983 resultados para internal corporate claims


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The Delaware legislature has taken steps towards the adoption of amendments to the Delaware General Corporation Law (DGCL) that would prohibit fee shifting provisions in the articles and bylaws. The language in the legislative proposal, however, addresses fee shifting provisions only in the context of "internal corporate claims." Some have raised concerns that this language would allow for fee shifting provisions that applied to other types of actions, including at least some cases brought under the securities laws. This piece suggests that in fact the Delaware General Corporation Law already prohibits the adoption of bylaws and certificate provisions that apply to causes of action unrelated to internal corporate claims. As a result, there was no reason for the Delaware legislature to expressly bar fee shifting provisions in these types of actions.


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Purpose – The objective of this research is to develop and describe a conceptual framework of corporate ethics in total quality management (TQM).

Design/methodology/approach –
The research is based on a summarised in-depth and longitudinal case illustration. The summarised case describes corporate ethics in an intra-corporate relationship.

Findings –
TQM requires human resources and failing to care for them will affect accordingly the success of TQM. The case description illustrates the evolution of management versus employee expectations and perceptions of corporate ethics. It has an emphasis on the human resources of a company that strives towards TQM. As the quality of corporate ethics decreases the outcome of TQM is also affected (i.e. directly or indirectly). The case is initialised in an atmosphere of management and employee optimism and positivism of corporate ethics, which is a requisite from both parties in order to ensure prosperous TQM. The successive change towards pessimism and negativism of corporate ethics in the intra-corporate relationship concludes the in-depth case description.

Research limitations/implications – Four parameters of corporate ethics are used to incorporate corporate ethics into TQM, namely management versus employee expectations and perceptions. Internal corporate quality management should always be regarded as dependent upon the achieved equilibrium between management and employee perceptions. It is also dependent upon the derived equilibrium between management and employee previous expectations.

Practical implications –
An important insight of this research is that TQM requires the continuous attention to the management versus employee expectations and perceptions inherent in corporate ethics of internal business operations. Furthermore, corporate ethics is complementary to business ethics.

Originality/value – The case description has shown that TQM may be running well and accomplishing the hard goals. However, TQM is not only about figures, profits and costs. It is also a business approach that should penetrate all activities inside and outside that are related to the company, including the soft issues.


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The aim in this study is to discover the nature and extent of corporate governance in listed companies in Thailand. This includes a consideration of theoretical underpinning for amendments made to the western models of corporate governance that have been implemented by Thai listed companies, and of the effect of corporate governance principles on financial information, including financial reports, used by stakeholders in Thai listed companies. The results in this study show that after the Asian financial crisis corporate governance in Thailand improved especially in enforcement and disclosure, and outside/independent directors and professional organisations are playing leading roles in that process. Better corporate governance has resulted from improved internal corporate governance mechanisms and enhanced accounting standards, information disclosure, and auditing standards. New and up-dated rules, new and revised laws, and increased regulation are in the forefront of improved corporate governance. Process-related activities like monitoring, supervising, enforcing, and higher awareness have increased. Moreover, corporate governance practices are now in the spotlight throughout the financial and investment markets.


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Mestrado em Ciências Empresariais


