999 resultados para Multiscale methods


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We present a novel spatiotemporal-adaptive Multiscale Finite Volume (MsFV) method, which is based on the natural idea that the global coarse-scale problem has longer characteristic time than the local fine-scale problems. As a consequence, the global problem can be solved with larger time steps than the local problems. In contrast to the pressure-transport splitting usually employed in the standard MsFV approach, we propose to start directly with a local-global splitting that allows to locally retain the original degree of coupling. This is crucial for highly non-linear systems or in the presence of physical instabilities. To obtain an accurate and efficient algorithm, we devise new adaptive criteria for global update that are based on changes of coarse-scale quantities rather than on fine-scale quantities, as it is routinely done before in the adaptive MsFV method. By means of a complexity analysis we show that the adaptive approach gives a noticeable speed-up with respect to the standard MsFV algorithm. In particular, it is efficient in case of large upscaling factors, which is important for multiphysics problems. Based on the observation that local time stepping acts as a smoother, we devise a self-correcting algorithm which incorporates the information from previous times to improve the quality of the multiscale approximation. We present results of multiphase flow simulations both for Darcy-scale and multiphysics (hybrid) problems, in which a local pore-scale description is combined with a global Darcy-like description. The novel spatiotemporal-adaptive multiscale method based on the local-global splitting is not limited to porous media flow problems, but it can be extended to any system described by a set of conservation equations.


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We derive multiscale statistics for deconvolution in order to detect qualitative features of the unknown density. An important example covered within this framework is to test for local monotonicity on all scales simultaneously. We investigate the moderately ill-posed setting, where the Fourier transform of the error density in the deconvolution model is of polynomial decay. For multiscale testing, we consider a calibration, motivated by the modulus of continuity of Brownian motion. We investigate the performance of our results from both the theoretical and simulation based point of view. A major consequence of our work is that the detection of qualitative features of a density in a deconvolution problem is a doable task, although the minimax rates for pointwise estimation are very slow.


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En esta tesis presentamos una teoría adaptada a la simulación de fenómenos lentos de transporte en sistemas atomísticos. En primer lugar, desarrollamos el marco teórico para modelizar colectividades estadísticas de equilibrio. A continuación, lo adaptamos para construir modelos de colectividades estadísticas fuera de equilibrio. Esta teoría reposa sobre los principios de la mecánica estadística, en particular el principio de máxima entropía de Jaynes, utilizado tanto para sistemas en equilibrio como fuera de equilibrio, y la teoría de las aproximaciones del campo medio. Expresamos matemáticamente el problema como un principio variacional en el que maximizamos una entropía libre, en lugar de una energía libre. La formulación propuesta permite definir equivalentes atomísticos de variables macroscópicas como la temperatura y la fracción molar. De esta forma podemos considerar campos macroscópicos no uniformes. Completamos el marco teórico con reglas de cuadratura de Monte Carlo, gracias a las cuales obtenemos modelos computables. A continuación, desarrollamos el conjunto completo de ecuaciones que gobiernan procesos de transporte. Deducimos la desigualdad de disipación entrópica a partir de fuerzas y flujos termodinámicos discretos. Esta desigualdad nos permite identificar la estructura que deben cumplir los potenciales cinéticos discretos. Dichos potenciales acoplan las tasas de variación en el tiempo de las variables microscópicas con las fuerzas correspondientes. Estos potenciales cinéticos deben ser completados con una relación fenomenológica, del tipo definido por la teoría de Onsanger. Por último, aportamos validaciones numéricas. Con ellas ilustramos la capacidad de la teoría presentada para simular propiedades de equilibrio y segregación superficial en aleaciones metálicas. Primero, simulamos propiedades termodinámicas de equilibrio en el sistema atomístico. A continuación evaluamos la habilidad del modelo para reproducir procesos de transporte en sistemas complejos que duran tiempos largos con respecto a los tiempos característicos a escala atómica. ABSTRACT In this work, we formulate a theory to address simulations of slow time transport effects in atomic systems. We first develop this theoretical framework in the context of equilibrium of atomic ensembles, based on statistical mechanics. We then adapt it to model ensembles away from equilibrium. The theory stands on Jaynes' maximum entropy principle, valid for the treatment of both, systems in equilibrium and away from equilibrium and on meanfield approximation theory. It is expressed in the entropy formulation as a variational principle. We interpret atomistic equivalents of macroscopic variables such as the temperature and the molar fractions, wich are not required to be uniform, but can vary from particle to particle. We complement this theory with Monte Carlo summation rules for further approximation. In addition, we provide a framework for studying transport processes with the full set of equations driving the evolution of the system. We first derive a dissipation inequality for the entropic production involving discrete thermodynamic forces and fluxes. This discrete dissipation inequality identifies the adequate structure for discrete kinetic potentials which couple the microscopic field rates to the corresponding driving forces. Those kinetic potentials must finally be expressed as a phenomenological rule of the Onsanger Type. We present several validation cases, illustrating equilibrium properties and surface segregation of metallic alloys. We first assess the ability of a simple meanfield model to reproduce thermodynamic equilibrium properties in systems with atomic resolution. Then, we evaluate the ability of the model to reproduce a long-term transport process in complex systems.


