1000 resultados para Enunciado 169
Primeiramente, o trabalho descreve sinteticamente a tradição common law, inserindo o o duty to mitigate the loss em contexto próprio. Então, traça as linhas gerais que, naquele cenário, conformam o instituto. Atenção é dada aos fundamentos do duty to mitigate the loss e às funções por ele desempenhadas, inclusive nos casos subordinados à United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). No contexto próprio, o duty to mitigate the loss tem por fundamento primeiro a causation e funciona como um limitador do quantum indenizatório; não trata de um “dever”; cabe ao demandante; tem na razoabilidade das medidas mitigadoras e no reembolso das despesas incorridas características essenciais. Em segundo lugar, a dissertação investiga o duty to mitigate the loss no Brasil, a partir da doutrina selecionada e de decisões do Superior Tribunal de Justiça e de diversos tribunais estaduais. As pesquisas demonstram que o duty to mitigate the loss, sob o nome de mitigation doctrine, ingressou no Brasil pela doutrina, mas desta forma repercutiu pouco nos tribunais. Desprovido desta influência doutrinária anterior, o duty to mitigate the loss retornou ao Brasil por meio de enunciado do Conselho da Justiça Federal, proposto em documento cujo conteúdo é objeto de reflexões neste trabalho, notadamente na questão da íntima relação entre o duty to mitigate the loss e a boa-fé objetiva. A partir do leading case no Superior Tribunal de Justiça, que adotou o enunciado e o documento que lhe serviu de proposta, o duty to mitigate the loss expandiu rapidamente no Brasil. Em São Paulo, foi alçado à princípio e brocardo. No Superior Tribunal e Justiça, foi considerado sub-princípio da boa-fé e aplicado em questões adjetivas e substantivas criminais. Comparativamente, o duty to mitigate the loss no Brasil guarda remotas semelhanças ao instituto homônimo da common law. Este trabalho aponta as diferenças entre os intitutos e concluí com a sistematização das funções que o duty to mitigate the loss desempenha no Brasil, formulando proposta para a reedição de enunciado do Conselho da Justiça Federal.
Chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis is a frequent therapeutic challenge in cancer patients. The purpose of this retrospective study was to estimate the prevalence and risk factors of oral mucositis in 169 acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) patients treated according to different chemotherapeutic trials at the Darcy Vargas Children`s Hospital from 1994 to 2005. Demographic data, clinical history, chemotherapeutic treatment and patients` follow-up were recorded. The association of oral mucositis with age, gender, leucocyte counts at diagnosis and treatment was assessed by the chi-squared test and multivariate regression analysis. Seventy-seven ALL patients (46%) developed oral mucositis during the treatment. Patient age (P = 0.33), gender (P = 0.08) and leucocyte counts at diagnosis (P = 0.34) showed no correlation with the occurrence of oral mucositis. Multivariate regression analysis showed a significant risk for oral mucositis (P = 0.009) for ALL patients treated according to the ALL-BFM-95 protocol. These results strongly suggest the greater stomatotoxic effect of the ALL-BFM-95 trial when compared with Brazilian trials. We concluded that chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis should be systematically analysed prospectively in specialized centres for ALL treatment to establish the degree of toxicity of chemotherapeutic drugs and to improve the quality of life of patients based on more effective therapeutic and prophylactic approaches for prevention of its occurrence. Oral Diseases (2008) 14, 761-766
The Mental Health Order (Northern Ireland) 1986 - prescribed forms.
Key Points
Neste estudo, dedicamo-nos à análise da política curricular cabo-verdiana, enfatizando a constituição da língua crioula como enunciação cultural. Temos como objetivo desconstruir o conceito de tradição cultural, dando maior enfoque a tradução cultural, na tentativa de explicar o conceito construído pela identidade cabo-verdiana. A nosso ver, a compreensão desses conceitos numa perspectiva pós-moderna e pós-colonial nos possibilita pensar o currículo como um enunciado cultural. Nesse sentido, a cultura assume um papel de base e de centralidade no currículo, trazendo à tona questões para negociação e articulação das culturas que compõem Cabo Verde. O estudo tem como base teórica pesquisadores cabo-verdianos, para discutir as questões no campo de história e cultura; os estudos de Stephen Ball para o ciclo de política; de Ernesto Laclau e Chantal Mouffe para a definição do político/da política; de Stuart Hall e Homi Bhabha para as questões da diferença e cultura e; Elizabeth Macedo e Alice Lopes para o campo do currículo. Para a elaboração do trabalho foram utilizados os seguintes recursos metodológicos: pesquisa bibliográfica; análise documental; estudos de obras ligadas à historiografia política e intelectual cabo-verdiana e africana. Concluímos que o processo de oficialização da língua cabo-verdiana está, profundamente, condicionado pelas representações acerca das línguas que os falantes têm e que em Cabo Verde, correspondem a formações linguísticas muito específicas.