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O planeamento estratégico é uma ferramenta usada pelas empresas, como forma de contribuir para a melhoria do seu desempenho, preconizando a concretização de objetivos. A comunicação organizacional interna é um o instrumento que, para além de traduzir uma mensagem enviada aos vários indivíduos da empresa, ajuda a interpretação dessa mensagem. Este estudo tem como objetivo perceber se, o planeamento estratégico pode ser um instrumento de melhoria conceptual e de gestão da comunicação organizacional interna. Neste trabalho utilizamos uma metodologia de estudo de caso único, suportada através do método qualitativo, com recurso a entrevistas, e do método quantitativo, através de questionários estruturados. As entrevistas aos quadros superiores da empresa foram realizadas com recuso a uma análise de conteúdo, verificando-se ser de extrema importância para a gestão, tanto o planeamento estratégico, como a comunicação interna. Os instrumentos de medida usados permitiram concluir que existem, ainda, algumas lacunas de planeamento e comunicação da empresa analisada. Da análise do caso em estudo é percetível que o planeamento estratégico, como a comunicação organizacional interna, são instrumentos usados com um nível de sucesso suficiente para colocar a empresa no rumo certo e estável de mercado. Por último, entendemos que no âmbito da conciliação dos dois temas, o planeamento estratégico facilita uma comunicação mais fluída, podendo, assim, ser um instrumento de melhoria da comunicação interna. Como limitações deste trabalho relatamos, em especial, a necessária precaução da generalização dos resultados obtidos e a dificuldade em realizar uma análise mais ampla na discussão de resultados, devido aos parcos trabalhos internacionais e, sobretudo, nacionais. A principal originalidade deste estudo decorre de ser utilizada uma análise com triangulação metodológica e o facto de a unidade de análise em estudo ser uma empresa líder na sua área de negócio e setor.


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The intrinsic forces of market aiming for telecom industry convergence has arrived to Brazil. This case presents real characters, a sequence of events and other public information that has been impacting two corporations studied in this case. TIM Brazil and Oi S.A, two top players in the Brazilian telecom industry mobile and fixed segment respectively. While a merge between the two of them looks perfect and simple in an operational perspective due to its vertical complementarity, bring to them opportunities to win over a bundle offer (multi service package) that will consolidate their market predominance. Macroeconomic and internal corporate contrasts between these companies’ environment might signal that an impulsive could have a high price to pay in the future.


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Des données de Statistique Canada montrent que le Québec a perdu 86 700 emplois manufacturiers nets entre 2004 et 2008, ce qui représente un recul de 13,8% (Bernard, 2009). Un dollar canadien fort, la concurrence internationale, les délocalisations de la production et les consolidations globales d'opérations sont souvent mentionnés comme étant les causes des difficultés du secteur manufacturier canadien - principalement concentré au Québec et en Ontario. La crise financière amorcée à l’été 2007, a contribué à aggraver la crise propre au secteur manufacturier dont les origines remontent au début des années 2000 (Weir, 2007; AgirE, 2008; Pilat et al., 2006). Cette recherche examine le processus de restructuration du secteur manufacturier québécois de manière détaillée au niveau des établissements afin d’en évaluer l’ampleur et la nature entre 2003 et 2008. Les données colligées permettent de poser un regard unique et original sur les restructurations ayant impliqué des licenciements collectifs au Québec. Ces données sont issues de deux sources. D'abord, nous avons utilisé une liste d‘entreprises qui ont envoyé un avis de licenciement collectif au Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale du Québec entre 2003 et 2008. En second lieu, nous avons eu recours aux archives en ligne des médias pour trouver d’autres évènements de restructuration non rapportés par le ministère ainsi que pour obtenir des informations complémentaires sur les évènements déjà compilés dans la liste du ministère. Notre méthodologie de recherche et notre typologie analytique des types de restructuration sont basées sur celles développées par l’European Monitoring Center on Change (EMCC) et reprises dans certaines études comme celles de Bronfenbrenner et Luce (2004) et Hickey et Schenk (soumis). Les résultats, présentés en termes d’événements de restructuration et d’emplois perdus, sont ventilés en fonction de quelques variables (année d’occurrence, taille de l’établissement, sous-secteur d’activité, intensité technologique, région administrative, types de restructuration). Les raisons données par l’entreprise afin de justifier la restructuration ont aussi été colligées. Au cours de la période étudiée, nous avons identifié au total 1 631 évènements de restructurations dans le secteur manufacturier à travers toutes les régions du Québec, qui ont entraîné la perte de 129 383 emplois. Ainsi, 78 246 emplois ont été perdus suite à la réduction des activités de l‘établissement et 51 137 emplois l’ont été suite à la fermeture de leur établissement. La forme la plus fréquente de restructuration est la restructuration interne, suivi par la faillite/fermeture. Les types de restructuration qui ont engendré le plus de pertes d’emplois en moyenne par évènement sont dans l’ordre, la délocalisation, la sous-traitance, la consolidation d’activités ainsi que la fusion-acquisition. L’année 2008 fut celle où il y a eu le plus grand nombre de restructurations. Montréal et la Montérégie sont les régions qui ont le plus été touchées par la restructuration, les pertes d’emplois et les fermetures d’établissements. Les industries à faible intensité technologique ont davantage été frappées par la crise manufacturière. C’est le sous-secteur du papier et du bois qui connu le plus grand nombre d’événements de restructurations. Ce sous-secteur a aussi subi les pertes d’emplois les plus importantes, suivi par le sous-secteur du textile et du vêtement. Ces deux industries se partagent plus de la moitié des fermetures d’établissements. L’insuffisance de la demande (22,1%), la concurrence internationale (14,3%), la hausse de la valeur du dollar canadien (11,2%), la réorganisation interne de l’entreprise (11,1%), la rationalisation des coûts visant une augmentation de la profitabilité (10,1%) ainsi que les difficultés financières (9,9%) sont les motifs principaux donnés par les employeurs. Nos résultats montrent qu’il y a eu deux temps dans l’évolution de la restructuration du secteur manufacturier au Québec. Un premier temps au début de la période où des changements structurels profonds ont été observés dans certaines industries (p.ex. le bois-papier et le textile-vêtement) et un second temps, en fin de période caractérisé par des changements davantage liés à la conjoncture en raison de la crise économique dont les effets commençaient à se faire sentir à ce moment (Institut de la statistique du Québec, 2009a).


