999 resultados para Sexual dysfunctions


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Introduction. A wide range of prevalence estimates of female sexual dysfunctions (FSD) have been reported.
Aim. Compare instruments used to assess FSD to determine if differences between instruments contribute to variation in reported prevalence.
Main Outcome Measures. Sexual Function Questionnaire combined with Female Sexual Distress Scale (SFQ-FSDS) was our gold standard, validated instrument for assessing FSD. Alternatives were SFQ alone and two sets of simple questions adapted from Laumann et al. 1994.
Methods. A postal survey was administered to a random sample of 356 Australian women aged 20 to 70 years.
Results. When assessed by SFQ-FSDS, prevalence estimates (95% confidence intervals) of hypoactive sexual desire disorder, sexual arousal disorder (lubrication), orgasmic disorder, and dyspareunia were 16% (12% to 20%), 7% (5% to 11%), 8% (6% to 12%), and 1% (0.5% to 3%), respectively. Prevalence estimates varied across alternative instruments for these disorders: 32% to 58%, 16% to 32%, 16% to 33%, and 3% to 23%, respectively. Compared with SFQ-FSDS alternative instruments produced higher estimates of desire, arousal and orgasm disorders and displayed a range of sensitivities (0.25 to 1.0), specificities (0.48 to 0.99), positive predictive values (0.01 to 0.56), and negative predictive values (0.95 to 1.0) across the disorders investigated. Kappa statistics comparing SFQ-FSDS and alternative instruments ranged from 0 to 0.71 but were predominantly 0.44 or less. Changing recall from previous month to 1 month or more in the previous year produced higher estimates for all disorders investigated. Including sexual distress produced lower estimates for desire, arousal, and orgasm disorders.
Conclusions. Prevalence estimates of FSD varied substantially across instruments. Relatively low positive predictive values and kappa statistics combined with a broad range of sensitivities and specificities indicated that different instruments identified different subgroups. Consequently, the instruments researchers choose when assessing FSD may affect prevalence estimates and risk factors they report.


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This thesis presents four articles focusing on an online treatment for female sexual dysfunctions (FSDs). The treatment extended prior research by incorporating mindfulness and chat-groups. Article 1 reviews manualised FSD treatments. Articles 2, 3 and 4 present data from the online treatment.


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This thesis presents four articles focusing on an online treatment for female sexual dysfunctions (FSDs). The treatment extended prior research by incorporating mindfulness and chat-groups. Article 1 reviews manualised FSD treatments. Articles 2, 3 and 4 present data from the online treatment.


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Introduction Female sexual functioning is affected by a range of factors including motivation, psychological well-being, and relationship issues. In understanding female sexual dysfunction (FSD), there has been a tendency to privilege diagnostic and medical over relationship issues. Aim To investigate the association between women’s experience of intimacy in close relationships - operationalized in terms of attachment and degree of differentiation of self - and FSD. Methods Two hundred and thirty sexually active Australian women responded to an invitation to complete a set of validated scales to assess potential correlates of sexual functioning. Main Outcome Measures The Female Sexuality Function Index, the Experiences in Close Relationships Scale, the Differentiation of Self Inventory, as well as a set of study-specific questions were subject to hierarchical multiple regression analyses Results Relational variables of attachment avoidance and to a lesser degree, attachment anxiety were associated with FSD. Participants with lower levels of differentiation of self were more likely to report sexual difficulties. The inability to maintain a sense of self in the presence of intimate others was the strongest predictors of sexual problems. A history of sexual abuse in adulthood and higher levels of psychological distress were also associated with sexual difficulties. Conclusions The findings provide support for a relational understanding of female sexual functioning. Attachment avoidance, attachment anxiety, and degree of differentiation of self are shown to be associated with sexual difficulties. The findings support the need to focus on relational and psychological factors in women’s experience of sex.


