151 resultados para slots
An equivalent unit cell waveguide approach (WGA) is described to obtain reflection coefficient phase curves for designing a microstrip patch reflectarray supported by a ground plane with periodic apertures or slots. Based on the presented theory, a computer algorithm for determining the reflection coefficient of a plane wave normally incident on a multi-layer structure of patches and apertures is developed. The validity of the developed algorithm is verified by comparing the obtained results with those published in the literature and the ones generated by Agilent High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS). A good agreement in all the presented examples is obtained, proving that the developed theory and computer algorithm can be an effective tool for designing multi-layer microstrip reflectarrays with a periodically perforated ground plane. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
In this paper we study, as in Jeon-Menicucci (2009), competition between sellerswhen each of them sells a portfolio of distinct products to a buyer having limitedslots. This paper considers sequential pricing and complements our main paper (Jeon-Menicucci, 2009) that considers simultaneous pricing.First, Jeon-Menicucci (2009) find that under simultaneous individual pricing, equilibriumoften does not exist and hence the outcome is often inefficient. By contrast,equilibrium always exists under sequential individual pricing and we characterize it inthis paper. We find that each seller faces a trade-off between the number of slots heoccupies and surplus extraction per product, and there is no particular reason thatthis leads to an efficient allocation of slots.Second, Jeon-Menicucci (2009) find that when bundling is allowed, there alwaysexists an efficient equilibrium but inefficient equilibria can also exist due to purebundling (for physical products) or slotting contracts. Under sequential pricing,we find that all equilibria are efficient regardless of whether firms can use slottingcontracts, and both for digital goods and for physical goods. Therefore, sequentialpricing presents an even stronger case for laissez-faire in the matter of bundling thansimultaneous pricing.
We consider competition among sellers when each of them sells a portfolio ofdistinct products to a buyer having limited slots. We study how bundling affectscompetition for slots. Under independent pricing, equilibrium often does not existand hence the outcome is often inefficient. When bundling is allowed, each sellerhas an incentive to bundle his products and an efficient equilibrium always exists.Furthermore, in the case of digital goods, all equilibria are efficient if slotting contracts are prohibited. We also identify portfolio effects of bundling and analyze theconsequences on horizontal mergers. Finally, we derive clear-cut policy implications.
Design of a dual linearly-polarised microstrip patch antenna, excited by two orthogonal microstrip feed lines, is presented. A reduction in patch size of 35% is obtained when compared to a square patch operating at the same frequency. The polarisations are oriented at +45 and - 45 with an isolation of more than 36 dB between the ports. Unlike earlier designs, the proposed structure provides better gain.
summary of requirements and slot allocation
Este trabalho discute a liberalização do transporte aéreo no mercado Europeu, o sucesso do tráfego aéreo, e a importância da regulação de slots aeroportuários para uma concorrência leal. Presentemente, dado o crescimento e a expectativa que o tráfego aéreo cresça ainda mais, os aeroportos e as companhias aéreas debatem-se com um problema de grande dimensão, que passa pela gestão aeroportuária de slots, uma vez que a capacidade dos aeroportos é limitada, e a procura por estas estruturas tem aumentado drasticamente. Face aos vários aeroportos Europeus, estima-se que essa capacidade seja atingida brevemente, fazendo com que a congestão não se dê só apenas por um curto período diário, mas que aumente não só a sua frequência como também a sua duração. Esta congestão pode ter efeitos sobre a concorrência entre as companhias e entre os aeroportos, o que implica que haja um impacto negativo, tanto no ambiente como na segurança. O estudo terá em atenção a capacidade do Aeroporto de Lisboa, ao pedido de slots aeroportuários, a legislação nacional e internacional, outros meios de afectação de slots aeroportuários, a posição da TAP relativamente à regulamentação existente, e aos meios paralelos.
A method to reconstruct the excitation coefficients of wide-slot arrays from near-field data is presented. The plane wave spectrum (PWS) is used for reconstruction, and the shape of the field distribution on a wide slot is considered in the calculation of the PWS. The proposed algorithm is validated through the reconstruction of the excitation coefficients of a wide-slot array with element failures from the simulated nearfield data. The element failures are clearly located by the proposed algorithm
"Contract AF33(616)-3220 Project No. 6(7-4600) Task 40572 Wright Air Development Center"
Mode of access: Internet.
This letter describes a new idea of increasing operational bandwidth of a compact planar inverted F antenna (PIFA) by introducing open-end slots in the ground plane under the radiating patch. The slots are not in the way of active modules of a wireless transceiver and thus the proposed antenna size reduction method is attractive from the point of view of practical implementation.
