956 resultados para NEAR-FIELD STRUCTURE
A novel metallized azo dye has been synthesized. The absorption spectra of the thin film and thermal characteristic are measured. Static optical recording properties with and without the Bi mask layer super-resolution near-field structure (Super-RENS) of the metal-azo dye are investigated. The results show that the metal-azo dye film has a broad absorbance band in the region of 450-650 nm and the maximum absorbance wavelength is located at 603 nm. It is also found that the new metallized azo dye occupies excellent thermal stability, initiatory decomposition temperature is at 270 degrees C and the mass loss is about 48% in a narrow temperature region (15 degrees C). The complex refractive index N (N = n + ik) is measured. High refractive index (n = 2.45) and low extinction coefficient (k = 0.2) at the recording wavelength 650nm are attained. Static optical recording tests with and without Super-RENS are carried out using a 650nm semiconductor diode laser with recording power of 7mW and laser pulse duration of 200ns. The AFM images show that the diameter of recording mark on the dye film with the Bi mask layer is reduced about 42%, compared to that of recorded mark on the dye film without Super-RENS. It is indicated that Bi can well performed as a mask layer of the dye recording layer and the metallized azo dye can be a promising candidate for recording media with the super-resolution near-field structure.
Static recording characteristic of super-resolution near-field structure with antimony (Sb) is investigated in this paper. The recording marks are observed by a scanning electron microscopy (SEM), a high-resolution optical microscopy with a CCD camera and an atomic force microscopy (AFM). The super-resolution mechanism is also analyzed based on these static recording marks. Results show that the light reaching on recording layer is composed of two parts, one is the linear transmissive light (propagating field) and the other is the nonlinear evanescent light in the optical near field. The evanescent light may be greatly enhanced in the center of the spot because Sb will transit from a semiconductor to a metal when it is melted under the high laser power irradiation. This local melted area in the spot center may be like a metal tip in the optical near field that can collect and enhance the information that is far beyond the diffraction limit, which leads to the super-resolution recording and readout. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
To study working mechanism of super-resolution near-field structure (super-RENS) optical disk from a far-field optics view is very necessary because of the actual far-field writing/readout process in the optical disk system. A Gaussian diffraction model based on Fresnel-Kirchhoff diffraction theory of PtOx-type super-RENS has been set up in this Letter. The relationship between micro-structural deformation (change of bubble structure and refractive index profile) with far-field optical response of PtOx thin film has been studied with it in detail. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results reported in literatures with a designed configuration. These results may provide more quantitative information for better understanding of the working mechanism of metal-oxide-type super-RENS. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Based on the Fresnel-Kirchkoff diffraction theory, we build up a Gaussian diffraction model of metal-oxide-type super-resolution near field structure (super-RENS), which can describe far field optical properties. The spectral contrast induced by refractive index and the structural changes in AgOx, PtOx and PdOx thin films, which are the key functional layers in super-RENS, are studied by using this model. Comparison results indicate that the spectral contrast intensively on laser-induced distribution and change of the refractive index in the metal-oxide films. The readout mechanism of the metal-oxide-type super-RENS optical disc is further clarified. This Gaussian diffraction model can be used as a simple and effective method for choosing proper active materials in super-RENS.
Dispersion in the near-field region of localised releases in urban areas is difficult to predict because of the strong influence of individual buildings. Effects include upstream dispersion, trapping of material into building wakes and enhanced concentration fluctuations. As a result, concentration patterns are highly variable in time and mean profiles in the near field are strongly non-Gaussian. These aspects of near-field dispersion are documented by analysing data from direct numerical simulations in arrays of building-like obstacles and are related to the underlying flow structure. The mean flow structure around the buildings is found to exert a strong influence over the dispersion of material in the near field. Diverging streamlines around buildings enhance lateral dispersion. Entrainment of material into building wakes in the very near field gives rise to secondary sources, which then affect the subsequent dispersion pattern. High levels of concentration fluctuations are also found in this very near field; the fluctuation intensity is of order 2 to 5.
A modal analysis and near-field study for a dielectric-coated conducting sphere excited by a delta function electric field source has been made. The structure can support an infinite number of modes theoretically. For equatorial excitation only odd order modes are excited, whereas for non-equatorial excitation both even and odd order modes are excited. The variation of the amplitude coefficients both internal and external exhibit a different nature of variation with respect to the various structure parameters for different modes. The field distributions both in the r and theta directions for non-equatorial excitation show good agreement between theory and experiment for the strongest mode.
Hexagonal array is a basic structure widely exists in nature and adopted by optoclectronic device. A phase plate based on the fractional Talbot effect that converts a single expanded laser beam into a regular hexagonal array of uniformly illuminated apertures with virtually 100% efficiency is presented. The uniform hexagonal array illumination with a fill factor of 1/12 is demonstrated by the computer simulation. (C) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Multi-layer dielectric (MLD) gratings for pulse compressors in high-energy laser systems should provide high diffraction efficiency as well as high laser induced damage thresholds (LIDT). Nonuniform optical near-field distribution is one of the important factors to limit their damage resistant capabilities. Electric field distributions in the gratings and multi-layer film region are analyzed by using Fourier modal method. Optimization of peak electric field in the gratings ridge is performed with a merit function, including both diffraction efficiency and electric field enhancement when the top layer material is HfO2 and SiO2, respectively. A set of optimized gratings parameters is obtained for each structure, which reduce the peak electric field within the gratings ridge to being respective 1.39 and 1.84 times the value of incident light respectively. Finally, we also discuss the effects of gratings refractive index, gratings sidewall angle and incident angle on peak electric field in the gratings ridge. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Optical transmission of a two-dimensional array of subwavelength holes in a metal film has been numerically studied using a differential method. Transmission spectra have been calculated showing a significant increase of the transmission in certain spectral ranges corresponding to the excitation of the surface polariton Bloch waves on a metal surface with a periodic hole structure. Under the enhanced transmission conditions, the near-field distribution of the transmitted light reveals an intensity enhancement greater than 2 orders of magnitude in localized (similar to 40 nm) spots resulting from the interference of the surface polaritons Bragg scattered by the holes in an array.