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Após o sucesso de vendas do Viagra, medicamento indicado para o tratamento da disfunção erétil, lançado em 1998, houve uma rápida proliferação de artigos, livros e encontros sobre as disfunções sexuais femininas. Desde 2000, um intenso debate sobre o envolvimento da indústria farmacêutica na produção biomédica sobre as disfunções sexuais femininas e a concomitante busca por um medicamento similar ao Viagra destinado às mulheres tem envolvido profissionais de diferentes disciplinas. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo investigar os discursos científicos sobre as disfunções sexuais femininas, através do exame dos artigos publicados no periódico Archives of Sexual Behavior, desde sua fundação, em 1971, até 2007. O periódico foi escolhido por sua legitimidade neste campo de saberes, por abranger um amplo período (36 anos) e seu caráter multidisciplinar. Pretendeu-se investigar quando, como e por quais grupos profissionais as disfunções sexuais femininas foram descritas e abordadas no periódico. No caso das chamadas disfunções sexuais, as descrições científicas, que vêm aumentando significativamente nos últimos anos, dão origem a prescrições de terapias, medicamentos, intervenções cirúrgicas, programas de educação sexual e políticas públicas. Ou seja, subjacente a esse discurso, que afirma ser empírico e imparcial, estão processos que se encontram muito além dos limites de um laboratório ou das atividades de um pesquisador. Buscou-se, assim, pensar a produção científica como produto de articulações e negociações que se desenrolam em esferas diversas, envolvendo processos culturais, sociais, econômicos e também cognitivos ou científicos, em contraposição às concepções que caracterizam a ciência como um projeto que apenas revela verdades. Para tanto, foi apresentado o contexto do surgimento de uma ciência da sexualidade, no decorrer do século XIX e, em seguida, o contexto no qual emergiram os discursos sobre as disfunções sexuais femininas, o que propiciou sua emergência naquele dado momento, o modo como foram definidas e por quem, como se articularam a processos sociais, econômicos e culturais e que transformações sofreram ao longo dos anos.


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A dor é uma experiência perceptualmente complexa, influenciada por um conjunto variado de fatores biológicos e também psicossociais. A sua vivência varia de pessoa para pessoa, havendo diferentes níveis de impacto no funcionamento emocional, interpessoal, motivacional e físico. A dor sexual, mais conhecida por dispareunia e vaginismo, é uma problemática de natureza habitualmente crónica que afeta muitas mulheres. Apesar de ser um importante alvo de estudo nas últimas décadas, e apesar do impacto que tem nas vidas de muitas mulheres, é ainda uma temática pouco abordada junto dos profissionais de saúde, sendo igualmente difícil a determinação da sua causa e respetivo tratamento. A sua concetualização tem sido um dos principais alvos de discussão entre investigadores e clínicos, havendo quem defenda que a mesma deve ser considerada, ou como uma perturbação de dor, ou como uma disfunção sexual. Contudo, mesmo com um crescimento significativo da literatura, não existem ainda dados que clarifiquem o papel que determinadas variáveis psicossociais exercem no desenvolvimento e manutenção da dor sexual e que forma estas aproximam, ou distanciam, este quadro clínico da dor crónica e de outras disfunções sexuais. Neste contexto, o objetivo do presente estudo consistiu em avaliar a influência do Mindfulness, do afeto-traço, dos pensamentos automáticos, das crenças sexuais, da perceção, vigilância e catastrofização face à dor, da perceção da resposta do outro significativo à dor, da autoestima, da autoestima sexual, do ajustamento diádico e do funcionamento sexual em mulheres com dor sexual, comparando-as com três grupos específicos: mulheres com dor crónica, mulheres com outras dificuldades sexuais e mulheres da população geral, sem nenhuma destas dificuldades. Por outro lado, foi avaliada a capacidade preditiva de cada uma destas variáveis psicossociais na intensidade da dor em mulheres que sofrem de dor sexual e dor crónica. Um total de 1233 mulheres colaboraram no presente estudo: 371 mulheres com dor sexual, 245 mulheres com dor crónica, 94 mulheres com disfunção sexual e 523 mulheres da população geral. As participantes responderam a um conjunto de questionários que foram disponibilizados através de um link online e que avaliaram cada uma das dimensões em estudo. Os resultados mostraram que as mulheres com dor sexual e disfunção sexual apresentaram uma menor capacidade para ser mindful, mais pensamentos automáticos negativos de fracasso/desistência, uma maior escassez de pensamentos eróticos, uma menor autoestima e autoestima sexual e uma menor qualidade do ajustamento diádico e funcionamento sexual, quando comparadas com as mulheres com dor crónica e da população geral. Por outro lado, as mulheres com dor sexual e dor crónica apresentaram maiores níveis de perceção, vigilância e catastrofização face à dor, quando comparadas com as mulheres com disfunção sexual e da população geral. Ao nível da perceção da reposta do outro significativo, as mulheres com dor sexual apresentaram significativamente uma menor perceção de respostas solícitas que as mulheres com dor crónica e da população geral. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre os grupos ao nível do afeto-traço e crenças sexuais disfuncionais. No que diz respeito à intensidade da dor nas mulheres com dor sexual, emergiram como preditores significativos os pensamentos de fracasso, as crenças sexuais de desejo sexual como pecado, a magnificação e o desânimo face à dor, a atenção à dor, a perceção de resposta de punição do outro significativo, o ajustamento diádico, a autoestima e a autoestima sexual. Em relação ao grupo com dor crónica, surgiram como preditores significativos o afeto negativo, o desânimo face à dor, a atenção à dor e a perceção de resposta de punição do outro significativo. Uma análise conjunta de todos estes preditores para cada um dos grupos, demonstrou que a perceção da resposta de punição da parte de outro significativo se constituiu como o melhor preditor da intensidade da dor nas mulheres com dor sexual, enquanto que o desânimo face à dor se mostrou como o mais significativo nas mulheres com dor crónica. De uma forma geral, os resultados demonstraram a importância das diferentes variáveis psicossociais na vivência da dor sexual e na respetiva intensidade da dor. Revelaram ainda que a dor sexual apresenta aspetos em comum, quer com a dor crónica, principalmente ao nível da relação com a dor, quer com outras disfunções sexuais, nomeadamente em termos cognitivos e relacionais. O presente estudo vem assim reforçar a ideia de que este é um quadro clínico multidimensional e complexo, trazendo consigo importantes implicações ao nível da sua concetualização, avaliação e tratamento.


