766 resultados para Fato administrativo


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This present work aimed to investigate, through the structuring element Fato Administrativo , the way rationality guides the processes of personnel management at the Associação Companhia TerrAmar , which operates in the district of Felipe Camarão in Natal/RN. This paper is characterized by a descriptive study, as it sought to establish the relationship between the materialization of the studied phenomenon - by means of a theoretical framework consisting of the following theories: Fato Administrativo (GUERREIRO RAMOS, 1983), Substantive and Instrumental Rationality (GUERREIRO RAMOS, 1981) and Proceedings of Personnel Management proposed by Joel Dutra (2004). As the main research findings, time as an intrinsic element of the Fato Administrativo - suffers much interference from external factors, especially from the sponsors of the researched organization and also from their bureaucratic control tools; not directly relating to the processes of Personnel Management, though. Among these, it was noticed that there isn‟t a dialogue between the sponsors and the theory, due to incompatibilities regarding the structure and nature of each organization. Both movement and development have stood out. These are processes that are guided by elements of substantive rationality, literally speaking, including personal, emancipatory and solidarity values. Thus, it is stated that for future research a compatible model of Personnel Management should be built and explored (compatible with the nature of nonprofit organizations). Understanding, in depth, the processes separately aiming to understand each work is also advised. Trying to fully understand the ways of overcoming the lack of skilled workers to perform activities in similar organizations needs to be considered as well


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This present work aimed to investigate, through the structuring element Fato Administrativo , the way rationality guides the processes of personnel management at the Associação Companhia TerrAmar , which operates in the district of Felipe Camarão in Natal/RN. This paper is characterized by a descriptive study, as it sought to establish the relationship between the materialization of the studied phenomenon - by means of a theoretical framework consisting of the following theories: Fato Administrativo (GUERREIRO RAMOS, 1983), Substantive and Instrumental Rationality (GUERREIRO RAMOS, 1981) and Proceedings of Personnel Management proposed by Joel Dutra (2004). As the main research findings, time as an intrinsic element of the Fato Administrativo - suffers much interference from external factors, especially from the sponsors of the researched organization and also from their bureaucratic control tools; not directly relating to the processes of Personnel Management, though. Among these, it was noticed that there isn‟t a dialogue between the sponsors and the theory, due to incompatibilities regarding the structure and nature of each organization. Both movement and development have stood out. These are processes that are guided by elements of substantive rationality, literally speaking, including personal, emancipatory and solidarity values. Thus, it is stated that for future research a compatible model of Personnel Management should be built and explored (compatible with the nature of nonprofit organizations). Understanding, in depth, the processes separately aiming to understand each work is also advised. Trying to fully understand the ways of overcoming the lack of skilled workers to perform activities in similar organizations needs to be considered as well


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This present work aimed to investigate, through the structuring element Fato Administrativo , the way rationality guides the processes of personnel management at the Associação Companhia TerrAmar , which operates in the district of Felipe Camarão in Natal/RN. This paper is characterized by a descriptive study, as it sought to establish the relationship between the materialization of the studied phenomenon - by means of a theoretical framework consisting of the following theories: Fato Administrativo (GUERREIRO RAMOS, 1983), Substantive and Instrumental Rationality (GUERREIRO RAMOS, 1981) and Proceedings of Personnel Management proposed by Joel Dutra (2004). As the main research findings, time as an intrinsic element of the Fato Administrativo - suffers much interference from external factors, especially from the sponsors of the researched organization and also from their bureaucratic control tools; not directly relating to the processes of Personnel Management, though. Among these, it was noticed that there isn‟t a dialogue between the sponsors and the theory, due to incompatibilities regarding the structure and nature of each organization. Both movement and development have stood out. These are processes that are guided by elements of substantive rationality, literally speaking, including personal, emancipatory and solidarity values. Thus, it is stated that for future research a compatible model of Personnel Management should be built and explored (compatible with the nature of nonprofit organizations). Understanding, in depth, the processes separately aiming to understand each work is also advised. Trying to fully understand the ways of overcoming the lack of skilled workers to perform activities in similar organizations needs to be considered as well


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De que forma poderíamos desenvolver um esquema administrativo para ter-se sempre presente a visão conjunta dos nossos negócios e manter a motivação de nossos executivos, é o que vamos apresentar nesta monografia. Convém ressaltar, que para uma maior facilidade didática, e pelo fato de minha experiência profissional ser dirigida ao Setor de Prestação de Serviços, com grande vivência na área financeira, o trabalho deverá orientar-se para este segmento da Economia Brasileira. Esta abordagem porém não diminui a importância do trabalho, uma vez que pelas suas características conceituais, o mesmo poderá ser aplica do a qualquer empresa, visto que o enfoque central será sempre dirigido para: eficácia (entendida como fazer certo o trabalho), "management" (definido como a composição do quadro gerencial e a qualidade do pessoal que trabalha na empresa) e eficiência (definida como fazer o trabalho certo).


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Los treinta y cinco años transcurridos desde el primer número de Prudentia Iuris me traen recuerdos imborrables de aquellos primeros ejemplares de tapa y contratapa color ocre, con artículos de una calidad asombrosa y que tanto me sirvieron en mi comprensión de la Filosofía del Derecho. Si bien esa era la orientación de la revista, la iusfilosofía la hacía extensiva a los distintos saberes jurídicos que buscaran su asentamiento profundo en valores y principios superiores. Por ello, al igual que en otras oportunidades en las que humildemente traté de dar mi aporte en estas páginas eminentes1, hoy sólo trataré de dar una breve visión, muy personal, del Derecho Administrativo y la ética durante los últimos treinta y cinco años. Son los años que viví en la docencia en mi querida Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (desde 1977) y en el desempeño de distintos menesteres profesionales. En especial, y dado el cariz que guía a Prudentia Iuris, trataré de insistir, al igual que en otras oportunidades, sobre las raíces nutricias del Derecho Administrativo.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área VIII - Administração Pública.


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Torna pública a abertura de inscrição para o concurso público destinado ao preenchimento de cargos de Contador, Assistente Administrativo, Agente de Segurança Legislativo, Operador de Máquinas e Operador de Audiovisual da Câmara dos Deputados.


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Em conformidade com o Edital nº1/1992, torna pública a lista dos candidatos ao cargo de Assistente Administrativo que estão convocados para a Prova de Datilografia, cuja data, local e horário serão divulgados oportunamente.


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Torna pública a abertura de inscrição para concurso público destinado ao preenchimento de cargos de Assistente Administrativo, do Grupo-Atividades de Apoio Legislativo da Câmara dos Deputados.


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Em conformidade com o Edital nº 1/1992, torna público o resultado final do concurso público para o cargo de Assistente Administrativo da Câmara dos Deputados.


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Retifica o Edital nº 44/87, que trata do concurso público destinado ao preenchimento de cargos de Assistente Administrativo, do Grupo-Atividades de Apoio Legislativo da Câmara dos Deputados.


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Em conformidade com o Edital nº 1/1992, comunica aos candidatos habilitados na prova de Língua Portuguesa e Legislação a data e o horário de realização da prova de Datilografia, referente ao cargo de Assistente Administrativo.


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Em conformidade com o Edital nº 1/1992, comunica aos candidatos ao cargo de Assistente Administrativo o local, a data e o horário que será realizada a vista da Prova de Datilografia.