1000 resultados para Universal graphs


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In 1983, Chvatal, Trotter and the two senior authors proved that for any Delta there exists a constant B such that, for any n, any 2-colouring of the edges of the complete graph K(N) with N >= Bn vertices yields a monochromatic copy of any graph H that has n vertices and maximum degree Delta. We prove that the complete graph may be replaced by a sparser graph G that has N vertices and O(N(2-1/Delta)log(1/Delta)N) edges, with N = [B`n] for some constant B` that depends only on Delta. Consequently, the so-called size-Ramsey number of any H with n vertices and maximum degree Delta is O(n(2-1/Delta)log(1/Delta)n) Our approach is based on random graphs; in fact, we show that the classical Erdos-Renyi random graph with the numerical parameters above satisfies a stronger partition property with high probability, namely, that any 2-colouring of its edges contains a monochromatic universal graph for the class of graphs on n vertices and maximum degree Delta. The main tool in our proof is the regularity method, adapted to a suitable sparse setting. The novel ingredient developed here is an embedding strategy that allows one to embed bounded degree graphs of linear order in certain pseudorandom graphs. Crucial to our proof is the fact that regularity is typically inherited at a scale that is much finer than the scale at which it is assumed. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In the present paper we mainly introduce an efficient approach to measure the structural similarity of so called directed universal hierarchical graphs. We want to underline that directed universal hierarchical graphs can be obtained from generalized trees which are already introduced. In order to classify these graphs, we state our novel graph similarity method. As a main result we notice that our novel algorithm has low computational complexity. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We introduce a novel graph class we call universal hierarchical graphs (UHG) whose topology can be found numerously in problems representing, e.g., temporal, spacial or general process structures of systems. For this graph class we show, that we can naturally assign two probability distributions, for nodes and for edges, which lead us directly to the definition of the entropy and joint entropy and, hence, mutual information establishing an information theory for this graph class. Furthermore, we provide some results under which conditions these constraint probability distributions maximize the corresponding entropy. Also, we demonstrate that these entropic measures can be computed efficiently which is a prerequisite for every large scale practical application and show some numerical examples. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Electing a leader is a fundamental task in distributed computing. In its implicit version, only the leader must know who is the elected leader. This paper focuses on studying the message and time complexity of randomized implicit leader election in synchronous distributed networks. Surprisingly, the most "obvious" complexity bounds have not been proven for randomized algorithms. The "obvious" lower bounds of O(m) messages (m is the number of edges in the network) and O(D) time (D is the network diameter) are non-trivial to show for randomized (Monte Carlo) algorithms. (Recent results that show that even O(n) (n is the number of nodes in the network) is not a lower bound on the messages in complete networks, make the above bounds somewhat less obvious). To the best of our knowledge, these basic lower bounds have not been established even for deterministic algorithms (except for the limited case of comparison algorithms, where it was also required that some nodes may not wake up spontaneously, and that D and n were not known).

We establish these fundamental lower bounds in this paper for the general case, even for randomized Monte Carlo algorithms. Our lower bounds are universal in the sense that they hold for all universal algorithms (such algorithms should work for all graphs), apply to every D, m, and n, and hold even if D, m, and n are known, all the nodes wake up simultaneously, and the algorithms can make anyuse of node's identities. To show that these bounds are tight, we present an O(m) messages algorithm. An O(D) time algorithm is known. A slight adaptation of our lower bound technique gives rise to an O(m) message lower bound for randomized broadcast algorithms.

An interesting fundamental problem is whether both upper bounds (messages and time) can be reached simultaneously in the randomized setting for all graphs. (The answer is known to be negative in the deterministic setting). We answer this problem partially by presenting a randomized algorithm that matches both complexities in some cases. This already separates (for some cases) randomized algorithms from deterministic ones. As first steps towards the general case, we present several universal leader election algorithms with bounds that trade-off messages versus time. We view our results as a step towards understanding the complexity of universal leader election in distributed networks.


