906 resultados para Rating credit agencies


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Durante as últimas décadas observou-se o crescimento da importância das avaliações fornecidas pelas agências de rating, sendo este um fator decisivo na tomada de decisão dos investidores. Também os emitentes de dívida são largamente afetados pelas alterações das classificações atribuídas por estas agências. Esta investigação pretende, por um lado, compreender se estas agências têm poder para conseguirem influenciar a evolução da dívida pública e qual o seu papel no mercado financeiro. Por outro, pretende compreender quais os fatores determinantes da dívida pública portuguesa, bem como a realização de uma análise por percentis com o objetivo de lhe atribuir um rating. Para a análise dos fatores que poderão influenciar a dívida pública, a metodologia utilizada é uma regressão linear múltipla estimada através do Método dos Mínimos Quadrados (Ordinary Least Squares – OLS), em que num cenário inicial era composta por onze variáveis independentes, sendo a dívida pública a variável dependente, para um período compreendido entre 1996 e 2013. Foram realizados vários testes ao modelo inicial, com o objetivo de encontrar um modelo que fosse o mais explicativo possível. Conseguimos ainda identificar uma relação inversa entre o rating atribuído por estas agências e a evolução da dívida pública, no sentido em que para períodos em que o rating desce, o crescimento da dívida é mais acentuado. Não nos foi, no entanto, possível atribuir um rating à dívida pública através de uma análise de percentis.


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The Basel III will have a significant impact on the European banking sector. In September 2010, supervisors of various countries adopted the new rules proposed by the prudential Committee on Banking Supervision to be applied to the business of credit institutions (hereinafter called ICs) in a phased manner from 2013, assuming to its full implementation by 2019. The purpose of this new regulation is to limit the excessive risk that these institutions took on the period preceding the global financial crisis of 2008. This new regulation is known in slang by Basel III. Depending on the requirement of Basel II for banks and their supervisors to assess the soundness and adequacy of internal risk measurement and credit management systems, the development of methodologies for the validation of internal and external evaluation systems is clearly an important issue . More specifically, there is a need to develop tools to validate the systems used to generate the parameters (such as PD, LGD, EAD and ratings of perceived risk) that serve as starting points for the IRB approach for credit risk. In this context, the work is composed of a number of approaches and tools used to evaluate the robustness of these elements IRB systems.


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Tutkielman päätavoitteena oli analysoida, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat pankin luottoluokituksissa laadullisten tekijöiden arviointiin ja mikävaikutus näillä tekijöillä on luottoluokitukseen. Tutkimuksessa myös arvioitiinlaadullisten tekijöiden vaikutusta pankin pääomavaatimukseen. Tutkimuksessa olimu-kana pankin 408 yritysasiakasta. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin tilastollista tut-kimusmenetelmää. Baselin pankkivalvontakomitean asettamat standardit ja rahoitusalan journaaleissa julkaistut tutkimukset muodostivat tutkimuk-sen teoreettisen viitekehyksen. Tutkimusten pohjalta asetettiin tutkimus-hypoteesit. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että laadullisten tekijöiden ja taloudellisten te-kijöiden arvioinnin erotukseen eivät vaikuta merkittävästi yrityksen ikä, ko-ko eikä asiakassuhteen kesto. Myöskään toimialalla ei ollut vaikutusta. Konttoreittain laadullisten tekijöiden arvioinnissa oli eroja. Laadullisia teki-jöitäarvioidaan keskimäärin positiivisemmin kuin taloudellisia tekijöitä mut-ta erotolivat koko otantajoukossa hyvin pieniä. Luottoluokitukset nousevat hieman laadullisten tekijöiden vaikutuksesta, jolloin tällä on pääomavaati-musta laskeva vaikutus. Laadullisten ja taloudellisten tekijöiden arvioinnin eroon voi kuitenkinolla olemassa perustellut syyt. Tutkimustulosten perusteellavoidaan todeta, että laadullisten tekijöiden arviointiin eivät vaikuta yksittäiset yrityskohtaiset tekijät. Luokittelijan sub-jektiivisten tekijöiden lisäksi taustalla saattaa vaikuttaa myös monet muut tekijät, joita ei ole tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittu.


