968 resultados para Real transformation
Modal approach is widely used for the analysis of dynamics of flexible structures. However, space analysts yet lack an intimate modal analysis of current spacecraft which are rich with flexibility and possess both structural and discrete damping. Mathematical modeling of such spacecraft incapacitates the existing real transformation procedure, for it cannot include discrete damping, demands uncomputable inversion of a modal matrix inaccessible due to its overwhelming size and does not permit truncation. On the other hand, complex transformation techniques entail more computational time and cannot handle structural damping. This paper presents a real transformation strategy which averts inversion of the associated real transformation matrix, allows truncation and accommodates both forms of damping simultaneously. This is accomplished by establishing a key relation between the real transformation matrix and its adjoint. The relation permits truncation of the matrices and leads to uncoupled pairs of coupled first order equations which contain a number of adjoint eigenvectors. Finally these pairs are solved to obtain a literal modal response of forced gyroscopic damped flexibile systems at arbitrary initial conditions.
Single real transformation matrices are tested as phase-mode transformation matrices of typical symmetrical systems with double three-phase and two parallel double three-phase transmission lines. These single real transformation matrices are achieved from eigenvector matrices of the mentioned systems and they are based on Clarke's matrix. Using linear combinations of the Clarke's matrix elements, the techniques applied to the single three-phase lines are extended to systems with 6 or 12 phase conductors. For transposed double three-phase lines, phase Z and Y matrices are changed into diagonal matrices in mode domain. Considering non-transposed cases of double three-phase lines, the results are not exact and the error analyses are performed using the exact eigenvalues. In case of two parallel double three-phase lines, the exact single real transformation matrix has not been obtained yet. Searching for this exact matrix, the analyses are based on a single homopolar reference. For all analyses in this paper, the homopolar mode is used as the only homopolar reference for all phase conductors of the studied system. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
For a typical non-symmetrical system with two parallel three phase transmission lines, modal transformation is applied using some examples of single real transformation matrices. These examples are applied searching an adequate single real transformation matrix to two parallel three phase transmission line systems. The analyses are started with the eigenvector and eigenvalue studies, using Clarke's transformation or linear combinations of Clarke's elements. The Z C and parameters are analyzed for the case that presents the smallest errors between the exact eigenvalues and the single real transformation matrix application results. The single real transformation determined for this case is based on Clarke's matrix and its main characteristic is the use of a unique homopolar reference. So, the homopolar mode becomes a connector mode between the two three-phase circuits of the analyzed system. ©2005 IEEE.
In transmission line transient analyses, a single real transformation matrix can obtain exact modes when the analyzed line is transposed. For non-transposed lines, the results are not exact. In this paper, non-symmetrical and non transposed three-phase line samples are analyzed with a single real transformation matrix application (Clarke's matrix). Some interesting characteristics of this matrix application are: single, real, frequency independent, line parameter independent, identical for voltage and current determination. With Clarke's matrix use, mathematical simplifications are obtained and the developed model can be applied directly in programs based on time domain. This model works without convolution procedures to deal with phase-mode transformation. In EMTP programs, Clarke's matrix can be represented by ideal transformers and the frequency dependent line parameters can be represented by modified-circuits. With these representations, the electrical values at any line point can be accessed for phase domain or mode domain using the Clarke matrix or its inverse matrix. For symmetrical and non-transposed lines, the model originates quite small errors. In addition, the application of the proposed model to the non-symmetrical and non-transposed three phase transmission lines is investigated. ©2005 IEEE.
Clarke's matrix has been used as an eigenvector matrix for transposed three-phase transmission lines and it can be applied as a phase-mode transformation matrix for transposed cases. Considering untransposed three-phase transmission lines, Clarke's matrix is not an exact eigenvector matrix. In this case, the errors related to the diagonal elements of the Z and Y matrices can be considered negligible, if these diagonal elements are compared to the exact elements in domain mode. The mentioned comparisons are performed based on the error and frequency scan analyses. From these analyses and considering untransposed asymmetrical three-phase transmission lines, a correction procedure is determined searching for better results from the Clarke's matrix use as a phase-mode transformation matrix. Using the Clarke's matrix, the relative errors of the eigenvalue matrix elements can be considered negligible and the relative values of the off-diagonal elements are significant. Applying the corrected transformation matrices, the relative values of the off-diagonal elements are decreased. The comparisons among the results of these analyses show that the homopolar mode is more sensitive to the frequency influence than the two other modes related to three-phase lines. © 2006 IEEE.
Double three-phase transmission lines are analyzed in this paper using a modal transformation model. The main attribute of this model is the use of a single real transformation matrix based on line geometrical characteristics and the Clarke matrix. Because of this, for any line point, the electrical values can be accessed for phase domain or mode domain using the considered transformation matrix and without convolution methods. For non-transposed symmetrical lines the errors between the model results and the exact modes are insignificant values. The eigenvector and eigenvalue analyses for transposed lines search the similarities among the three analyzed transposition types and the possible simplifications for a non-transposed case.
