949 resultados para comparative approaches


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This paper examines the most recent version of the Australian Curriculum: History F-10. It does so in two ways. First, it explores some of the strengths and weaknesses of this curriculum with reference to the decision to frame aspects of Australian history within the context of a world history approach. Whilst the positioning of Indigenous Histories is applauded, the curriculum’s lack of attention to the significance of the recent history of Australia’s Asian neighbours, and Australia’s relationship with them, is critiqued. This part of the paper also emphasises the need for comparative approaches and calls for greater emphasis on providing students with opportunities to critique and contest the construction of narratives about the past. Second, the paper introduces four invited articles that examine different aspects of the Australian Curriculum: History. Collectively these papers reiterate the significance of the richness of integrated and child-centred approaches and the importance of developing historical thinking, empathy and the historical imagination in the classroom.


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Thi paper writer examines the most recent version of the Australian Curriculum: History F-10. It does so in two ways. First, it explores some of the strengths and weaknesses of this curriculum with reference to the decision to frame aspects of Australian history within the context of a world history approach. Whilst the positioning of Indigenous Histories is applauded, the curriculum’s lack of attention to the significance of the recent history of Australia’s Asian neighbours, and Australia’s relationship with them, is critiqued. This part of the paper also emphasises the need for comparative approaches and calls for greater emphasis on providing students with opportunities to critique and contest the construction of narratives about the past. Second, the paper introduces four invited articles that examine different aspects of the Australian Curriculum: History. Collectively these papers reiterate the significance of the richness of integrated and child-centred approaches and the importance of developing historical thinking, empathy and the historical imagination in the classroom.


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Foreword [pdf, < 0.1 MB] Acknowledgements PHASE 1 [pdf, 0.2 MB] Summary of the PICES/NPRB Workshop on Forecasting Climate Impacts on Future Production of Commercially Exploited Fish and Shellfish (July 19–20, 2007, Seattle, U.S.A.) Background Links to Other Programs Workshop Format Session I. Status of climate change scenarios in the PICES region Session II. What are the expected impacts of climate change on regional oceanography and what are some scenarios for these drivers for the next 10 years? Session III. Recruitment forecasting Session IV. What models are out there? How is climate linked to the model? Session V. Assumptions regarding future fishing scenarios and enhancement activities Session VI Where do we go from here? References Appendix 1.1 List of Participants PHASE 2 [pdf, 0.7 MB] Summary of the PICES/NPRB Workshop on Forecasting Climate Impacts on Future Production of Commercially Exploited Fish and Shellfish (October 30, 2007, Victoria, Canada) Background Workshop Agenda Forecast Feasibility Format of Information Modeling Approaches Coupled bio-physical models Stock assessment projection models Comparative approaches Similarities in Data Requests Opportunities for Coordination with Other PICES Groups and International Efforts BACKGROUND REPORTS PREPARED FOR THE PHASE 2 WORKSHOP Northern California Current (U.S.) groundfish production by Melissa Haltuch Changes in sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) recruitment in relation to oceanographic conditions by Michael J. Schirripa Northern California Current (British Columbia) Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) production by Caihong Fu and Richard Beamish Northern California Current (British Columbia) sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) production by Richard Beamish Northern California Current (British Columbia) pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and chum (O. keta) salmon production by Richard Beamish Northern California Current (British Columbia) ocean shrimp (Pandalus jordani) production by Caihong Fu Alaska salmon production by Anne Hollowed U.S. walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) production in the eastern Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska by Kevin Bailey and Anne Hollowed U.S. groundfish production in the eastern Bering Sea by Tom Wilderbuer U.S. crab production in the eastern Bering Sea by Gordon H. Kruse Forecasting Japanese commercially exploited species by Shin-ichi Ito, Kazuaki Tadokoro and Yasuhiro Yamanka Russian fish production in the Japan/East Sea by Yury Zuenko, Vladimir Nuzhdin and Natalia Dolganova Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) production in Korea by Sukyung Kang, Suam Kim and Hyunju Seo Jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) production in Korea by Jae Bong Lee and Chang-Ik Zhang Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) production in Korea by Jae Bong Lee, Sukyung Kang, Suam Kim, Chang-Ik Zhang and Jin Yeong Kim References Appendix 2.1 List of Participants PHASE 3 [pdf, < 0.1 MB] Summary of the PICES Workshop on Linking Global Climate Model Output to (a) Trends in Commercial Species Productivity and (b) Changes in Broader Biological Communities in the World’s Oceans (May 18, 2008, Gijón, Spain) Appendix 3.1 List of Participants Appendix 3.2 Workshop Agenda (Document contains 101 pages)