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Selon Max Weber, seul l’État (moderne) dispose de l’exercice légitime de la contrainte physique. Il est le seul qui puisse légitimement garantir des droits subjectifs qu’il énonce directement ou indirectement. Toutefois, avec l’arrivée du 21e siècle, caractérisée par le retour du pluralisme juridique et la multiplication des instances juridiques et politiques, le monopole étatique de la contrainte légitime devient menacé. Weber, reconnaissant la présence de multiples sphères de droit extra-étatique, affirme que l’ordre juridique existe partout où existe un certain type d’entité sociale destiné à l’exercice de la contrainte juridique. À ce propos, le droit interne de l’entreprise, qui est un droit appliqué par l’entrepreneur indépendamment du droit de l’État, exerce la contrainte la plus puissante. C'est à propos de ce droit que l’auteur se penche dans cette étude pour nous décrire un droit du travail qui est d’abord caractérisé par un quasi-absentéisme juridique et étatique et également par la prévalence du pluralisme juridique, mais où l’intervention de l’État reste un phénomène relativement récent.


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A través de un caso de estudio se explora cómo la construcción de sentido de un grupo de directivos, bajo una misma inspiración, generó el inicio de un cambio estratégico en una prestigiosa y reconocida universidad colombiana, la Universidad del Rosario. Una institución que en un momento determinado notó que estaba siendo percibida dentro del sector de la educación superior como pequeña, estática en el avance de algunas disciplinas del conocimiento y conservadora; en otras palabras, que estaba perdiendo el reconocimiento que usualmente la había acompañado. A través del estudio de este caso se utilizó la técnica de análisis de discurso para comprender la construcción de sentido del inicio de un cambio estratégico en las organizaciones. Esta técnica permitió analizar la información cualitativa derivada de las entrevistas que se realizaron en profundidad a la cúpula de directivos de la institución y a algunos destacados representantes del sector de la Educación Superior en Colombia. Los resultados sugieren que se hicieron presentes, efectivamente, algunas condiciones específicas que marcaron el inicio de un cambio estratégico en la institución y un viraje en su identidad e imagen. Hechos que se sustentaron en los miembros de un equipo que procuró interpretar y comprender los cambios existentes en el entorno global y local, y asimilar, igualmente, algunos destacados retos que se planteaban por aquella época, al interior de la propia Universidad