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Electing a leader is a fundamental task in distributed computing. In its implicit version, only the leader must know who is the elected leader. This article focuses on studying the message and time complexity of randomized implicit leader election in synchronous distributed networks. Surprisingly, the most "obvious" complexity bounds have not been proven for randomized algorithms. In particular, the seemingly obvious lower bounds of Ω(m) messages, where m is the number of edges in the network, and Ω(D) time, where D is the network diameter, are nontrivial to show for randomized (Monte Carlo) algorithms. (Recent results, showing that even Ω(n), where n is the number of nodes in the network, is not a lower bound on the messages in complete networks, make the above bounds somewhat less obvious). To the best of our knowledge, these basic lower bounds have not been established even for deterministic algorithms, except for the restricted case of comparison algorithms, where it was also required that nodes may not wake up spontaneously and that D and n were not known. We establish these fundamental lower bounds in this article for the general case, even for randomized Monte Carlo algorithms. Our lower bounds are universal in the sense that they hold for all universal algorithms (namely, algorithms that work for all graphs), apply to every D, m, and n, and hold even if D, m, and n are known, all the nodes wake up simultaneously, and the algorithms can make any use of node's identities. To show that these bounds are tight, we present an O(m) messages algorithm. An O(D) time leader election algorithm is known. A slight adaptation of our lower bound technique gives rise to an Ω(m) message lower bound for randomized broadcast algorithms. 

An interesting fundamental problem is whether both upper bounds (messages and time) can be reached simultaneously in the randomized setting for all graphs. The answer is known to be negative in the deterministic setting. We answer this problem partially by presenting a randomized algorithm that matches both complexities in some cases. This already separates (for some cases) randomized algorithms from deterministic ones. As first steps towards the general case, we present several universal leader election algorithms with bounds that tradeoff messages versus time. We view our results as a step towards understanding the complexity of universal leader election in distributed networks.


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We prove that asymptotically (as n -> infinity) almost all graphs with n vertices and C(d)n(2-1/2d) log(1/d) n edges are universal with respect to the family of all graphs with maximum degree bounded by d. Moreover, we provide an efficient deterministic embedding algorithm for finding copies of bounded degree graphs in graphs satisfying certain pseudorandom properties. We also prove a counterpart result for random bipartite graphs, where the threshold number of edges is even smaller but the embedding is randomized.


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Background: Psychosis has various causes, including mania and schizophrenia. Since the differential diagnosis of psychosis is exclusively based on subjective assessments of oral interviews with patients, an objective quantification of the speech disturbances that characterize mania and schizophrenia is in order. In principle, such quantification could be achieved by the analysis of speech graphs. A graph represents a network with nodes connected by edges; in speech graphs, nodes correspond to words and edges correspond to semantic and grammatical relationships. Methodology/Principal Findings: To quantify speech differences related to psychosis, interviews with schizophrenics, manics and normal subjects were recorded and represented as graphs. Manics scored significantly higher than schizophrenics in ten graph measures. Psychopathological symptoms such as logorrhea, poor speech, and flight of thoughts were grasped by the analysis even when verbosity differences were discounted. Binary classifiers based on speech graph measures sorted schizophrenics from manics with up to 93.8% of sensitivity and 93.7% of specificity. In contrast, sorting based on the scores of two standard psychiatric scales (BPRS and PANSS) reached only 62.5% of sensitivity and specificity. Conclusions/Significance: The results demonstrate that alterations of the thought process manifested in the speech of psychotic patients can be objectively measured using graph-theoretical tools, developed to capture specific features of the normal and dysfunctional flow of thought, such as divergence and recurrence. The quantitative analysis of speech graphs is not redundant with standard psychometric scales but rather complementary, as it yields a very accurate sorting of schizophrenics and manics. Overall, the results point to automated psychiatric diagnosis based not on what is said, but on how it is said.


