985 resultados para line efficiency
This industrial based research project was undertaken for British Leyland and arose as a result of poor system efficiency on the Maxi and Marina vehicle body build lines. The major factors in the deterioration of system efficiency were identified as: a) The introduction of a 'Gateline' system of vehicle body build. b) The degeneration of a newly introduced measured daywork payment scheme. By relating the conclusions of past work on payment systems to the situation at Cowley, it was concluded that a combination of poor industrial relations and a lack of managerial control had caused the measured daywork scheme to degenerate into a straightforward payment for time at work. This ellminated the monetary incentive to achieve schedule with the consequence that both inefficiency and operating costs increased. To analyse further the cause of inefficiency, a study of Marina gateline stoppage logs was carried out. This revealed that poor system efficiency on the gateline was caused more by the nature of its design than poor reliability on individual items of' plant. The consideration given to system efficiency at the design stage was found to be negligible, the main obstacles being: a) A lack of understanding pertaining to the influence of certain design factors on the efficiency of a production line. b) The absence of data and techniques to predict system efficiency at the design stage. To remedy this situation, a computer simulation study of' the design factors was carried out from which relationships with system efficiency were established and empirical efficiency equations developed. Sets of tables were compiled from the equations and efficiency data relevant to vehicle body building established from the gateline stoppage logs. Computer simulation, the equations and the tables,when used in conjunction. with good efficiency data, are shown to be accurate methods of predicting production line system.efficiency.
Today’s highly competitive market influences the manufacturing industry to improve their production systems to become the optimal system in the shortest cycle time as possible. One of most common problems in manufacturing systems is the assembly line balancing problem. The assembly line balancing problem involves task assignments to workstations with optimum line efficiency. The line balancing technique, namely “COMSOAL”, is an abbreviation of “Computer Method for Sequencing Operations for Assembly Lines”. Arcus initially developed the COMSOAL technique in 1966 [1], and it has been mainly applied to solve assembly line balancing problems [6]. The most common purposes of COMSOAL are to minimise idle time, optimise production line efficiency, and minimise the number of workstations. Therefore, this project will implement COMSOAL to balance an assembly line in the motorcycle industry. The new solution by COMSOAL will be used to compare with the previous solution that was developed by Multi‐Started Neighborhood Search Heuristic (MSNSH), which will result in five aspects including cycle time, total idle time, line efficiency, average daily productivity rate, and the workload balance. The journal name “Optimising and simulating the assembly line balancing problem in a motorcycle manufacturing company: a case study” will be used as the case study for this project [5].
A Guide to Office Clerical Time Standards is an instructional performance piece based on a corporate manual from 1960. The pamphlet is focused on the time necessary for the accomplishment of minute labour procedures in the office, from the depressing and releasing of typewriter keys to the opening and closing of filing cabinet drawers. In the performance, seven costumed performers represent the different levels of management and employment while performing the actions described in the guide, accompanied by a live musical score. There has been much discussion of the changes to work in the west following the decline of post-Fordist service sector jobs. These increasingly emphasise the specificity of employees’ knowledge and cognitive skill. However, this greater flexibility and creativity at work has been accompanied by an opposite trajectory. The proletarisation of white collar work has given rise to more bureaucracy, target assessment and control for workers in previously looser creative professions, from academia to the arts. The midcentury office is the meeting point of these cultures, where the assembly line efficiency management of the factory meets the quantifying control of the knowledge economy. A Guide to Office Clerical Time Standards explores the survival of one regime into its successor following the lines of combined and uneven development that have turned the emancipatory promise of immaterial labour into the perma-temp hell of the cognitariat. The movement is accompanied by a score of guitar, bass and drums, the componenets of the rock ‘n’ roll music that rose from the car factories of the motor city and the cotton fields of the southern states to represent the same junction of expression and control.
Dance-fight-game, art, religiosity, therapy, entertainment, ritual act, in short, "a way of being", are some of the various definitions/qualities attributed to the afro-brazilian cultural manifestation called "Capoeira Angola". Multivocal polysemic in its essence, Capoeira Angola is expressed in different languages which ranges from the types of touches of the musical instruments that make up the orchestra, through different types of songs, until we get the non-verbal communication established by the bodies of "capoeiristas" in the game and/or in the training body situation. The aim of this paper is to think of the line drawing in space, a significant problem in the execution of body movements of this practice. To address the relationship between line, efficiency and aesthetics of body movements, it is developed an ethnography in the Academy of João Pequeno de Pastinha-Sports Center of Capoeira Angola, based on anthropological interpretative approach, in which the concept of culture is semiotic.