Eigenvector and eigenvalue analyses are carried out for double three-phase transmission lines, studying the application of a constant and real phase-mode transformation matrix and the errors of this application to mode line models. Employing some line transposition types, exact results are obtained with a single real transformation matrix based on Clarke's matrix and line geometrical characteristics. It is shown that the proposed technique leads to insignificant errors when a nontransposed case is considered. For both cases, transposed and nontransposed, the access to the electrical values (voltage and current, for example) is provided through a simple matrix multiplication without convolution methods. Using this facility, an interesting model for transmission line analysis is obtained even though the nontransposed case errors are not eliminated. The main advantages of the model are related to the transformation matrix: single, real, frequency independent, and identical for voltage and current.
The results presented in this paper are based on a research about the application of approximated transformation matrices for electromagnetic transient analyses and simulations in transmission lines. Initially, it has developed the application of a single real transformation matrix for a double three-phase transmission lines, because the symmetry of the distribution of the phase conductors and the ground wires. After this, the same type of transformation matrix has applied for symmetrical single three-phase transmission lines. Analyzing asymmetrical single three-phase lines, it has used three different line configurations. For these transmission line types, the errors between the eigenvalues and the approximated results, called quasi modes, have been considered negligible. on the other hand, the quasi mode eigenvalue matrix for each case was not a diagonal one. and the relative values of the off-diagonal elements of the approximated quasi mode matrix are not negligible, mainly for the low frequencies. Based on this problem, a correction procedure has been applied for minimizing the mentioned relative values. For the correction procedure application, symmetrical and asymmetrical single three-phase transmission line samples have been used. Checking the correction procedure results, analyses and simulations have been carried out in mode and time domain. In this paper, the last results of mentioned research are presented and they related to the time domain simulations.
Le mémoire historiographique qui suit a comme sujet principal l’étude de l’évolution des perceptions françaises sur l’implication américaine au Vietnam. Nous nous sommes basés sur l’historiographie de deux périodes distinctes, soit celles des années 1960-1970 et 1990-2000. L’objectif était de voir s’il y a eu une transformation du regard que portent les auteurs sur l’implication américaine et, si oui, quelles en sont les causes. Le travail est construit de façon thématique et se divise en trois chapitres. Le premier aborde le choix et l’ampleur des armes utilisées, le second se penche sur la notion du communisme et de la démocratie, et le dernier traite de la conception de l’impérialisme et du colonialisme. Pour tous les thèmes examinés, nous résumons la perception qui ressort de chacun des auteurs afin de comparer les tendances idéologiques propres aux deux périodes étudiées. Nous conclurons qu’il s’est effectivement produit une importante transformation des perceptions. Cette transformation se traduit par une approche de moins en moins critique envers l’implication américaine au Vietnam. Dans chaque chapitre, nous avons pu soulever des causes de changement propres au sujet abordé. Toutefois, une tendance générale et sous-jacente se dégage et s’avère des plus révélatrices, soit le glissement en France des valeurs politiques et morales de la gauche vers la droite, doublé d’un rapprochement idéologique avec les États-Unis.
El presente trabajo es un trabajo de investigación en el sector de transporte marítimo de la ciudad de Santa Marta en el departamento del Magdalena, abarcando también los otras regiones de la Región Caribe colombiana, con el objetivo de analizar la competitividad de estás entre sí, específicamente en estos momentos que están entrando en vigencia varios Tratados de Libre Comercio TLC con diferentes países. De esta manera, analizando la información, se generarán estrategias que permitan hacer del sector portuario un actividad económica más efectiva y aprovechando los recursos, capacidades y oportunidades de progreso, crecimiento e inversión tecnológica y ocupacional, articulando los programas de gobierno con una transformación de la visión sobre la industria para lograr hacerla competitiva internacionalmente. Para esto, se lleva a cabo una investigación exhaustiva del manejo del puerto en Santa Marta que en este caso es la Sociedad Portuaria de Santa Marta, un análisis de estadísticas e indicadores que reflejan la situación actual del sector. Sucede los otros puertos situados en la Región Caribe, de tal manera que se conviertan en la base, junto con la normatividad del sector, para atender y enlazar la inversión que está haciendo tanto el gobierno como empresas privadas, junto con la creciente demanda del sector.
En la presente investigación se contrasta el Modelo Tradicional de Concesión con el Renovado Esquema de Asociación Público Privada propuesto por la Ley 1508 de 2011 y sus decretos reglamentarios, para establecer, a partir de puntos de contacto y fuga entre una y otra institución, que existe una verdadera transformación del paradigma; y que, este modelo mejorado de participación privada que cuenta con sus propios rasgos definitorios, se erige en principio, como una solución a las exigencias actuales de los proyectos viales de la Cuarta Generación de Concesiones en Colombia, pero a la vez da apertura al debate para la construcción académica del conocimiento, por su reciente implementación.