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Si no tenemos en cuenta posibles procesos subyacentes con significado físico, químico, económico, etc., podemos considerar una serie temporal como un mero conjunto ordenado de valores y jugar con él algún inocente juego matemático como transformar dicho conjunto en otro objeto con la ayuda de una operación matemática para ver qué sucede: qué propiedades del conjunto original se conservan, cuáles se transforman y cómo, qué podemos decir de alguna de las dos representaciones matemáticas del objeto con sólo atender a la otra... Este ejercicio sería de cierto interés matemático por sí solo. Ocurre, además, que las series temporales son un método universal de extraer información de sistemas dinámicos en cualquier campo de la ciencia. Esto hace ganar un inesperado interés práctico al juego matemático anteriormente descrito, ya que abre la posibilidad de analizar las series temporales (vistas ahora como evolución temporal de procesos dinámicos) desde una nueva perspectiva. Hemos para esto de asumir la hipótesis de que la información codificada en la serie original se conserva de algún modo en la transformación (al menos una parte de ella). El interés resulta completo cuando la nueva representación del objeto pertencece a un campo de la matemáticas relativamente maduro, en el cual la información codificada en dicha representación puede ser descodificada y procesada de manera efectiva. ABSTRACT Disregarding any underlying process (and therefore any physical, chemical, economical or whichever meaning of its mere numeric values), we can consider a time series just as an ordered set of values and play the naive mathematical game of turning this set into a different mathematical object with the aids of an abstract mapping, and see what happens: which properties of the original set are conserved, which are transformed and how, what can we say about one of the mathematical representations just by looking at the other... This exercise is of mathematical interest by itself. In addition, it turns out that time series or signals is a universal method of extracting information from dynamical systems in any field of science. Therefore, the preceding mathematical game gains some unexpected practical interest as it opens the possibility of analyzing a time series (i.e. the outcome of a dynamical process) from an alternative angle. Of course, the information stored in the original time series should be somehow conserved in the mapping. The motivation is completed when the new representation belongs to a relatively mature mathematical field, where information encoded in such a representation can be effectively disentangled and processed. This is, in a nutshell, a first motivation to map time series into networks.


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Consider two graphs G and H. Let H^k[G] be the lexicographic product of H^k and G, where H^k is the lexicographic product of the graph H by itself k times. In this paper, we determine the spectrum of H^k[G]H and H^k when G and H are regular and the Laplacian spectrum of H^k[G] and H^k for G and H arbitrary. Particular emphasis is given to the least eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix in the case of lexicographic powers of regular graphs, and to the algebraic connectivity and the largest Laplacian eigenvalues in the case of lexicographic powers of arbitrary graphs. This approach allows the determination of the spectrum (in case of regular graphs) and Laplacian spectrum (for arbitrary graphs) of huge graphs. As an example, the spectrum of the lexicographic power of the Petersen graph with the googol number (that is, 10^100 ) of vertices is determined. The paper finishes with the extension of some well known spectral and combinatorial invariant properties of graphs to its lexicographic powers.


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We present a method for topological SLAM that specifically targets loop closing for edge-ordered graphs. Instead of using a heuristic approach to accept or reject loop closing, we propose a probabilistically grounded multi-hypothesis technique that relies on the incremental construction of a map/state hypothesis tree. Loop closing is introduced automatically within the tree expansion, and likely hypotheses are chosen based on their posterior probability after a sequence of sensor measurements. Careful pruning of the hypothesis tree keeps the growing number of hypotheses under control and a recursive formulation reduces storage and computational costs. Experiments are used to validate the approach.


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Leucodepletion, the removal of leucocytes from blood products improves the safety of blood transfusion by reducing adverse events associated with the incidental non-therapeutic transfusion of leucocytes. Leucodepletion has been shown to have clinical benefit for immuno-suppressed patients who require transfusion. The selective leucodepletion of blood products by bed side filtration for these patients has been widely practiced. This study investigated the economic consequences in Queensland of moving from a policy of selective leucodepletion to one of universal leucodepletion, that is providing all transfused patients with blood products leucodepleted during the manufacturing process. Using an analytic decision model a cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted. An ICER of $16.3M per life year gained was derived. Sensitivity analysis found this result to be robust to uncertainty in the parameters used in the model. This result argues against moving to a policy of universal leucodepletion. However during the course of the study the policy decision for universal leucodepletion was made and implemented in Queensland in October 2008. This study has concluded that cost-effectiveness is not an influential factor in policy decisions regarding quality and safety initiatives in the Australian blood sector.


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The Australian Government has committed $970 million over 5 years to fund the expansion of preschool education and has established a National Early Childhood Education Partnership Agreement with States and Territories to achieve universal preschool access by 2013. The Partnership Agreement acknowledges the role of State and Territory Government in preschool education, and different approaches to preschool provision. It also recognises differences in current preschool participation rates across states and territories. This paper offers snapshots of a number of different models of preschool provision, spanning traditional sessional approaches to some integrated and innovative approaches within the long day care context. The paper explores the newer long day care model and offers recommendations for the delivery of preschool education within this different context.