869 resultados para price drop
Tutkielmassa analysoitiin osingon irtoamisen vaikutusta osakekursseihin suomalaisissa pörssiyrityksissä vuosina 1994-2002. Osingon irtoamisen aikaista hinnoittumistehokkuutta tutkittiin pääasiassa niin sanotun markkinakorjatun kurssilaskusuhteen avulla. Saatujen tulosten mukaan ulkomaalaiset sijoittajat ja/ tai lyhytaikaista kauppaa käyvät markkinaosapuolet ovat toimineet hinnanmäärittäjinä Suomen osakemarkkinoilla tutkimusperiodin aikana. Lisäksi havaittiin tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero osakeindeksin nousu- ja laskupäivien keskimääräisten kurssilaskusuhteiden välillä. Osingon irtoamisen osuessa laskupäivälle osakekurssit laskivat huomattavasti vähemmän suhteessa osingon määrään kuin osingon irrotessa nousupäivänä. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös korkean osinkotuottoprosentin yrityksillä keskimääräisen kurssilaskusuhteen olevan suurempi muihin yrityksiin verrattuna.
Lääkemarkkinat ovat rahassa mitattuna erittäin merkittävät markkinat. Siksi suojauksen merkityksen tarkastelu lääkkeen elinkaaren vaiheissa on mielenkiintoista. Kulutushyödyke- ja lääkemarkkinat ovat luonteeltaan erilaiset lääkemarkkinoiden voimakkaan sääntelyn takia. Myös tutkimus- ja tuotekehityskulut lääkevalmisteilla ovat poikkeuksellisen suuria. Lääkekeksintöjä suojataan patenteilla. Lääkevalmisteen suoja-ajan umpeuduttua myyntihinta putoaa yleensä merkittävästi ja hyvin nopeasti. Lääkeyritysten keinoja välttää suoja-ajan päättymisen mukanaan tuomat myyntitulojen alenemiset ovat muun muassa kokonaan uusien innovaatioiden keksiminen, olemassa olevan lääkevalmisteen ominaisuuksien parantaminen sekä oman geneerisen valmisteen tuominen markkinoille. Tutkimuksen päätarkoituksena oli selvittää, kuvata ja analysoida kolmen kansantaloudellisesti hyvin merkittävän lääkeaineen elinkaaren vaiheita Suomessa. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin suojauksen merkitystä lääkkeiden myyntiin ja kulutukseen sekä kilpailevien valmisteiden osuuteen markkinoilla. Tutkitut lääkeaineet olivat simvastatiini, bisoprololi ja sitalopraami. Tutkimuksessa pohdittiin lääkkeiden suojamekanismin merkitystä ja riittävyyttä eri sidosryhmille. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös patentoinnin merkitystä lääkkeiden myynnin kehittymiseen ja kilpailevien lääkevalmisteiden lukumääriin elinkaaren eri vaiheissa. Tutkittujen valmisteiden patenttien umpeutuessa geneerisiä valmisteita tulee markkinoille pian ja lukumääräisesti paljon. Rinnakkaistuontivalmisteet eivät juuri alentaneet alkuperäislääkkeiden hintoja. Geneeriset valmisteet alensivat hintoja selvästi jopa useita kymmeniä prosentteja. Hintojen romahdus oli keskimäärin noin 75 %. Hintakilpailun takia alkuperäislääkkeen elinkaaren loppupuolella tukkumyynnin arvo koko ajan pieneni kulutuksen kasvaessa tasaisesti. Lisääntynyt hintakilpailu on lisännyt viranomaisille jätettävien hintahakemusten määrää oleellisesti. Hintakilpailusta hyötyvät sekä yhteiskunta ja kuluttajat alkuperäisvalmistajien ja apteekkien kustannuksella. Yhden maan myynnillä ei käytännössä ole nykyisillä suojamekanismeilla mahdollisuutta kattaa lääkkeen kehittämiseen käytettyjä kuluja. Tähän vaaditaan kansainvälisiä markkinoita.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia osingon irtoamispäivän tapahtumia OMX Helsinki 25:n yrityksillä vuosina 2005–2013. Vallitsevan käsityksen mukaan osakkeen hinta laskee irtoamispäivänä osingon verran +/- markkinoiden yleisestä hintamuutoksesta johtuva nousu/lasku. Käsitystä on pyritty murtamaan vuosien saatossa neljän eri teorian avulla, jotka ovat veroasiakaskuntateoria, lyhytaikaisen vaihdon hypoteesi, dynaaminen malli sekä mikrorakenneteoria. Osingon irtoamispäivää tarkastellaan kolmen eri tutkimuksen avulla ja saatuja tuloksia verrataan teoriaan sekä aikaisempiin löydöksiin. Tutkimusosuudet ovat kurssilaskusuhteet, epänormaalit tuotot sekä epänormaalit