76 resultados para HIBISCUS CANNABINUS


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Bioenergia


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Energia e Bioenergia


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Dissertation for the Master Degree in Technology and Food Security


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Crop rotation using cover crops with vigorous root systems may be a tool to manage soils with some degree of compaction. Root and shoot growth as well as nutrient accumulation by summer species suitable for crop rotation in tropical areas were studied at different subsoil compaction levels. Crotalaria juncea (Indian hemp), Crotalaria spectabilis (showy crotalaria), Helianthus annuus (sunflower), Pennisetum americanum (pearl millet) and Sorghum bicolor (guinea sorghum) were grown for 40 days in pots 33.5 cm high with 10 cm internal diameter. Soil in the pots had uniform bulkdensity of 1.25 Mg m-3 for the top and bottom 15 cm sections. Bulk densities of 1.31, 1.43, 1.58 and 1.70 Mg m-3 Were established in the 3.5 cm middle section. H. annuus and P. americanum had the highest early macronutrient accumulation. The grasses S. bicolor and P. americanum yielded twice as much shoot dry matter as the other species. Root growth generally decreased with increasing soil bulk density with C. spectabilis less affected than other species. Although the grasses were more sensitive to high soil penetration resistance, they showed higher root length densities at all compaction levels. P. americanum had the highest potential to be used as cover crop due to its high root density at high soil penetration resistances, vegetative vigour and ability to accumulate macronutrients. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Research on mushroom production and products is gaining more grounds globally and in particular Nigeria. This study was carried out to determine nutritional relationship between the substrate used for cultivation and the fruiting body on each of the substrates. Agro-wastes, namely: palm ( Elaeis guineensis ) fruit shaft, plantain ( Musa paradisiaca ) leaves, sawdust and kenaf ( Hibiscus cannabinus ) stem, were assessed for suitability as substrates for cultivation of oyster mushroom ( Pleurotus floridanus Singer ). The spawn of the mushroom was used to inoculate each of the substrates, using a complete randomised design, with five replicates for each substrate. Results showed that all the substrates supported mycelia growth and development of fruiting bodies of the fungus. There were significant differences (P<0.05) among substrates in terms of number of days to complete mycelia run, with the least recorded in palm fruit shaft (25.20), and the highest in kenaf (32.40). Total yield also differed significantly (P<0.05), with the highest in palm fruit shaft (51.4 g 100 g-1) and lowest in plantain leaves (6.0 g 100 g-1). There was also significant difference (P<0.05) in the nutritional content of fruiting bodies, the highest fat content being on plantain leaves (1.72 g 100 g-1) and the lowest on palm fruit shaft (0.55 g 100 g-1). The trend was similar for mushroom substrates, plantain leaves having (2.55 g 100 g-1) and palm fruit shaft, (0.41g 100 g-1). Starch content for fruiting bodies was highest on sawdust (5.31 g 100 g-1) and lowest on kenaf (2.66 g 100 g-1), while for mushroom substrates, kenaf was (0.33g 100 g-1) and palm fruit shaft was (4.45g 100 g-1). There was a positive correlation (r = 0.24) between the nutrient of fruiting bodies and that of the substrate on which it was cultivated.


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Adventitious rooting of ornamental plants can be accelerated by the application of growth regulators, such as auxin. Humic acids, organic matter in soil and organic compounds also have a biostimulant effect. This work evaluated the rooting in cuttings of croton (Codianeum variegatum L. Rumph) and hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L) in response to the application of different concentrations of indolbutyric acid (IBA) and humic acid (HA). The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse. Apical stem cuttings were treated with solutions at concentrations of: 0, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 mg L-1 IBA and 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 mmol L-1 HA carbon isolated from vermicomposting. Forty-five days after the applications, the cuttings were removed from the pots containing carbonized rice hull and the following variables were measured: rooting number, length and width of leaves, fresh and dry matter of root and aerial part and root area. The results were subjected to analysis of variance and the qualitative and quantitative effects of the treatments were compared by contrast and regression, respectively. Regression equations were used to determine the maximum efficiency level of root dry matter according to IBA and HA. Higher accumulation of root dry matter was recorded for the treatments with the doses 579 mg L-1 IBA and 14 mmol L-1 HA and 970 mg L-1 IBA and 50 mmol L-1 HA for root cuttings of croton and hibiscus, respectively. It was found that the application of eiher IBA or HA at the indicated doses accelerates rooting in cuttings of croton and hibiscus and contributes to the formation of vigorous plants.


