994 resultados para Scalar p-Laplacian
Some existence results are obtained for periodic solutions of nonautonomous second-order differential inclusions systems with p-Laplacian
Using the nonsmooth variant of minimax point theorems, some existence results are obtained for periodic solutions of nonautonomous second-order differential inclusions systems with p-Laplacian.
In this paper we show the existence of multiple solutions to a class of quasilinear elliptic equations when the continuous non-linearity has a positive zero and it satisfies a p-linear condition only at zero. In particular, our approach allows us to consider superlinear, critical and supercritical nonlinearities. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Using a combination of several methods, such as variational methods. the sub and supersolutions method, comparison principles and a priori estimates. we study existence, multiplicity, and the behavior with respect to lambda of positive solutions of p-Laplace equations of the form -Delta(p)u = lambda h(x, u), where the nonlinear term has p-superlinear growth at infinity, is nonnegative, and satisfies h(x, a(x)) = 0 for a suitable positive function a. In order to manage the asymptotic behavior of the solutions we extend a result due to Redheffer and we establish a new Liouville-type theorem for the p-Laplacian operator, where the nonlinearity involved is superlinear, nonnegative, and has positive zeros. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this work we consider a one-dimensional quasilinear parabolic equation and we prove that the lap number of any solution cannot increase through orbits as the time passes if the initial data is a continuous function. We deal with the lap number functional as a Lyapunov function, and apply lap number properties to reach an understanding on the asymptotic behavior of a particular problem. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
In this work we obtain some continuity properties on the parameter p at p = 2 for the Takeuchi-Yamada problem which is a degenerate p-Laplacian version of the Chafee-Infante problem. We prove the continuity of the flows and the equilibrium sets, and the upper semicontinuity of the global attractors. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper is concerned with the energy decay for a class of plate equations with memory and lower order perturbation of p-Laplacian type, utt+?2u-?pu+?0tg(t-s)?u(s)ds-?ut+f(u)=0inOXR+, with simply supported boundary condition, where O is a bounded domain of RN, g?>?0 is a memory kernel that decays exponentially and f(u) is a nonlinear perturbation. This kind of problem without the memory term models elastoplastic flows.
We extend previous papers in the literature concerning the homogenization of Robin type boundary conditions for quasilinear equations, in the case of microscopic obstacles of critical size: here we consider nonlinear boundary conditions involving some maximal monotone graphs which may correspond to discontinuous or non-Lipschitz functions arising in some catalysis problems.
The main aim of the thesis is to prove the local Lipschitz regularity of the weak solutions to a class of parabolic PDEs modeled on the parabolic p-Laplacian. This result is well known in the Euclidean case and recently has been extended in the Heisenberg group, while higher regularity results are not known in subriemannian parabolic setting. In this thesis we will consider vector fields more general than those in the Heisenberg setting, introducing some technical difficulties. To obtain our main result we will use a Moser-like iteration. Due to the non linearity of the equation, we replace the usual parabolic cylinders with new ones, whose dimension also depends on the L^p norm of the solution. In addition, we deeply simplify the iterative procedure, using the standard Sobolev inequality, instead of the parabolic one.
