30 resultados para Parenthesis


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This study evaluated effects of defensive pressure on running velocity in footballers during the approach to kick a stationary football. Approach velocity and ball speed/accuracy data were recorded from eight football youth academy participants (15.25, SD=0.46 yrs). Participants were required to run to a football to cross it to a receiver to score against a goal-keeper. Defensive pressure was manipulated across three counterbalanced conditions: defender-absent (DA); defender-far (DF) and defender-near (DN). Pass accuracy (percentages of a total of 32 trials with 95% confidence limits in parenthesis) did not significantly reduce under changing defensive pressure: DA, 78% (55–100%); DF, 78% (61–96%); DN, 59% (40–79%). Ball speed (m·s−1) significantly reduced as defensive pressure was included and increased: DA, 23.10 (22.38–23.83); DF, 20.40 (19.69–21.11); DN, 19.22 (18.51–19.93). When defensive pressure was introduced, average running velocity of attackers did not change significantly: DA versus DF (m·s−1), 5.40 (5.30–5.51) versus 5.41 (5.34–5.48). Scaling defender starting positions closer to the start position of the attacker (DN) significantly increased average running velocity relative to the DA and DF conditions, 5.60 (5.50–5.71). In the final approach footfalls, all conditions significantly differed: DA, 5.69 (5.35–6.03); DF, 6 .22 (5.93–6.50); DN, 6.52 (6.23–6.80). Data suggested that approach velocity is constrained by both presence and initial distance of the defender during task performance. Implications are that the expression of kicking behaviour is specific to a performance context and some movement regulation features will not emerge unless a defender is present as a task constraint in practice.


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It’s hard not to be somewhat cynical about the self-congratulatory ‘diversity’ at the centre of the growing calendar of art bi/tri-ennials. The –ennial has proven expedient to the global tourism circuit, keeping regional economies and a relatively moderate pool of transnational artists afloat and the Asia Pacific Triennial is no exception. The mediation of representation that is imperative to the ‘best of’ formats of these transnational art shows hinges on a categorical backwardness that can feel more than a little like a Miss World competition than a progressive art show because the little tag in parenthesis after each artist’s name seems just as politically precarious now as it did forty years ago. Despite a weighty corpus of practical and critical work to the contrary, identity politics are so intrinsic to art capitalization, for both artists and institutions, that extricating ourselves from the particular and strategic politics of identification is seemingly impossible. Not that everyone wants to of course.


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Ce mémoire en recherche-création explore l’enfermement volontaire et les différents types de tensions qu’il provoque. Court roman prenant la forme du journal intime, La Parenthèse met en scène un jeune homme qui décide de s’enfermer chez lui une semaine durant et s’interdit tout contact avec l’extérieur – autant pour prendre un congé temporaire de la vie qu’il mène que pour examiner les raisons de sa détresse quotidienne. Le monologue intérieur se transforme rapidement en dialogue, dès lors qu’un double vindicatif, interrompant la voix principale par des « répliques » entre parenthèses, fait son apparition. Une relation houleuse – sous tension – se tisse entre ces deux facettes du personnage tout au long des sept jours de la réclusion, les passages de dispute alternant avec des récits de souvenirs. En somme, le roman tente de dramatiser la question de l’emprisonnement de soi-même et de la limitation de l’écriture, cette limitation pouvant être à la fois malsaine et libératrice. Quant à l’essai, Tensions et enfermement dans les Cent Vingt Journées de Sodome du marquis de Sade, il part du thème de l’enfermement (en l’occurrence, celui des quatre amis qui exécutent le projet de passer quatre mois dans un château isolé) pour postuler une « architecture du désir » dans Les Cent Vingt Journées de Sodome. L’essai mobilise les ressources de la narratologie en prenant en compte les effets du texte sur le lecteur ; sont ainsi mises en évidence les tensions – sexuelle pour les protagonistes, narrative pour le lecteur – élaborées par cette écriture de l’enfermement et de la contrainte, dans laquelle le désir est toujours maintenu mais rarement satisfait.


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Toutes les photographies présentes à l'intérieur de ce mémoire ont été prises par l'auteur de ce dernier.