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Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, com abordagem descritiva e comparativa, que objetivou verificar a influência da consulta de enfermagem gerontológica no nível de adesão terapêutica dos clientes com doenças crônicas não-transmissíveis, acompanhados num ambulatório especializado. Como objetivo específico, buscou-se comparar o nível de adesão terapêutica, perfil sociodemografico e clínico entre o grupo de clientes acompanhados na consulta de enfermagem e o grupo dos não acompanhados. Este foi motivado pela práxis da autora em consultas gerontológica, onde foram percebidos obstáculos enfrentados por muitos clientes com adesão inadequada ao tratamento, acarretando dificuldades no controle de suas doenças, fato este ratificado pela literatura. Os resultados evidenciaram similaridade entre os perfis sociodemográficos, com prevalência de sexo feminino, baixa escolaridade e renda. O perfil clínico revelou, em ambos os grupos, alto índice de hipertensão, diabetes e depressão, destacando-se esta última por ser desfavorável ao comprometimento com o autocuidado. Por fim, verificou-se que os níveis de adesão terapêutica ficaram majoritariamente dentro da faixa estabelecida como adesão ampla, sem diferença expressiva entre os grupos. É relevante citar que, entre os acompanhados pela consulta de enfermagem, observou-se, um maior conhecimento sobre a doença em tratamento e suas manifestações, maior acesso aos medicamentos e auto percepção de conhecimentos sobre efeitos colaterais. Constatando-se que, este último achado, exerce grande influência na adesão ao tratamento farmacológico. Este desfecho reflete a importância de uma assistência sistematizada, embasada em uma teoria de enfermagem, que neste contexto, foi a teoria do autocuidado de Orem, utilizada previamente nas consultas de enfermagem do ambulatório investigado. Os resultados corroboram o uso desta teoria, especialmente numa perspectiva educativa da assistência ambulatorial. Diante disso, é mister buscar novas abordagens de pesquisa, a fim continuar a investigação sobre as contribuições da enfermagem para uma melhor adesão terapêutica dos clientes idosos. Finalmente, a autora espera cooperar para o aprimoramento científico nesta matéria e para uma progressiva qualificação da assistência de enfermagem na prevenção e controle de agravos à saúde.


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The research for this paper formed part of the European Science Foundation project on Representations of the Past: The Writing of National Histories in Europe. Using data generated by the project, the article traces the emergence of professional academic women historians in twentieth-century European universities. It argues that the marginalisation of women historians in academia until the 1980s led women history graduates to develop research-based careers outside the university. In particular, the ambiguous attitude of academic historians towards popular history writing opened up a space for the woman author. The article analyses the careers and writings of five historians who pursued very successful careers as authors of popular history in England, France, Ireland and Scotland. They were among the first 'public' historians.


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The specific identification and systematic of triatomines have been based fundamentally on morphological observations. These organisms are classified into complexes and specific subcomplexes, principally for morphological parameters and geographical disposition. The use of cytogenetic analyzes has been represented as a tool in systematic and taxonomy of triatomines. Thus, the present work, through the analysis of spermiogenesis, aims to characterize this stage of spermatogenesis in triatomines little studied, and especially to compare it among the species Triatoma lenti and T. sherlocki, to assist in the diagnosis of differentiation of these insects. The presence of the heteropyknotic corpuscle is shown as a diagnostic tool to differentiate T. sherlocki and T. lenti, since it is absent in T. lenti. The analysis of the spermiogenesis in T. sherlocki also allowed us to address morphological differences between elongating cells, which were relatively smaller and more filamentous when compared to T lenti. Furthermore, the flagellum was observed in all stages of cell differentiation and elongation. This structure, which helps in the locomotion of the sperm, is hardly observed in cytogenetic analysis, especially throughout spermiogenesis. Thus, although other comparative approaches should be taken, this paper allowed emphasizing the analysis of spermiogenesis as an important cytotaxonomic tool that assists in the differentiation of morphologically related species, such as T. lenti and T. sherlocki. © 2013 Académie des sciences.