We consider a periodic problem driven by the scalar $p-$Laplacian and with a jumping (asymmetric) reaction. We prove two multiplicity theorems. The first concerns the nonlinear problem ($1
La présente thèse porte sur différentes questions émanant de la géométrie spectrale. Ce domaine des mathématiques fondamentales a pour objet d'établir des liens entre la géométrie et le spectre d'une variété riemannienne. Le spectre d'une variété compacte fermée M munie d'une métrique riemannienne $g$ associée à l'opérateur de Laplace-Beltrami est une suite de nombres non négatifs croissante qui tend vers l’infini. La racine carrée de ces derniers représente une fréquence de vibration de la variété. Cette thèse présente quatre articles touchant divers aspects de la géométrie spectrale. Le premier article, présenté au Chapitre 1 et intitulé « Superlevel sets and nodal extrema of Laplace eigenfunctions », porte sur la géométrie nodale d'opérateurs elliptiques. L’objectif de mes travaux a été de généraliser un résultat de L. Polterovich et de M. Sodin qui établit une borne sur la distribution des extrema nodaux sur une surface riemannienne pour une assez vaste classe de fonctions, incluant, entre autres, les fonctions propres associées à l'opérateur de Laplace-Beltrami. La preuve fournie par ces auteurs n'étant valable que pour les surfaces riemanniennes, je prouve dans ce chapitre une approche indépendante pour les fonctions propres de l’opérateur de Laplace-Beltrami dans le cas des variétés riemanniennes de dimension arbitraire. Les deuxième et troisième articles traitent d'un autre opérateur elliptique, le p-laplacien. Sa particularité réside dans le fait qu'il est non linéaire. Au Chapitre 2, l'article « Principal frequency of the p-laplacian and the inradius of Euclidean domains » se penche sur l'étude de bornes inférieures sur la première valeur propre du problème de Dirichlet du p-laplacien en termes du rayon inscrit d’un domaine euclidien. Plus particulièrement, je prouve que, si p est supérieur à la dimension du domaine, il est possible d'établir une borne inférieure sans aucune hypothèse sur la topologie de ce dernier. L'étude de telles bornes a fait l'objet de nombreux articles par des chercheurs connus, tels que W. K. Haymann, E. Lieb, R. Banuelos et T. Carroll, principalement pour le cas de l'opérateur de Laplace. L'adaptation de ce type de bornes au cas du p-laplacien est abordée dans mon troisième article, « Bounds on the Principal Frequency of the p-Laplacian », présenté au Chapitre 3 de cet ouvrage. Mon quatrième article, « Wolf-Keller theorem for Neumann Eigenvalues », est le fruit d'une collaboration avec Guillaume Roy-Fortin. Le thème central de ce travail gravite autour de l'optimisation de formes dans le contexte du problème aux valeurs limites de Neumann. Le résultat principal de cet article est que les valeurs propres de Neumann ne sont pas toujours maximisées par l'union disjointe de disques arbitraires pour les domaines planaires d'aire fixée. Le tout est présenté au Chapitre 4 de cette thèse.
Agências Financiadoras: FCT e MIUR
We study some properties of the monotone solutions of the boundary value problem (p(u'))' - cu' + f(u) = 0, u(-infinity) = 0, u(+infinity) = 1, where f is a continuous function, positive in (0, 1) and taking the value zero at 0 and 1, and P may be an increasing homeomorphism of (0, 1) or (0, +infinity) onto [0, +infinity). This problem arises when we look for travelling waves for the reaction diffusion equation partial derivative u/partial derivative t = partial derivative/partial derivative x [p(partial derivative u/partial derivative x)] + f(u) with the parameter c representing the wave speed. A possible model for the nonlinear diffusion is the relativistic curvature operator p(nu)= nu/root 1-nu(2). The same ideas apply when P is given by the one- dimensional p- Laplacian P(v) = |v|(p-2)v. In this case, an advection term is also considered. We show that, as for the classical Fisher- Kolmogorov- Petrovski- Piskounov equations, there is an interval of admissible speeds c and we give characterisations of the critical speed c. We also present some examples of exact solutions. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
In this work, we prove a weak Noether-type Theorem for a class of variational problems that admit broken extremals. We use this result to prove discrete Noether-type conservation laws for a conforming finite element discretisation of a model elliptic problem. In addition, we study how well the finite element scheme satisfies the continuous conservation laws arising from the application of Noether’s first theorem (1918). We summarise extensive numerical tests, illustrating the conservation of the discrete Noether law using the p-Laplacian as an example and derive a geometric-based adaptive algorithm where an appropriate Noether quantity is the goal functional.
This paper proves the multiplicity of positive solutions for the following class of quasilinear problems: {-epsilon(p)Delta(p)u+(lambda A(x) + 1)vertical bar u vertical bar(p-2)u = f(u), R(N) u(x)>0 in R(N), where Delta(p) is the p-Laplacian operator, N > p >= 2, lambda and epsilon are positive parameters, A is a nonnegative continuous function and f is a continuous function with subcritical growth. Here, we use variational methods to get multiplicity of positive solutions involving the Lusternick-Schnirelman category of intA(-1)(0) for all sufficiently large lambda and small epsilon.