In dieser Arbeit wird eine detaillierte Untersuchung und Charakterisierung der Zwei-Photonen-induzierten Fluoreszenzverstärkung von organischen Farbstoffen auf plasmonischen Nanostrukturen vorgestellt. Diese Fluoreszenzverstärkung ist insbesondere für hochaufgelöste Fluoreszenzmikroskopie und Einzelmolekülspektroskopie von großer Bedeutung. Durch die Zwei-Photonen-Anregung resultiert eine Begrenzung des Absorptionsprozesses auf das fokale Volumen. In Kombination mit dem elektrischen Nahfeld der Nanostrukturen als Anregungsquelle entsteht eine noch stärkere Verringerung des Anregungsvolumens auf eine Größe unterhalb der Beugungsgrenze. Dies erlaubt die selektive Messung ausgewählter Farbstoffe. Durch die Herstellung der Nanopartikel mittels Kolloidlithografie wird eine definierte, reproduzierbare Geometrie erhalten. Polymermultischichten dienen als Abstandshalter, um die Farbstoffe an einer exakten Distanz zum Metall zu positionieren. Durch die kovalente Anbindung des Farbstoffs an die oberste Schicht wird eine gleichmäßige Verteilung des Farbstoffs in geringer Konzentration erhalten. rnEs wird eine Verstärkung der Fluoreszenz um den Faktor 30 für Farbstoffe auf Goldellipsen detektiert, verglichen mit Farbstoffen außerhalb des Nahfelds. Sichelförmige Nanostrukturen erzeugen eine Verstärkung von 120. Dies belegt, dass das Ausmaß der Fluoreszenzverstärkung entscheidend von der Stärke des elektrischen Nahfelds der Nanostruktur abhängt. Auch das Material der Nanostruktur ist hierbei von Bedeutung. So erzeugen Silberellipsen eine 1,5-fach höhere Fluoreszenzverstärkung als identische Goldellipsen. Distanzabhängige Fluoreszenzmessungen zeigen, dass die Zwei-Photonen-angeregte Fluoreszenzverstärkung an strukturspezifischen Abständen zum Metall maximiert wird. Elliptische Strukturen zeigen ein Maximum bei einem Abstand von 8 nm zum Metall, wohingegen bei sichelförmigen Nanostrukturen die höchste Fluoreszenzintensität bei 12 nm gemessen wird. Bei kleineren Abständen unterliegt der Farbstoff einem starken Löschprozess, sogenanntes Quenching. Dieses konkurriert mit dem Verstärkungsprozess, wodurch es zu einer geringen Nettoverstärkung kommt. Hat die untersuchte Struktur Dimensionen größer als das Auflösungsvermögen des Mikroskops, ist eine direkte Visualisierung des elektrischen Nahfelds der Nanostruktur möglich. rnrnEin weiterer Fokus dieser Arbeit lag auf der Herstellung neuartiger Nanostrukturen durch kolloidlithografische Methoden. Gestapelte Dimere sichelförmiger Nanostrukturen mit exakter vertikaler Ausrichtung und einem Separationsabstand von etwa 10 nm wurden hergestellt. Die räumliche Nähe der beiden Strukturen führt zu einem Kopplungsprozess, der neue optische Resonanzen hervorruft. Diese können als Superpositionen der Plasmonenmoden der einzelnen Sicheln beschrieben werden. Ein Hybridisierungsmodell wird angewandt, um die spektralen Unterschiede zu erklären. Computersimulationen belegen die zugrunde liegende Theorie und erweitern das Modell um experimentell nicht aufgelöste Resonanzen. rnWeiterhin wird ein neuer Herstellungsprozess für sichelförmige Nanostrukturen vorgestellt, der eine präzise Formanpassung ermöglicht. Hierdurch kann die Lage der Plasmonenresonanz exakt justiert werden. Korrelationen der geometrischen Daten mit den Resonanzwellenlängen tragen zum grundlegenden Verständnis der Plasmonenresonanzen bei. Die vorgestellten Resultate wurden mittels Computersimulationen verifiziert. Der Fabrikationsprozess erlaubt die Herstellung von Dimeren sichelförmiger Nanostrukturen in einer Ebene. Durch die räumliche Nähe überlappen die elektrischen Nahfelder, wodurch es zu kopplungs-induzierten Shifts der Plasmonenresonanzen kommt. Der Unterschied zu theoretisch berechneten ungekoppelten Nanosicheln kann auch bei den gegenüberliegenden sichelförmigen Nanostrukturen mit Hilfe des Plasmonenhybridisierungsmodells erklärt werden.
Recent algorithms for monocular motion capture (MoCap) estimate weak-perspective camera matrices between images using a small subset of approximately-rigid points on the human body (i.e. the torso and hip). A problem with this approach, however, is that these points are often close to coplanar, causing canonical linear factorisation algorithms for rigid structure from motion (SFM) to become extremely sensitive to noise. In this paper, we propose an alternative solution to weak-perspective SFM based on a convex relaxation of graph rigidity. We demonstrate the success of our algorithm on both synthetic and real world data, allowing for much improved solutions to marker less MoCap problems on human bodies. Finally, we propose an approach to solve the two-fold ambiguity over bone direction using a k-nearest neighbour kernel density estimator.