944 resultados para mathematical application


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We report on the migration of a traditional, single architecture application to a grid application using heterogeneous resources. We focus on the use of the UK e-Science Level 2 grid (UKL2G) which provides a heterogeneous collection of resources distributed within the UK. We discuss the solution architecture, the performance of our application, its future development as a grid-based application and comment on the lessons we have learned in using a grid infrastructure for large-scale numerical problems.


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The paper considers the use and the information support of the most important mathematical Application Packages (AP), such as Maple, Matlab, Mathcad, Mathematica, Statistica and SPSS – mostly used during Calculus tuition in Universities. The main features of the packages and the information support in the sites of the producers are outlined, as well as their capacity for work in Internet, together with educational sites and literature related to them. The most important resources of the TeX system for preparation of mathematical articles and documents are presented.


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Tésis de Doctorado en Filosofía, Universidad de Indiana, Bloomington, 2000


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Multivariate Methoden stellen ein wesentliches Instrumentarium zur Datenanalyse in der Ökologie dar. Sie werden in der Ökologie häufig eingesetzt und sind seit langem Gegenstand der Lehre in der Abteilung Geobotanik der Universität Freiburg. In den letzten Jahren wurde als Werkzeug das Programm R eingeführt. R ist ein frei verfügbares, kommandozeilenorientiertes Statistikprogramm, das für eine Reihe von Betriebssystemen angeboten wird (R-Development Core-Team 2007). Das Programm befindet sich in rascher Entwicklung (derzeit Version 2.10) und wird zunehmend auch von Ökologen eingesetzt. Bislang existiert kein deutschsprachiges Lehrbuch zur Anwendung multivariater Methoden mit R. Mit MultiStaR wird versucht, diese Lücke zu schließen und den Studierenden Lernmaterialien an die Hand zu geben, die Übungen mit dem eigentlichen Analysewerkzeug mit einschließen.


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Plywood manufacture includes two fundamental stages. The first is to peel or separate logs into veneer sheets of different thicknesses. The second is to assemble veneer sheets into finished plywood products. At the first stage a decision must be made as to the number of different veneer thicknesses to be peeled and what these thicknesses should be. At the second stage, choices must be made as to how these veneers will be assembled into final products to meet certain constraints while minimizing wood loss. These decisions present a fundamental management dilemma. Costs of peeling, drying, storage, handling, etc. can be reduced by decreasing the number of veneer thicknesses peeled. However, a reduced set of thickness options may make it infeasible to produce the variety of products demanded by the market or increase wood loss by requiring less efficient selection of thicknesses for assembly. In this paper the joint problem of veneer choice and plywood construction is formulated as a nonlinear integer programming problem. A relatively simple optimal solution procedure is developed that exploits special problem structure. This procedure is examined on data from a British Columbia plywood mill. Restricted to the existing set of veneer thicknesses and plywood designs used by that mill, the procedure generated a solution that reduced wood loss by 79 percent, thereby increasing net revenue by 6.86 percent. Additional experiments were performed that examined the consequences of changing the number of veneer thicknesses used. Extensions are discussed that permit the consideration of more than one wood species.


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Based on the introduction of the traditional mathematical models of neurons in general-purpose neurocomputer, a novel all-purpose mathematical model-Double synaptic weight neuron (DSWN) is presented, which can simulate all kinds of neuron architectures, including Radial-Basis-Function (RBF) and Back-propagation (BP) models, etc. At the same time, this new model is realized using hardware and implemented in the new CASSANN-II neurocomputer that can be used to form various types of neural networks with multiple mathematical models of neurons. In this paper, the flexibility of the new model has also been described in constructing neural networks and based on the theory of Biomimetic pattern recognition (BPR) and high-dimensional space covering, a recognition system of omni directionally oriented rigid objects on the horizontal surface and a face recognition system had been implemented on CASSANN-H neurocomputer. The result showed DSWN neural network has great potential in pattern recognition.


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A large corpus of data obtained by means of empirical study of neuromuscular adaptation is currently of limited use to athletes and their coaches. One of the reasons lies in the unclear direct practical utility of many individual trials. This paper introduces a mathematical model of adaptation to resistance training, which derives its elements from physiological fundamentals on the one side, and empirical findings on the other. The key element of the proposed model is what is here termed the athlete’s capability profile. This is a generalization of length and velocity dependent force production characteristics of individual muscles, to an exercise with arbitrary biomechanics. The capability profile, a two-dimensional function over the capability plane, plays the central role in the proposed model of the training-adaptation feedback loop. Together with a dynamic model of resistance the capability profile is used in the model’s predictive stage when exercise performance is simulated using a numerical approximation of differential equations of motion. Simulation results are used to infer the adaptational stimulus, which manifests itself through a fed back modification of the capability profile. It is shown how empirical evidence of exercise specificity can be formulated mathematically and integrated in this framework. A detailed description of the proposed model is followed by examples of its application—new insights into the effects of accommodating loading for powerlifting are demonstrated. This is followed by a discussion of the limitations of the proposed model and an overview of avenues for future work.


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EMAp - Escola de Matemática Aplicada


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We study the propagation of waves in an elastic tube filled with an inviscid fluid. We consider the case of inhomogeneity whose mechanical and geometrical properties vary in space. We deduce a system of equations of the Boussinesq type as describing the wave propagation in the tube. Numerical simulations of these equations show that inhomogeneities prevent separation of right-going from left-going waves. Then reflected and transmitted coefficients are obtained in the case of localized constriction and localized rigidity. Next we focus on wavetrains incident on various types of anomalous regions. We show that the existence of anomalous regions modifies the wavetrain patterns. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Let {μ(i)t}t≥0 ( i=1,2 ) be continuous convolution semigroups (c.c.s.) of probability measures on Aff(1) (the affine group on the real line). Suppose that μ(1)1=μ(2)1 . Assume furthermore that {μ(1)t}t≥0 is a Gaussian c.c.s. (in the sense that its generating distribution is a sum of a primitive distribution and a second-order differential operator). Then μ(1)t=μ(2)t for all t≥0 . We end up with a possible application in mathematical finance.


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A hierarchy of enzyme-catalyzed positive feedback loops is examined by mathematical and numerical analysis. Four systems are described, from the simplest, in which an enzyme catalyzes its own formation from an inactive precursor, to the most complex, in which two sequential feedback loops act in a cascade. In the latter we also examine the function of a long-range feedback, in which the final enzyme produced in the second loop activates the initial step in the first loop. When the enzymes generated are subject to inhibition or inactivation, all four systems exhibit threshold properties akin to excitable systems like neuron firing. For those that are amenable to mathematical analysis, expressions are derived that relate the excitation threshold to the kinetics of enzyme generation and inhibition and the initial conditions. For the most complex system, it was expedient to employ numerical simulation to demonstrate threshold behavior, and in this case long-range feedback was seen to have two distinct effects. At sufficiently high catalytic rates, this feedback is capable of exciting an otherwise subthreshold system. At lower catalytic rates, where the long-range feedback does not significantly affect the threshold, it nonetheless has a major effect in potentiating the response above the threshold. In particular, oscillatory behavior observed in simulations of sequential feedback loops is abolished when a long-range feedback is present.