984 resultados para takeoff and landing
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We propose a robust and low complexity scheme to estimate and track carrier frequency from signals traveling under low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions in highly nonstationary channels. These scenarios arise in planetary exploration missions subject to high dynamics, such as the Mars exploration rover missions. The method comprises a bank of adaptive linear predictors (ALP) supervised by a convex combiner that dynamically aggregates the individual predictors. The adaptive combination is able to outperform the best individual estimator in the set, which leads to a universal scheme for frequency estimation and tracking. A simple technique for bias compensation considerably improves the ALP performance. It is also shown that retrieval of frequency content by a fast Fourier transform (FFT)-search method, instead of only inspecting the angle of a particular root of the error predictor filter, enhances performance, particularly at very low SNR levels. Simple techniques that enforce frequency continuity improve further the overall performance. In summary we illustrate by extensive simulations that adaptive linear prediction methods render a robust and competitive frequency tracking technique.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Black and white photographs, 19 cm x 24 cm of the interior of an unidentified house showing the staircase and landing, looking down a hallway to an exterior door. The photograph was taken by Wurts Brothers General Photographers of New York City (2 copies).
Abstract: The paper describes an auditory interface using directional sound as a possible support for pilots during approach in an instrument landing scenario. Several ways of producing directional sounds are illustrated. One using speaker pairs and controlling power distribution between speakers is evaluated experimentally. Results show, that power alone is insufficient for positioning single isolated sound events, although discrimination in the horizontal plane performs better than in the vertical. Additional sound parameters to compensate for this are proposed.
The present study examined the effects of word length on children’s eye movement behaviour when other variables were carefully controlled. Importantly, the results showed that word length influenced children’s reading times and fixation positions on words. Furthermore, children exhibited stronger word length effects than adults in gaze durations and refixations. Adults and children generally did not differ in initial landing positions, but did differ in refixation behaviour. Overall, the results indicated that while adults and children show similar effects of word length for early measures of eye movement behaviour, differences emerge in later measures.
The exotic emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), was first discovered in North America in southeastern Michigan, USA, and Windsor, Ontario, Canada in 2002. Significant ash (Fraxinus spp.) mortality has been caused in areas where this insect has become well established, and new infestations continue to be discovered in several states in the United States and in Canada. This beetle is difficult to detect when it invades new areas or occurs at low density. Girdled trap tree and ground surveys have been important tools for detecting emerald ash borer populations, and more recently, purple baited prism traps have been used in detection efforts. Girdled trap trees were found to be more effective than purple prism traps at detecting emerald ash borer as they acted as sinks for larvae in an area of known low density emerald ash borer infestation. The canopy condition of the trap trees was not predictive of whether they were infested or not, indicating that ground surveys may not be effective for detection in an area of low density emerald ash borer population. When landing rates of low density emerald ash borer populations were monitored on non-girdled ash trees, landing rates were higher on larger, open grown trees with canopies that contain a few dead branches. As a result of these studies, we suggest that the threshold for emerald ash borer detection using baited purple prism traps hung at the canopy base of trees is higher than for girdled trap trees. In addition, detection of developing populations of EAB may be possible by selectively placing sticky trapping surfaces on non-girdled trap trees that are the larger and more open grown trees at a site.
Includes index.
Bibliography: p. 73-75.