We present data on the development a new type of optical fibre polariser and the characterisation of its wavelength properties. The device is fashioned using a two step process. Firstly, a standard UV long period grating (LPG) with a period of 330μm is inscribed into hydrogenated SMF-28, followed by femtosecond laser ablation of a groove parallel to the fibre axis. The UV inscribed LPGs have inherently low birefringence. However, the removal of the cladding layer parallel to the location of the LPG within the fibre core (as a result the ablation) modifies the cladding modes that couple with the LPG. Furthermore, the groove breaks the fibre symmetry introducing a non-uniform stress profile across the fibre cross section leading to significant birefringence. We show that increasing the depth of the groove increases the birefringence, and this behaviour coupled with the ability to control the wavelength location of the LPGs attenuations peaks results in a polariser able to operate at almost any wavelength and birefringence. The maximum birefringence reported here as polarisation mode splitting was approximately 39±0.1nm with a polarisation loss of 10dB. © 2011 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).
The multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technique can be used to improve the performance of ad hoc networks. Various medium access control (MAC) protocols with multiple contention slots have been proposed to exploit spatial multiplexing for increasing the transport throughput of MIMO ad hoc networks. However, the existence of multiple request-to-send/clear-to-send (RTS/CTS) contention slots represents a severe overhead that limits the improvement on transport throughput achieved by spatial multiplexing. In addition, when the number of contention slots is fixed, the efficiency of RTS/CTS contention is affected by the transmitting power of network nodes. In this study, a joint optimisation scheme on both transmitting power and contention slots number for maximising the transport throughput is presented. This includes the establishment of an analytical model of a simplified MAC protocol with multiple contention slots, the derivation of transport throughput as a function of both transmitting power and the number of contention slots, and the optimisation process based on the transport throughput formula derived. The analytical results obtained, verified by simulation, show that much higher transport throughput can be achieved using the joint optimisation scheme proposed, compared with the non-optimised cases and the results previously reported.
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of different assessment time periods of submaximal tests on the determination of the maximal accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD), through the adoption of different time slots of 4 to 6, 6 to 8 and 8 to 10 min. Ten cyclists with mean age of 27.5 ± 4.1 years, body mass 74.4 ± 12.7 kg and time experience of 9.8 ± 4.7 years participated in this study. The athletes underwent an incremental exercise test to determine the peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak), and four submaximal constant work-load test sessions (60, 70, 80 and 90% VO2peak) of 10 min in order to estimate the O2 demand (DEO2). The mean VO2 values obtained on each constant work-load for the 4 to 6, 6 to 8 and 8 to 10 min time-periods intervals were used to perform a linear regression between the intensity and O2 consumption for each time-period. In addition, the subjects performed one supramaximal rectangular test (110% VO2peak) for the quantification of MAOD. There was no significant difference in VO2 between the different time-periods for all submaximal tests (P> 0.05). Similarly, no significant difference was found in DEAO2 and MAOD (P> 0.05). Furthermore, the values of MAOD for the three time-periods intervals showed good agreement and strong correlation. Thus, the data suggest that the submaximal tests used to estimate the values of MAOD can be reduced, at least in this type of sample, and with the use of a cycle simulator.
Social organizations, local governments and the media in Brazil are confronting them, selves over the need for an oversight board to guarantee quality television programming, and establishing a system to determine which television programs are appropriate for which television time slots. Across Brazil, a representative body of children and young adults have determined that the right to receive quality programming is not currently being met. Children of the new generation see themselves as having a right to access new technologies which enable them to produce their own messages according to their own creativity, interests, and social participation. This new generation wants to go beyond education in order to watch and conquer their ""right to screens"".
This paper presents an analysis of a reconfigurable patch filter based on a triple-mode circular patch resonator with four radial slots. The analysis has been carried out thanks to the development of a new theoretical approach of the tunable patch filter based on the coupling matrix. The coefficients of the coupling matrix related to the tunable behavior have been identified and some rules for their evolution have been derived. For a proof-of-concept, a bandpass filter has been designed with a continuous tunability obtained with varactors connected across the slots. State-of-the-art results have been obtained, with a frequency tuning range of 27% from 1.95 to 2.43 GHz and a change in fractional bandwidth from 8.5% to 31.5% for the respective frequencies. In the entire tuning range, the return loss is better than 10 dB and the maximum insertion loss is 2 dB. Due to the newly developed coupling matrix, measurements, simulations, and theory showed great agreement.