operate effectively within such an environment, several novel strategies are investigated. The first focuses upon the creation of a robust schedule, and utilises the concept of strategically placed idle time (i.e. buffering). The second approach introduces the idea of maintaining a number of free resources at each time, and culminates in another form of strategically placed buffering. The attraction of these approaches is that they are easy to grasp conceptually, and mimic what practitioners already do in practice. Our extensive numerical testing has shown that these techniques ensure more prompt job processing, and reduced job cancellations and waiting time. They are effective in the considered setting and could easily be adapted for many real life problems, for instance those in health care. This article has more importantly demonstrated that integrating the two approaches is a better strategy and will provide an effective stochastic scheduling approach.


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In the mining optimisation literature, most researchers focused on two strategic-level and tactical-level open-pit mine optimisation problems, which are respectively termed ultimate pit limit (UPIT) or constrained pit limit (CPIT). However, many researchers indicate that the substantial numbers of variables and constraints in real-world instances (e.g., with 50-1000 thousand blocks) make the CPIT’s mixed integer programming (MIP) model intractable for use. Thus, it becomes a considerable challenge to solve the large scale CPIT instances without relying on exact MIP optimiser as well as the complicated MIP relaxation/decomposition methods. To take this challenge, two new graph-based algorithms based on network flow graph and conjunctive graph theory are developed by taking advantage of problem properties. The performance of our proposed algorithms is validated by testing recent large scale benchmark UPIT and CPIT instances’ datasets of MineLib in 2013. In comparison to best known results from MineLib, it is shown that the proposed algorithms outperform other CPIT solution approaches existing in the literature. The proposed graph-based algorithms leads to a more competent mine scheduling optimisation expert system because the third-party MIP optimiser is no longer indispensable and random neighbourhood search is not necessary.


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The increase in data center dependent services has made energy optimization of data centers one of the most exigent challenges in today's Information Age. The necessity of green and energy-efficient measures is very high for reducing carbon footprint and exorbitant energy costs. However, inefficient application management of data centers results in high energy consumption and low resource utilization efficiency. Unfortunately, in most cases, deploying an energy-efficient application management solution inevitably degrades the resource utilization efficiency of the data centers. To address this problem, a Penalty-based Genetic Algorithm (GA) is presented in this paper to solve a defined profile-based application assignment problem whilst maintaining a trade-off between the power consumption performance and resource utilization performance. Case studies show that the penalty-based GA is highly scalable and provides 16% to 32% better solutions than a greedy algorithm.


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Analytical techniques for measuring and planning railway capacity expansion activities have been considered in this article. A preliminary mathematical framework involving track duplication and section sub divisions is proposed for this task. In railways these features have a great effect on network performance and for this reason they have been considered. Additional motivations have also arisen from the limitations of prior models that have not included them.


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This article focusses upon multi-modal transportation systems (MMTS) and the issues surrounding the determination of system capacity. For that purpose a multi-objective framework is advocated that integrates all the different modes and many different competing capacity objectives. This framework is analytical in nature and facilitates a variety of capacity querying and capacity expansion planning.


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Changing the topology of a railway network can greatly affect its capacity. Railway networks however can be altered in a multitude of different ways. As each way has significant immediate and long term financial ramifications, it is a difficult task to decide how and where to expand the network. In response some railway capacity expansion models (RCEM) have been developed to help capacity planning activities, and to remove physical bottlenecks in the current railway system. The exact purpose of these models is to decide given a fixed budget, where track duplications and track sub divisions should be made, in order to increase theoretical capacity most. These models are high level and strategic, and this is why increases to the theoretical capacity is concentrated upon. The optimization models have been applied to a case study to demonstrate their application and their worth. The case study evidently shows how automated approaches of this nature could be a formidable alternative to current manual planning techniques and simulation. If the exact effect of track duplications and sub-divisions can be sufficiently approximated, this approach will be very applicable.


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This study presents a comprehensive mathematical formulation model for a short-term open-pit mine block sequencing problem, which considers nearly all relevant technical aspects in open-pit mining. The proposed model aims to obtain the optimum extraction sequences of the original-size (smallest) blocks over short time intervals and in the presence of real-life constraints, including precedence relationship, machine capacity, grade requirements, processing demands and stockpile management. A hybrid branch-and-bound and simulated annealing algorithm is developed to solve the problem. Computational experiments show that the proposed methodology is a promising way to provide quantitative recommendations for mine planning and scheduling engineers.


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Hospitals are critical elements of health care systems and analysing their capacity to do work is a very important topic. To perform a system wide analysis of public hospital resources and capacity, a multi-objective optimization (MOO) approach has been proposed. This approach identifies the theoretical capacity of the entire hospital and facilitates a sensitivity analysis, for example of the patient case mix. It is necessary because the competition for hospital resources, for example between different entities, is highly influential on what work can be done. The MOO approach has been extensively tested on a real life case study and significant worth is shown. In this MOO approach, the epsilon constraint method has been utilized. However, for solving real life applications, with a large number of competing objectives, it was necessary to devise new and improved algorithms. In addition, to identify the best solution, a separable programming approach was developed. Multiple optimal solutions are also obtained via the iterative refinement and re-solution of the model.


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Electricity generation is vital in developed countries to power the many mechanical and electrical devices that people require. Unfortunately electricity generation is costly. Though electricity can be generated it cannot be stored efficiently. Electricity generation is also difficult to manage because exact demand is unknown from one instant to the next. A number of services are required to manage fluctuations in electricity demand, and to protect the system when frequency falls too low. A current approach is called automatic under frequency load shedding (AUFLS). This article proposes new methods for optimising AUFLS in New Zealand’s power system. The core ideas were developed during the 2015 Maths and Industry Study Group (MISG) in Brisbane, Australia. The problem has been motivated by Transpower Limited, a company that manages New Zealand’s power system and transports bulk electricity from where it is generated to where it is needed. The approaches developed in this article can be used in electrical power systems anywhere in the world.


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In this paper, we discuss two-dimensional failure modeling for a system where degradation is due to age and usage. We extend the concept of minimal repair for the one-dimensional case to the two-dimensional case and characterize the failures over a two-dimensional region under minimal repair. An application of this important result to a rnanufacturer's servicing costs for a two-dimensional warranty policy is given and we compare the minimal repair strategy with the strategy of replacement of failure. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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We present a novel method, called the transform likelihood ratio (TLR) method, for estimation of rare event probabilities with heavy-tailed distributions. Via a simple transformation ( change of variables) technique the TLR method reduces the original rare event probability estimation with heavy tail distributions to an equivalent one with light tail distributions. Once this transformation has been established we estimate the rare event probability via importance sampling, using the classical exponential change of measure or the standard likelihood ratio change of measure. In the latter case the importance sampling distribution is chosen from the same parametric family as the transformed distribution. We estimate the optimal parameter vector of the importance sampling distribution using the cross-entropy method. We prove the polynomial complexity of the TLR method for certain heavy-tailed models and demonstrate numerically its high efficiency for various heavy-tailed models previously thought to be intractable. We also show that the TLR method can be viewed as a universal tool in the sense that not only it provides a unified view for heavy-tailed simulation but also can be efficiently used in simulation with light-tailed distributions. We present extensive simulation results which support the efficiency of the TLR method.