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This study focuses on the network embeddedness of a subsidiary of a multinational company. Academic research has identified the rising role of geographically dispersed subsidiaries as valuable sources of strategic knowledge and value to the whole multinational company. Moreover, previous research suggests that in order to gather this knowledge and transfer it across the multinational company, a subsidiary needs to be insider, i.e. embedded, in both its local external network as well as in its internal corporate network. The purpose of this study is to describe the network embeddedness of a foreign sales subsidiary from the subsidiary personnel perspective and hence increase understanding on the phenomenon and provide suggestions to enhance overall subsidiary embeddedness. The empirical study was based on a theoretical framework on subsidiary network embeddedness and comprised a qualitative single-case study in a French sales subsidiary of a Nordic multinational company. Data collection included nine semi-structured interviews and six Network Pictures drawing tasks. Altogether eight people out of subsidiary staff of eleven participated in the study providing relatively exhaustive overview of the subsidiary personnel perspective. Based on the collected data, the relationships toward the most relevant network actors, both internal and external were identified and their impact on the subsidiary embeddedness were analyzed separately. Moreover, the subsidiary’s simultaneous embeddedness in both internal and external network, that is, the subsidiary dual embeddedness, was discussed to increase understanding how subsidiary personnel perceive their role between the two networks and its impact on the subsidiary activities. The findings of the study suggest that the subsidiary personnel perceives strong external embeddedness increasing internal and dual-embeddedness since intensive external collaboration requires including and activating other corporate units as well. The role of the local sales subsidiary is to act as the interpreter and connector between the internal and external network actors. Hence, by actively promoting relationship linkages between internal and external actors, the subsidiary may adopt an active role beyond its original corporate mandate. In order to achieve this, both managers on the subsidiary and corporate level need to promote open communication and increase cultural understanding between different corporate units.


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There has, in recent decades, been considerable scholarship regarding the moral aspects of corporate governance,and differences in corporate governance practices around the world have been widely documented and investigated. In such a context, the claims associated with moral relativism are relevant. The purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed consideration of how the metaethical and normative claims of moral relativism in particular can be applied to corporate governance. This objective is achieved, firstly, by reviewing what is meant by metaethical moral relativism and identifying two ways in which the metaethical claim can be assessed. The possibility of a single, morally superior model of corporate governance is subsequently considered through an analysis of prominent works justifying the shareholder and stakeholder approaches, together with a consideration of academic agreement in this area. The paper then draws on the work of Wong (Moral relativity, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1984, A companion to ethics, Blackwell, Malden, 1993, Natural moralities: A defense of pluralistic relativism,Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006), firstly in providing an argument supporting metaethical moral relativism and secondly regarding values of tolerance and/or accommodation that can contribute to the normative claim. The paper concludes by proposing an argument that it is morally wrong to impose a model of corporate governance where there are differences in moral judgements relevant to corporate governance, or to interfere with a model in similar circumstances, and closes with consideration of the argument’s implications.


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Research in the late 1980s showed that in many corporate real estates users were not fully aware of the full extent of their property holdings. In many cases, not only was the value of the holdings unknown, but there was uncertainty over the actual extent of ownership within the portfolio. This resulted in a large number of corporate occupiers reviewing their property holdings during the 1990s, initially to create a definitive asset register, but also to benefit from an more efficient use of space. Good management of corporately owned property assets is of equal importance as the management of other principal resources within the company. A comprehensive asset register can be seen as the first step towards a rational property audit. For the effective, efficient and economic delivery of services, it is vital that all property holdings are utilised to the best advantage. This requires that the property provider and the property user are both fully conversant with the value of the property holding and that an asset/internal rent/charge is made accordingly. The advantages of internal rent charging are twofold. Firstly, it requires the occupying department to “contribute” an amount to the business equivalent to the open market rental value of the space that it occupies. This prevents the treating of space as a free good and, as individual profit centres, each department will then rationalise its holdings to minimise its costs. The second advantage is from a strategic viewpoint. By charging an asset rent, the holding department can identify the performance of its real estate holdings. This can then be compared to an internal or external benchmark to help determine whether the company has adopted the most efficient tenure pattern for its properties. This paper investigates the use of internal rents by UK-based corporate businesses and explains internal rents as a form of transfer pricing in the context of management and responsibility accounting. The research finds that the majority of charging organisations introduced internal rents primarily to help calculate true profits at the business unit level. However, less than 10% of the charging organisations introduced internal rents primarily to capture the return on assets within the business. There was also a sizeable element of the market who had no plans to introduce internal rents. Here, it appears that, despite academic and professional views that internal rents are beneficial in improving the efficient use of property, opinion at the business and operational level has not universally accepted this proposition.