kaupankäyntivolyymit. Kurssilaskusuhdetta tarkastellaan vertaamalla cum-päivän ja irtoamispäivän osakkeiden hintojen erotusta maksetun osingon määrään. Epänormaaleja tuottoja ja epänormaaleja kaupankäyntivolyymejä tarkastellaan tapahtumatutkimus-menetelmällä viisi päivää ennen ja viisi päivää jälkeen osingon irtoamisen. Kurssilaskusuhteet olivat eri tavoilla laskettuina 77 – 94 %. Irtoamispäivän ympärillä oli havaittavissa 1,5 %:n negatiivisia epänormaaleja tuottoja. Epänormaalit kaupankäyntivolyymit kasvoivat tasaisesti lähestyttäessä irtoamispäivää ja olivat voimakkaimmillaan irtoamispäivänä. Irtoamispäivän jälkeen kaupankäyntivolyymit palautuivat hiljalleen normaalille tasolle. Tulokset vastaavat aikaisempia löydöksiä kurssilaskusuhteita ja epänormaaleja volyymejä tarkasteltaessa, mutta eroavat epänormaaleissa tuotoissa.
Aurinkopaneeleiden hinta on laskenut reilusti viime vuosien aikana. Hinnan laskun seurauksena aurinkosähköjärjestelmiä on asennettu paljon yksityisiin rakennuksiin sekä Suomessa että muualla maailmassa. Tässä kandidaatintyössä tutkitaan kerrostalon kiinteistösähkönkulutuksen kompensointia aurinkosähköjärjestelmällä. Kompensointia tutkitaan, koska näin saadaan taloudellisesti paras hyöty aurinkosähköjärjestelmästä. Kerrostalon kiinteistösähkönkulutuksella tarkoitetaan talon teknisten järjestelmien kuluttamaa sähköä. Järjestelmän sijoitusta tutkitaan katolle ja parvekekaiteisiin. Katolle sijoitettuna aurinkopaneelien tuotantoa tutkitaan siten, että paneelit ovat asennettu 45° ja 15° tasokulmaan. Aurinkosähköjärjestelmän investoinnin kannattavuutta tutkitaan taloyhtiön näkökulmasta.
Using a newly constructed data set, we calculate quality-adjusted price indexes after estimating hedonic price regressions from 1988 to 2004 in the Spanish automobile market. The increasing competition was favoured by the removal of trade restrictions and the special plans for the renewal of the Spanish automobile fleet. We find that the increasing degree of competition during those years led to an overall drop in automobile prices by 20 percent which implied considerable consumer gains thanks to higher market efficiency. Additionally, our results indicate that loyalty relevance and discrepancies in automobile reliability declined during those years. This is captured.
This paper presents a model of a self-fulfilling price cycle in an asset market. Price oscillates deterministically even though the underlying environment is stationary. The mechanism that we uncover is driven by endogenous variation in the investment horizons of the different market participants, informed and uninformed. On even days, the price is high; on odd days it is low. On even days, informed traders are willing to jettison their good assets, knowing that they can buy them back the next day, when the price is low. The anticipated drop in price more than offsets any potential loss in dividend. Because of these asset sales, the informed build up their cash holdings. Understanding that the market is flooded with good assets, the uninformed traders are willing to pay a high price. But their investment horizon is longer than that of the informed traders: their intention is to hold the assets they purchase, not to resell. On odd days, the price is low because the uninformed recognise that the informed are using their cash holdings to cherry-pick good assets from the market. Now the uninformed, like the informed, are investing short-term. Rather than buy-and-hold as they do with assets purchased on even days, on odd days the uninformed are buying to sell. Notice that, at the root of the model, there lies a credit constraint. Although the informed are flush with cash on odd days, they are not deep pockets. On each cherry that they pick out of the market, they earn a high return: buying cheap, selling dear. However they don't have enough cash to strip the market of cherries and thereby bid the price up.