Para evitar una transformación formal y conducir un cambio constitucional sustancial se hace indispensable generar una construcción teórica en la que se sustenten los valores estructurales del constitucionalismo ecuatoriano como son el Sumak Kawsay y la justicia. Los nuevos saberes constitucionales son una motivación para transformar la práctica del derecho en el sistema de justicia ecuatoriano, porque no es suficiente el ejercicio tradicional del derecho para las exigencias del sistema constitucional actual. Es importante identificar que el cambio a lo nuevo ofrece resistencia en la práctica y exige creatividad para la transformación, circunstancia que se apega a la reparación integral que involucra el ejercicio de la justicia no como un ideal reservado para la teorización, sino que exige materialización.
O tema Gestão sob o enfoque holístico surgiu a partir de uma leitura da revista HSM Management de setembro-outubro/2000. O artigo abordava o novo paradigma de gerenciar funcionários, que privilegia a busca do bem-estar, onde muitas empresas estão sendo obrigadas a revisar suas políticas de recursos humanos para enfocar as três dimensões de um indivíduo - corpo, mente e espírito. Segundo a reportagem, pesquisas da PricewaterhouseCoopers, Universum e outras organizações constataram que o equilíbrio trabalho/vida não é apenas uma demanda dos atuais empregados, mas também uma das principais prioridades dos formandos em universidades do mundo todo. A intensa luta para atrair funcionários de alto gabarito colocará a empresa com abordagem mais holística um degrau acima de suas concorrentes. Para as empresas, atender as verdadeiras necessidades individuais de seus funcionários é um novo paradigma na maneira de gerenciar seus negócios. O que mudou é a percepção de que o ser humano é fator primordial de competitividade e deixou de ser insumo. O ser humano passou a ser tendencialmente o centro, o foco das relações. Ainda que este conceito aparente estar longe da realidade organizacional brasileira, em função da distância entre o discurso e a prática de um modelo de gestão que considere o funcionário como um ser integral, já temos exemplos de empresas que estão adotando este princípio. A necessidade do equilíbrio entre os aspectos físico, mental, emocional e espiritual para ser feliz, tem levado as pessoas a superarem o medo do desconhecido e caminhar com detenninação em direção ao autodesenvolvimento. Este estudo analisou a utilização da gestão sob o enfoque holístico em duas diferentes empresas. Os resultados evidenciaram que a abordagem holística não está no âmbito da utopia, antes trata-se de um desafio para os gestores das organizações que, para um sucesso na adoção desta prática, precisam, mais do que implantá-la, adotá-la como filosofia de vida, incorporando-a a seus valores e visão de mundo. A prática cotidiana do modelo de gestão holística a partir do corpo diretivo é que vai possibilitar a verdadeira transformação da cultura organizacional tradicional para uma cultura organizacional holística, cuja conseqüência é o reflexo positivo nos resultados econômico-financeiros. C onstatamos, por outro lado, as limitações na utilização desse modelo de gestão tanto por parte dos funcionários quanto por parte dos altos executivos. Quanto aos funcionários, nem todos estão preparados para assumir novas responsabilidades ou preparados para o seu desenvolvimento pessoal, através do auto conhecimento. As crenças adquiridas no período educacional, tanto no lar quanto na escola, bem como suas recentes experiências profissionais podem inibir a descoberta de novas possibilidades, até que se sintam compelidos a lidar com os novos conhecimentos por necessidade de empregabilidade. Quanto aos executivos, por se tratar de um modelo de gestão relativamente novo, sem comprovação científica aliado à dificuldade de encontrar instrumentos de medição objetivos e ao elevado nível de exigência quanto a resultados crescentes no curto prazo, acabam priorizando a administração por objetivos, por se sentirem mais confortáveis quanto à certeza de obtenção de resultados econômico-financeiros no curto prazo. Esquecem-se, no entanto, dos efeitos desastrosos no clima organizacional, que vão comprometer os resultados de médio e longo prazos, seja pela possibilidade de elevado turnover como pela desmotivação generalizada, onde os funcionários só trabalham sob pressão. Por sua vez, cientes da importância do ser humano no novo cenário de elevada competitividade, não são poucos os empresários que já estão começando a trabalhar seus valores intrinsecos com a ajuda de terapeutas, filósofos, psicólogos, estimulando primeiro o auto conhecimento pessoal, para que possam futuramente empreender essa nova maneira de ver o mundo em suas respectivas empresas.
This paper presents a method for analyzing electromagnetic transients using real transformation matrices in three-phase systems considering the presence of ground wires. So, for the Z and Y matrices that represent the transmission line, the characteristics of ground wires are not implied in the values related to the phases. A first approach uses a real transformation matrix for the entire frequency range considered in this case. This transformation matrix is an approximation to the exact transformation matrix. For those elements related to the phases of the considered system, the transformation matrix is composed of the elements of Clarke's matrix. In part related to the ground wires, the elements of the transformation matrix must establish a relationship with the elements of the phases considering the establishment of a single homopolar reference in the mode domain. In the case of three-phase lines with the presence of two ground wires, it is unable to get the full diagonalization of the matrices Z and Y in the mode domain. This leads to the second proposal for the composition of real transformation matrix: obtain such transformation matrix from the multiplication of two real and constant matrices. In this case, the inclusion of a second matrix had the objective to minimize errors from the first proposal for the composition of the transformation matrix mentioned. © 2012 IEEE.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)