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Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die vergleichende Sequenzierung und nachfolgende Analyse des syntänen chromosomalen Abschnitts auf dem kurzen Arm des humanen Chromosoms 11 in der Region 11p15.3 mit den Genen LMO1, TUB und dem orthologen Genomabschnitt der Maus auf Chromosom 7 F2. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführte Kartierung dieser beiden chromosomalen Bereiche ermöglichte die Komplettierung einer genomischen Karte auf insgesamt über eine Megabase, die im Kooperationssequenzierprojekt der Universitäts-Kinderklinik und dem Institut für Molekulargenetik in Mainz erstellt wurde. Mit Hilfe von 28 PAC- und Cosmid-Klonen konnten in dieser Arbeit 383 kb an genomischer DNA des Menschen und mit sechs BAC- und PAC-Klonen 412 kb an genomischer DNA der Maus dargestellt werden. Dies ermöglichte erstmals die exakte Festlegung der Reihenfolge der in diesem chromosomalen Abschnitt enthaltenen Gene und die genaue Kartierung von acht STS-Markern des Menschen, bzw. vier STS-Sonden der Maus. Es zeigte sich dabei, dass die chromosomale Orientierung telomer-/centromerwärts des orthologen Bereichs in der Maus im Vergleich zum Menschen in invertierter Ausrichtung vorliegt. Die Sequenzierung von drei humanen Klonen ermöglichte die Bestimmung von 319.119 bp an zusammenhängender genomischer DNA. Dadurch konnte die genaue Lokalisation und Strukturaufklärung der Gene LMO1, ein putatives Tumorsuppressorgen, das mit der Entstehung von Leukämien assoziiert ist, und TUB, ein Transkriptionsmodulator, der in die Fettstoffwechselregulation involviert ist, vorgenommen werden. Für das murine Genom wurden 412.827 bp an neuer DNA-Sequenz durch Sequenzierung von ebenfalls drei Klonen generiert. Der im Vergleich zum Menschen ca. 100 kb größere Genombereich beinhaltete zudem die neuen Gene Stk33 und Eif3. Es handelte sich dabei um zwei Gene, die erst im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entdeckt und charakterisiert wurden. Die parallele Bearbeitung beider Genombereiche ermöglichte eine umfassende komparative Analyse nach kodierenden, funktionellen und strukturgebenden Sequenzabschnitten in beiden Spezies. Es konnten dabei für beide Organismen die Exon-Intron-Strukturen der Gene LMO1/Lmo1 und TUB/Tub geklärt. Zudem konnten vier neue Exons und zwei neue speziesspezifischer Spleißvarianten für TUB/Tub beschrieben werden. Die Identifizierung dieser neuen Spleißvarianten offenbart neue Möglichkeiten für alternative Regulation und Funktion, oder für eine veränderte Proteinstruktur, die weitere Erklärungsansätze für die Entstehung der mit diesen Genen assoziierten Erkrankungen zulässt. In der sequenzierten, größeren Genomsequenz der Maus konnte in den flankierenden, nicht mit der sequenzierten Humansequenz überlappenden Bereich das neue Gen Eif3 in seiner Exon-Intron-Struktur und die beiden letzten Exons 11 und 12 des Gens Stk33 kartiert und charakterisiert werden. Die umfangreiche Sequenzanalyse beider sequenzierter Genombereiche ergab für den Abschnitt des Menschen insgesamt 229 potentielle Exonsequenzen und für den Bereich der Maus 527 mögliche Exonbereiche. Davon konnten beim Menschen explizit 21 Exons und bei der Maus 31 Exons als exprimierte Bereiche identifiziert und experimentell mittels RT-PCR, bzw. durch cDNA-Sequenzierung verifiziert werden. Diese Abschnitte beschrieben nicht nur die Exonbereiche der oben genannten vier Gene, sondern konnten auch neuen nicht weiter definierten EST-Sequenzen zugeordnet werden. Mittels des Interspeziesvergleiches war darüber hinaus auch die Analyse der nichtkodierenden Intergen-Bereiche möglich. So konnten beispielsweise im ersten Intron des LMO1/Lmo1 sieben Sequenzbereiche mit Konservierungen von ca. 90% bestimmt werden. Auch die Charakterisierung von Promotor- und putativ regulatorischen Sequenzabschnitten konnte mit Hilfe unterschiedlicher bioinformatischer Analyse-Tools durchgeführt werden. Die konservierten Sequenzbereiche der DNA zeigen im Durchschnitt eine Homologie von mehr als 65% auf. Auch die Betrachtung der Genomorganisation zeigte Gemeinsamkeiten, die sich meist nur in ihrer graduellen Ausprägung unterschieden. So weist ein knapp 80 kb großer Bereich proximal zum humanen TUB-Gen einen deutlich erhöhten AT-Gehalt auf, der ebenso im murinen Genom nur in verkürzter Version und schwächer ausgeprägt in Erscheinung tritt. Die zusätzliche Vergleichsanalyse mit einer weiteren Spezies, den orthologen Genomabschnitten von Fugu, zeigte, dass es sich bei den untersuchten Genen LMO1 und TUB um sehr konservierte und evolutiv alte Gene handelt, deren genomisches Organisationsmuster sich auch bei den paralogen Genfamilienmitglieder innerhalb derselben Spezies wiederfindet. Insgesamt konnte durch die Kartierung, Sequenzierung und Analyse eine umfassende Datenbasis für die betrachtete Genomregion und die beschriebenen Gene generiert werden, die für zukünftige Untersuchungen und Fragestellungen wertvolle Informationen bereithält.


