History in the Australian Curriculum F-10: Providing answers without asking questions

Autoria(s): Henderson, Deborah J.

Marsh, Colin J.




Thi paper writer examines the most recent version of the Australian Curriculum: History F-10. It does so in two ways. First, it explores some of the strengths and weaknesses of this curriculum with reference to the decision to frame aspects of Australian history within the context of a world history approach. Whilst the positioning of Indigenous Histories is applauded, the curriculum’s lack of attention to the significance of the recent history of Australia’s Asian neighbours, and Australia’s relationship with them, is critiqued. This part of the paper also emphasises the need for comparative approaches and calls for greater emphasis on providing students with opportunities to critique and contest the construction of narratives about the past. Second, the paper introduces four invited articles that examine different aspects of the Australian Curriculum: History. Collectively these papers reiterate the significance of the richness of integrated and child-centred approaches and the importance of developing historical thinking, empathy and the historical imagination in the classroom.






Australian Curriculum Studies Association Inc.




Henderson, Deborah J. (2012) History in the Australian Curriculum F-10: Providing answers without asking questions. In Marsh, Colin J. (Ed.) The Australian Curriculum: Observations of a Journey. A Critique of Phase 1 Learning Areas and General Capabilities. Australian Curriculum Studies Association Inc., Canberra, Australia, pp. 69-75.


Copyright 2012 Australian Curriculum Studies Association Inc.

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Children & Youth Research Centre; Faculty of Education; School of Cultural & Language Studies in Education

Palavras-Chave #130200 CURRICULUM AND PEDAGOGY #130313 Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators #210300 HISTORICAL STUDIES #The Australian Curriculum: History, #history curriculum #comparative approaches #Indigenous Histories in the curriculum #historical thinking and contestability #Asia literacy in the curriculum #world history approach

Book Chapter