A series of experimental hand-line fishing operations were conducted off the Madras coast employing five different types of natural fish baits. Based on the total catch of fish per day of fishing under each type of bait used, a comparative study on the catching efficiency of the different natural fish-baits was made. The reaction of the fish to particular bait appears to be the result of a complex process. Live baits have the maximum catching efficiency as seen from the fish landings when live prawns were employed as the bait. The procurement of live baits is a serious problem to the fishermen and as such suitable artificial fish lures can be profitably employed.
Butt joint line-defect-waveguide microlasers are demonstrated on photonic crystal slabs with airholes in a triangular lattice. Such microlaser is designed to increase the output power from the waveguide edge directly. The output power is remarkably enhanced to 214 times higher by introducing chirped structure in the output waveguide. The lasing mode operates in the linear dispersion region of the output waveguide so that the absorption loss due to the band-edge effect is reduced. The laser resonance is illustrated theoretically using the finite difference time domain method. A practical high power efficiency of 20% is obtained in this microlaser. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Experimental assessments of the modified power-combining Class-E amplifier are described. The technique used to combine the output of individual power amplifiers (PAs) into an unbalanced load without the need for bulky transformers permits the use of small RF chokes useful for the deployment in the EER transmitter. The modified output load network of the PA results in excellent 50 dBc and 46 dBc second and third-harmonic suppressions, dispensing the need for additional lossy filtering block. Operating from a 3.2 V dc supply voltage, the PA exhibits 64% drain efficiency at 24 dBm output power. Over a wide bandwidth of 350 MHz, drain efficiency of better than 60% at output power higher than 22 dBm were achieved. © 2010 IEICE Institute of Electronics Informati.
This article is devoted to the research of channel efficiency for IP-traffic transmission over Digital Power Line Carrier channels. The application of serial WAN connections and header compression as methods to increase channel efficiency is considered. According to the results of the research an effective solution for network traffic transmission in DPLC networks was proposed.
The drug busulphan is known to be cytotoxic to migrating primordial germ cells (PGCs). A technique is described in which doses of 0, 25, 50 and 250 micrograms busulphan in 40 microliters sesame oil were injected into the yolk of White Leghorn eggs incubated for 0, 24, 48 and 72 h. The percentage survival values of these embryos showed that the older the embryo at the time of injection, the greater the survival. Increasing the dose of busulphan decreased the survival. The percentage of embryos showing abnormalities increased with higher doses of busulphan. The number of germ cells in histological sections from gonads of 16-day embryos was estimated and in embryos treated with 50 micrograms and 250 micrograms busulphan the number of germ cells was significantly less than in the controls. Eggs were injected with 50 micrograms busulphan at 24-30 h, and at 50-55 h the embryos received an intravascular injection of a germinal crescent cell suspension containing PGCs from Rhode Island Red embryos. Twenty hatchlings from these experiments were raised to sexual maturity. All these birds were fertile and half of the breeding groups producing offspring from the transferred germ cells at a rate of about 35% of the total. The technique would improve the efficiency of producing transgenic gametes.
