991 resultados para Numerical Computations


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This paper describes the architecture of a multiprocessor system which we call the Broadcast Cube System (BCS) for solving important computation intensive problems such as systems of linear algebraic equations and Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), and highlights its features. Further, this paper presents an analytical performance study of the BCS, and it describes the main details of the design and implementation of the simulator for the BCS.


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Михаил М. Константинов, Петко Х. Петков - Разгледани са възможните катастрофални ефекти от неправилното използване на крайна машинна аритметика с плаваща точка. За съжаление, тази тема не винаги се разбира достатъчно добре от студентите по приложна и изчислителна математика, като положението в инженерните и икономическите специалности в никакъв случай не е по-добро. За преодоляване на този образователен пропуск тук сме разгледали главните виновници за загубата на точност при числените компютърни пресмятания. Надяваме се, че представените резултати ще помогнат на студентите и лекторите за по-добро разбиране и съответно за избягване на основните фактори, които могат да разрушат точността при компютърните числени пресмятания. Последното не е маловажно – числените катастрофи понякога стават истински, с големи щети и човешки жертви.


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The design of present generation uncooled Hg1-xCdxTe infrared photon detectors relies on complex heterostructures with a basic unit cell of type (n) under bar (+)/pi/(p) under bar (+). We present an analysis of double barrier (n) under bar (+)/pi/(p) under bar (+) mid wave infrared (x = 0.3) HgCdTe detector for near room temperature operation using numerical computations. The present work proposes an accurate and generalized methodology in terms of the device design, material properties, and operation temperature to study the effects of position dependence of carrier concentration, electrostatic potential, and generation-recombination (g-r) rates on detector performance. Position dependent profiles of electrostatic potential, carrier concentration, and g-r rates were simulated numerically. Performance of detector was studied as function of doping concentration of absorber and contact layers, width of both layers and minority carrier lifetime. Responsivity similar to 0.38 A W-1, noise current similar to 6 x 10(-14) A/Hz(1/2) and D* similar to 3.1 x 10(10)cm Hz(1/2) W-1 at 0.1 V reverse bias have been calculated using optimized values of doping concentration, absorber width and carrier lifetime. The suitability of the method has been illustrated by demonstrating the feasibility of achieving the optimum device performance by carefully selecting the device design and other parameters. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3463379]


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A means of assessing the effectiveness of methods used in the numerical solution of various linear ill-posed problems is outlined. Two methods: Tikhonov' s method of regularization and the quasireversibility method of Lattès and Lions are appraised from this point of view.

In the former method, Tikhonov provides a useful means for incorporating a constraint into numerical algorithms. The analysis suggests that the approach can be generalized to embody constraints other than those employed by Tikhonov. This is effected and the general "T-method" is the result.

A T-method is used on an extended version of the backwards heat equation with spatially variable coefficients. Numerical computations based upon it are performed.

The statistical method developed by Franklin is shown to have an interpretation as a T-method. This interpretation, although somewhat loose, does explain some empirical convergence properties which are difficult to pin down via a purely statistical argument.


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Scour around hydraulic structures is a critical problem in hydraulic engineering. Under prediction of scour depth may lead to costly failures of the structure, while over prediction might result in unnecessary costs. Unfortunately, up-to-date empirical scour prediction formulas are based on laboratory experiments that are not always able to reproduce field conditions due to complicated geometry of rivers and temporal and spatial scales of a physical model. However, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools can perform using real field dimensions and operating conditions to predict sediment scour around hydraulic structures. In Korea, after completing the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project, several new weirs have been built across Han, Nakdong, Geum and Yeongsan Rivers. Consequently, sediment deposition and bed erosion around such structures have became a major issue in these four rivers. In this study, an application of an open source CFD software package, the TELEMAC-MASCARET, to simulate sediment transport and bed morphology around Gangjeong weir, which is the largest multipurpose weir built on Nakdong River. A real bathymetry of the river and a geometry of the weir have been implemented into the numerical model. The numerical simulation is carried out with a real hydrograph at the upstream boundary. The bedmorphology obtained from the numerical results has been validated against field observation data, and a maximum of simulated scour depth is compared with the results obtained by empirical formulas of Hoffmans. Agreement between numerical computations, observed data and empirical formulas is judged to be satisfactory on all major comparisons. The outcome of this study does not only point out the locations where deposition and erosion might take place depending on the weir gate operation, but also analyzes the mechanism of formation and evolution of scour holes after the weir gates.


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Upwardpropagation of a premixed flame in averticaltubefilled with a very leanmixture is simulated numerically using a single irreversible Arrhenius reaction model with infinitely high activation energy. In the absence of heat losses and preferential diffusion effects, a curved flame with stationary shape and velocity close to those of an open bubble ascending in the same tube is found for values of the fuel mass fraction above a certain minimum that increases with the radius of the tube, while the numerical computations cease to converge to a stationary solution below this minimum mass fraction. The vortical flow of the gas behind the flame and in its transport region is described for tubes of different radii. It is argued that this flow may become unstable when the fuel mass fraction is decreased, and that this instability, together with the flame stretch due to the strong curvature of the flame tip in narrow tubes, may be responsible for the minimum fuel mass fraction. Radiation losses and a Lewis number of the fuel slightly above unity decrease the final combustion temperature at the flame tip and increase the minimum fuel mass fraction, while a Lewis number slightly below unity has the opposite effect.