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To explore, for the first time, the impact of job insecurity on sexual desire. Cross-sectional analysis of a nationally representative sample of 7247 individuals aged 20-64 years working as full or part-time employees in Switzerland. The logistic regression analysis showed that workers aged 20-49 years perceiving high levels of job insecurity are exposed to a significantly higher risk of decrease of sexual desire compared to the reference group. The risk is 53% higher among men (OR 1.53; 95% CI 1.16-2.01) and 47% for woman (OR 1.47; 1.13-1.91). No increased risk was found for employees aged 50-64 years old. An increasing fear of job loss is associated with a deterioration in sexual desire. These first preliminary findings should promote further epidemiological and clinical prospective studies on the impact of job insecurity on intimate relationships and sexual dysfunction.


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Sexual arousal is a complex and dynamic element of women’s sexuality. Accounts vary, however most multidimensional models highlight the cognitive, affective and physiological components of the female sexual arousal response. While literature examining the peripheral physiological changes that occur during female sexual arousal abounds, there has been a dearth of literature pertaining to the cognitive and affective components. Thus, while many authors have included cognitive and emotions as independent components of the female sexual arousal response, there has been little empirical research to validate this approach. The aim of the current thesis was to examine the cognitive and affective components of female sexual arousal in more depth, investigating the nature of the relationship between these components under various experimental conditions. In order to do so, two integrated studies were conducted, each highlighting the effects of either external or internal variables on women’s subjective sexual arousal, absorption, positive affect and negative affect. Study One was designed to evaluate women’s emotional and cognitive processing of two elements of erotic film – foreplay and erotic context. 60 women were asked to report their subjective sexual arousal, absorption, positive affect and negative affect in response to one of four erotic film excerpts. The erotic excerpts varied in accordance with the degree of foreplay (low vs. high) depicted and the context in which the sexual activities took place (novel vs. habitual context). Women in the study responded more favourably to the high foreplay erotic film excerpt, subsequently reporting higher degrees of subjective sexual arousal, absorption and positive affect. Women also responded favourably to the erotic excerpt filmed in a novel context, reporting greater subjective sexual arousal as a result. The environment in which the sexual encounters were filmed failed to have an effect however, on women’s absorption or their positive or negative affect. The results of Study One suggest that stimulus specific variables, such as the degree of foreplay depicted, have a significant influence on female cognitive and emotional processing of erotic film. The results also suggest that a relationship exists between absorption, subjective sexual arousal and positive affect, albeit a correlational one. Specifically, there was evidence of parallel processing during sexual arousal, as participant reported sexual arousal, absorption and positive affect all increased and decreased in unison. Based on the results it was suggested that future research attempt to experimentally manipulate one of these variables, to examine its direct effect on the remaining variable. Thus, Study Two aimed to examine the effects of absorption on women’s cognitive and emotional processing of erotica. Study Two manipulated absorption at two levels (high vs. low), examining the impact of these states on participants’ subsequent absorption, subjective sexual arousal and positive and negative affect. 62 women were asked to read one of two sets of test session instructions. The first, participant-oriented instruction set, instructed participants to immerse themselves in the erotic film excerpt, as if they were active participants in the sexual exchange. The second, spectator-oriented instruction set, directed participants to observe and evaluate the erotic film. These instructions were designed to elicit high and low degrees of absorption, respectively. The utility of this approach when manipulating female absorption, was demonstrated by self reported ratings of absorption, given at the conclusion of the film presentation. Participants were also asked to report their subjective sexual arousal and positive and negative affect at the conclusion of the erotic film presentation. The findings of this study suggest that the adoption of a participant-oriented (high absorption) perspective elicits more favourable responses from participants than a spectator-oriented (low absorption) perspective, with participants in the former experimental group reporting greater degrees of subjective sexual arousal and positive affect. Negative affect was equivalent across experimental conditions, with the participants reporting that they experienced little to no aversive feelings during either of the experimental conditions. The results suggest that the degree to which a women immerses and absorbs herself in a sexual stimulus has a significant impact in her subsequent cognitive and affective processing of that stimulus. More specifically, it appears that women respond more favourably when they are highly absorbed and immersed in a stimulus, reporting greater subjective sexual arousal and positive affect. Overall, the results of Studies One and Two highlight the dynamic and complex nature of female sexual arousal. It appears that women have definite cognitive and affective responses to sexual stimuli. The magnitude of these responses may be mediated by a number of factors however, including the intrinsic qualities of the stimulus and the degree to which the woman attends to the stimulus. Both these variables act to either enhance or inhibit the sexual arousal response. There results have important implications for current sexuality literature. While women’s cognitions and emotions in response to erotic film were generally highly correlated, in some instances they differed, warranting their inclusion as separate elements in models of female sexual arousal. Furthermore, it might be suggested that the inclusion of an additional variable – absorption – into current models of female sexual arousal would prove beneficial, aiding researchers to better understand and predict the arousal process. As such, recommendations are made for a revised model of female sexual arousal. In terms of future directions, the results of the present thesis have implications for the treatment of sexual dysfunctions, suggesting that clinicians need to understand the internal and external variables that might contribute to the aetiology and maintenance of their presenting problems.