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The subject of the current work was to analyze the subject of the adequacy of Brazilian's agricultural activity financing model, as an alternative for the traditional agriculture credit. The main basis for this research is the evidence that the official resources for new loans, wherein it is analyzed a period within 30 years, had their highest peak in the final 70's decade and beginning of the80¿s had experimented a consistent trajectory of decline, returning to the initial levels of the final decades of the 60¿s. In parallel with the situation above, it is evidenced the increase of the Brazilian agriculture production by the official data, mainly grain plowing, followed by diverse problems like high levels of default in and continuously debt roll over, indicating depauperation from the traditional model which was institutionalized in 1965, under the Law n. 4829. A survey of official data regarding those loans, their default and field research with banks that deal with agriculture loans, from a broad Bibliographical research, ,was made in order to verify their managing strategy and willingness to use new financing mechanisms. The main proposed alternatives were: a) Cédula de Produto Rural (Rural Product Bill) b) Cédula de Produto Rural, financial modality c) Bolsa de Mercadorias e de Futuro¿s proposal d) Agricultural Receivable on Security e) Model based on Local Credit Agencies The best instrument for leveling resources were the first four alternatives, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each proposal. The creation of a system based on local branches for credit had not shown to be viable as for the difficulties for implementation and functioning. The work also points out a need to review the segmentation concerning rural clients. The traditional format for segmentation distinguishes 2 groups of producers: commercial agriculture and familiar agriculture. A third group is in eminence, which is the survival agriculture, with needs and distinct characteristics, indicating that the requirements for their needs must not have to be made by credit forms, but as aid programs, education and social welfare.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um estudo das relações inter-firmas estabelecidas entre empresas mínero-metalúrgicas localizadas no distrito industrial do município de Barcarena, no estado do Pará, a partir da análise das interações entre uma empresa central e sua rede de fornecedores e subcontratados, que operacionalizam o beneficiamento e a exportação do mineral conhecido como caulim. Segundo as abordagens teóricas que defendem a ocorrência e a disseminação de inovações tecnológicas como base para o desenvolvimento econômico, realizou-se um estudo sobre a forma como os arranjos produtivos são capazes de gerar e manter vantagens competitivas a partir de sistemas de inovação baseados em redes cooperativas integradas por um grupo específico de agentes públicos e privados. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que, em que pese a existência de inovações nos processos produtivos, em função das exigências técnicas apresentadas por seus contratantes, as empresas subcontratadas, via de regra, não conseguem estabelecer relações de cooperação capazes de promover a disseminação destas inovações, assim como também geralmente não dispõem de recursos gerenciais e tecnológicos capazes de gerar inovações de produtos ou de transformar as inovações de processos em significativos ganhos de produtividade. A ausência de cooperação entre as empresas estende-se aos relacionamentos com os outros agentes, tais como instituições de ensino e pesquisa, de treinamento e capacitação técnica, órgãos de fomento e crédito, associações, cooperativas e sindicatos. Conseqüentemente, a rede de subcontratação desperdiça o potencial de ganhos sinérgicos capazes de elevar os patamares de competitividade local. Abordam-se também as implicações do estudo para a pesquisa, para o desenvolvimento local e para o planejamento e as políticas públicas.


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Sovereign ratings have only recently regained attention in the academic debate. This seems to be somewhat surprising against the background that their influence is well-known and that rating decisions have often been criticized in the past (as for example during the Asian crisis in the 90s). Sovereign ratings do not only assess the creditworthiness of governments: They are also included in the calculation of ratings for sub-sovereign issuers whereby their rating is usually restricted to the upper bound of the sovereign rating (sovereign ceiling). Earlier studies have also shown that the downgrade of a sovereign often leads to contagion effects on neighbor countries. This study focuses first on misleading incentives in the rating industry before chapter three summarizes the literature on the influence and determinants of sovereign ratings. The fourth chapter explores empirically how ratings respond to changes in sovereign debt across specific country groups. The fifth part focuses on single rating decisions of four selected rating agencies and investigates whether the timing of decisions gives reason for herding behavior. The final chapter presents a reform proposal for the future regulation of the rating industry in light of the aforementioned flaws.rn


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In the aftermath of the 2008 crisis, scholars have begun to revise their conceptions of how market participants interact. While the traditional “rationalist optic” posits market participants who are able to process decisionrelevant information and thereby transform uncertainty into quantifiable risks, the increasingly popular “sociological optic” stresses the role of uncertainty in expectation formation and social conventions for creating confidence in markets. Applications of the sociological optic to concrete regulatory problems are still limited. By subjecting both optics to the same regulatory problem—the role of credit rating agencies (CRAs) and their ratings in capital markets—this paper provides insights into whether the sociological optic offers advice to tackle concrete regulatory problems and discusses the potential of the sociological optic in complementing the rationalist optic. The empirical application suggests that the sociological optic is not only able to improve our understanding of the role of CRAs and their ratings, but also to provide solutions complementary to those posited by the rationalist optic.


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This paper explores the effect of credit rating agency’s (CRA) reputation on the discretionary disclosures of corporate bond issuers. Academics, practitioners, and regulators disagree on the informational role played by major CRAs and the usefulness of credit ratings in influencing investors’ perception of the credit risk of bond issuers. Using management earnings forecasts as a measure of discretionary disclosure, I find that investors demand more (less) disclosure from bond issuers when the ratings become less (more) credible. In addition, using content analytics, I find that bond issuers disclose more qualitative information during periods of low CRA reputation to aid investors better assess credit risk. That the corporate managers alter their voluntary disclosure in response to CRA reputation shocks is consistent with credit ratings providing incremental information to investors and reducing adverse selection in lending markets. Overall, my findings suggest that managers rely on voluntary disclosure as a credible mechanism to reduce information asymmetry in bond markets.


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Assesses the implications of the UK's decision to withdraw from the EU for the regulation of its credit rating industry. Discusses the current rules of the Credit Rating Agencies Regulations 2010. Considers how the likelihood that a "post-Brexit" UK will be increasingly dependent on its financial services sector might affect the approach taken towards its regulation.


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The role played by the Big Three credit rating agencies (Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, and Fitch) in the creation of the recent Financial Crisis has been well documented, as too has their conduct in the aftermath of the Crisis where they contributed to the prolonging of the effects of the systemic breakdown. Also, with a string of record fines and cease-and-desist orders in the wake of the Crisis lending weight to the notion that the Big Three have no plans of performing any more ethically, there are a number of organisations that are endeavouring to provide a better alternative to the stranglehold of the Big Three. In the first instalment of the Viability of a Response series we were introduced to the International Non-Profit Credit Rating Agency who, through the amalgamation of forward-looking and non-profit ideals, intends to inject some much needed ethical consideration into the process of providing ratings that are crucial to the marketplace . In this edition of the series, we will be introduced to the Universal Credit Rating Group (UCRG) which is an alliance between Dagong Global Ratings, RusRating, and Egan-Jones Rating Company. We will start by learning more about this alliance that is due to come into effect in the next few years, and then the article will examine the reality of the situation to come to a conclusion on what the Group’s chances of success may be.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Gestão das Instituições Financeiras