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Background: With increasing computer power, simulating the dynamics of complex systems in chemistry and biology is becoming increasingly routine. The modelling of individual reactions in (bio)chemical systems involves a large number of random events that can be simulated by the stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA). The key quantity is the step size, or waiting time, τ, whose value inversely depends on the size of the propensities of the different channel reactions and which needs to be re-evaluated after every firing event. Such a discrete event simulation may be extremely expensive, in particular for stiff systems where τ can be very short due to the fast kinetics of some of the channel reactions. Several alternative methods have been put forward to increase the integration step size. The so-called τ-leap approach takes a larger step size by allowing all the reactions to fire, from a Poisson or Binomial distribution, within that step. Although the expected value for the different species in the reactive system is maintained with respect to more precise methods, the variance at steady state can suffer from large errors as τ grows. Results: In this paper we extend Poisson τ-leap methods to a general class of Runge-Kutta (RK) τ-leap methods. We show that with the proper selection of the coefficients, the variance of the extended τ-leap can be well-behaved, leading to significantly larger step sizes.Conclusions: The benefit of adapting the extended method to the use of RK frameworks is clear in terms of speed of calculation, as the number of evaluations of the Poisson distribution is still one set per time step, as in the original τ-leap method. The approach paves the way to explore new multiscale methods to simulate (bio)chemical systems.