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The vegetative propagation of ornamental plants can be accelerated by applying plant growth regulators. Amongst them, the use of auxins, plant hormones with physiological effects on cell elongation and rooting have stood out. Alternatively, the application of humic acids, bioactive fraction of soil organic matter, also results in increases in rooting cuttings of ornamental plants. The objective of this work was to study the growth characteristics and the nutritional contents of croton and hibiscus plants during acclimation of seedlings in response to different concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA) and humic acid (HA) applied to cuttings for rooting. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse, and the apical stem cuttings were treated with solutions with concentrations of 0, 250, 500, 1000 and 2000 mg L-1of IBA and 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mg L-1 of C from HA. At 45 days of rooting in carbonized rice husk, they were individually transferred to plastic bags of 2.0 dm3 containing a mixture of soil: sand: manure (2: 1: 1) as substrate. At 90 days of acclimation, the plants were collected for measurement of growth and nutritional variables. The results showed that the application of the IBA stimulates the absorption of nutrients and growth of croton cuttings and transplanted hibiscus, contributing to formation of vigorous seedlings. A similar response occurred with the application of HA in hibiscus cuttings


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A new species, Hibiscus amazonicus, is described from the Amazon Basin. Characters distinguishing the new species from its nearest relatives presented.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar aspectos da nutrição mineral do quiabeiro (Hibiscus esculentus L.), no que concerne a: quantidades de macro e micronutrientes extraídos nas diversas fases do desenvolvimento, em duas variedades (Campinas 1 e Green Velvet). Sementes de ambas variedades foram postas a germinar em vasos contendo silica e irrigados com solução nutritiva completa. Plantas foram coletadas em períodos de 10 dias até aos 70 dias de idade, separadas em caule, folhas, flores e frutos. No material coletado foi determinado o peso da matéria seca e analizado quantitativamente para macro e micronutrientes, com excessão do cloro. Observou-se que o desenvolvimento em altura é idêntico em ambas as variedades; variedade Campinas 1 apresenta maior peso de matéria seca no final do ciclo; a extração dos nutrientes é lenta até aos 20 dias, acentuando-se após este período até o final do ciclo, em ambas as variedades; a extração de potássio pela var. Green Velvet é aproximadamente o dobro da var. Campinas 1; a var. Campinas 1 extrai maiores quantidades de micronutrientes.


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The calyxes of Hibiscus sabdariffa are used in traditional medicine around the world. However, quality assurance protocols and chemical variability have not been previously analyzed. In the present study, chemical characterization of a set of samples of H. sabdariffa calyxes commercialized in Colombia was accomplished with the aim to explore the chemical variability among them. Chemometrics-based analyses on the data obtained from the HPLC-UV-DAD-derived profiles were then performed. Thus, the pre-processed single-wavelength data were subjected to principal component analysis (PCA). The PCA-derived results evidenced different groups which were well-correlated to the corresponding total phenolic and total anthocyanin contents. Multi-wavelength chromatographic (HPLC-UV-DAD surfaces) data were additionally examined via parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) as data reduction method and the obtained loadings were subsequently submitted to PCA and orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA). Results were thus consistent with those from single-wavelength data. PCA loadings were employed to determine those chemical components responsible for the data variance and OPLS-DA model, constructed from PARAFAC loadings, and indicated differentiation according total anthocyanin contents among samples. The present chemometric analysis therefore demonstrated to be an excellent tool for differentiation of H. sabdariffacalyxes according to their chemical composition.


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Plantas de hibisco com superbrotamento e definhamento seguido de morte têm sido observadas nos municípios de São Paulo, Campinas e Piracicaba. Como os sintomas são sugestivos daqueles induzidos por fitoplasmas, o presente trabalho buscou identificar o possível fitoplasma associado com a doença. Assim, 14 plantas sintomáticas de hibisco foram coletadas em Piracicaba (SP) e submetidas ao PCR duplo com os primers P1/Tint-R16F2n/R2 e ao exame em microscópio eletrônico de transmissão. A identificação foi realizada por análise de RFLP com as enzimas de restrição BfaI, DraI, HaeIII, HhaI, HpaII, MboI, MseI, RsaI e TaqI. Testes de transmissão foram conduzidos com enxertia de ramos e uso de Cuscuta subinclusa. Os resultados de nested-PCR revelaram a presença consistente de fitoplasmas em todas as plantas sintomáticas e foram confirmados pela observação de corpúsculos pleomórficos no floema, através da microscopia eletrônica. A análise de RFLP mostrou que o fitoplasma encontrado em hibisco pertence ao grupo 16SrXV, o mesmo grupo do Candidatus Phytoplasma brasiliense. O fitoplasma foi transmitido de planta doente para sadia, tanto pela enxertia como pela C. subinclusa, demonstrando ser o agente do superbrotamento do hibisco.