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Objective: To report on the prevalence and demographic variation in circumcision in Australia and examine sexual health outcomes in comparison with earlier research.
Methods: A representative household sample of 4,290 Australian men aged 16–64 years completed a computer-assisted telephone interview including questions on circumcision status, demographic variables, reported lifetime experience of selected sexually transmissible infections (STIs), experience of sexual difficulties in the previous 12 months, masturbation, and sexual practices at last heterosexual encounter.
Results: More than half the men (58%) were circumcised. Circumcision was less common (33%) among men under 30 and more common (66%) among those born in Australia. After adjustment for age and number of partners, circumcision was unrelated to STI history except for non-specific urethritis (higher among circumcised men, OR=2.11, p<0.001) and penile candidiasis (lower among circumcised men, OR=0.49, p<0.001).
Circumcision was unrelated to any of the sexual difficulties we asked about (after adjusting for age) except that circumcised men were somewhat less likely to have worried during sex about whether their bodies looked unattractive (OR=0.77, p=0.04). No association between lack of circumcision and erection difficulties was detected. After correction for age, circumcised men were somewhat more likely to have masturbated alone in the previous 12 months (OR=1.20, p=0.02).
Conclusions: Circumcision appears to have minimal protective effects on sexual health in Australia.


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Introduction. There are limited outcome data on the etiology and efficacy of psychological interventions for male and female sexual dysfunction as well as the role of innovative combined treatment paradigms.
Aim. This study aimed to highlight the salient psychological and interpersonal issues contributing to sexual health and dysfunction, to offer an etiological model for understanding the evolution and maintenance of sexual symptoms, and to offer recommendations for clinical management and research.
Methods. This study reviewed the current literature on the psychological and interpersonal issues contributing to male and female sexual dysfunction.
Main Outcome Measure. This study provides expert opinion based on a comprehensive review of the medical and psychological literature, widespread internal committee discussion, public presentation, and debate.
Results. Medical and psychological therapies for sexual dysfunctions should address the intricate biopsychosocial influences of the patient, the partner, and the couple. The biopsychosocial model provides an integrated paradigm for understanding and treating sexual dysfunction.
Conclusions. There is need for collaboration between healthcare practitioners from different disciplines in the evaluation, treatment, and education issues surrounding sexual dysfunction. In many cases, neither psychotherapy alone nor medical intervention alone is sufficient for the lasting resolution of sexual problems. The assessment of male, female, and couples’ sexual dysfunction should ideally include inquiry about predisposing, precipitating, maintaining, and contextual factors. Research is needed to identify efficacious combined and/or integrated treatments for sexual dysfunction.