The molecular diagnosis of retinal dystrophies (RD) is difficult because of genetic and clinical heterogeneity. Previously, the molecular screening of genes was done one by one, sometimes in a scheme based on the frequency of sequence variants and the number of exons/length of the candidate genes. Payment for these procedures was complicated and the sequential billing of several genes created endless paperwork. We therefore evaluated the costs of generating and sequencing a hybridization-based DNA library enriched for the 64 most frequently mutated genes in RD, called IROme, and compared them to the costs of amplifying and sequencing these genes by the Sanger method. The production cost generated by the high-throughput (HT) sequencing of IROme was established at CHF 2,875.75 per case. Sanger sequencing of the same exons cost CHF 69,399.02. Turnaround time of the analysis was 3 days for IROme. For Sanger sequencing, it could only be estimated, as we never sequenced all 64 genes in one single patient. Sale cost for IROme calculated on the basis of the sale cost of one exon by Sanger sequencing is CHF 8,445.88, which corresponds to the sale price of 40 exons. In conclusion, IROme is cheaper and faster than Sanger sequencing and therefore represents a sound approach for the diagnosis of RD, both scientifically and economically. As a drop in the costs of HT sequencing is anticipated, target resequencing might become the new gold standard in the molecular diagnosis of RD.
A rapidly growing gaming industry, which specializes on PC, console, online and other games, attracts attention of investors and analysts, who try to understand what drives changes of the gaming industry companies’ stock prices. This master thesis shows the evidence that, besides long-established types of events (M&A and dividend payments), the companies’ stock price changes depend on industry-specific events. I analyzed specific for gaming industry events - game releases with respect to its subdivisions: new games-sequels, games ratings and subdivision according to a developer of a game (self-developed by publisher or outsourced). The master thesis analyzes stock prices of 55 companies from gaming industry from all over the world. The research period covers 5 year, spreading from April 2008 to April 2013. Executed with an event study method, results of the research show that all the analyzed events types have significant influence on the stock prices of the gaming industry companies. The current master thesis suggests that acquisitions in the industry affect positively bidders’ and targets’ stock prices. Mergers events cause positive stock price reactions as well. But dividends payments and game releases events influence negatively on the stock prices. Game releases’ effect is up to -2.2% of cumulative average abnormal return (CAAR) drop during the first ten days after the game releases. Having researched different kinds of events and identified the direction of their impact, the current paper can be of high value for investors, seeking profits in the gaming industry, and other interested parties.
In-situ measurements in convective clouds (up to the freezing level) over the Amazon basin show that smoke from deforestation fires prevents clouds from precipitating until they acquire a vertical development of at least 4 km, compared to only 1-2 km in clean clouds. The average cloud depth required for the onset of warm rain increased by similar to 350 m for each additional 100 cloud condensation nuclei per cm(3) at a super-saturation of 0.5% (CCN0.5%). In polluted clouds, the diameter of modal liquid water content grows much slower with cloud depth (at least by a factor of similar to 2), due to the large number of droplets that compete for available water and to the suppressed coalescence processes. Contrary to what other studies have suggested, we did not observe this effect to reach saturation at 3000 or more accumulation mode particles per cm(3). The CCN0.5% concentration was found to be a very good predictor for the cloud depth required for the onset of warm precipitation and other microphysical factors, leaving only a secondary role for the updraft velocities in determining the cloud drop size distributions. The effective radius of the cloud droplets (r(e)) was found to be a quite robust parameter for a given environment and cloud depth, showing only a small effect of partial droplet evaporation from the cloud's mixing with its drier environment. This supports one of the basic assumptions of satellite analysis of cloud microphysical processes: the ability to look at different cloud top heights in the same region and regard their r(e) as if they had been measured inside one well developed cloud. The dependence of r(e) on the adiabatic fraction decreased higher in the clouds, especially for cleaner conditions, and disappeared at r(e)>=similar to 10 mu m. We propose that droplet coalescence, which is at its peak when warm rain is formed in the cloud at r(e)=similar to 10 mu m, continues to be significant during the cloud's mixing with the entrained air, cancelling out the decrease in r(e) due to evaporation.
The large amount of information in electronic contracts hampers their establishment due to high complexity. An approach inspired in Software Product Line (PL) and based on feature modelling was proposed to make this process more systematic through information reuse and structuring. By assessing the feature-based approach in relation to a proposed set of requirements, it was showed that the approach does not allow the price of services and of Quality of Services (QoS) attributes to be considered in the negotiation and included in the electronic contract. Thus, this paper also presents an extension of such approach in which prices and price types associated to Web services and QoS levels are applied. An extended toolkit prototype is also presented as well as an experiment example of the proposed approach.