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O presente estudo objetivou avaliar o efeito da temperatura (15, 20, 25 e 30ºC), do período de molhamento foliar (0, 6, 12 e 24 h), de épocas (setembro, outubro, novembro e dezembro) e métodos de plantio (semeadura direta e transplantio de mudas), na intensidade da seca da haste (Botrytis cinerea) do hibisco (Hibiscus sabdariffa). As variáveis ambientais foram avaliadas em condições controladas com inoculação artificial e as épocas e métodos de plantio foram avaliados em condições de infecção natural em campo. Os dados de frequência de infecção analisados, como área abaixo da curva de progresso da frequência de infecção (AACPF) e comprimento de lesões relacionados às variáveis ambientais, foram submetidos à análise de variância e regressão e, em seguida, plotadas as superfícies de resposta. Os dados de incidência (AACPI) relacionados às épocas e métodos de plantio foram submetidos à análise de variância, utilizando-se o programa estatístico Sisvarâ/UFLA. A interação da temperatura e da duração do período de molhamento foliar influenciou a frequência de infecção e o comprimento de lesões da seca da haste. Houve aumento na frequência de infecção e no comprimento de lesões com o incremento do período de molhamento foliar e redução da temperatura. As lesões apresentaram maior tamanho na temperatura de 15ºC e 24 horas de molhamento foliar. Na ausência de molhamento foliar houve manifestação de sintomas somente a 15ºC. A 30ºC houve dependência de maior período de molhamento foliar para a manifestação de sintomas. Houve interação significativa de métodos e épocas de plantio na incidência da doença. Constatou-se menor incidência da seca da haste em transplantio de mudas comparado à semeadura direta em todas as épocas de plantio. Verificou-se aumento da incidência proporcionado pelo atraso na época de plantio nos dois métodos. Registrou-se uma relação direta entre queda de temperatura e aumento da incidência da seca da haste.


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O progresso da seca da haste em hibisco foi estudado em quatro épocas e dois métodos de plantio. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e os oito tratamentos foram dispostos em esquema fatorial 4 (épocas de plantio) x 2 (métodos de plantio), sendo: semeadura direta em 05/02/03, 06/03/03, 05/04/03 e 15/05/03; transplantio de mudas em 24/12/02, 25/01/03, 24/02/03 e 25/03/03. Imediatamente após o surgimento dos sintomas, avaliou-se a doença a cada 10 dias até o final do ciclo, aos 205 dias, calculando-se a porcentagem de hastes infectadas por planta. Calculou-se a área abaixo da curva de progresso para a incidência (AACPI). As curvas de progresso da doença dos tratamentos foram submetidas ao ajuste dos modelos linear, exponencial, monomolecular, logístico e Gompertz. Houve interação significativa de métodos e épocas de plantio na incidência da doença. Constatou-se menor incidência da seca da haste em transplantio de mudas comparado à semeadura direta em todas as épocas de plantio. Verificou-se aumento da incidência proporcionado pelo atraso na época de plantio nos dois métodos. O modelo exponencial foi o que melhor descreveu o comportamento da doença em todos os tratamentos. As diferenças estatísticas entre os tratamentos, considerando a taxa de progresso, não refletiram a intensidade da doença no campo. Na mesma época de plantio, as quantidades inicial e máxima da doença, observadas na semeadura direta, foram superiores aos tratamentos referentes ao transplantio de mudas, coerentes com os valores da AACPI. Registrou-se uma relação direta entre queda de temperatura e aumento da incidência da seca da haste.


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This paper reports on the extrafloral nectary (EFN) of Hibiscus pernambucensis, a native shrub species occurring in mangrove and restinga along Brazil's coastline. EFNs occur as furrows with a protuberant border on the abaxial surface veins of the leaf blade. Each nectary consists of numerous secretory multicellular trichomes, epidermal cells in palisade-like arrangements and non-vascularized parenchyma tissue. Nectar secretion is prolonged, since secretion starts in very young leaves and remains up to completely expanded leaves. Reduced sugars, lipids, and proteins were histochemically detected in all the nectary cells; phenolic substances were detected in the vacuoles of the epidermal palisade cells and in some secretory trichome cells. The secretory cells that constitute the body of trichomes have large nuclei, dense cytoplasm with numerous mitochondria, dictyosomes, scattered lipid droplets and plastids with different inclusions: protein, lipid droplets or starch grains; vacuoles with different sizes have membranous material, phenolic and lipophilic substances. The palisade cells show thick periclinal walls, reduced cytoplasm with voluminous lipid drops and developed vacuoles. The nectary parenchyma cells contain abundant plasmodesmata and cytoplasm with scattered lipid droplets, mitochondria, plastids with starch grains and endoplasmic reticulum. Mucilage idioblasts are common in the inner nectary parenchyma. Protoderm and ground meristem participate in the formation of EFN. Our data indicate that all nectary regions are involved in nectar production and secretion, constituting a functional unit. Longevity of the extrafloral nectaries is likely associated with the presence of mucilage idioblasts, which increases the capacity of the nectary parenchyma to store water.