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This study presents data on the prevalence, incidence, and persistence/recurrence of 8 sexual difficulties among women. Australian women participated in 2 computer-assisted interviews approximately 12 months apart. Analyses were based on a weighted sample of 2,252 women who were 20–64 years of age, sexually active in the past 12 months, and in the same heterosexual relationship at both interviews. Upon recruitment, two-thirds of women (66%) reported having one or more sexual difficulties. At follow-up, 36% reported a new sexual difficulty. The two highest incident difficulties were “lacking interest in having sex” (26%) and “taking too long to orgasm” (11%). In addition, 68% of women with 1 or more sexual difficulties at recruitment reported having at least 1 of these again at follow-up. Lacking interest in having sex had the highest persistence/recurrence (65%). Logistic regression modeling revealed a lower incidence of sexual difficulties among women in their 40s. Age was also a predictor of the persistence/recurrence, with persistence/recurrence most likely among older women. Tobacco and alcohol use predicted the incidence, but not persistence/recurrence, of lacking interest in sex. Health professionals need to take note of the sociodemographic groups most prone to developing and having persistent/recurrent sexual difficulties.


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Because of the embarrassment that can surround female sexual dysfunctions, online interventions offer an anonymous and private treatment alternative. Recently, an online cognitive-behavioral treatment for female sexual dysfunctions was evaluated. Although significant improvements were observed in sexual functioning, the treatment was primarily a behavioral intervention because of difficulties with engaging participants in cognitive therapy over e-mail. To address this limitation, the use of chat groups was incorporated into a new online treatment for female sexual dysfunctions—the PursuingPleasure program. Thirty-eight women participated in the PursuingPleasure chat groups. The goals of the chat groups were to address and overcome challenges as women progressed through PursuingPleasure and to create a social support network where group therapy processes could be used. The chat groups aimed to address misunderstandings, monitor changes, and receive feedback. A qualitative analysis of the chat groups revealed that they helped to facilitate the cognitive-affective aspects of the program, as well as fulfill their other intended functions. This study demonstrates how the use of chat groups in the online treatment of female sexual dysfunctions is a useful addition to Internet-based treatment. Feedback suggests that the chat groups were one of the most helpful aspects of the program, although a small group of women reported finding the groups unhelpful.


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Objectives: This study examined the prevalence of male sexual dysfunction (MSD) and how different criteria alter prevalence rates. Methods: Five hundred seventy-three Australian men completed an online survey. Results: Of these men, 42.2% were sexually functional and 57.8% reported 1 or more sexual dysfunctions. No matter which criteria were used, the most prevalent MSD was erectile dysfunction, followed by premature ejaculation, hypoactive sexual desire disorder, and delayed ejaculation. Frequencies varied according to different definitions and measures used to diagnose MSD. More than half of the men with MSD experienced only 1 sexual dysfunction. Conclusions: These results demonstrate the high prevalence of MSD and the relatively low level of comorbidity of MSDs. © 2014 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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Studies of diabetes mellitus in the streptozotocin rat model suggest that sexual dysfunctions may result from diabetes-induced alterations of the neuroendocrine-reproductive tract axis. Our investigation was performed to better define the effects of short-term hyperglycaemia on rat epididymal sperm quantity, quality and transit time, using both natural mating and artificial in utero insemination protocols. Male rats were made diabetic with streptozotocin (sc, 40 mg/kg), whereas controls received vehicle. Sexual behaviour was tested after 15 days and sperm fertilizing ability was checked 22 days after the injection through natural mating and artificial in utero insemination. Other parameters such as daily sperm production, testosterone levels, as well as sperm morphology and motility were also investigated. Fifty per cent of the diabetic animals showed no copulatory behaviour during tests and the number of animals reaching ejaculation was smaller in the diabetic group when compared with the control group (33% vs. 83%). Diabetes resulted in decreased body and reproductive organ weights, as well as diminished sperm counts in the testis and epididymis, that were associated with diminution of plasmatic testosterone levels. After natural mating, there was a decrease in the fertility in the diabetic adult male rats (25.5%) compared with control animals (81.5%). However, distal cauda epididymal sperm from diabetic rats displayed normal fertilization ability (91.5%) using in utero insemination. There were no effects of hyperglycaemia on sperm transit time in the epididymis and on spermatogenesis. Our results indicate that diabetes mellitus produces reproductive dysfunction, but does not compromise sperm fertilizing ability in the cauda epididymis in this experimental model.