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Este trabajo propone una comparación entre las características principales de los dos talleres metalúrgicos pioneros en la producción de instrumentos y equipamiento para bodegas y destilerías industriales, en los comienzos de la vitivinicultura moderna en Mendoza. Los socios catalanes Antonio Baldé y Gil Miret comenzaron en 1885 y el italiano Carlos Berri en 1888. Se presenta un panorama general sobre el equipamiento de los talleres y los objetos que producían, las características de la mano de obra, la formación metalúrgica de los propietarios, la inserción de las dos firmas en la región, una referencia a otras actividades económicas desarrolladas por los empresarios y algunas cuestiones complementarias.


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Este trabajo propone una comparación entre las características principales de los dos talleres metalúrgicos pioneros en la producción de instrumentos y equipamiento para bodegas y destilerías industriales, en los comienzos de la vitivinicultura moderna en Mendoza. Los socios catalanes Antonio Baldé y Gil Miret comenzaron en 1885 y el italiano Carlos Berri en 1888. Se presenta un panorama general sobre el equipamiento de los talleres y los objetos que producían, las características de la mano de obra, la formación metalúrgica de los propietarios, la inserción de las dos firmas en la región, una referencia a otras actividades económicas desarrolladas por los empresarios y algunas cuestiones complementarias.


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Este trabajo propone una comparación entre las características principales de los dos talleres metalúrgicos pioneros en la producción de instrumentos y equipamiento para bodegas y destilerías industriales, en los comienzos de la vitivinicultura moderna en Mendoza. Los socios catalanes Antonio Baldé y Gil Miret comenzaron en 1885 y el italiano Carlos Berri en 1888. Se presenta un panorama general sobre el equipamiento de los talleres y los objetos que producían, las características de la mano de obra, la formación metalúrgica de los propietarios, la inserción de las dos firmas en la región, una referencia a otras actividades económicas desarrolladas por los empresarios y algunas cuestiones complementarias.