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Numerical simulations of axisymmetric reactive jets with one-step Arrhenius kinetics are used to investigate the problem of deflagration initiation in a premixed fuel–air mixture by the sudden discharge of a hot jet of its adiabatic reaction products. For the moderately large values of the jet Reynolds number considered in the computations, chemical reaction is seen to occur initially in the thin mixing layer that separates the hot products from the cold reactants. This mixing layer is wrapped around by the starting vortex, thereby enhancing mixing at the jet head, which is followed by an annular mixing layer that trails behind, connecting the leading vortex with the orifice rim. A successful deflagration is seen to develop for values of the orifice radius larger than a critical value a c in the order of the flame thickness of the planar deflagration δL. Introduction of appropriate scales provides the dimensionless formulation of the problem, with flame initiation characterised in terms of a critical Damköhler number Δc=(a d/δL)2, whose parametric dependence is investigated. The numerical computations reveal that, while the jet Reynolds number exerts a limited influence on the criticality conditions, the effect of the reactant diffusivity on ignition is much more pronounced, with the value of Δc increasing significantly with increasing Lewis numbers. The reactant diffusivity affects also the way ignition takes place, so that for reactants with the flame develops as a result of ignition in the annular mixing layer surrounding the developing jet stem, whereas for highly diffusive reactants with Lewis numbers sufficiently smaller than unity combustion is initiated in the mixed core formed around the starting vortex. The analysis provides increased understanding of deflagration initiation processes, including the effects of differential diffusion, and points to the need for further investigations corporating detailed chemistry models for specific fuel–air mixtures.


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Different non-Fourier models of heat conduction have been considered in recent years, in a growing area of applications, to model microscale and ultrafast, transient, nonequilibrium responses in heat and mass transfer. In this work, using Fourier transforms, we obtain exact solutions for different lagging models of heat conduction in a semi-infinite domain, which allow the construction of analytic-numerical solutions with prescribed accuracy. Examples of numerical computations, comparing the properties of the models considered, are presented.


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Non-Fourier models of heat conduction are increasingly being considered in the modeling of microscale heat transfer in engineering and biomedical heat transfer problems. The dual-phase-lagging model, incorporating time lags in the heat flux and the temperature gradient, and some of its particular cases and approximations, result in heat conduction modeling equations in the form of delayed or hyperbolic partial differential equations. In this work, the application of difference schemes for the numerical solution of lagging models of heat conduction is considered. Numerical schemes for some DPL approximations are developed, characterizing their properties of convergence and stability. Examples of numerical computations are included.


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We discuss some main points of computer-assisted proofs based on reliable numerical computations. Such so-called self-validating numerical methods in combination with exact symbolic manipulations result in very powerful mathematical software tools. These tools allow proving mathematical statements (existence of a fixed point, of a solution of an ODE, of a zero of a continuous function, of a global minimum within a given range, etc.) using a digital computer. To validate the assertions of the underlying theorems fast finite precision arithmetic is used. The results are absolutely rigorous. To demonstrate the power of reliable symbolic-numeric computations we investigate in some details the verification of very long periodic orbits of chaotic dynamical systems. The verification is done directly in Maple, e.g. using the Maple Power Tool intpakX or, more efficiently, using the C++ class library C-XSC.


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Михаил Константинов, Весела Пашева, Петко Петков - Разгледани са някои числени проблеми при използването на компютърната система MATLAB в учебната дейност: пресмятане на тригонометрични функции, повдигане на матрица на степен, спектрален анализ на целочислени матрици от нисък ред и пресмятане на корените на алгебрични уравнения. Причините за възникналите числени трудности могат да се обяснят с особеностите на използваната двоичната аритметика с плаваща точка.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: primary: 60J80, 60J85, secondary: 62M09, 92D40


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This thesis focuses on experimental and numerical studies of the hydrodynamic interaction between two vessels in close proximity in waves. In the model tests, two identical box-like models with round corners were used. Regular waves with the same wave steepness and different wave frequencies were generated. Six degrees of freedom body motions and wave elevations between bodies were measured in a head sea condition. Three initial gap widths were examined. In the numerical computations, a panel-free method based seakeeping program, MAPS0, and a panel method based program, WAMIT, were used for the prediction of body motions and wave elevations. The computed body motions and wave elevations were compared with experimental data.


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In this paper the kinematics of a curved shock of arbitrary strength has been discussed using the theory of generalised functions. This is the extension of Moslov’s work where he has considered isentropic flow even across the shock. The condition for a nontrivial jump in the flow variables gives the shock manifold equation (sme). An equation for the rate of change of shock strength along the shock rays (defined as the characteristics of the sme) has been obtained. This exact result is then compared with the approximate result of shock dynamics derived by Whitham. The comparison shows that the approximate equations of shock dynamics deviate considerably from the exact equations derived here. In the last section we have derived the conservation form of our shock dynamic equations. These conservation forms would be very useful in numerical computations as it would allow us to derive difference schemes for which it would not be necessary to fit the shock-shock explicitly.


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A finite circular cylindrical shell subjected to a band of uniform pressure on its outer rim was investigated, using three-dimensional elasticity theory and the classical shell theories of Timoshenko (or Donnell) and Flügge. Detailed comparison of the resulting stresses and displacements was carried out for shells with ratios of inner to outer shell radii equal to 0.80, 0.85, 0.90 and 0.93 and for ratios of outer shell diameter to length of the shell equal to 0.5, 1 and 2. The ratio of band width to length of the shell was 0.2 and Poisson's ratio used was equal to 0.3. An Elliot 803 digital computer was used for numerical computations.