In this Thesis, the development of the dynamic model of multirotor unmanned aerial vehicle with vertical takeoff and landing characteristics, considering input nonlinearities and a full state robust backstepping controller are presented. The dynamic model is expressed using the Newton-Euler laws, aiming to obtain a better mathematical representation of the mechanical system for system analysis and control design, not only when it is hovering, but also when it is taking-off, or landing, or flying to perform a task. The input nonlinearities are the deadzone and saturation, where the gravitational effect and the inherent physical constrains of the rotors are related and addressed. The experimental multirotor aerial vehicle is equipped with an inertial measurement unit and a sonar sensor, which appropriately provides measurements of attitude and altitude. A real-time attitude estimation scheme based on the extended Kalman filter using quaternions was developed. Then, for robustness analysis, sensors were modeled as the ideal value with addition of an unknown bias and unknown white noise. The bounded robust attitude/altitude controller were derived based on globally uniformly practically asymptotically stable for real systems, that remains globally uniformly asymptotically stable if and only if their solutions are globally uniformly bounded, dealing with convergence and stability into a ball of the state space with non-null radius, under some assumptions. The Lyapunov analysis technique was used to prove the stability of the closed-loop system, compute bounds on control gains and guaranteeing desired bounds on attitude dynamics tracking errors in the presence of measurement disturbances. The controller laws were tested in numerical simulations and in an experimental hexarotor, developed at the UFRN Robotics Laboratory
Verifiche numeriche dello stato di sollecitazione di una struttura alare di un velivolo ultraleggero
Lo scopo del progetto è di calcolare, tramite un modello agli elementi finiti, lo stato di sollecitazione delle parti costituenti l’ala di un velivolo ultraleggero, e di visualizzare i risultati della soluzione del calcolo in maniera grafica. L’aeromobile oggetto di studio è lo Yuma 912 S commercializzato da Alisport, un velivolo di categoria ULM (UltraLeggero Motorizzato) con capacità STOL (Short TakeOff and Landing – decollo ed atterraggio corti). Tutto il lavoro di progettazione, modellazione e calcolo è stato eseguito con un’unica tipologia di programma, CATIA V5, disponibile commercialmente, al fine di evitare conflitti tra diversi programmi CAD (per disegno assistito dal calcolatore) e CAE/FEA (per analisi ingegneristica del prodotto). Il lavoro si è articolato nelle seguenti fasi: progettazione assistita dal calcolatore, sviluppo del modello, valutazione della soluzione. I carichi introdotti nell’analisi sono stati scelti considerando le caratteristiche del velivolo ed il proprio diagramma di manovra, quindi calcolati in maniera teorica e successivamente applicati al modello in esame. La soluzione è stata poi visualizzata tramite simulazione della struttura deformata ed applicazione di una scala di colori sulle zone sottoposte ai diversi stati di sollecitazione.
We investigated the plume structure of a piezo-electric sprayer system, set up to release ethanol in a wind tunnel, using a fast response mini-photoionizaton detector. We recorded the plume structure of four different piezo-sprayer configurations: the sprayer alone; with a 1.6-mm steel mesh shield; with a 3.2-mm steel mesh shield; and with a 5 cm circular upwind baffle. We measured a 12 × 12-mm core at the center of the plume, and both a horizontal and vertical cross-section of the plume, all at 100-, 200-, and 400-mm downwind of the odor source. Significant differences in plume structure were found among all configurations in terms of conditional relative mean concentration, intermittency, ratio of peak concentration to conditional mean concentration, and cross-sectional area of the plume. We then measured the flight responses of the almond moth, Cadra cautella, to odor plumes generated with the sprayer alone, and with the upwind baffle piezo-sprayer configuration, releasing a 13:1 ratio of (9Z,12E)-tetradecadienyl acetate and (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate diluted in ethanol at release rates of 1, 10, 100, and 1,000 pg/min. For each configuration, differences in pheromone release rate resulted in significant differences in the proportions of moths performing oriented flight and landing behaviors. Additionally, there were apparent differences in the moths’ behaviors between the two sprayer configurations, although this requires confirmation with further experiments. This study provides evidence that both pheromone concentration and plume structure affect moth orientation behavior and demonstrates that care is needed when setting up experiments that use a piezo-electric release system to ensure the optimal conditions for behavioral observations.
Currently one of the great concerns of the aeronautical industry is in relation to the security and integrity of the aircraft and its equipments / components when under critical flight maneuvers such as during landing / takeoff and emergency maneuvers. The engineers, technicians and scientists are constantly developing new techniques and theories to reduce the design time and testing, ir order to minimize costs. More and more the Finite Element Method is used in the structural analysis of a project as well as theories based on experimental results. This work aimed to estimate the critical load to failure for tensile, compression and buckling of the Tie-Rod, a fixture aircraft widely used on commercial aircrafts. The analysis was performed by finite element method with the assistance of software and by analytical calculations. The results showed that the Finite Element Method provides relative accuracy and convenience in the calculations, indicating critical load values slightly lower than those found analytically for tension and compression. For buckling, the Finite Element Method indicates a critical load very similar to that found analytically following empirical theories, while Euler's theory results in a slightly higher value. The highest risk is to fail by buckling, but the geometric irregularity of Tie-Rod pieces makes difficult the calculations, therefore a practical test must be done before validation of the results