990 resultados para SOLITON-SOLUTIONS


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In this paper we establish the existence of standing wave solutions for quasilinear Schrodinger equations involving critical growth. By using a change of variables, the quasilinear equations are reduced to semilinear one. whose associated functionals are well defined in the usual Sobolev space and satisfy the geometric conditions of the mountain pass theorem. Using this fact, we obtain a Cerami sequence converging weakly to a solution v. In the proof that v is nontrivial, the main tool is the concentration-compactness principle due to P.L. Lions together with some classical arguments used by H. Brezis and L. Nirenberg (1983) in [9]. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We construct static soliton solutions with non-zero Hopf topological charges to a theory which is the extended Skyrme-Faddeev model with a further quartic term in derivatives. We use an axially symmetric ansatz based on toroidal coordinates, and solve the resulting two coupled nonlinear partial differential equations in two variables by a successive over-relaxation method. We construct numerical solutions with the Hopf charge up to 4. The solutions present an interesting behavior under the changes of a special combination of the coupling constants of the quartic terms.


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In this paper a relation between the Camassa-Holm equation and the non-local deformations of the sinh-Gordon equation is used to study some properties of the former equation. We will show that cuspon and soliton solutions can be obtained from soliton solutions of the deformed sinh-Gordon equation.


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We point out that a common feature of integrable hierarchies presenting soliton solutions is the existence of some special ''vacuum solutions'' such that the Lax operators evaluated on them, lie in some abelian subalgebra of the associated Kac-Moody algebra. The soliton solutions are constructed out of those ''vacuum solitons'' by the dressing transformation procedure.


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In this paper, we explicitly construct an infinite number of Hopfions (static, soliton solutions with nonzero Hopf topological charges) within the recently proposed (3 + 1)-dimensional, integrable, and relativistically invariant field theory. Two integers label the family of Hopfions we have found. Their product is equal to the Hopf charge which provides a lower bound to the soliton's finite energy. The Hopfions are explicitly constructed in terms of the toroidal coordinates and shown to have a form of linked closed vortices.


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The symmetry structure of the non-Abelian affine Toda model based on the coset SL(3)/SL(2) circle times U(1) is studied. It is shown that the model possess non-Abelian Noether symmetry closing into a q-deformed SL(2) circle times U(1) algebra. Specific two-vertex soliton solutions are constructed.


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The dressing and vertex operator formalism is emploied to study the soliton solutions of the N = I super mKdV and sinh-Gordon models. Explicit two and four vertex solutions are constructed. The relation between the soliton solutions of both models is verified. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Employing Hirota's method, a class of soliton solutions for the N = 2 super mKdV equations is proposed in terms of a single Grassmann parameter. Such solutions are shown to satisfy two copies of N = 1 supersymmetric mKdV equations connected by nontrivial algebraic identities. Using the super Miura transformation, we obtain solutions of the N = 2 super KdV equations. These are shown to generalize solutions derived previously. By using them KdV/sinh-Gordon hierarchy properties we generate the solutions of the N = 2 super sinh-Gordon as well.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this paper we discuss the algebraic construction of the mKdV hierarchy in terms of an affine Lie algebra (s) over capl(2). An interesting novelty araises from the negative even grade sector of the affine algebra leading to nonlinear integro-differential equations admiting non-trivial vacuum configuration. These solitons solutions are constructed systematically from generalization of the dressing method based on non zero vacua. The sub-hierarchies admiting such class of solutions are classified.


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We consider an integrable conformally invariant two-dimensional model associated to the affine Kac-Moody algebra sl3(ℂ). It possesses four scalar fields and six Dirac spinors. The theory does not possesses a local Lagrangian since the spinor equations of motion present interaction terms which are bilinear in the spinors. There exists a submodel presenting an equivalence between a U(1) vector current and a topological current, which leads to a confinement of the spinors inside the solitons. We calculate the one-soliton and two-soliton solutions using a procedure which is a hybrid of the dressing and Hirota methods. The soliton masses and time delays due to the soliton interactions are also calculated. We give a computer program to calculate the soliton solutions. © 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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We construct exact vortex solutions in 3+1 dimensions to a theory which is an extension, due to Gies, of the Skyrme-Faddeev model, and that is believed to describe some aspects of the low energy limit of the pure SU(2) Yang-Mills theory. Despite the efforts in the last decades those are the first exact analytical solutions to be constructed for such type of theory. The exact vortices appear in a very particular sector of the theory characterized by special values of the coupling constants, and by a constraint that leads to an infinite number of conserved charges. The theory is scale invariant in that sector, and the solutions satisfy Bogomolny type equations. The energy of the static vortex is proportional to its topological charge, and waves can travel with the speed of light along them, adding to the energy a term proportional to a U(1) No ether charge they create. We believe such vortices may play a role in the strong coupling regime of the pure SU(2) Yang-Mills theory.


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In this work we present nonlinear models in two-dimensional space-time of two interacting scalar fields in the Lorentz and CPT violating scenarios. We discuss the soliton solutions for these models as well as the question of stability for them. This is done by generalizing a model recently published by Barreto and collaborators and also by getting new solutions for the model introduced by them.


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A submodel of the so-called conformal affine Toda model coupled to the matter field (CATM) is defined such that its real Lagrangian has a positive-definite kinetic term for the Toda field and a usual kinetic term for the (Dirac) spinor field. After spontaneously broken the conformal symmetry by means of BRST analysis, we end up with an effective theory, the off-critical affine Toda model coupled to the matter (ATM). It is shown that the ATM model inherits the remarkable properties of the general CATM model such as the soliton solutions, the particle/soliton correspondence and the equivalence between the Noether and topological currents. The classical solitonic spectrum of the ATM model is also discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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We derive the soliton matrices corresponding to an arbitrary number of higher-order normal zeros for the matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem of arbitrary matrix dimension, thus giving the complete solution to the problem of higher-order solitons. Our soliton matrices explicitly give all higher-order multisoliton solutions to the nonlinear partial differential equations integrable through the matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem. We have applied these general results to the three-wave interaction system, and derived new classes of higher-order soliton and two-soliton solutions, in complement to those from our previous publication [Stud. Appl. Math. 110, 297 (2003)], where only the elementary higher-order zeros were considered. The higher-order solitons corresponding to nonelementary zeros generically describe the simultaneous breakup of a pumping wave (u(3)) into the other two components (u(1) and u(2)) and merger of u(1) and u(2) waves into the pumping u(3) wave. The two-soliton solutions corresponding to two simple zeros generically describe the breakup of the pumping u(3) wave into the u(1) and u(2) components, and the reverse process. In the nongeneric cases, these two-soliton solutions could describe the elastic interaction of the u(1) and u(2) waves, thus reproducing previous results obtained by Zakharov and Manakov [Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 69, 1654 (1975)] and Kaup [Stud. Appl. Math. 55, 9 (1976)]. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.