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Les instabilités engendrées par des gradients de densité interviennent dans une variété d'écoulements. Un exemple est celui de la séquestration géologique du dioxyde de carbone en milieux poreux. Ce gaz est injecté à haute pression dans des aquifères salines et profondes. La différence de densité entre la saumure saturée en CO2 dissous et la saumure environnante induit des courants favorables qui le transportent vers les couches géologiques profondes. Les gradients de densité peuvent aussi être la cause du transport indésirable de matières toxiques, ce qui peut éventuellement conduire à la pollution des sols et des eaux. La gamme d'échelles intervenant dans ce type de phénomènes est très large. Elle s'étend de l'échelle poreuse où les phénomènes de croissance des instabilités s'opèrent, jusqu'à l'échelle des aquifères à laquelle interviennent les phénomènes à temps long. Une reproduction fiable de la physique par la simulation numérique demeure donc un défi en raison du caractère multi-échelles aussi bien au niveau spatial et temporel de ces phénomènes. Il requiert donc le développement d'algorithmes performants et l'utilisation d'outils de calculs modernes. En conjugaison avec les méthodes de résolution itératives, les méthodes multi-échelles permettent de résoudre les grands systèmes d'équations algébriques de manière efficace. Ces méthodes ont été introduites comme méthodes d'upscaling et de downscaling pour la simulation d'écoulements en milieux poreux afin de traiter de fortes hétérogénéités du champ de perméabilité. Le principe repose sur l'utilisation parallèle de deux maillages, le premier est choisi en fonction de la résolution du champ de perméabilité (grille fine), alors que le second (grille grossière) est utilisé pour approximer le problème fin à moindre coût. La qualité de la solution multi-échelles peut être améliorée de manière itérative pour empêcher des erreurs trop importantes si le champ de perméabilité est complexe. Les méthodes adaptatives qui restreignent les procédures de mise à jour aux régions à forts gradients permettent de limiter les coûts de calculs additionnels. Dans le cas d'instabilités induites par des gradients de densité, l'échelle des phénomènes varie au cours du temps. En conséquence, des méthodes multi-échelles adaptatives sont requises pour tenir compte de cette dynamique. L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer des algorithmes multi-échelles adaptatifs et efficaces pour la simulation des instabilités induites par des gradients de densité. Pour cela, nous nous basons sur la méthode des volumes finis multi-échelles (MsFV) qui offre l'avantage de résoudre les phénomènes de transport tout en conservant la masse de manière exacte. Dans la première partie, nous pouvons démontrer que les approximations de la méthode MsFV engendrent des phénomènes de digitation non-physiques dont la suppression requiert des opérations de correction itératives. Les coûts de calculs additionnels de ces opérations peuvent toutefois être compensés par des méthodes adaptatives. Nous proposons aussi l'utilisation de la méthode MsFV comme méthode de downscaling: la grille grossière étant utilisée dans les zones où l'écoulement est relativement homogène alors que la grille plus fine est utilisée pour résoudre les forts gradients. Dans la seconde partie, la méthode multi-échelle est étendue à un nombre arbitraire de niveaux. Nous prouvons que la méthode généralisée est performante pour la résolution de grands systèmes d'équations algébriques. Dans la dernière partie, nous focalisons notre étude sur les échelles qui déterminent l'évolution des instabilités engendrées par des gradients de densité. L'identification de la structure locale ainsi que globale de l'écoulement permet de procéder à un upscaling des instabilités à temps long alors que les structures à petite échelle sont conservées lors du déclenchement de l'instabilité. Les résultats présentés dans ce travail permettent d'étendre les connaissances des méthodes MsFV et offrent des formulations multi-échelles efficaces pour la simulation des instabilités engendrées par des gradients de densité. - Density-driven instabilities in porous media are of interest for a wide range of applications, for instance, for geological sequestration of CO2, during which CO2 is injected at high pressure into deep saline aquifers. Due to the density difference between the C02-saturated brine and the surrounding brine, a downward migration of CO2 into deeper regions, where the risk of leakage is reduced, takes place. Similarly, undesired spontaneous mobilization of potentially hazardous substances that might endanger groundwater quality can be triggered by density differences. Over the last years, these effects have been investigated with the help of numerical groundwater models. Major challenges in simulating density-driven instabilities arise from the different scales of interest involved, i.e., the scale at which instabilities are triggered and the aquifer scale over which long-term processes take place. An accurate numerical reproduction is possible, only if the finest scale is captured. For large aquifers, this leads to problems with a large number of unknowns. Advanced numerical methods are required to efficiently solve these problems with today's available computational resources. Beside efficient iterative solvers, multiscale methods are available to solve large numerical