Tutkittu yritys on suomalainen maaleja ja lakkoja kansainvälisesti valmistava ja myyvä toimija. Yrityksessä otettiin vuonna 2010 käyttöön uudet tuotannon ja toimitusketjun tavoitteet ja suunnitelmat ja tämä tutkimus on osa tuota kokonaisvaltaista kehittämissuuntaa. Tutkimuksessa käsitellään tuotannon ja kunnossapidon tehokkuuden parantamis- ja mittaustyökalu OEE:tä ja tuotevaihtoaikojen pienentämiseen tarkoitettua SMED -työkalua. Työn teoriaosuus perustuu lähinnä akateemisiin julkaisuihin, mutta myös haastatteluihin, kirjoihin, internet sivuihin ja yhteen vuosikertomukseen. Empiriaosuudessa OEE:n käyttöönoton ongelmia ja onnistumista tutkittiin toistettavalla käyttäjäkyselyllä. OEE:n potentiaalia ja käyttöönottoa tutkittiin myös tarkastelemalla tuotanto- ja käytettävyysdataa, jota oli kerätty tuotantolinjalta. SMED:iä tutkittiin siihen perustuvan tietokoneohjelman avulla. SMED:iä tutkittiin teoreettisella tasolla, eikä sitä implementoitu vielä käytäntöön. Tutkimustuloksien mukaan OEE ja SMED sopivat hyvin esimerkkiyritykselle ja niissä on paljon potentiaalia. OEE ei ainoastaan paljasta käytettävyyshäviöiden määrää, mutta myös niiden rakenteen. OEE -tulosten avulla yritys voi suunnata rajalliset tuotannon ja kunnossapidon parantamisen resurssit oikeisiin paikkoihin. Työssä käsiteltävä tuotantolinja ei tuottanut mitään 56 % kaikesta suunnitellusta tuotantoajasta huhtikuussa 2016. Linjan pysähdyksistä ajallisesti 44 % johtui vaihto-, aloitus- tai lopetustöistä. Tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että käytettävyyshäviöt ovat vakava ongelma yrityksen tuotannontehokkuudessa ja vaihtotöiden vähentäminen on tärkeä kehityskohde. Vaihtoaikaa voitaisiin vähentää ~15 % yksinkertaisilla ja halvoilla SMED:illä löydetyillä muutoksilla työjärjestyksessä ja työkaluissa. Parannus olisi vielä suurempi kattavimmilla muutoksilla. SMED:in suurin potentiaali ei välttämättä ole vaihtoaikojen lyhentämisessä vaan niiden standardisoinnissa.
‘Practice makes perfect’ expresses the common misconception that repetitive practice without appropriate feed-back will deliver improvement in tasks being practised. This paper explores the implementation of a student-driven feed-back mechanism and shows how functional and aesthetic understanding can be progressively enhanced through reflective practice. More efficient practice of clearly understood tasks will enhance dance training outcomes. We were looking for ways to improve teaching efficiency, effectiveness of the students’ practice in the studio and application of safe dance practices. We devised a web-based on-line format, ‘Performing Reflective Practice’, designed to augment and refine studio practice. Only perfect practice makes perfect!
In recent years, development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) has become a significant growing segment of the global aviation industry. These vehicles are developed with the intention of operating in regions where the presence of onboard human pilots is either too risky or unnecessary. Their popularity with both the military and civilian sectors have seen the use of UAVs in a diverse range of applications, from reconnaissance and surveillance tasks for the military, to civilian uses such as aid relief and monitoring tasks. Efficient energy utilisation on an UAV is essential to its functioning, often to achieve the operational goals of range, endurance and other specific mission requirements. Due to the limitations of the space available and the mass budget on the UAV, it is often a delicate balance between the onboard energy available (i.e. fuel) and achieving the operational goals. This thesis presents an investigation of methods for increasing the energy efficiency on UAVs. One method is via the development of a Mission Waypoint Optimisation (MWO) procedure for a small fixed-wing UAV, focusing on improving the onboard fuel economy. MWO deals with a pre-specified set of waypoints by modifying the given waypoints within certain limits to achieve its optimisation objectives of minimising/maximising specific parameters. A simulation model of a UAV was developed in the MATLAB Simulink environment, utilising the AeroSim Blockset and the in-built Aerosonde UAV block and its parameters. This simulation model was separately integrated with a multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) optimiser and a Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) solver to perform single-objective and multi-objective optimisation procedures of a set of real-world waypoints in order to minimise the onboard fuel consumption. The results of both procedures show potential in reducing fuel consumption on a UAV in a ight mission. Additionally, a parallel Hybrid-Electric Propulsion System (HEPS) on a small fixedwing UAV incorporating an Ideal Operating Line (IOL) control strategy was developed. An IOL analysis of an Aerosonde engine was performed, and the most efficient (i.e. provides greatest torque output at the least fuel consumption) points of operation for this engine was determined. Simulation models of the components in a HEPS were designed and constructed in the MATLAB Simulink environment. It was demonstrated through simulation that an UAV with the current HEPS configuration was capable of achieving a fuel saving of 6.5%, compared to the ICE-only configuration. These components form the basis for the development of a complete simulation model of a Hybrid-Electric UAV (HEUAV).