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This research report is based on a study undertaken in Australia, and aims to evaluate the role of internal audit in corporate governance and management. It identifies the accountability structures and objectives of internal audit, considers the nature of internal audit functions and the extent of application of The Institute of Internal Auditors Standards of Professional Practice, reviews the relationships of the chief audit executives (CAEs) and assesses the nature of financial report risks and other issues covered by internal auditors. The research findings include a diversity of accountability structures for CAEs and a range of internal audit activities, with the application of the IIA Standards being in need of improvement. In conclusion, the researchers make recommendations for improvements in practice to be considered by The Institute of Internal Auditors and other regulating and governing bodies.


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Increasing pressure from the public has raised the expectations on corporations to be better citizens of their communities and society as a whole (Bennet 2002; Carroll 1999; Epstein 1989; Van Marrewijk 2003; Wood 1991). As a result, corporations have engaged in corporate social responsibility efforts with most of the subsequent research focused on its impact on consumer response (e.g., attitudes, behaviours, etc.) (Bhattacharya & Sen 2001, 2004; Porter & Kramer 2002). Similarly, research interest on corporate social responsibility in the sport industry has risen, yet no research studies have explored the influence and perceptions about corporate social responsibility of important internal constituents (employees and volunteers) of sport organisations. Particular interest would be in uncovering what employees and volunteers specifically believe are important among CSR elements (ethical, discretionary, legal, economic) and what impact a sense of 'shared CSR values' with the respective sport organisation would have on employee and volunteer response. Will understanding how shared social values influence organisational commitment provide insight on recruitment, retention and/or development strategies of employees and volunteers? Further, assessing any difference in sensemaking between these two groups would be of additional value to this line of enquiry, as the perceptions of the organisation are understood as "tantamount to reality, since organisations are social constructions made up of and acting in accordance with shared perceptions," (Brickson 2007, p. 865) particularly those of employees and volunteers of sport organisations. With increasing academic and industry interest of corporate social responsibility in sport and to address the obvious gap on CSR and employees and volunteers in the literature, the present study will explore how CSR impacts internal constituents (employees and volunteers) of sport organisations. Specifically, the main purpose of the present study is to assess the level of perceived shared values as they related to CSR (measured as corporate social orientation) between employees- organisation and volunteers- organisation. Further, the influence of the level of perceived shared corporate social orientation (CSO) on organisational identification will be evaluated in the context of a proposed model, which includes the relationship of perceived shared corporate social orientation>organisational identification> attitudinal and behavioural outcomes (i.e., commitment, satisfaction, and organisational behaviour). Using a sample of employees and volunteers of a sport organisation, the respondents will be asked to complete an online survey composed of demographic items, the corporate social orientation scale, and items that measure organisational identification, value commitment, job/ volunteer satisfaction, and organisational citizenship behaviours. Discussion of how other stakeholder (e.g., sponsors, consumers, etc.) perceptions on CSR potentially impacts the model and outcomes (e.g., corporate reputation, consumer behaviour) will be addressed. Analyses and results will support discussion and conclusions made to provide evidence for practitioner and researcher implications.