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The electron donating properties of La2O3 activated at 300, 500 and 800·C and its mixed oxides with alumina are reported from the studies on adsorption of electron acceptors of varying electron affinity on La203. The electron acceptors with their electron affinity values given in parenthesis are: 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (2.84 eV), 2,3,5,6-tetrachloro-I,4-benzoquinone (2.40 eV) and p-dinitrobenzene(l.77eV). The basicity of the oxide has been determined by titration with n-butylamine and Ho.max values are reported. The limit of electron transfer from the oxide to the electron acceptor is between 2.40 and 1.77 eV. It is observed that La203 promotes the surface electron properties of alumina without changing its limit of electron transfer.


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Scholarship has for decades emphasised the significant continuities in Italian culture and society after Fascism, calling into question the rhetoric of post-war renewal. This essay proposes a reassessment of that rhetoric through the analysis of five key metaphors with which Italian intellectuals represented national recovery after 1945: parenthesis, disease, flood, childhood, and discovery. While the current critical consensus would lead us to expect a cultural conversation characterised by repression and evasion, an analysis of these five post-war metaphors instead reveals both a penetrating re-assessment of Italian culture after Fascism and an earnest adherence to the cause of national re-vitalisation. Foregrounding the inter-relation of Italy’s prospects for change and its continuities with Fascism, these metaphors suggest that post-war Italian intellectuals conceived of their country’s hopes for renewal, as well as its connections to the recent past, in terms that transcend the binary division favoured in many historical accounts.


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In the present work, a new approach for the determination of the partition coefficient in different interfaces based on the density function theory is proposed. Our results for log P(ow) considering a n-octanol/water interface for a large super cell for acetone -0.30 (-0.24) and methane 0.95 (0.78) are comparable with the experimental data given in parenthesis. We believe that these differences are mainly related to the absence of van der Walls interactions and the limited number of molecules considered in the super cell. The numerical deviations are smaller than that observed for interpolation based tools. As the proposed model is parameter free, it is not limited to the n-octanol/water interface.


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This experiment was undertaken to determine the possible presence of Salmonella in poultry diets. A total of two hundred samples of ration from 4 commercial poultry feed industries were examined. The results revealed the presence of salmonellae in 10% of the samples studied and 14 serotypes were identified. The procedure for Salmonella isolation included the pre-enrichment step and the strains were submitted to antimicrobial tests. The 29 strains were resistant to the followings antimicrobial agents (% of resistance in parenthesis): Erythromycin (100%), sulphonamides (100%), colistin (100%), streptomycin (100%), bacitracin (100%), penicillin (100%), tetracycline (92,9%), cephalothin (75%), carbenicillin (62,5%), ampicillin (46,5%), kanamycin (46,5%), nitrofurantoin (39,3%), neomycin (25%), amikacin (21,4%), sulphazotrin (21,4%), nalidix acid (18,8%), chloramphenycol (17,9%), linco-spectin (17,9%), gentamicin (17,9%), and cefoxitin (6,3%).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper investigates, in light of the theory of Functional Discourse Grammar (HENGEVELD; MACKENZIE, 2008), the concessive clause that is not subordinated to other clauses, i.e., it has no semantic or syntactic relations with clauses before or after it, and which we call Independent Concessive. The aim is to describe the discursive properties and the semantic, morphosyntactic and prosodic structure of this type of clause, showing that its relevance is in the construction and organization of discourse. The results indicate that the Independent Concessive works in speech as a parenthesis which interrupts the discursive course and is then highlighted by a special prosodic contour, combined with the presence of Interactive Acts. It is therefore a Move, the highest layer of the Interpersonal Level, the level that relates to the pragmatic aspects of the grammar of a language. The universe of research used is the Iboruna corpus, a database that records a variety of Portuguese from the Northwest of São Paulo.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the growth, the morphological alterations and the mineral composition of brazilwood (Caesalpinia echinata) plants caused by mineral nutrients omission in a green house experiment. The experimental units were distributed in the green house according to a completely random design. The treatments, each repeated five times, were the following : check (natural soil), complete (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Mn, and Zn) and a complete solution but for the omission of one of the nutrients in parenthesis. Each plot was represented by a plant growing in a 7 dm3 vase filled with Quartzarenic Neosol. The analyzed variables were the following: visual nutritional deficiency symptoms, plant height, stem diameter, shoot dry matter, stem, branches and leaves included, and leaf nutrients level. The omission of nitrogen limited plant growth in height and shoot biomass production. The first visual deficiency symptoms were those due to N omission followed by those caused by P, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, and Mn omissions. Later on the K and B deficiency symptoms became visible. The omission of a nutrient always caused its level in the leaves to be significantly lower than that found when it was not omitted.