systems. Originally, multiscale methods have been developed as upscaling-downscaling techniques to resolve strong permeability contrasts. In this case, two static grids are used: one is chosen with respect to the resolution of the permeability field (fine grid); the other (coarse grid) is used to approximate the fine-scale problem at low computational costs. The quality of the multiscale solution can be iteratively improved to avoid large errors in case of complex permeability structures. Adaptive formulations, which restrict the iterative update to domains with large gradients, enable limiting the additional computational costs of the iterations. In case of density-driven instabilities, additional spatial scales appear which change with time. Flexible adaptive methods are required to account for these emerging dynamic scales. The objective of this work is to develop an adaptive multiscale formulation for the efficient and accurate simulation of density-driven instabilities. We consider the Multiscale Finite-Volume (MsFV) method, which is well suited for simulations including the solution of transport problems as it guarantees a conservative velocity field. In the first part of this thesis, we investigate the applicability of the standard MsFV method to density- driven flow problems. We demonstrate that approximations in MsFV may trigger unphysical fingers and iterative corrections are necessary. Adaptive formulations (e.g., limiting a refined solution to domains with large concentration gradients where fingers form) can be used to balance the extra costs. We also propose to use the MsFV method as downscaling technique: the coarse discretization is used in areas without significant change in the flow field whereas the problem is refined in the zones of interest. This enables accounting for the dynamic change in scales of density-driven instabilities. In the second part of the thesis the MsFV algorithm, which originally employs one coarse level, is extended to an arbitrary number of coarse levels. We prove that this keeps the MsFV method efficient for problems with a large number of unknowns. In the last part of this thesis, we focus on the scales that control the evolution of density fingers. The identification of local and global flow patterns allows a coarse description at late times while conserving fine-scale details during onset stage. Results presented in this work advance the understanding of the Multiscale Finite-Volume method and offer efficient dynamic multiscale formulations to simulate density-driven instabilities. - Les nappes phréatiques caractérisées par des structures poreuses et des fractures très perméables représentent un intérêt particulier pour les hydrogéologues et ingénieurs environnementaux. Dans ces milieux, une large variété d'écoulements peut être observée. Les plus communs sont le transport de contaminants par les eaux souterraines, le transport réactif ou l'écoulement simultané de plusieurs phases non miscibles, comme le pétrole et l'eau. L'échelle qui caractérise ces écoulements est définie par l'interaction de l'hétérogénéité géologique et des processus physiques. Un fluide au repos dans l'espace interstitiel d'un milieu poreux peut être déstabilisé par des gradients de densité. Ils peuvent être induits par des changements locaux de température ou par dissolution d'un composé chimique. Les instabilités engendrées par des gradients de densité revêtent un intérêt particulier puisque qu'elles peuvent éventuellement compromettre la qualité des eaux. Un exemple frappant est la salinisation de l'eau douce dans les nappes phréatiques par pénétration d'eau salée plus dense dans les régions profondes. Dans le cas des écoulements gouvernés par les gradients de densité, les échelles caractéristiques de l'écoulement s'étendent de l'échelle poreuse où les phénomènes de croissance des instabilités s'opèrent, jusqu'à l'échelle des aquifères sur laquelle interviennent les phénomènes à temps long. Etant donné que les investigations in-situ sont pratiquement impossibles, les modèles numériques sont utilisés pour prédire et évaluer les risques liés aux instabilités engendrées par les gradients de densité. Une description correcte de ces phénomènes repose sur la description de toutes les échelles de l'écoulement dont la gamme peut s'étendre sur huit à dix ordres de grandeur dans le cas de grands aquifères. Il en résulte des problèmes numériques de grande taille qui sont très couteux à résoudre. Des schémas numériques sophistiqués sont donc nécessaires pour effectuer des simulations précises d'instabilités hydro-dynamiques à grande échelle. Dans ce travail, nous présentons différentes méthodes numériques qui permettent de simuler efficacement et avec précision les instabilités dues aux gradients de densité. Ces nouvelles méthodes sont basées sur les volumes finis multi-échelles. L'idée est de projeter le problème original à une échelle plus grande où il est moins coûteux à résoudre puis de relever la solution grossière vers l'échelle de départ. Cette technique est particulièrement adaptée pour résoudre des problèmes où une large gamme d'échelle intervient et évolue de manière spatio-temporelle. Ceci permet de réduire les coûts de calculs en limitant la description détaillée du problème aux régions qui contiennent un front de concentration mobile. Les aboutissements sont illustrés par la simulation de phénomènes tels que l'intrusion d'eau salée ou la séquestration de dioxyde de carbone.