As many countries are moving toward water sector reforms, practical issues of how water management institutions can better effect allocation, regulation, and enforcement of water rights have emerged. The problem of nonavailability of water to tailenders on an irrigation system in developing countries, due to unlicensed upstream diversions is well documented. The reliability of access or equivalently the uncertainty associated with water availability at their diversion point becomes a parameter that is likely to influence the application by users for water licenses, as well as their willingness to pay for licensed use. The ability of a water agency to reduce this uncertainty through effective water rights enforcement is related to the fiscal ability of the agency to monitor and enforce licensed use. In this paper, this interplay across the users and the agency is explored, considering the hydraulic structure or sequence of water use and parameters that define the users and the agency`s economics. The potential for free rider behavior by the users, as well as their proposals for licensed use are derived conditional on this setting. The analyses presented are developed in the framework of the theory of ""Law and Economics,`` with user interactions modeled as a game theoretic enterprise. The state of Ceara, Brazil, is used loosely as an example setting, with parameter values for the experiments indexed to be approximately those relevant for current decisions. The potential for using the ideas in participatory decision making is discussed. This paper is an initial attempt to develop a conceptual framework for analyzing such situations but with a focus on the reservoir-canal system water rights enforcement.
The study of non-Newtonian flow in plate heat exchangers (PHEs) is of great importance for the food industry. The objective of this work was to study the pressure drop of pineapple juice in a PHE with 50 degrees chevron plates. Density and flow properties of pineapple juice were determined and correlated with temperature (17.4 <= T <= 85.8 degrees C) and soluble solids content (11.0 <= X(s) <= 52.4 degrees Brix). The Ostwald-de Waele (power law) model described well the rheological behavior. The friction factor for non-isothermal flow of pineapple juice in the PHE was obtained for diagonal and parallel/side flow. Experimental results were well correlated with the generalized Reynolds number (20 <= Re(g) <= 1230) and were compared with predictions from equations from the literature. The mean absolute error for pressure drop prediction was 4% for the diagonal plate and 10% for the parallel plate.
For the optimal design of plate heat exchangers (PHEs), an accurate thermal-hydraulic model that takes into account the effect of the flow arrangement on the heat load and pressure drop is necessary. In the present study, the effect of the flow arrangement on the pressure drop of a PHE is investigated. Thirty two different arrangements were experimentally tested using a laboratory scale PHE with flat plates. The experimental data was used for (a) determination of an empirical correlation for the effect of the number of passes and number of flow channels per pass on the pressure drop; (b) validation of a friction factor model through parameter estimation; and (c) comparison with the simulation results obtained with a CFD (computational fluid dynamics) model of the PHE. All three approaches resulted in a good agreement between experimental and predicted values of pressure drop. Moreover, the CFD model is used for evaluating the flow maldistribution in a PHE with two channels Per Pass. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Accurate price forecasting for agricultural commodities can have significant decision-making implications for suppliers, especially those of biofuels, where the agriculture and energy sectors intersect. Environmental pressures and high oil prices affect demand for biofuels and have reignited the discussion about effects on food prices. Suppliers in the sugar-alcohol sector need to decide the ideal proportion of ethanol and sugar to optimise their financial strategy. Prices can be affected by exogenous factors, such as exchange rates and interest rates, as well as non-observable variables like the convenience yield, which is related to supply shortages. The literature generally uses two approaches: artificial neural networks (ANNs), which are recognised as being in the forefront of exogenous-variable analysis, and stochastic models such as the Kalman filter, which is able to account for non-observable variables. This article proposes a hybrid model for forecasting the prices of agricultural commodities that is built upon both approaches and is applied to forecast the price of sugar. The Kalman filter considers the structure of the stochastic process that describes the evolution of prices. Neural networks allow variables that can impact asset prices in an indirect, nonlinear way, what cannot be incorporated easily into traditional econometric models.
From a genomic enriched library, we developed 27 primer pairs from microsatellite flanking sequences for Colletotrichum acutatum, associated to postbloom fruit drop disease on citrus. Loci were characterized using 40 monosporic C. acutatum isolates. Nine primer pairs successfully amplified polymorphic microsatellite regions, with 3-6 alleles per locus, and mean heterozygosities ranging 0.093-0.590 across loci. The suitability of these primers was investigated in four Colletotrichum species as well. These microsatellite markers will be useful for genetic analyses and epidemiological studies of C. acutatum.