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Earlier work on the terraced settlements of the Bokoni area (16th to 19th century, Mpumalanga province, South Africa) focussed on the homesteads, their contents, layout and chronology. This paper suggests a terminology and typology of agrarian structures in Bokoni in order to improve comparative approaches in Africa and beyond. The typology and an excavation of the terracing have made possible preliminary conclusions relevant for the further analysis of the terracing and stone-walling in Bokoni. The terracing developed incrementally, whereby cultivation, stone-clearing and terracing were intermixed processes. This is supported both by the organic content in a section of a terrace and by a phytolith analysis. The phytolith analysis furthermore indicated that maize was cultivated on the terraces, but this should be seen as a pilot study only, and presence of maize in Bokoni must be tested with other archaeobotanical methods.


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In this thesis, I contribute to the expansion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer (LGBTQ) psychology by examining chronic illness within non-heterosexual contexts. Chronic illness, beyond the confines of HIV/AIDS, has been a neglected topic in LGBTQ psychology and sexual identity is often overlooked within health psychology. When the health of lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people has been considered there has been an over-reliance on quantitative methods and comparative approaches which seek to compare LGB people?s health to their heterosexual counterparts. In contrast, I adopt a critical perspective and qualitative methods to explore LGBTQ health. My research brings together ideas from LGBTQ psychology and critical health psychology to explore non-heterosexuals? experiences of chronic illness and the discursive contexts within which LGB people live with chronic health conditions. I also highlight the heteronormativity which pervades academic health psychology as well as the „lay? health literature. The research presented in this thesis draws on three different sources of qualitative data: a qualitative online questionnaire (n=190), an online discussion within a newsgroup for people with diabetes, and semi-structured interviews with 20 LGB people with diabetes. These data are analysed using critical realist forms of thematic analysis and discourse analysis. In the first analytic chapter (Chapter 3), I report the perspectives of LGB people living with many different chronic illnesses and how they felt their sexuality shapes their experiences of illness. In Chapter 4, I examine heterosexism within an online discussion and consider the ways in which sexuality is constructed as (ir)relevant to a diabetes support forum. In Chapter 5, I analyse LGB people?s talk about the support family and partners provide in relation to their diabetes and how they negotiate wider discourses of gender, sexuality and individualism. In Chapter 6 I explore how diabetes intersects with gay and bisexual men?s sex lives. In the concluding chapter, I discuss the contributions of my research for a critical LGBTQ health psychology and identify some possible areas for future research.


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This article will review major features of the 'giant' Cape Blanc filament off Mauritania with regard to the transport of chlorophyll and organic carbon from the shelf to the open ocean. Within the filament, chlorophyll is transported about 400 km offshore. Modelled particle distributions along a zonal transect at 21°N showed that particles with a sinking velocity of 5 m d**-1 are advected offshore by up to 600 km in subsurface particle clouds generally located between 400 m and 800 m water depth, forming an Intermediate Nepheloid Layer (INL). It corresponds to the depth of the oxygen minimum zone. Heavier particles with a sinking velocity of 30 m d**-1 are transported from the shelf within the Bottom Layer (BL) of more than 1000 m thickness, largely following the topography of the bottom slope. The particles advected within the BL contribute to the enhanced winter-spring mass fluxes collected at the open-ocean mesotrophic sediment trap site CB-13 (200 nm offshore), due to a long distance advection in deeper waters. The lateral contribution to the deep sediment trap in winter-spring is estimated to be 63% and 72% for organic carbon and total mass, respectively, whereas the lateral input for both components on an annual basis is estimated to be in the order of 15%. Biogenic opal increases almost fivefold from the upper to the lower mesotrophic CB-13 trap, also pointing to an additional source for biogenic silica from eutrophic coastal waters. Blooms obviously sink in smaller, probably mesoscale-sized patches with variable settling rates, depending on the type of aggregated particles and their ballast content. Generally, particle sinking rates are exceptionally high off NW Africa. Very high chlorophyll values and a large size of the Cape Blanc filament in 1998-1999 are also documented in enhanced total mass and organic carbon fluxes. An increasing trend in satellite chlorophyll concentrations and the size of the Cape Blanc filament between 1997 and 2008 as observed for other coastal upwelling areas is not documented.