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The multiscale finite-volume (MSFV) method has been derived to efficiently solve large problems with spatially varying coefficients. The fine-scale problem is subdivided into local problems that can be solved separately and are coupled by a global problem. This algorithm, in consequence, shares some characteristics with two-level domain decomposition (DD) methods. However, the MSFV algorithm is different in that it incorporates a flux reconstruction step, which delivers a fine-scale mass conservative flux field without the need for iterating. This is achieved by the use of two overlapping coarse grids. The recently introduced correction function allows for a consistent handling of source terms, which makes the MSFV method a flexible algorithm that is applicable to a wide spectrum of problems. It is demonstrated that the MSFV operator, used to compute an approximate pressure solution, can be equivalently constructed by writing the Schur complement with a tangential approximation of a single-cell overlapping grid and incorporation of appropriate coarse-scale mass-balance equations.


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n this paper the iterative MSFV method is extended to include the sequential implicit simulation of time dependent problems involving the solution of a system of pressure-saturation equations. To control numerical errors in simulation results, an error estimate, based on the residual of the MSFV approximate pressure field, is introduced. In the initial time steps in simulation iterations are employed until a specified accuracy in pressure is achieved. This initial solution is then used to improve the localization assumption at later time steps. Additional iterations in pressure solution are employed only when the pressure residual becomes larger than a specified threshold value. Efficiency of the strategy and the error control criteria are numerically investigated. This paper also shows that it is possible to derive an a-priori estimate and control based on the allowed pressure-equation residual to guarantee the desired accuracy in saturation calculation.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciência e Engenharia de Polímeros e Compósitos


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Accurate modeling of flow instabilities requires computational tools able to deal with several interacting scales, from the scale at which fingers are triggered up to the scale at which their effects need to be described. The Multiscale Finite Volume (MsFV) method offers a framework to couple fine-and coarse-scale features by solving a set of localized problems which are used both to define a coarse-scale problem and to reconstruct the fine-scale details of the flow. The MsFV method can be seen as an upscaling-downscaling technique, which is computationally more efficient than standard discretization schemes and more accurate than traditional upscaling techniques. We show that, although the method has proven accurate in modeling density-driven flow under stable conditions, the accuracy of the MsFV method deteriorates in case of unstable flow and an iterative scheme is required to control the localization error. To avoid large computational overhead due to the iterative scheme, we suggest several adaptive strategies both for flow and transport. In particular, the concentration gradient is used to identify a front region where instabilities are triggered and an accurate (iteratively improved) solution is required. Outside the front region the problem is upscaled and both flow and transport are solved only at the coarse scale. This adaptive strategy leads to very accurate solutions at roughly the same computational cost as the non-iterative MsFV method. In many circumstances, however, an accurate description of flow instabilities requires a refinement of the computational grid rather than a coarsening. For these problems, we propose a modified iterative MsFV, which can be used as downscaling method (DMsFV). Compared to other grid refinement techniques the DMsFV clearly separates the computational domain into refined and non-refined regions, which can be treated separately and matched later. This gives great flexibility to employ different physical descriptions in different regions, where different equations could be solved, offering an excellent framework to construct hybrid methods.


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In this work we introduce a new hierarchical surface decomposition method for multiscale analysis of surface meshes. In contrast to other multiresolution methods, our approach relies on spectral properties of the surface to build a binary hierarchical decomposition. Namely, we utilize the first nontrivial eigenfunction of the Laplace-Beltrami operator to recursively decompose the surface. For this reason we coin our surface decomposition the Fiedler tree. Using the Fiedler tree ensures a number of attractive properties, including: mesh-independent decomposition, well-formed and nearly equi-areal surface patches, and noise robustness. We show how the evenly distributed patches can be exploited for generating multiresolution high quality uniform meshes. Additionally, our decomposition permits a natural means for carrying out wavelet methods, resulting in an intuitive method for producing feature-sensitive meshes at multiple scales. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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This work presents a novel approach in order to increase the recognition power of Multiscale Fractal Dimension (MFD) techniques, when applied to image classification. The proposal uses Functional Data Analysis (FDA) with the aim of enhancing the MFD technique precision achieving a more representative descriptors vector, capable of recognizing and characterizing more precisely objects in an image. FDA is applied to signatures extracted by using the Bouligand-Minkowsky MFD technique in the generation of a descriptors vector from them. For the evaluation of the obtained improvement, an experiment using two datasets of objects was carried out. A dataset was used of characters shapes (26 characters of the Latin alphabet) carrying different levels of controlled noise and a dataset of fish images contours. A comparison with the use of the well-known methods of Fourier and wavelets descriptors was performed with the aim of verifying the performance of FDA method. The descriptor vectors were submitted to Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) classification method and we compared the correctness rate in the classification process among the descriptors methods. The results demonstrate that FDA overcomes the literature methods (Fourier and wavelets) in the processing of information extracted from the MFD signature. In this way, the proposed method can be considered as an interesting choice for pattern recognition and image classification using fractal analysis.


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P>In livestock genetic resource conservation, decision making about conservation priorities is based on the simultaneous analysis of several different criteria that may contribute to long-term sustainable breeding conditions, such as genetic and demographic characteristics, environmental conditions, and role of the breed in the local or regional economy. Here we address methods to integrate different data sets and highlight problems related to interdisciplinary comparisons. Data integration is based on the use of geographic coordinates and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In addition to technical problems related to projection systems, GIS have to face the challenging issue of the non homogeneous scale of their data sets. We give examples of the successful use of GIS for data integration and examine the risk of obtaining biased results when integrating datasets that have been captured at different scales.