Contient : 169-1 ; 169-2
This report is respectfully submitted in satisfaction of the following Senate File 169 requirement, as approved by the 2005 Iowa Legislature: “The Drug Policy Coordinator shall report, in a joint meeting, to the Committee on Judiciary of the Senate and the Committee on Public Safety of the House of Representatives in January 2006 and in January 2007, the effects of this Act on methamphetamine abuse and related criminal activity.” (*Please note that all data contained in this document are preliminary, based on the most recent information available to the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy.)
Bureau of Nutrition and Health Promotion part of the Iowa Department of Public Health produces of weekly newsletter about the Iowa WIC Program for the State of Iowa citizen.
Nationally, there are questions regarding the design, fabrication, and erection of horizontally curved steel girder bridges due to unpredicted girder displacements, fit-up, and locked-in stresses. One reason for the concerns is that up to one-quarter of steel girder bridges are being designed with horizontal curvature. There is also an urgent need to reduce bridge maintenance costs by eliminating or reducing deck joints, which can be achieved by expanding the use of integral abutments to include curved girder bridges. However, the behavior of horizontally curved bridges with integral abutments during thermal loading is not well known nor understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate the behavior of horizontal curved bridges with integral abutment (IAB) and semi-integral abutment bridges (SIAB) with a specific interest in the response to changing temperatures. The long-term objective of this effort is to establish guidelines for the use of integral abutments with curved girder bridges. The primary objective of this work was to monitor and evaluate the behavior of six in-service, horizontally curved, steel-girder bridges with integral and semi-integral abutments. In addition, the influence of bridge curvature, skew and pier bearing (expansion and fixed) were also part of the study. Two monitoring systems were designed and applied to a set of four horizontally curved bridges and two straight bridges at the northeast corner of Des Moines, Iowa—one system for measuring strains and movement under long term thermal changes and one system for measuring the behavior under short term, controlled live loading. A finite element model was developed and validated against the measured strains. The model was then used to investigate the sensitivity of design calculations to curvature, skew and pier joint conditions. The general conclusions were as follows: (1) There were no measurable differences in the behavior of the horizontally curved bridges and straight bridges studied in this work under thermal effects. For preliminary member sizing of curved bridges, thermal stresses and movements in a straight bridge of the same length are a reasonable first approximation. (2) Thermal strains in integral abutment and semi-integral abutment bridges were not noticeably different. The choice between IAB and SIAB should be based on life – cycle costs (e.g., construction and maintenance). (3) An expansion bearing pier reduces the thermal stresses in the girders of the straight bridge but does not appear to reduce the stresses in the girders of the curved bridge. (4) An analysis of the bridges predicted a substantial total stress (sum of the vertical bending stress, the lateral bending stress, and the axial stress) up to 3 ksi due to temperature effects. (5) For the one curved integral abutment bridge studied at length, the stresses in the girders significantly vary with changes in skew and curvature. With a 10⁰ skew and 0.06 radians arc span length to radius ratio, the curved and skew integral abutment bridges can be designed as a straight bridge if an error in estimation of the stresses of 10% is acceptable.
As a result of the construction of the Saylorville Dam and Reservoir on the Des Moines River, six highway bridges crossing the river were scheduled for removal. One of these, an old pin-connected, high-truss, single-lane bridge, was selected for a comprehensive testing program which included ultimate load tests, service load tests, and a supplementary test program. A second bridge was used for a limited service load test program. The results of the research are detailed in two interim reports. The first interim report outlines the ultimate load tests and the second interim report details the results of the service load and supplementary test program. This report presents a summary of these findings along with recommendations for implementation of the findings.
As a result of the construction of the Saylorville Dam and Reservoir on the Des Moines River, six highway bridges crossing the river were scheduled for removal. One of these, an old pinconnected high-truss single-lane bridge, was selected for a testing program which included ultimate load tests. The purpose of the ultimate load tests, which are summarized in this report, was to relate design and rating procedures presently used in bridge design to the field behavior of this type of truss bridge. The ultimate load tests consisted of ultimate load testing of one span of the bridge, of two I-shaped floorbeams, and of two panels of the timber deck. The theoretical capacity of each of these components is compared with the results from the field tests.
As a result of the construction of the Saylorville Dam and Reservoir on the Des Moines River, six highway bridges crossing the river were scheduled for removal. Two of these were incorporated into a comprehensive test program to study the behavior of old pin-connected high-truss single-lane bridges. The test program consisted of ultimate load tests, service load tests and a supplementary test program. The results reported in this report cover the service load tests on the two bridges as well as the supplementary tests, both static and fatigue, of eyebar members removed from the two bridges. The field test results of the service loading are compared with theoretical results of the truss analysis.