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Composites are engineered materials that take advantage of the particular properties of each of its two or more constituents. They are designed to be stronger, lighter and to last longer which can lead to the creation of safer protection gear, more fuel efficient transportation methods and more affordable materials, among other examples. This thesis proposes a numerical and analytical verification of an in-house developed multiscale model for predicting the mechanical behavior of composite materials with various configurations subjected to impact loading. This verification is done by comparing the results obtained with analytical and numerical solutions with the results found when using the model. The model takes into account the heterogeneity of the materials that can only be noticed at smaller length scales, based on the fundamental structural properties of each of the composite’s constituents. This model can potentially reduce or eliminate the need of costly and time consuming experiments that are necessary for material characterization since it relies strictly upon the fundamental structural properties of each of the composite’s constituents. The results from simulations using the multiscale model were compared against results from direct simulations using over-killed meshes, which considered all heterogeneities explicitly in the global scale, indicating that the model is an accurate and fast tool to model composites under impact loads. Advisor: David H. Allen


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The research field of the Thesis is the evaluation of motor variability and the analysis of motor stability for the assessment of fall risk. Since many falls occur during walking, a better understanding of motor stability could lead to the definition of a reliable fall risk index aiming at measuring and assessing the risk of fall in the elderly, in the attempt to prevent traumatic events. Several motor variability and stability measures are proposed in the literature, but still a proper methodological characterization is lacking. Moreover, the relationship between many of these measures and fall history or fall risk is still unknown, or not completely clear. The aim of this thesis is hence to: i) analyze the influence of experimental implementation parameters on variability/stability measures and understand how variations in these parameters affect the outputs; ii) assess the relationship between variability/stability measures and long- short-term fall history. Several implementation issues have been addressed. Following the need for a methodological standardization of gait variability/stability measures, highlighted in particular for orbital stability analysis through a systematic review, general indications about implementation of orbital stability analysis have been showed, together with an analysis of the number of strides and the test-retest reliability of several variability/stability numbers. Indications about the influence of directional changes on measures have been provided. The association between measures and long/short-term fall history has also been assessed. Of all the analyzed variability/stability measures, Multiscale entropy and Recurrence quantification analysis demonstrated particularly good results in terms of reliability, applicability and association with fall history. Therefore, these measures should be taken in consideration for the definition of a fall risk index.


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This thesis studies molecular dynamics simulations on two levels of resolution: the detailed level of atomistic simulations, where the motion of explicit atoms in a many-particle system is considered, and the coarse-grained level, where the motion of superatoms composed of up to 10 atoms is modeled. While atomistic models are capable of describing material specific effects on small scales, the time and length scales they can cover are limited due to their computational costs. Polymer systems are typically characterized by effects on a broad range of length and time scales. Therefore it is often impossible to atomistically simulate processes, which determine macroscopic properties in polymer systems. Coarse-grained (CG) simulations extend the range of accessible time and length scales by three to four orders of magnitude. However, no standardized coarse-graining procedure has been established yet. Following the ideas of structure-based coarse-graining, a coarse-grained model for polystyrene is presented. Structure-based methods parameterize CG models to reproduce static properties of atomistic melts such as radial distribution functions between superatoms or other probability distributions for coarse-grained degrees of freedom. Two enhancements of the coarse-graining methodology are suggested. Correlations between local degrees of freedom are implicitly taken into account by additional potentials acting between neighboring superatoms in the polymer chain. This improves the reproduction of local chain conformations and allows the study of different tacticities of polystyrene. It also gives better control of the chain stiffness, which agrees perfectly with the atomistic model, and leads to a reproduction of experimental results for overall chain dimensions, such as the characteristic ratio, for all different tacticities. The second new aspect is the computationally cheap development of nonbonded CG potentials based on the sampling of pairs of oligomers in vacuum. Static properties of polymer melts are obtained as predictions of the CG model in contrast to other structure-based CG models, which are iteratively refined to reproduce reference melt structures. The dynamics of simulations at the two levels of resolution are compared. The time scales of dynamical processes in atomistic and coarse-grained simulations can be connected by a time scaling factor, which depends on several specific system properties as molecular weight, density, temperature, and other components in mixtures. In this thesis the influence of molecular weight in systems of oligomers and the situation in two-component mixtures is studied. For a system of small additives in a melt of long polymer chains the temperature dependence of the additive diffusion is predicted and compared to experiments.